Subject Index


  1. ABM. See Agent-based modeling
  2. Abrazo Health Care
  3. Academic research centers, hospitals and
  4. Academy of Management
  5. Academy of Management Journal
  6. Academy of Management Review
  7. Accountability, as coordination function
  8. Accountable care
  9. Accountable care organizations (ACOs); defined; PCMHs and; questions about
  10. Acquisitions
  11. ACT. See Assertive community treatment teams
  12. Actions: collective; interpretation of; organizations and
  13. Activities: mesolevel; SCT with organizing and managing
  14. Actor-focused research: betweenness centrality; closeness centrality; degree centrality; multiplexity; relationship strength
  15. Actors: defined; dyad; SNA requiring three or more; transitivity and
  16. Acute care
  17. Adaptation
  18. Adaptive challenges
  19. Adaptive leadership (AL)
  20. Adaptive work
  21. Administrators
  22. Admissions: in acute-care hospitals; emergency room; hospital
  23. Advisors, spiritual
  24. Aetna
  25. Age, of organizations
  26. Agency: defined; human
  27. Agency theory. See Principal-agent theory
  28. Agent-based modeling (ABM)
  29. AHA. See American Hospital Association
  30. AIRT
  31. AL. See Adaptive leadership
  32. Aligning Forces for Quality
  33. Allies, mobilization of
  34. Alzheimer's disease
  35. Ambulatory care: care transitions and; environmental changes with; surgery centers
  36. Ambulatory surgery centers
  37. Amenable mortality rates
  38. American Cancer Society
  39. American Council of Graduate Medical Education
  40. American Heart Association
  41. American Hospital Association (AHA)
  42. American Journal of Clinical Pathology
  43. American Journal of Public Health
  44. American Lung Association
  45. American Nurses Association
  46. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
  47. American Sociological Association
  48. Anesthesia providers
  49. Annual Survey of Hospitals data
  50. Arizona (AZ)
  51. Artifacts, sociological
  52. Ascension Health
  53. Assembly lines, routines as
  54. Assertive community treatment (ACT) teams; coordination in; with division of labor; fidelity measures for; social network concept and; workload for
  55. Asset specificity
  56. Assistants, physician
  57. Asymmetry, information
  58. Attribute data
  59. Authority, formal
  60. Autoimmune system disorders
  61. Autonomy, shrinking
  62. Awareness, situational
  63. AZ. See Arizona


  1. Balanced Budget Act (BBA) of
  2. Balanced Budget Refinement Act (BBRA) of
  3. Banks: biobanks; with legal practices
  4. BBA. See Balanced Budget Act of
  5. BBRA. See Balanced Budget Refinement Act of
  6. Beacon Community Program
  7. Behavior: with behavior-oriented contracts; human; organization
  8. Beliefs: institutional theory and; truth and
  9. Beth Israel Hospital
  10. Betweenness centrality
  11. Billing: genetic testing and; MDCs and
  12. Billings Clinic
  13. Biobanks: human tissue sample failure and; as self-regulatory
  14. Biology
  15. Blame, culture of
  16. Bottlenecks
  17. Boundaries, cluster
  18. Boundary objects
  19. Boundary spanning
  20. Bounded rationality
  21. Boutique medicine
  22. Breast cancer
  23. Breast Cancer Action
  24. Bureaucratic theory
  25. Burnout, health care provider
  26. Bush, George W.: CDHPs and; with legislation
  27. Business practices, scrutiny of
  28. Business school: as crucible for organization theory; rift in


