Chapter 1. Foundations

Advanced Express Web Application Development will guide you through the process of building a nontrivial, single-page application using Express.

Express is a fast, unopinionated, minimalist, and flexible web application framework for Node.js written by TJ. Holowaychuk. It was inspired by Sinatra , a web framework for Ruby. Express provides a robust set of features for building single, multi-page, and hybrid web applications and has quickly become the most popular web development framework for node. Express is built on top of an extensible HTTP server framework—also developed by TJ. Holowaychuk—called Connect. Connect provides a set of high performance plugins known as middleware. Connect includes over 20 commonly used middleware, including a logger, session support, cookie parser, and more.

This book will guide you through the process of building a single-page application called Vision; a dashboard for software development projects that integrates with GitHub to give you a single-screen snapshot of your software development projects issues and commits. This project will allow us to demonstrate the advanced features Express has to offer and will give us the opportunity to explore the kind of issues encountered in a commercial development and production deployment of a node/Express application.

Feature set

We will now begin the process of building a Vision application. We will start from scratch with a test-first approach. Along the way, we will explore some best practices and offer tips for when developing web applications with node and Express.

The Vision application will include the following features:

Feature: Heartbeat
As an administrator
I want to visit an endpoint
So that I can confirm the server is responding

Feature: List projects
As a vision user
I want to see a list of projects
So that I can select a project I want to monitor

Feature: Create project
As a vision user
I want to create a new project
So that I can monitor the activity of multiple repositories

Feature: Get a project
As a vision user
I want to get a project
So that I can monitor the activity of selected repositories

Feature: Edit a project
As a vision user
I want to update a project
So that I can change the repositories I monitor

Feature: Delete a project
As a vision user
I want to delete a project
So that I can remove projects no longer in use

Feature: List repositories
As a vision user
I want to see a list of all repositories for a GitHub account
So that I can select and monitor repositories for my project

Feature: List issues
As a vision user
I want to see a list of multiple repository issues in real time
So that I can review and fix issues

Feature: List commits
As a vision user
I want to see a list of multiple repository commits in real time
So that I can review those commits

Feature: Master Page
As a vision user  
I want the vision application served as a single page
So that I can spend less time waiting for page loads

Feature: Authentication
As a vision user
I want to be able to authenticate via Github
So that I can view project activity

The following screenshot is of our Vision application; it contains a list of projects, repositories, commits, and issues. The upper-right corner has a login link that we will use for authentication:

Feature set
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