216 8. Computer Vision in VR
Figure 8.24. A distinctive marker in the field of view of the camera provides a frame of
reference that is used to place virtual objects in the scene with a size and orientation
calculated to make them look like they are attached to the marker.
provides a neat library of functions for use in a C++/C application program
to overlay 3D virtual objects on the video from a digital camera in real time,
as illustrated in Figure 8.24. To be able to calculate a transformation that
will place the 3D virtual object correctly over the marker, the software has to
recognize the marker in the first place and then find its four corners. This
requires four steps:
1. Every pixel in the cameras image raster is converted to a binary value,
i.e., set to black or white. Above a given threshold, the pixels intensity
is set to “1”; below it, the pixel value is 0”.
2. Using the binary image, identify a set of contour lines in the image.
3. Try to find the places where these lines meet to form the corners of the
possible image of a marker.
4. Using the known pattern of the markers, attempt to match it to the re-
gion bounded b y the possible corners and edges of the possible marker.
Once the marker has been correctly identified, the 3D virtual object will be
transformed so this it sits on top of it. More details of this process are given
in Chapter 18, where we document a project using the ARToolKit.
8.5 Summary
In this chapter, we have given y ou a quick run through of some of the con-
cepts of computer vision and how they might be applied to enhance and
Bibliography 217
facilitate the VR experience. In particular, a number of the key algorithms
which emerged during the development of the geometric theory of computer
vision have great utility in the implementation and delivery of practical VR
Two of the most significant applications of computer vision in the context
of VR are in augmented reality (for example, in-place videoconferencing) and
image-based rendering, which is the subject of the next chapter.
Of course, being able to do all this means that the images you take must
be geometrically accurate. Therefore, we need to remove any lens distortion
and perspective distortion from the images before we try to match them to-
gether. We also need to know the geometrical model of the camera i.e., the
camera model. This model is difficult to determine, and to do so we entered
into the mathematical complexities of the fundamental matrix etc. Essentially,
we work backwards by identifying similar points from multiple images of the
same scene to recover the camera model. This is non-trivial and requires
the use of minimization algorithms, all of which w ere described within this
rounds computer vision and how that theory can be utilized to enhance the
VR experience.
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