  1. California (CA): diversity in; Kaiser Permanente in
  2. Canada
  3. Cancer care; genetic testing and; genomic medicine and; new technologies in; physician; quality
  4. Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
  5. Cancer site specialist
  6. Cancer treatment: with cancer types; genomic medicine and; GWAS and; NCI; pathologists and; questions; schisms in
  7. Cardiology Network
  8. Care; accountable; ACOs; acute; ambulatory; cancer; CCC; chronic; direct; with health care changes; health care organizations; health care providers; managed; MDCs teams; outpatient; palliative; patient-centered; PCMHs; PPACA; primary; providers; resident-centered; urgent care clinics
  9. Care management teams: CMOc framework and; conceptual model; coordination of; defined; designing; with division of labor; explanation of; fidelity measures for; identity and; implementing; interdependence and standard work; key attributes for; networks; as real teams; social capital and; task scope and composition of; team size and workload; TMS and
  10. Care provider teams
  11. Care providers: anesthesia; in coordination role; health; multimodal; nurse practitioners; patients and; physicians; primary
  12. Care transitions (handoffs); challenges of; coordination structures of; defined; diversity and requisite variety; interdependence in
  13. Careers: organizations and; social rules and
  14. Caregivers. See Care providers
  15. Case analyses, influential
  16. Catalysts
  17. Catholic Healthcare West
  18. Caucasians, births in US
  19. Causal loop diagram
  20. CCC. See Coordinated care clinic
  21. CDHPs. See Consumer-directed health plans
  22. Cellular biology
  23. Census Bureau, US
  24. Center for Comparative Effectiveness Information
  25. Center for Medical Technology Policy
  26. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Hospital Compare program
  27. Central Maine Healthcare
  28. Central Maine Medical Center
  29. Centralization, organizational
  30. Centre of Evidence-Based Policy and Practices
  31. Ceremonial practices
  32. Certainty matrix
  33. Challenges, adaptive
  34. Change: with communication; with competition for scarce resources; continuous and radical; culture; environmental; field-level; in health care; hospital-based clusters and; institutional; with leadership and training; macrolevel; mesolevel and microlevel; nature of institutional; organizational; within organizations; pressure as force for; stress and
  35. Chaos theory
  36. Charts, organizational
  37. Chemotherapy
  38. Children: cliques and; as complex adaptive entities; deaths from preventable causes; obesity in; SCHIP and
  39. Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA)
  40. CHRISTUS Spohn Health System
  41. Chronic care: patient-centered approach in; teams
  42. Churches, urban
  43. CLAS. See Culturally and Linguistically Accessible Services
  44. Class, service levels and
  45. Classrooms, macrolevel dynamic in
  46. Clergy
  47. Clinical practice, research and
  48. Clinics; CCC; coordination problems and; defined; fidelity measures; growth of retail; imaging; primary care; routine testing; urgent care. See also Care management teams
  49. Cliques and clans. See also Actors
  50. Closeness centrality, information and
  51. Cluster boundaries
  52. Clusters: advantages; defined; differentiation and integration within; history of; hospital-based; organization theories and; regional; spatial proximity and; urban
  53. CMOc. See Context-mechanism-outcome configuration
  54. CMS. See Critical management studies
  55. Coalitions, building of
  56. Cochrane Collaborative
  57. Coercive isomorphism
  58. Cognitive resistance, to complexity science
  59. Cohesiveness
  60. Collective action, SNA and
  61. Collective combat
  62. Collectively reinforced
  63. Colon cancer
  64. Combat, collective
  65. Commission on Cancer
  66. Commissions, contracts and
  67. Commitment research
  68. Committee on the Costs of Medical Care
  69. Communication: advances in; formal; as mechanism for change; SBAR communication format
  70. Community organizations
  71. Competition: among hypotheses or theories; as incentive; as market force; PE and; for scarce resources with change; with social identities; trust and; with values
  72. Complex adaptive systems
  73. Complex demand, SNA and
  74. Complexity; as contingency; defined; fsQCA; market; SD, simulation and modeling; SNA and; of work
  75. Complexity science: adaptive leadership and; books about; cognitive resistance and; cultural resistance and; defined; explanation of; health care and modest use of; intellectual appeal of; positive deviance and; practical appeal of; tools
  76. Complexity theory; as alternative framework; articles on; defined; problem-driven research and
  77. Computer technology
  78. Concierge medicine
  79. Construction. See Social construction
  80. Constructive controversy
  81. Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey
  82. Consumer-directed health plans (CDHPs)
  83. Consumers: DTC genetic testing and; with service level disparity
  84. Contagion, social
  85. Context: defined; work in
  86. Context-mechanism-outcome configuration (CMOc)
  87. Continuous radical change
  88. Contracts: social; types of
  89. Contradictions. See Endogenous contradictions
  90. Control, with hierarchy and contracts
  91. Controversy. See Constructive controversy
  92. Coordinated care clinic (CCC)
  93. Coordination: of care management teams; coordinator's role in; defined; functions; need assessment tool; organizational; structures with care transitions
  94. Corporate strategies, pursuit of
  95. Critical management studies (CMS)
  96. Crossing the Quality Chasm
  97. Cryogenic freezing
  98. Cultural diversity
  99. Cultural dopes
  100. Cultural resistance, to complexity science
  101. Cultural-cognitive pressures
  102. Culturally and Linguistically Accessible Services (CLAS)
  103. Culture: of blame; nursing home subcultures; organizational; with typological approach to research
  104. Culture change: defined; explanation of; framework for; macrolevel; mechanisms for; in nursing homes; as organizational change; restructuring elements of; study of
  105. CVS


