Automatic updates

In this recipe we are going to create a quotes graph that shows the value of an action, in this case the Google action, for one day. Every minute the graph is going to update itself and the update is going to be animated.

Getting ready

Open the files downloaded from the Packt Publishing website, look into the Chapter 7 | recipe 3 folder and follow along.

How to do it...

The following are the steps required to build this graph:

  1. Get the HorizontalAxis and VerticalAxis class from the Drawing a bar chart with Flex recipe in Chapter 3, Creating Bar Charts.
  2. In, remove the labels; we won't be needing them.
  3. In, add minimumValue as a parameter. This axis is not going to start at 0 for this recipe but at the minimum value specified. The following is the line that needs to be modified (range is the difference between maximumValue and minimumValue).
    textField.text = String(Math.round(((i + 1) / (_numberOfMarks)) * range + minimumValue));
  4. Now create and add the createLine function to draw the initial line:
    public function createLine():void {
      graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x4e81d4);
      graphics.moveTo(startX, graphHeight - startY);
      graphics.lineTo(endX, graphHeight - endY);
  5. Now create the _onEnterFrame function. The goal here is to draw intermediary lines that will end with the target line.
  6. Add the AnimatedLineChart class with its createGraph function.
  7. Add the update function to it, where you go over every existing line and animate it. If you don't have enough you can create new ones.
  8. Create the Main class.
  9. Instantiate AnimatedLineChart and add it to the stage.
  10. Query the Yahoo! Finance API and once you have the data, call the update function on AnimatedLineChart.
  11. Repeat step 10 every minute.

How it works...

In order to animate this sort of graph, we can't just tween a property like we would with a bar chart. We need to erase what is on the screen and redraw intermediate states until the animation is over. Then we can fade in the new parts using TweenLite.

Most of this happens in When the data is updated, the chart tells each line segment that already exists to animate with new coordinates. If it doesn't have enough line segments, it will create new ones but fade them in just after the existing ones have finished moving.

In, the _onEnterFrame function does all the heavy lifting. First, it will erase the existing line by calling graphics.clear(), and after that it checks if the animation has run long enough. We wanted our animation to last for 0.5 seconds and our frame rate was 30 frames per second, so we need the _onEnterFrame function to run 15 times.

If it ran 15 times, draw the final line; if not draw an intermediary line with the current coordinates going towards the final ones.

Now we need to get our data. This is pretty simply done using Yahoo! Finance API. Using this URL:, you can get back a JSON string with the value of the stock of Google. In that URL, just change the GOOG for any other company symbol to get their stock value. You can query that URL every minute to get an updated value. Once you get a new value, you add it to the existing data and call an update on the graph.

There's more...

In this type of graph, it is not just the line that needs to be updated.

Horizontal axis

We didn't put markings on the horizontal axis, but it would be good to do so to give it a sense of time. As such, every time the graph updates, the horizontal axis should update too. You could even animate it to make it even better.

See also

  • The Creating a line graph based on a function recipe in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Graph Drawing
  • The Zooming in on specific data set recipe
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