Accountability, skills for
Adaptability, skills for
Agrarian Age
American Association of School Librarians (AASL)
Assessments: progress being made in ; as support system in P21 learning framework
Authentic learning
Automobile industry


Bacterial Transformation Lab: described ; Project Learning Bicycle model followed by; video of
Boyer, E.
Brown. B.


Career skills. See Life and career skills
Cator, K.
Center for Media Literacy
Change: exercise on, and future of education ; in role of education . See also Forces of change
Chien, A.
Children, number enrolled in schools
Chinese Ministry of Education, visit to American school by
Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University (CTGV)
Collaboration skills
Collaborative inquiry, obstacles to
Collaborative small-group learning
College Work and Readiness Assessment (CWRA)
Communication skills
Content: current research on mastery of; progress in standards on ; teaching skills vs.
Coordination of support systems
Creative Whack Pack Creativity Cards
Creativity: Chinese desire for curriculum to teach; education as stifling ; skills for; through learning projects
Critical thinking skills
Cross-cultural interaction, skills for
Curriculum: progress being made in ; as support system in P21 learning framework; to teach creativity and innovation


Design process, IDEO
Design-based learning (design): defined ; examples of; obstacles to . See also Engineering design method
Developed countries, creative work in
Developing countries, routine work in
Diamond, J.
Digital devices: digital lifestyle based on ; as thinking tools
Digital lifestyles, as force shaping 21st century learning
Digital literacy skills; and 7C skills; fable about; for ICT literacy; for information literacy; for media literacy; online resources on
Digital natives. See Net geners
Diversity, skills to deal with
Drucker, P.
DVD: how to use; video case studies on


Edison, T.
Education: changed role of; creativity stifled by; declared fundamental right of children; examples of 21st century, throughout globe; exercise on future of; forces resisting change in; impact on income; importance of, in 21st century; as prerequisite for knowledge work ; role in 21st century; role in quality of life; work skills not taught by. See also Schools; 21st century education system initiatives
Educational goals: in Agrarian Age ; in Industrial Age; in Knowledge Age; universal
Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR)
Einstein, A.
Engineering design method: problems as basis of; scientific experimental method vs.. See also Design-based learning (design)
Expertise: education for developing ; on expertise; as link in Knowledge Age value chain


FIRST Robotics contests
Flexibility: skills for; in use of time
Forbes, S.
Forces of change: resisting new model of 21st century learning; shaping 21st century learning model ; shaping automobile industry jobs
Formative assessments
Four Questions exercise
Friedman, T. L.
Fuller, B.
Funding, for 21st century education system initiatives




Hall, M.
Hoffer, E.


ICT literacy
IDEO, design process of
Income, education’s impact on
Industrial Age: educational goals in ; shift from, to Knowledge Age ; value chain for
Information literacy
Initiative, skills for
Innovation: Chinese desire for curriculum to teach; skills for. See also Learning and innovation skills
Innovation Age: Knowledge Age being replaced by; project learning to prepare for
Inquiry-based learning (inquiry): defined; obstacles to. See also Scientific experimental method
Instructional methods: progress being made in; shifting, toward 21st century learning model; as support system in P21 learning framework ; tools to support
Intel Teach program
Intelligences, multiple
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)


Jobs: automobile industry; lifetime total of; skills required for 21st century. See also Work


Kay, A.
Kelley, T.
Kennedy, J. F.
Knowledge Age: educational goals in ; Innovation Age replacing ; shift from Industrial Age to ; value chain for
Knowledge work: education as prerequisite for; as force shaping 21st century learning; increase in; skills required for
Knowledge-and-Skills Rainbow


Leadership: as principle for 21st century education system initiatives; progress being made in; skills for
Learning: authentic; changed role of; current global environment for; exercise on future of ; fable about Internet’s influence on; formula for, in 21st century; social; taxonomy for; tools to support ; whole
Learning and innovation skills; and 7C skills; communication and collaboration as; creativity and innovation as; critical thinking and problem solving as ; importance of; online resources for
Learning communities
Learning environments: progress being made in; as support system in P21 learning framework
Learning framework. See P21 learning framework
Learning methods: based on problems ; based on questions ; collaborative small-group ; research on effectiveness of; shifting, toward 21st century learning model; tools to support. See also Learning projects
Learning model. See 21st century learning model
Learning projects: characteristics of effective; compared to other learning methods; creativity through; obstacles to; productivity and accountability skills developed by; Project Learning Bicycle as model for; research on effectiveness of; resources on; teacher’s reflections on. See also Bacterial Transformation Lab; SARS Project
Learning research, as force shaping 21st century learning
Learning societies
Librarians Life and career skills; and 7C skills; for flexibility and adaptability; for initiative and self-direction; for leadership and responsibility; online resources on; as performance evaluation criteria ; for productivity and accountability ; for social and cross-cultural interaction
Ling, T. L.
Literacy rate, economic impact of


