
  1. absorption coefficient
  2. acceptor dopants
  3. acceptor doping
    1. doping efficiency in H2Pc:Me-PTC co-deposited films
    2. energy structure of FeCl3-doped Me-PTC/H2Pc superlattice
  4. acenes
    1. excited-state electronic structure of
    2. triplet-pair state in
  5. active space
    1. CICI theory
    2. decomposition
    3. HOMO and LUMO
  6. affirmation of the consequent
  7. Ag electrode
    1. action spectra under irradiation onto
    2. homojunction on
  8. aggregated Markov model (AMM)
  9. Akaike information criterion (AIC)
  10. alkali photoionization, photoelectron spin polarization control in
    1. electric dipole selection rules in one-and two-photon absorption
    2. model for material degrees of freedom
    3. open and closed CCI configurations
    4. proposed experiment
  11. alkyldiphenylether (ADE)
  12. 3-aminophenol (AP)
  13. amplitude function
  14. annihilation operators
  15. anthracene
  17. band-bending
  18. band-mapping, organic pn-homojunctions, see also Kelvin probe band-mapping
  19. Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
    1. change-point algorithms
    2. model selection
    3. parameter marginalization
    4. sum over models
  20. Bayes' theorem
  21. Bell inequality test
  22. benzoporphyrin (BP)
  23. Bernoulli trial
  24. Beta distribution
  25. Bethe–Salpeter equation (BSE)
  26. black-body radiation (BBR)
  27. Blahut–Arimoto algorithm
  28. blended junctions
  29. Bohr's principle
  30. Boltzmann-like distribution
  31. bona fide nonclassicality
  32. Brownian motion
  33. built-in potential, dependence on doping concentration
  34. bulk polymer heterojunction cells see blended junctions
  35. bump function
  37. C60 crystal, single-crystal sublimation of
  38. C60:Cs2CO3 films
    1. dependence of carrier concentration and doping efficiency
    2. orbital of electron around positive charge on ionized donor in
    3. work function shifts in
  39. C60 films
    1. energy diagrams of
    2. pn-control by doping of
    3. pn-homojunction formation in
    4. work function shifts in
  40. C60:H2Pc co-deposited films
    1. cross-sectional SEM images of
  41. C60:MoO3 films
    1. dependence of carrier concentration and doping efficiency
    2. work function shifts in
  42. C60 single film, energy structure of
  43. C60:6T co-deposited films
    1. n+p-homojunctions
    2. p+in+-homojunction in
    3. pn-homojunction in
  44. C70 crystal
  45. canonical transformation approaches
  46. carriers, organic semiconductors
    1. C60:Cs2CO3 films
    2. C60:MoO3 films
    3. concentrations, (see also Kelvin probe band-mapping)
    4. generation
    5. H2Pc:C60 co-deposited films
    6. H2Pc:C70 co-deposited films
    7. mobility
    8. multiplication
  47. cat state
  48. Cauchy–Schwarz inequality
  49. cell resistance (Rs)
  50. central limit theorem
  51. cesium carbonate (Cs2CO3)
    1. doping process, in H2Pc
  52. change-point algorithms
  53. charge-induced dipole
  54. charge separation superlattice model
  55. charge transfer (CT)
    1. absorption, C60 and MoO3
    2. character, measuring
    3. excitations, intermolecular
    4. high-energy CT configurations and superexchange picture
    5. implications for single fission
    6. low-energy CT configurations and physical mixing
  56. classical mutual exclusivity
  57. classical physics
  58. Clauser–Horne–Shimony–Holt (CHSH) inequality
  59. clean energy
  60. Clebsch–Gordan coefficients
  61. click/no-click detector, 83n
  62. closed configuration, CCI
    1. photoelectron spin polarization control
  63. co-deposited films, pn-control of
  64. co-evaporant third molecules
  65. coherent control interferometer (CCI)
    1. closed configuration
    2. dichotomous material observables
    3. nontrivial configuration
    4. for 1 versus N
    5. open configuration
    6. simultaneously both open and closed configurations
    7. symmetric
  66. coherent control, quantumness in
    1. application to photoelectron spin polarization control in alkali photoionization
    2. delayed choice coherent control
    3. loopholes
    4. nonclassicality
    5. nonlinear response perspective
    6. path distinguishability
    7. quantum-classical correspondence
    8. quantum erasure
    9. quantum mechanics in 1 versus N coherent phase control
  67. cold ion–molecule collisions
  68. commutation relations
  69. complementarity principle
  70. concurrence
  71. conditional entropy
  72. conditional probability
  73. continuous multimode Fock space
  74. coulomb crystallization
  75. Coulomb function
  76. Coulombic electron–hole interaction
  77. Coulomb integral
  78. Coulomb's law
  79. Cramér–Rao bound
