Chapter 5. Adding Interaction

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Zooming and panning around a graph
  • Sending data updates to the graph
  • Making the points interactive: Hovering
  • Selecting data points in the graph
  • A dynamic graph based on an editable table
  • Dragging data points to new values
  • Linking graphs


Now that we know how to draw graphs, it's time to look at one of ActionScript's strengths: interacting with the user. In this chapter, we'll see many ways you can give the user control over the graph.

You will notice that this is only a starting point. There are so many options and so many ways to interact with a graph, it would be impossible to describe them all. An application such as Google Maps demonstrates many of the different ways:

  • Drag the graph to show parts that are not displayed
  • Zoom in and out to show details or the overview
  • Hover over markers to show more information
  • Click and select markers to perform actions
  • Display different versions of the same data (also called overlays in many applications)

With the recipes in this chapter, we want to give you a great start and encourage you to experiment.

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