3Rs × 7Cs = 21st Century Learning
The core subjects, themes, and skills of the P21 learning rainbow offer a memorable image of what students will need to learn to be successful in the 21st century (see Figure C.1).
To help make all of the essential 21st century skills of the P21 framework even more memorable, Table C.1 reshuffles and condenses the eleven skill sets into seven, all beginning with the letter “C.”
Figure C.1. 21st Century Learning Outcomes.
Table C.1. P21 and 7C Skills.
So we now have the “7Cs” skills of 21st century learning:
Critical thinking and problem solving
Creativity and innovation
Collaboration, teamwork, and leadership
Cross-cultural understanding
Communications, information, and media literacy
Computing and ICT literacy
Career and learning self-reliance
If we take the basic “3Rs” skills of Reading, ’Riting and ’Rithmetic and multiply them by the 7Cs, we now have a handy formula for successful learning in the 21st century (and the math works too!):
3Rs × 7Cs = 21st Century Learning
Of course, like any good formula, its value lies in its appropriate application to solving real world challenges.
As noted, the United States and the world face no more significant challenge than providing a 21st century education to every child, giving all children the chance to learn the skills to succeed as 21st century educated workers and citizens.
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