  80. creation operators
  81. cryogenic-buffer-gas cooling
  83. data clustering
  84. Davydov shift
  85. Debye spectral density see Lorentzian cutoff
  86. degrees of freedom
  87. delayed choice
    1. coherent control
    2. gedanken experiment
    3. quantum
    4. simultaneously both open and closed configurations
  88. density matrix
    1. approach
    2. renormalization group
  89. depletion layer width
    1. in H2Pc:C60 co-deposited film
    2. of p+n+-homojunction
  90. detection loophole
  91. Dexter theory
  92. diabatic states, singlet exciton fission
  93. diabatization
  94. dichotomous material observables
  95. diffusion length, exciton
  96. diffusion pump
  97. dipole moment
    1. and charge transfer
    2. transition
  98. direct ionization
  99. Dirichlet distribution
  100. Dirichlet process (DP)
    1. Beta distribution
    2. Gibbs sampling
    3. Kronecker delta
  101. Dirichlet process mixture model (DPMM)
  102. displaced photon threshold measurements
    1. quantum erasure with
  103. donor/acceptor (D/A)
    1. co-deposited films, pn-control by doping
    2. organic/organic ohmic junction
    3. sensitization
    4. tandem cells, formation of
  104. donor dopants
  105. doping concentration dependence
    1. of built-in potential
    2. of carrier concentration
    3. of cell resistance
    4. of doping efficiency
    5. of fill-factor
    6. of hole concentration
    7. of hole mobility
    8. of Jsc
  106. doping efficiency
    1. of C60 films
    2. dependence on doping concentration
  107. Doppler laser cooling
  108. duality relation
  109. dynamical state-space network models
  111. eigenstates
    1. alkali photoionization
    2. and CT
    3. of Hamiltonian
    4. singlet exciton fission
  112. electric potential distribution in p+n+-junction
  113. electron affinity (EA)
  114. electron–hole localization
  115. electronic–vibrational Hamiltonian,–
  116. electron spin resonance (ESR)
  117. electron structure, low-lying excited states in organic molecules
    1. electronic configurations
    2. mechanisms of singlet fission
    3. wavefunction-based methods
    4. weak-coupling configuration interaction theory
  118. energetic structure design, small-molecular-type organic solar cells
  119. energy-controlled reactions, ions
  120. Englert–Greenberger–Yasin duality relation
  121. entanglement, quantum
    1. and interference recovery
    2. and welcher-weg information
  122. epoxy resin
  123. equation of motion
  124. excitation energy, of intermolecular
    1. charge transfer excitations
    2. Frenkel-type excitations
  125. exciton
    1. basis
    2. diffusion
    3. envelope wavefunction
    4. size of
    5. in small-molecular-type organic solar cells
  126. extended control experiment
  128. fair-sampling loophole
  129. Fermi level of organic semiconductor films
  130. few-state model of singlet fission
  131. fill-factor (FF)
    1. dependence on doping concentration
    2. of invertible two-layered H2Pc/C60 cells
    3. in organic p-i-n solar cells
  132. Fisher information
  133. fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)
  134. fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP)
  135. fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)
    1. change points detection
    2. maximum likelihood and maximum evidence
  136. Fock space
  137. force spectroscopy
  138. Förster theory
  139. Fourier transform
  140. fractional Brownian motion (FBM)
  141. Franck–Condon
    1. factors
    2. weighted density of states
  142. freedom-of-choice loophole
  143. Frenkel exciton (FE)
  144. frequentist information criterion(FIC)
  145. fringe visibility
  146. fullerene co-deposited films
  148. Gamma distribution
  149. gas phase, cooling and control of ions in
    1. anti-Helmholtz configuration
    2. applications
    3. cold ion–molecule collisions
    4. by collisions with neutrals
    5. conformationally controlled ion–molecule reactions
    6. conformer selection, neutral molecules
    7. coulomb crystallization
    8. energy-controlled reactions
    9. ion–molecule reaction dynamics
    10. ion trapping
    11. laser
    12. LICT technique
    13. MATI
    14. neutral molecules, translational and internal molecular degrees of freedom
    15. quantum states, preparation of
    16. single-ion chemistry
    17. specific molecular conformations, preparation of
    18. and state-controlled reactions
    19. and sympathetic
  150. Gaussian distribution
  151. Gaussian process
    1. BIC
    2. change-point algorithms
  152. generality
  153. general principle of coherent control
  154. Gibbs sampling
  155. Green's function
  156. GW approximation
