Chanchal Chatterjee

Adaptive Machine Learning Algorithms with Python

Solve Data Analytics and Machine Learning Problems on Edge Devices

Chanchal Chatterjee
San Jose, CA, USA
ISBN 978-1-4842-8016-4e-ISBN 978-1-4842-8017-1
© Chanchal Chatterjee 2022
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I dedicate this book to my father, Basudev Chatterjee, and all my teachers and mentors who have guided and inspired me.


This book presents several categories of streaming data problems that have significant value in machine learning, data visualization, and data analytics. It offers many adaptive algorithms for solving these problems on streaming data vectors or matrices. Complex neural network-based applications are commonplace and computing power is growing exponentially, so why do we need adaptive computation?

Adaptive algorithms are critical in environments where the data volume is large, data has high dimensions, data is time-varying and has changing underlying statistics, and we do not have sufficient storage, computing power, and bandwidth to process the data with low latency. One such environment is computation on edge devices.

Due to the rapid proliferation of billions of devices at the cellular edge and the exponential growth of machine learning and data analytics applications on these devices, there is an urgent need to manage the following on these devices:
  • Power usage for computation at scale

  • Non-stationarity of inputs and drift of the incoming data

  • Latency of computation on devices

  • Memories and bandwidth of devices

The 2021 Gartner report on Edge computation [Stratus Technologies, 2021] suggests that device-based computation growth propelled by the adoption of cloud and 5G will require us to prioritize and build a framework for edge computation.

In these environments are the following constraints:
  • The data cannot be batched immediately and needs to be used instantaneously. We have a streaming sequence of vectors or matrices as inputs to the algorithms.

  • The data changes with time. In other words, the data is non-stationary, causing significant drift of input features whereby the machine learning models are no longer effective over time.

  • The data volume and dimensionality are large, and we do not have the device memory, bandwidth, or power to store or upload the data to the cloud.

In these applications, we use adaptive algorithms to manage the device’s power, memory, and bandwidth so that we can maintain accuracy of the pretrained models. Some use cases are the following:
  1. 1.

    Calculate feature drift of incoming data and detect training-serving skew [Kaz et al. 2021] ahead of time.

  2. 2.

    Adapt to incoming data drift and calculate features that best fit the data.

  3. 3.

    Calculate anomalies in incoming data so that good, clean data is used by the models.

  4. 4.

    Compress incoming data into features for use in new model creation.


In Chapter 8, I present solutions to these problems with adaptive algorithms discussed with real-world data.

Detecting Feature Drift

See the example where the real-time data [Vinicius Souza et al. 2020] has a gradual drift of features. In real-time environments there are changes in the underlying distribution of the observed data. These changes in the statistical properties of the data are called drift. When the changes in statistical properties are smooth, it is called gradual drift. Figure 1 shows a slow change in the magnitude of the components of a multivariate data over time, showing a gradual drift.

It’s important to detect these drift components early in the process so that we can update the machine learning model to maintain performance. Note that the baseline statistics of the data is not known ahead of time.
Figure 1

Data components show gradual drift over time

I used an adaptive algorithm (see Chapter 5) to compute the principal components [principal component analysis, Wikipedia] of the data and derive a metric from them. Figure 2 shows that the metric does not converge to its statistical value (ideally 1) and diverges towards 0. This detects the feature drift quickly so that the edge device can update the machine learning model.
Figure 2

An adaptive principal component-based metric detects drift in data early in the real-time process

The downward slope of the detection metric in the graph indicates the gradual drift of the features.

Adapting to Drift

In another type of drift, the data changes its statistical properties abruptly. Figure 3 shows simulated multi-dimensional data that abruptly changes to a different underlying statistic after 500 samples.
Figure 3

Simulated data that abruptly changes statistical properties after 500 samples

The adaptive algorithms help us adapt to this abrupt change and recalculate the underlying statistics, in this case, the first two principal eigenvectors of the data (see Chapter 6). The ideal values in Figure 4 are 1. As the data changes abruptly after 500 samples, the value falls and quickly recovers back to 1.
Figure 4

Principal eigenvectors adapt to abruptly changing data

My Approach

Adaptive Algorithms and Best Practices

In this book, I offer over 50 examples of adaptive algorithms to solve real-world problems. I also offer best practices to select the right algorithms for different use cases. I formulate these problems as matrix computations, where the underlying matrices are unknown. I assume that the entire data is not available at once. Instead, I have a sequence of random matrices or vectors from which I compute the matrix functions without knowing the matrices. The matrix functions are computed adaptively as each sample is presented to the algorithms.
  1. 1.

    My algorithms process each incoming sample xk such that at any instant k all of the currently available data is taken into consideration.

