
Our master page contains the following sections. In order to facilitate a client-side templating model using backbone.js, we will split up our master page into templates.

Let's create a new folder called ./templates and add the following files:


In order to avoid compiling the templates on demand, let's install the grunt task grunt-contrib-handlebars, which will precompile our handlebar templates:

npm install grunt-contrib-handlebars --save-dev

We outline the grunt configuration for our handlebars compilation in the following code; it simply takes as input a template location templates/*.hbs and compiles these templates into a single JavaScript file and stores it at public/components/vision/templates.js.


handlebars: {
  compile: {
    options: {
      namespace: "visiontemplates"
    files: {
      "public/components/vision/templates.js": ["templates/*.hbs"]

We complete this section by taking a look at the master page template ./views/index.html. The body contains the following areas: a header, which includes either a login button or a logout button with a welcome message, a project-list form, repository-list, commit-list, and issue-list.

  {{#if user}}
       <p class="navbar-text">welcome {{user}},
       <a href="/logout" class="navbar-link">
         click here to sign out</a>
        <a href="/auth/github">
        <img src="/vision/github.png" id='login'>
      {{#if user}}
      <div class="span3">
          <ul id="projects-list"  class="nav nav-list"></ul>
          <br/><a id="showForm" class="btn btn-large btn-block btn-primary" href="#add">Add project</a>
      <div class="span3">
        <ul id="repository-list" class="nav inline nav-list"></ul>
      <div class="span3">
        <ul id="commits-list" class="media-list"></ul>
      <div class="span3">
        <ul id="issues-list" class="media-list"></ul>
        <div class="span12">
          <div class="hero-unit">
            <lead>a real-time multiple repository dashboard for GitHub issues and commits</lead>
            <p><small>In order to use vision; please login to a valid GitHub Account</small></p>
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