  1. Darwinism, social
  2. Data: attribute; biobanks and data-driven medicine; data-gathering tools; in health care workplaces; on MHSs; Ovid Medline database; qualitative; relational
  3. Degree centrality
  4. Deinstitutionalization
  5. Demand: for nurse practitioners; SNA and complex
  6. Density: dependence; network's
  7. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), US
  8. DES. See Discrete event simulation
  9. Development; Internet use and; programs
  10. Development labs, biobanks and
  11. Deviance. See Positive deviance
  12. DHHS. See Department of Health and Human Services, US
  13. Diagnostic imaging centers
  14. Diagram, causal loop
  15. Differentiation: case; within clusters; defined; integration and; service; variation in; vertical and horizontal
  16. Diffusion, PE and
  17. Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers)
  18. Dignity Health
  19. Direct care
  20. Direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing
  21. Disasters: Mann Gulch fire; natural; planning
  22. Discipline, scientific
  23. Discourse, allies and
  24. Discrete event simulation (DES)
  25. Disruptive technologies: defined; economy and; explanation of; with gaps in structure; MDCs, billing and; MDCs, genomic medicine and; with traditional status hierarchies. See also Genomic medicine
  26. Diversity: care transitions and; cultural
  27. Doctors. See Physicians
  28. Dopes. See Cultural dopes
  29. Drugs. See Prescription drugs
  30. DTC. See Direct-to-consumer genetic testing
  31. Dyad
  32. Dynamism


  1. East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System
  2. EBM. See Evidence-based medicine
  3. EBMgt. See Evidence-based management
  4. ECM. See Embedded case managers program
  5. Economic theory
  6. Economy; crisis; disruptive technologies and; with expenditures in health care; HITECH Act; TCE
  7. Eden Alternative
  8. Education: with academic medical centers; business school
  9. Efficiency, as market force
  10. Elderly, population growth
  11. Electronic medical records (EMRs)
  12. Embedded case managers (ECM) program
  13. Embeddedness; care management team networks; defined; network; organizational behavior and
  14. Emergence (journal)
  15. Emergencies, disasters; freestanding departments; hospital emergency departments; rooms
  16. Emotions, organizations and: agency and; lack of attention paid to; questions about; role of; social rules and; theory and research on
  17. Employees, nursing home; empowerment of; subcultures
  18. Empowerment
  19. EMRs. See Electronic medical records
  20. Encounter preparedness
  21. Endogenous contradictions
  22. Engineers
  23. Entrepreneurship. See Institutional entrepreneurship
  24. Environment: environmental forces; environmental processes
  25. Environmental change: in ambulatory and outpatient care; business-practice scrutiny and; disaster planning and preparedness; with economic crisis and 2008 recession; in financing and reimbursement; market and; for patients and patient needs; physicians and; quality and; with systems and clusters consolidation; with technology advances; themes; trends
  26. Equilibrium, punctuated
  27. Errors, medication
  28. Evidence-based management (EBMgt): defined; Internet and; obstacles to implementation of; steps to establish
  29. Evidence-based Management Collaborative
  30. Evidence-based medicine (EBM)
  31. Exogenous shocks
  32. Expenditures, health care: fees; with incentives and penalties; in MA; within organizations; outpatient care; from 2000 to


  1. Fees: for concierge medicine; outcome-oriented contracts and. See also Expenditures, health care
  2. Fidelity: with care management teams; defined
  3. Field-level change
  4. Final Report (Committee on the Costs of Medical Care)
  5. Financing, health care
  6. Fires
  7. Fit
  8. Focused factories. See Specialty hospitals
  9. Food and Drug Administration, US
  10. Forces: Aligning Forces for Quality; with change and pressure; environmental; institutional; market
  11. Formal authority
  12. Formalin fixation, tissue storage
  13. Fraud
  14. Fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)