Maslow, A.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), introductory physics class format
Media literacy
Mental model building
Models: mental; Project Learning Bicycle; studio, of work . See also 21st century learning model
Motivation: internal; problems as ; questions as
Multiple intelligences


Napa New Tech High School, Chinese officials’ visit to,
Net geners: digital lifestyle of; global learning network being created by; technology used for learning by
New Tech Foundation


Obama, B.
Online resources: academy programs ; on digital literacy skills; on learning and innovation skills ; on life and career skills; Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21); “Route 21,” ; video case studies
Oracle Education Foundation: Project Learning Institute; teacher development program; Web site


P21 learning framework: diagram of; history of development of; Knowledge-and-Skills Rainbow of ; support systems in. See also Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)
Paine, S.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) ; consensus-building activity from; described; digital literacy skills described by ; learning and innovation skills described by; life and career skills described by; members of; purpose of ; resources from; Web site ; work of. See also P21 learning framework
Pearlman, B.
Performance evaluation, life and career skills as criteria in
Policy, official, as principle for 21st century education system initiatives
Powerful Learning: What We Know About Teaching for Understanding (Darling-Hammond et al.)
Problem solving skills
Problem-based learning
Problems: as basis of engineering design method; humans’ power to solve ; learning methods based on ; as motivators. See also Learning projects
Productivity, skills for
Professional development, teacher: examples of programs for; as principle for 21st century education system initiatives; progress being made in; as support system in P21 learning framework
Project learning. See Learning projects
Project Learning Bicycle model: Bacterial Transformation Lab as following ; overview of
Projects. See Learning projects


Quality of life, education’s role in
Questions: as basis of scientific experimental method; learning method based on; as motivators; power of


Responsibility, skills for
Reynolds, P.
Riley, R.
Robinson, K.
“Route 21” resources


SARS Project: communication and collaboration skills used in; creativity and innovation skills used in; critical thinking and problem solving skills used in; described; as example of design-based learning; flexibility and adaptability skills used in; information literacy skills used in; initiative and self-direction skills used in; leadership and responsibility skills used in; social and cross-cultural skills used in
School of the Future (New York City)
Schools: changes in, to support 21st century learning; number of children enrolled in; U.S. vs. Chinese, xx. See also Education
Scientific experimental method: engineering design method vs.; questions as basis of. See also Inquiry-based learning (inquiry)
Self-direction, skills for
Singapore, “Teach Less, Learn More” initiative
Skills: and 21st Century Knowledge-and-Skills Rainbow; lacking in graduates of education facilities ; required for 21st century jobs ; STEAM; STEM . See also 21st century skills
Slavin, R.
Social interaction, skills for
Social learning
Standards: progress being made in; as support system in P21 learning framework
STEAM skills
STEM skills/subjects
Studio model
Summative assessments
Support systems; assessments as; coordination of; curriculum and instruction as; learning environments as; online resources on; P21 approach to; standards as; systems diagram of; teacher professional development as


Taxonomy for learning
Teachers, professional development of
Teaching methods. See Instructional methods
Technology: assessments based on ; digital lifestyle based on; examples of schools throughout world utilizing; to personalize learning; as principle for 21st century education system initiatives; progress being made in, to aid learning; supporting shift to 21st century learning model ; as thinking tool. See also ICT literacy
Testing. See Assessments
Thinking tools, as force shaping 21st century learning
ThinkQuest Web site competition . See also SARS Project
Toffler, A.
21st century: challenges of; formula for learning in; importance of education in role of education in
21st century education system initiatives: principles shared by; tools needed to support. See also West Virginia’s 21st Century Learning initiative
21st century learning framework. See P21 learning framework
21st century learning model: forces converging to shape; forces resisting shift to; future of; Project Learning Bicycle as; shifting teaching and learning practices toward
21st century skills: digital literacy skills as; examples of schools throughout world teaching ; learning and innovation skills as; life and career skills as ; SARS Project as example of developingCs of; used in Bacterial Transformation Lab ; video case studies of


United Kingdom, “Harnessing Technology: Next Generation Learning 2008-14,”
United Nations: declared education fundamental right of children ; Model UN program; UNESCO’s efforts for ICT literacy
Universal Design for Learning


Value chains, Knowledge vs. Industrial Age
Vision, as principle for 21st century education system initiatives
von Oech, R.


Web sites: competitions to create. See also Online resources
West Virginia’s 21st Century Learning initiative: assessments in; goals of; redesigned standards of; teacher professional development effort of
Whole learning
Work: routine vs. creative; studio model of. See also Jobs; Knowledge work
Work skills. See Life and career skills
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