  158. Hamiltonian
    1. alkali atom
    2. electronic–vibrational
    3. in schematic two-state picture
    4. singlet fission
    5. two-color weak-field coherent phase control
    6. validation through spectroscopy
  159. hexacene
  160. hidden Markov model (HMM)
  161. high-energy charge transfer configurations
  162. highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMO)
  163. Hilbert space,n
  164. hole concentration dependence, on doping concentration
  165. hole mobility dependence, on doping concentration
  166. Holstein coupling
  167. homodyne detection scheme
  168. H2Pc:C60 co-deposited films
    1. dependence of carrier concentration/doping efficiency on doping concentration for
    2. dependence of work function on film thickness
    3. ionization rate in
    4. p-n control by doping
  169. H2Pc:C60 superlattices, energy structures of
  170. H2Pc:C60 two-layered cells, with heavily doped organic/metal interfaces
  171. H2Pc:C70 co-deposited films
    1. dependence of carrier concentration/doping efficiency on doping concentration for
  172. H2Pc:Me-PTC co-deposited films
    1. acceptor-doped, doping efficiency in
    2. film thickness dependence of work functions in
  173. H2Pc single
    1. crystal
    2. film, energy structure of
  174. Huang–Rhys factor
  176. indium tin oxide (ITO)
    1. electrode, action spectra under irradiation onto
    2. ITO/n+-C60 contact, energy structure for
  177. infinite hidden Markov models (iHMM)
  178. information bottleneck method
  179. information rate
  180. information theory
    1. and Bayesian inference
    2. deconvolution methods
    3. in experimental design
    4. information-based clustering
    5. information bottleneck method
    6. MaxEnt, applications of
    7. MaxEnt, rejecting
    8. model complexity
    9. model inference
    10. predictive information
    11. RDT
    12. Shore and Johnson axioms
    13. state identification and clustering
  181. inorganic semiconductors
    1. electron–hole exchange interaction
    2. excitons size
    3. high dielectric constants
    4. p+-/n+-doped
    5. valence electron and hole bandwidth
    6. Wannier theory
  182. interfacial heavy-doping technique
  183. intermolecular CT excitations, singlet exciton fission
  184. internal quantum efficiency, in organic p-i-n solar cells
  185. intramolecular Frenkel-type excitations, singlet exciton fission
  186. intrinsic properties, of CCI
  187. inversion symmetry, organic molecular crystals
  188. ionization potential (IP)
  189. ionization rate
    1. of co-deposited films
    2. of single films
  190. ion-mobility methods
  191. ion–molecule reactions
    1. conformationally controlled
    2. dynamics
  192. ion–neutral interactions
  193. ion trapping
  194. iron chloride (FeCl3)
    1. H2Pc:Me-PTC co-deposited film
    2. Me-PTC/H2Pc superlattice, energy structure of
    3. photoactive C60:6T layer
  196. Jortner–Bixon rate theory
  198. Kalman filtering
  199. Kantorovich distance
  200. Kelvin probe band-mapping
    1. orbital of electron around positive charge on ionized donor
  201. Kelvin vibrating capacitor method
  202. kinetic energy
  203. Kronecker delta
  204. Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence
  206. Lagrange multipliers
  207. Langevin interaction
  208. Laplace's method
  209. laser cooling, ions
  210. laser-induced charge-transfer (LICT)
  211. Leggett–Garg test
  212. ligated metal complexes
  213. light absorption ratio, organic p-i-n solar cells
  214. linear radiofrequency (RF) ion traps
  215. Liouville equation
  216. locality
    1. loophole
  217. local realism
  218. loopholes
  219. Lorentzian cutoff
  220. low-energy charge transfer configurations
  221. lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMO)
  223. Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI)
    1. in open configuration
  224. magneto-optical trap
  225. many-body perturbation theory
  226. Marcus theory
  227. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods
  228. Markovian limit
  229. masking effect
  230. mass-analyzed threshold ionization (MATI)
  231. material observables
    1. alkali photoionization
    2. dichotomous
  232. Mathieu equations
  233. maximum entropy (MaxEnt)
    1. applications of
    2. deconvolution methods
    3. diffusion coefficient
    4. DPMM
    5. FCS
    6. nested model
    7. principle of
    8. probability distributions
    9. repercussions to rejecting
    10. transcription factors
  234. maximum evidence
    1. HMM
    2. variational Bayesian procedure
  235. maximum likelihood estimation
    1. AMM
    2. HMM
    3. Markov models
  236. merocyanine