  2. 2.

    For each sample, the algorithm estimates the desired matrix functions, and its estimates have known statistical properties.

  3. 3.

    The algorithms have the ability to adapt to variations in the underlying systems so that for each sample xk I obtain the current state of the process and not an average over all samples (i.e., I can handle both stationary and non-stationary data).


Problems with Conventional Non-Adaptive Approaches

The conventional approach for evaluating matrix functions requires the computation of the matrix after collecting all samples and then the application of a numerical procedure. There are two problems with this approach.
  1. 1.

    The dimension of the samples may be large so that even if all the samples are available, performing the matrix algebra may be difficult or may take a prohibitively large number of computational resources and memory.

  2. 2.

    The matrix functions evaluated by conventional schemes cannot adapt to small changes in the data (e.g., a few incoming samples). If the matrix functions are estimated by conventional methods from K (finite) samples, then for each additional sample, all of the computation must be repeated.


These deficiencies make the conventional schemes inefficient for real-time applications.

Computationally Simple

My approach is to use computationally simple adaptive algorithms. For example, given a sequence of random vectors {xk}, a well-known algorithm for the principal eigenvector evaluation uses the update rule wk+1 = wk+η (xkxkTwkwkTxkxkTwk), where η is a small positive constant. In this algorithm, for each sample xk the update procedure requires simple matrix-vector multiplications, yet the vector wk converges quickly to the principal eigenvector of the data correlation matrix. Clearly, this can be easily implemented in CPUs on devices with low memory and power usage.

The objective of this book is to present a variety of neuromorphic [neuromorphic engineering, Wikipedia] adaptive algorithms [Wikipedia] for matrix algebra problems. Neuromorphic algorithms work by mimicking the physics of the human neural systems using networks, where activation by neurons propagate to other neurons in a cascading chain.

Matrix Functions I Solve

The matrix algebra functions that I compute adaptively include
  • Normalized mean, median

  • LU decomposition (square root), inverse square root

  • Eigenvector/eigenvalue decomposition (EVD)

  • Generalized EVD

  • Singular value decomposition (SVD)

  • Generalized SVD

For each matrix function, I will discuss practical use cases in machine learning and data analytics and support them with experimental results.

Common Methodology to Derive Adaptive Algorithms

Another contribution of this book is the presentation of a common methodology to derive each adaptive algorithm. For each matrix function and every adaptive algorithm, I present a scalar unconstrained objective function J(W;A) whose minimizer W* is the desired matrix function of A. From this objective function J(W;A), I derive the adaptive algorithm such as Wk + 1 = Wk − ηWJ(Wk; A) by using standard techniques of optimization (for example, gradient descent). I then speed up these adaptive algorithms by using statistical methods. Note that this helps practitioners create new adaptive algorithms for their use cases.

In summary, the book starts with a common framework to derive adaptive algorithms and then uses the framework for each category of streaming data problems starting with the adaptive median to complex principal components and discriminant analysis. I present practical problems in each category and derive the algorithms to solve them. The final chapter solves critical edge computation problems for time-varying, non-stationary data with minimal compute, memory, latency, and bandwidth. I also provide the code [Chatterjee GitHub] for all algorithms discussed here.


All simulations and implementation code by chapters are published in the public GitHub:

The GitHub page contains the following items:
  • Python code for all chapters starting with Chapter 2

  • MATLAB simulation code in a separate directory

  • Data for all implementation code

  • Proofs of convergence for some of the algorithms


I want to thank my professor and mentor Vwani Roychowdhury for guiding me through my Ph.D. thesis, where I first created much of the research presented in this book. Vwani taught me how to research, write, and present this material in the many papers we wrote together. He also inspired me to continue this research and eventually write this book. I could not have done it without his inspiration, help, and guidance. I sincerely thank Vwani for being my teacher and mentor.

Table of Contents
About the Author
Chanchal Chatterjee
, Ph.D., has held several leadership roles in machine learning, deep learning, and real-time analytics. He is currently leading machine learning and artificial intelligence at Google Cloud Platform, California, USA. Previously, he was the Chief Architect of EMC CTO Office where he led end-to-end deep learning and machine learning solutions for data centers, smart buildings, and smart manufacturing for leading customers. Chanchal has received several awards including an Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE Neural Network Council for adaptive learning algorithms, recommended by MIT professor Marvin Minsky. Chanchal founded two tech startups between 2008-2013. Chanchal has 29 granted or pending patents and over 30 publications. Chanchal received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University.
About the Technical Reviewer
Joos Korstanje
is a data scientist with over five years of industry experience in developing machine learning tools, a large part of which are forecasting models. He currently works at Disneyland Paris where he develops machine learning for a variety of tools.
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