
3D modeling methods, 65

3ds Max

2008 features, ix-xi

user interface, 2


Adjust Pivot rollout, 211

Affect Pivot Only button, 56, 211

Arc Rotate tool, 5-6

options, 16

Assign Random Colors option, 4

Attach List button, 26

Attach vs. Select and Link, 77


battle mech, 535

adding the turret, 755-756

adding the upper body, 756-779

assembling the foot controllers, 631-647

assembling the middle leg, 648-682

assembling the upper leg, 683-716

building the toe, 536-563

building the toe hydraulics, 564-593

completing the foot, 614-631

completing the toe armor and hydraulics, 594-613

creating the base, 721-747

creating the hips, 701-704, 719-721

creating the second leg, 716-719

detailing the rear base, 748-755

detailing the upper body, 780-799

Bend modifier, 118-119

using, 308

Bevel tool, 16

Bevel Type options, 17

using, 19, 20-21

Boolean objects,

alternative to using, 622

creating, 353, 388, 542, 649

problems with, 689-690

using, 356


attaching the arms, 58

attaching the track, 37-38

attaching the tread, 25-26

building, 9-35

creating the antenna, 46-50, 58-59

creating the arms, 50-53

creating the base, 26-28

creating the body, 35-44

creating the claw, 53-58

creating the eye, 44-45

creating the legs, 28-34

creating the tracks, 18-21

finishing, 35-59

box, creating, 18, 61


capsule, creating, 35

chamfer cylinder, creating, 48, 360

Chamfer tool, 9-10

Segments setting, x-xi

chamfering, x, 233

clay render, creating, 228-232

colors, assigning to objects, 4

command panel, 3

cone, creating, 290, 295

Connect tool, 40

constraints, see controllers

controllers, 190, 487

LookAt, 190, 488

setting, 189-193

Create panel, 3

Create Shape From Selection button, 21-22, 75

cylinder, creating, 28-29, 51-52, 58-59


dummy, 192, 486

creating, 485, 574

orienting, 486


edged faces mode, 7

edges, 8-9

Edit Edges rollout, 21, 233

Edit Geometry rollout, xi, 11

Editable Polygon, 8

converting object to, 8

editing functions, switching between, x

End Point Method options, 137

Extrude tool, 16


faces, 5, 8-9

FFD modifier, 326

filleting, x


gengon, creating, 162-163, 358, 366

geosphere, creating, 395

gizmo, 12

Group option, 80


Hinge From Edge tool, 133

Hinge Polygons From Edge dialog, 99

hose, creating, 137-141

Hose Parameters rollout, 137-140, 165-166, 514-517

hunter-killer, 205

building the auto-cannon, 370-394

building the body, 434-446

building the boom assemblies, 446-471

building the engine nacelles, 215-232, 233-254, 254-281

building the eye-pod, 206-215

building the hydraulics, 472-518

building the rotors, 290-314

building the wing, 315-334

detailing the auto-cannon, 395-415

detailing the nacelle, 282-289

detailing the wing, 335-348

final detailing, 519-533

making the auto-cannon turret assembly, 348-370

making the missile pods, 415-434


Inset tool, 16

iterations, setting, 65-66


Layer Manager, 85-86

layers, 84, 86

adding objects to, 716-717

LookAt constraint, 190, 488

LookAt Constraint rollout, 488-489

Loop button, 46



creating, 230

importance of, 203

Maximize Viewport toggle, 3

MeshSmooth modifier, 49, 65

vs. NURMS, 369

modeling methods, 65

modeling, polygonal, 65

modifier stack, 34

modifiers, collapsing, 71

Modify panel, 6-7

MSmooth, 42


NURBs, 65

NURMS, 69-70

subdivision, 353-354, 357

vs. MeshSmooth, 369


Object Color palette, 4


adding to layers, 716-717

adjusting pivots of, 56

assigning colors to, 4

attaching, 26

converting to Editable Polygon, 8

grouping, 80

linking, 413-414

rotating, 5-6

selecting, 5, 25-26

unlinking, 411-412

zooming, 5


Parameters rollout, 7

pivot points,

binding to, 141

moving, 142


adjusting, 56

moving, 569

setting, 191-192, 571-573

plane object, creating, 101

polygonal modeling, 65

polygons, 10

deleting, 73

tessellating, 38-39

primitives, 3

assigning colors to, 4

creating, 3-4

standard, 3

pyramid, creating, 789


render, creating clay, 228-232

Rendering rollout, 161, 226, 510

Ring button, 45


scene, adding skylight to, 228-229

schematic view, 79, 411

script, using, 599-600, 629

seam, creating, 101-104

Select and Link button, 77

Select and Link vs. Attach, 77

Select Object tool, 5

Settings button, 10

skylight, adding to scene, 228-229

slice plane, using, 558, 582

Slice Plane tool, 11

using, 13

Smooth modifier, using, 34-35

smoothing, 34-35

Spacing tool, 23-24

sphere, creating, 44, 78

spider bot,

adding the hydraulic pump, 143-171

building the body, 61-87

connecting the hydraulics, 171-200

creating the claw, 171-200

creating the eye, 78-84

creating the legs, 87-100, 200-203

creating the screws, 106-109

detailing the body, 101-133

refining the leg, 143-171

wiring the eyes, 134-142

spline, creating, 222

stack, 34

standard primitives, 3

Subdivision Surface rollout, 181-182

subdivision surfacing, 66

Subobject Normal constraint, xi

subobject selection, ix

Symmetry modifier, 63, 436


Tessellate tool, 38-39, 125-126

tessellation, 217

problems with, 250-251

tools, using, 10

torus, creating, 45, 305

tube, creating, 53, 72


Use NURMS Subdivision option, 74

Use Working Pivot option, xi

user interface,

configuring, 2

default, 2


vertices, 8-9

smoothing, 224-225

welding, 14-15

viewport, maximizing, 3


Weld tool, 15

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