  237. minimal description length (MDL)
  238. mobility of carriers
  239. molecular dynamics (MD) approach
  240. molecular photodissociation
  241. MoO3 films, energy diagrams of
  242. Morse oscillator
  243. multichannel scattering theory
  244. multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree approach
  245. multiple component co-evaporation techniques
  246. multiple exciton generation, singlet exciton fission
  247. mutual information
  249. nanostructure design, of small-molecular-type organic solar cells
  250. naphthalene tetracarboxylic anhydride (NTCDA),n
  251. natural transition orbitals (NTOs)
  252. near ultraviolet inverse photoemission spectroscopy
  253. nested models
  254. neutral conformers, AP
  255. neutral molecules
    1. conformer selection
    2. density
    3. of dipole moment
    4. and internal molecular
    5. translational molecular
  256. nonadditivity
  257. nonclassicality, coherent control of
    1. Bell inequality test
    2. bona fide
    3. of coherent control
    4. quantum delayed choice coherent control
    5. quantum erasure coherent control
    6. and welcher-weg/what-phase measurements
  258. nonerasing quantum erasure
  259. nonlinear dynamics
  260. nonlinear response, coherent control
  261. n+p-homojunction
    1. energy band diagram of
    2. with p-layer doping concentrations, current-voltage characteristics
  262. n+p+-homojunction
  264. ohmic junction
    1. organic/metal
    2. organic/organic
  265. ohmic spectral density
  266. oil-free vacuum evaporator
  267. oligoacenes
    1. charge transfer character of
    2. configuration interaction diagram and schematic real-space structure of singlet/triplet excitons in
    3. electroabsorption spectrum of
    4. prototypical herringbone crystal structure of
    5. validation of Hamiltonian in
  268. one-micrometer-thick co-deposition cells
  269. 1-versus N-photon phase control
    1. CCI for
    2. light-matter scattering problem
    3. nonlinear response
    4. quantum mechanics in
    5. two-color weak-field
  270. 1-versus 2-photon phase control
    1. HD+ dissociation in
    2. photoionization process
  271. open configuration, of CCI
    1. photoelectron spin polarization control
  272. optical deceleration
  273. optical dipole traps
  274. optimum welcher-weg measurement
  275. optimum what-phase measurement
  276. optoelectronic properties of molecular crystals
  277. organic materials, advantages of
  278. organic molecules/crystals see singlet exciton fission, in organic molecules/crystals
  279. organic semiconductors
    1. carrier generation in
    2. chemical structures of
    3. films, energy diagrams of
  280. organic solar cells see small-molecular-type organic solar cells
  281. oscillator strength, CT
  282. overdamped Brownian oscillator model see Lorentzian cutoff
  283. oxygen doping, organic semiconductors
  285. Pariser–Parr–Pople model of conjugated molecules
  286. particles
    1. complementarity of
    2. -like behavior, in coherent control
  287. path distinguishability, coherent control
  288. path qubit
  289. path states, CCI
  290. Peierls coupling
  291. pentacene
    1. charge transfer character of
    2. comparison of absorption spectra between experiment and theory
    3. dimers, excited-state structure of
    4. dimers, low-lying states of
    5. nonadiabatic to adiabatic transition in
    6. Redfield dynamics calculations in
  292. perturbation theory
  293. perturbative nonlinear response theory
  294. perylene pigment co-deposited films
  295. phase control
  296. phase sensitivity
  297. phase separation, small-molecular-type organic solar cells
  298. photocurrent quantum efficiency
    1. dependence on layer width
    2. semilogarithmic plot of
  299. photoelectric conversion
  300. photoelectron spin polarization control, alkali photoionization
  301. phthalocyanines
  302. physical mixing, in singlet fission
  303. p+in+-homojunction cell
  304. p-i-n solar cell, organic
    1. current-voltage characteristics of
    2. negative ion mass spectrum and depth profile
    3. spectral dependence of internal quantum efficiency
    4. spectral dependences of light absorption ratio of
    5. structure of
  305. pn-control by doping
    1. band-mapping by Kelvin probe
    2. D/A Co-deposited films
    3. generality
    4. organic/metal ohmic junction
    5. pn-homojunction formation in single C60 films
    6. ppm-level doping
    7. single C60 films
  306. pn-control of organic semiconductors
  307. pn+-homojunctions
    1. band mapping of
    2. work functions in
  308. p+n+-homojunction
    1. band-mapping of
    2. electric potential distribution in
    3. energy band diagram of
