GREAT 127 IDEA: Attend Charity Events to Make Contacts

A great way to meet the “who's who” in your area is to buy a ticket to a local charity event where you can mingle and schmooze your way through the cocktail hour. Then, look for an empty seat at a corporate-sponsored table and boldly ask if you can sit there.

Volunteering at a glitzy social event is also a great idea. A friend, who was making a transition from selling shoes to high-end real estate, signed up to work at the registration table for an event with a $1,500 ticket price. Since she was beautifully dressed and gorgeous, she was asked to pin carnations on the lapels of all the men.

She bantered and flirted for an hour with the most interesting men in New York City, including a billionaire she ended up dating. The contacts she made that night also launched her real estate career.

It's easy to find out about charity events by reading the newspaper or checking online.

If you can't volunteer, break down and buy a ticket if you think you will made good connections. Focus on events that will attract industry leaders. For example, if you are promoting a band, attend the annual MTV benefit that raises money for music education.

Since most people don't bring business cards to a formal event, bring a tiny notebook and make notes. Make follow-up calls or send an e-mail right after the event. You don't want them to forget who you are. Here's a great idea: contact someone you saw but didn't meet. Pretend you met anyway. You can probably get away with it, especially if there was a long cocktail hour and everyone was tipsy.

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