* If you are reading this material in an electronic book format and need access to the content on the DVD, please visit the book’s Web site, where you will find directions for viewing the video clips:

System Requirements

PC with Microsoft Windows 98 or later
Mac with Apple OS version 10 or later
TV with DVD player
You will also need:
Quicktime 7.0 or later (available at
Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or later (available at

Using the DVD

1. Insert the DVD into your computer’s DVD drive or your TV DVD player.
2. If you are using a PC, the DVD should automatically begin to run and give you the options for viewing the videos. You MUST have Quicktime to view the videos, and you MUST have Adobe Acrobat Reader to use the PDFs. If the DVD does not immediately begin to run, go to “My Computer” and double-click on your computer’s DVD drive. The DVD should begin to run.
3. If you are working on a Mac, click the DVD icon that appears on your desktop. Then click the “JB” icon that appears in the window that opens. The DVD should begin to run and give you the options for viewing the videos.

In Case of Trouble

If you experience difficulty using the DVD, please follow these steps:
1. Make sure your hardware and systems configurations conform to the systems requirements noted under “System Requirements” above.
2. Review the installation procedure for your type of hardware and operating system.
To speak with someone in Product Technical Support, call 800- 762-2974 or 317-572-3994 M-F 8:30 A.M.-5:00 P.M. EST. You can also get support and contact Product Technical Support through our Web site at
Before calling or writing, please have the following information available:
• Type of computer and operating system
• Any error messages displayed
• Complete description of the problem.
It is best if you are sitting at your computer when making the call.
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