  309. pn-homojunctions
    1. band mapping of
    2. in C60:6T co-deposited film
    3. energetic structure of
    4. formation, in single C60 films
    5. work functions in
  310. Poisson distribution
  311. Poisson equation
  312. polarized linear absorption
  313. polar solvents, electron transfer in
  314. polycrystalline experimental absorption
  315. polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
  316. polymer heterojunction cells
  317. power law
  318. ppm-level doping
    1. effects
    2. rotating disks with slits
    3. total thickness signal from QCM vs. time relationship
  319. pseudo-first-order rate law
  320. pseudo-vertical superlattices
  321. pure state case, quantum erasure in
  323. quantum chemistry
  324. quantum-classical correspondence, in coherent phase control
  325. quantum delayed choice coherent control
    1. loopholes in
    2. nonclassicality in
    3. vs. quantum erasure
  326. quantum dynamics
    1. of singlet fission
  327. quantum erasure coherent control
    1. and delayed choice
    2. with displaced photon threshold measurements
    3. loopholes in
    4. nonclassicality in
    5. vs. quantum delayed choice
    6. symmetric CCIs
    7. welcher-weg marking and nontrivial CCI configuration
    8. welcher-weg/what-phase measurements for validating nonclassicality
  328. quantum interference
    1. and coherent control
    2. recovery
  329. quantum mechanics
    1. and coherent control
    2. in 1 versus N coherent phase control
  330. quantumness see coherent control, quantumness in
  331. quantum resonance
  332. quantum switch
  333. quartic oscillator
  334. quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)
  335. quasi-vertical superlattice
  337. radiative coherence
  338. radiative distinguishability
  339. Ramsey interferometer
  340. rate-distortion theory (RDT)
    1. analysis on sample data
    2. clustering algorithm
    3. conditional probabilities
    4. data clustering
    5. decoding process
    6. formalism
    7. information bottleneck method
    8. information rate
    9. Kantorovich distance
    10. mutual information
    11. Shannon entropy
    12. single-molecule time series, application of
    13. smFRET
  341. rate theories, of singlet fission
  342. realism
  343. Redfield equations
  344. reduced density matrix techniques
  345. relative permittivity
    1. of inorganic semiconductors
    2. of organic semiconductors
  346. restricted active space two spin-flip method
  347. rotational laser cooling
  348. rubrene
  349. Rydberg deceleration
  351. scattering superoperator
  352. Schmidt coefficients
  353. Schmidt decomposition
  354. Schottky barrier
  355. Schottky junctions
  356. Schrödinger equation
  357. secondary ion mass spectroscopy(SIMS)
  358. semiclassical quantum dynamics
  359. sensitization, doping small-molecular-type organic solar cells
  360. seven-nines (7N) purification
    1. one-micrometer-thick co-deposition cells
    2. single-crystal sublimation
  361. sexithiophene
  362. Shannon entropy, See also maximum entropy (MaxEnt)
  363. Shockley–Queisser limit
  364. Shore and Johnson axioms
  365. short-circuit photocurrent density, organic p-i-n solar cells
  366. silicon solar cells
  367. SIMEF
  368. single-crystal sublimation
    1. C60 crystal
    2. seven-nines (7N) purification
  369. single-electron spin, coherent control of
  370. single-ion chemistry
  371. single molecule data analysis
    1. AIC
    2. AMMs, frequentist inference
    3. and BIC
    4. Brownian motion vs. directed motion
    5. conditional probability
    6. and data clustering
    7. deconvolution methods
    8. DPMM
    9. dynamical state-space networks
    10. in experimental design, information theory
    11. finite size effects
    12. formalism, RDT
    13. Gaussian process
    14. HMM
    15. iHMM
    16. information-based clustering
    17. information bottleneck method
    18. information theory and Bayesian inference
    19. informative prior
    20. joint probability
    21. Markov models
    22. MaxEnt, applications of
    23. MaxEnt, repercussions to rejecting
    24. maximum likelihood estimation
    25. minimal description length
    26. and model complexity
    27. model inference
    28. parameter marginalization
    29. point estimates
    30. predictive information
    31. RDT, application of
    32. on sample data, RDT
    33. single-molecule time series
    34. sum over models
    35. uninformative prior
  372. single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET)
  373. single-particle tracking (SPT)
  374. singlet exciton fission, in organic molecules/crystals
    1. charge transfer implications for
