Acceptance testing with Cucumber and Zombie.js

OAuth authentication uses a callback mechanism; this is messy to test with an integration-testing tool such as SuperTest; we require something a little more end-to-end.

Cucumber allows teams to describe software behavior in a simple plain text language called Gherkin . The process of describing this behavior aids development; the output serves as documentation that can be automated to run as a set of tests. Let's install cucumber:

npm install -g cucumber

Zombie.js is simple, lightweight framework for doing headless full-stack testing. Let's install Zombie.js:

npm install zombie --save-dev

Let's automate running Cucumber with a grunt task:

npm install grunt-cucumber --save-dev

Add the following to our gruntfile ./gruntfile.js. The section files defines the location of our feature files, and options:steps defines the location of our step definitions:

    cucumberjs: {
      files: 'features',
      options: {
        steps: "features/step_definitions",format: "pretty"
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