Making Venn diagrams

Venn diagrams are well known for data visualization. They are used to show the intersection between sets of data. As an example, you could have two groups of objects: one object could belong to both groups, while another could only belong to the first group. Venn diagrams help show that relationship. In this recipe, we will demonstrate how to create Venn diagrams that use two, three, and four sets of data.

Making Venn diagrams

Getting ready

Reading the Wikipedia page on Venn diagrams could help you to understand the background behind those diagrams:

How to do it...

The following are the steps required to make a Venn diagram:

  1. First we will need to create the building blocks for our Venn diagrams: the circles and ellipse. The following is the code for the ellipses:
    public class VennEllipse extends Sprite {
        public function VennEllipse(circleWidth:Number, color:uint) {
          graphics.beginFill(color, 0.5);
          graphics.drawEllipse(-circleWidth/2, -circleWidth/4, circleWidth, circleWidth / 2);
  2. After that we will create a class for each possible number of sets of data, in our case two, three, and four. We start with two sets and we draw the circles and labels as required.
    public function createGraph():void {
          var circle1:VennCircle = new VennCircle(_graphWidth * 0.6, 0xff0000);
          var circle2:VennCircle = new VennCircle(_graphWidth * 0.6, 0x0000ff);
          circle2.x = _graphWidth * 0.4;
          var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 14);
          var label1:TextField = new TextField();
          label1.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
          label1.text = _labels[0];
          label1.width = label1.textWidth + 5;
          label1.height = label1.textHeight + 3;
          label1.x = _graphWidth * 0.6 / 2 - label1.width / 2;
          label1.y = _graphWidth * 0.6 + 10;
          var label2:TextField = new TextField();
          label2.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;
          label2.text = _labels[1];
          label2.width = label2.textWidth + 5;
          label2.height = label2.textHeight + 3;
          label2.x = _graphWidth * 0.6 / 2 - label2.width / 2 + _graphWidth*0.4;
          label2.y = _graphWidth * 0.6 + 10;
  3. For three sets, it is quite similar to two sets, for which we just had a circle and a label.
  4. Four sets are a bit more complex and require that we use ellipses instead of circles. The following is the code for creating those ellipses:
    var ellipse1:VennEllipse = new VennEllipse(_graphWidth * 0.75, 0xff0000);
          ellipse1.y = _graphWidth * 0.45;
          ellipse1.x = _graphWidth * 0.52;
          ellipse1.rotation = 45;
          var ellipse2:VennEllipse = new VennEllipse(_graphWidth * 0.75, 0x0000ff);
          ellipse2.y = _graphWidth * 0.45;
          ellipse2.x = _graphWidth * 0.52;
          ellipse2.rotation = -45;
          var ellipse3:VennEllipse = new VennEllipse(_graphWidth * 0.75, 0xffff00);
          ellipse3.y = _graphWidth * 0.40 + _graphWidth * 0.2;
          ellipse3.x = _graphWidth * 0.52 + _graphWidth * 0.2;
          ellipse3.rotation = -45;
          var ellipse4:VennEllipse = new VennEllipse(_graphWidth * 0.75, 0x00ff00);
          ellipse4.y = _graphWidth * 0.40 + _graphWidth * 0.2;
          ellipse4.x = _graphWidth * 0.52 - _graphWidth * 0.2;
          ellipse4.rotation = 45;
  5. After that we will need an interface to abstract those classes, but it is very simple:
    public interface IVennDiagram {
        function createGraph():void;
        function setLabels(labels:Vector.<String>):void;
        function setGraphWidth(graphWidth:Number):void;
  6. Once that is done we create the file, which is basically a switch statement depending on how many labels are present.
  7. Finally the class shows the created Venn diagram and the data.

How it works...

The thing with Venn diagrams is that depending on how many sets (groups) they illustrate, they are very different. To palliate to that, we will create a different class for each number of sets that our data will represent:,, and and are simple. We just need to position the circles and the labels correctly and we are done. Note that the fill color of the circles is semitransparent so that the intersecting region gets its own color (a mix of the other circle's color).

When we use four sets it gets a bit more complicated. We need to use ellipses instead of circles if we want a diagram that has all the possible intersecting regions and is still easy to understand. Ellipses are different than circles; you draw them from their top-left corner instead of their center. Since we are going to rotate them, we will offset them so that the rotation point is at the center of the ellipse. After that it is only a matter of positioning the ellipses.

Once we have those three classes done, we will create an interface for them so that the class that we will create thereafter can use any of them interchangeably and it will also keep the code very clean. The class is only a switch statement that looks at how many labels were given to the graph and decides which of the classes,,, or, can be used.

The class shows how to create the labels (in this case, the labels are the data) and uses the similar syntax we have been using to create the graph.

There's more...

By making it interactive and adding the possibilities to use more sets we could improve on this recipe.


One very good feature that could be implemented would be the one where if you mouse over one region of the diagram, then a label would open up and indicate which intersection of sets it is. This could be done using hitTestPoint and testing against all the circles or ellipses.

More sets

As we introduce more sets, the diagram gets more complex and harder to understand. If we wanted our class to support five or six sets, we would need to use different shapes other than circles and ellipses. I would advise going with Edwards' Venn diagrams, available at, because they are much clearer and could be done using the curveTo calls (a lot of them could use the curveTo calls, but it could still be done).

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