    2. electronic–vibrational Hamiltonian and reduced dynamics
    3. electron structure of low-lying excited states
    4. measuring charge transfer character
    5. quantum dynamics
    6. rate theories
    7. validation of Hamiltonian through spectroscopy
  375. singlet fission rate constant
  376. small-molecular-type organic solar cells
    1. band-mapping of organic pn-homojunctions
    2. blended junctions
    3. D/A co-deposited films, pn-control of
    4. D/A sensitization
    5. doping sensitization
    6. energetic structure design
    7. exciton
    8. flexible see-through organic solar cell module
    9. history of
    10. nanostructure design
    11. phase separation
    12. pn-control doping
    13. ppm-doping effects
    14. principles
    15. seven-nines purification
    16. vertical superlattices
  377. smooth function
  378. solar cells
    1. organic (see small-molecular-type organic solar cells)
  379. space charge layer (SCL)
  380. spectroscopy
    1. validation of Hamiltonian through
  381. spin-orbit coupling
  382. spin-singlet state
    1. triplet-pair state
  383. Stark deceleration
  384. state-controlled reactions, ions
  385. step transition and state identification (STaSI)
  386. Stern–Gerlach apparatus
  387. Stirling's approximation
  388. superexchange picture, in singlet fission
  390. tandem organic solar cells
  391. temperature-independent singlet fission
  392. tetracene
    1. charge transfer character of
    2. dimers, excited-state structure of
  393. thermodynamic entropy
  394. three-component coevaporation technique
  395. threshold detector see click/no-click detector
  396. time-averaged position
  397. time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT)
  398. time-dependent perturbation theory
  399. time series analysis
    1. Kalman filtering
    2. Markov models
  400. -J model
  401. total density operator
    1. longtime limit of
  402. train sublimation method
  403. transcription factors (TFs), MaxEnt
  404. transient absorption spectroscopy
  405. transition amplitudes
    1. alkali photoionization
    2. closed interferometer configuration
    3. 1-and N-photon
    4. relationship between relative phases of
  406. transition charge density
  407. transition density matrix
  408. transition disconnectivity graph (TRDG)
  409. transition metal oxides, magnetic interactions in
  410. transition superoperator
  411. trap-filling
  412. triplet-pair excitations, singlet exciton fission
  413. triplet-triplet (TT) annihilation
  414. Tsallis entropy
  415. 6T single crystal
  416. Tsirelson bound
  417. two-color weak field coherent phase control
  418. two-component co-evaporation technique
  419. two-particle wavefunction
  420. two-path interferometer see coherent control interferometer (CCI)
  421. two-point correlation function
  423. ultrafast time resolved spectroscopy
  424. ultraviolet (UV)-visible absorption spectroscopy
  425. unperturbed resolvent superoperator
  427. vacuum deposition
  428. vacuum evaporation
  429. variational Bayes HMM for time-stamp FRET (VB-HMM-TS-FRET)
  430. variational Bayesian (vb) procedure
  431. vertical superlattices
    1. dependence of photocurrent generation quantum efficiency on layer width
    2. fabrication process
    3. Me-PTC/H2Pc junction
    4. multilayered film
    5. structure
  432. vibrational degrees of freedom
  433. vibrational Hamiltonian
  434. von Neumann equation
  436. Wannier theory
  437. wavefunction-based methods, singlet exciton fission
  438. wavepackets
    1. amplitude function f1_c
    2. directions of incidence
    3. nonclassical (n1 + n2)-photon state
    4. in photoelectron spin polarization control
    5. quantum resonance condition
  439. waves
    1. complementarity of
    2. -like behavior, in coherent control
  440. weak-coupling configuration interaction theory
  441. welcher-weg information (WWI)
    1. alkali photoionization
    2. optimum
    3. for verification of nonclassicality
  442. welcher-weg knowledge
  443. welcher-weg marking (WWM)
  444. what-phase measurement
    1. optimum
    2. for verification of nonclassicality
  445. work functions
    1. changes, in p+n+-homojunctions
    2. dependence on p-type layer thickness
    3. film thickness dependence of
    4. in pn+-homojunctions
    5. in pn-homojunctions
  446. work function shifts, in C60 films
  448. X-ray diffraction analysis
  449. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
  451. Young's double-slit (YDS) experiment
    1. in model inference
    2. in open configuration
    3. path distinguishability
  453. Zeeman deceleration
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