  1. Gaps: disruptive technologies and structure; in knowledge
  2. Geisinger
  3. Genetic testing: biobanks, human tissue samples and; cancer care and; defined; DTC; interpretations; NHS and; proliferation of; research gap in
  4. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
  5. Genomic medicine: cancer care and; cancer treatment and; conceptualized; defined; with human tissue sample failure; influence of; MDCs and; pathology and; research gap in
  6. Geographical proximity
  7. Germany, banking in
  8. Globalization
  9. Green House Project
  10. Group Health of Puget Sound
  11. GWAS. See Genome-wide association studies


  1. H1N1 influenza
  2. Handoffs. See Care transitions
  3. Hands, washing
  4. Harvard Business Review
  5. Hawthorne studies
  6. HCA
  7. HCMC. See Hennepin County Medical Center
  8. Health care: changes in; complexity science and; reform models
  9. Health care organizations: capacity with genomic medicine requirements; context; defined; emotions; Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations; as living entities; public and distrust of; roles, careers and identities; routines; work
  10. Health care providers: burnout; care management teams and. See also Care providers
  11. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act
  12. Health insurance exchanges (HIEs)
  13. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of
  14. Health savings accounts (HSAs)
  15. Health services delivery: with complex demand; with evidence-based medicine implementation; in hospital-based clusters; knowledge specialization and; with medical knowledge and difficult knowledge updates; with shrinking professional autonomy; SNA and
  16. HealthSouth
  17. The Health of Regionville (Koos)
  18. Healthy People 2020 agenda
  19. Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC)
  20. Heroes. See Hypermuscular heroes
  21. Heterophily
  22. Hierarchy: with boundary spanning; with contracts and control; disruptive technologies and traditional status; organizational
  23. HIEs. See Health insurance exchanges
  24. HIPAA. See Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
  25. HITECH. See Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act
  26. HMOs (Home Maintenance Organizations)
  27. Holes, structural
  28. Home Maintenance Organization. See HMOs
  29. Homes: HMOs; nursing; Nursing Home Reform Act; PCMHs; primary care medical
  30. Homophily
  31. Horizontal organizational forms
  32. Hospice services
  33. Hospital Quality Network
  34. Hospital-based clusters: case differentiation; changes and growth; consolidation into systems and; evidence of vertical differentiation; explanation of; history of; integration and differentiation; interhospital transport in; lead hospitals in; with multitheoretical perspective; service differentiation; spatial proximity and service capacities; vertical and horizontal differentiation and integration
  35. Hospitals; academic research centers and community; acquisitions and mergers; acute-care; admissions; AHA; biobanks and; emergency departments; focused factories or specialty; independent and freestanding; insane asylums; with interhospital referrals; with interhospital transport; lead; mental; MHSs; nonlead; operating room suites; population and number of; regionalization and; with routines. See also specific hospitals
  36. HSAs. See Health savings accounts
  37. Human Genome Project
  38. Humans; agency; behavior; emotions; with roles, careers and identities; with routines; tissue sample failure and biobanks; with work
  39. Hurricane Katrina
  40. Hypermuscular heroes
  41. Hypotheses, with competing theories


  1. Identity: administrators; care management teams and; cliques and; organizations and; social rules and; team; theory
  2. IDNs. See Integrated delivery networks
  3. IHI. See Institute for Health Improvement
  4. Illnesses, terminal
  5. Imagination, sociological
  6. Imaging clinics, freestanding
  7. Immigrant groups
  8. Immunization programs
  9. Improvisations
  10. Incentives: HITECH Act and monetary; outcome-interdependence inducing; PPACA; regionalization and; reimbursement; types of
  11. Infections. See Staphylococcus aureus infection
  12. Influence, in organizations
  13. Information: access to; asymmetry; closeness centrality and
  14. Information technology (IT)
  15. Innovation, in organizations
  16. Innovators
  17. Insane asylums
  18. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
  19. Institute of Medicine (IOM)
  20. Institutional change; defined; explanations for; field-level model; in health care field; nature of; within organizations; process models; reform models
  21. Institutional entrepreneurship; defined; problem of; process models; in UK
  22. Institutional forces: defined; market and
  23. Institutional logics
  24. Institutional theory; ceremonial practices and; defined; environment types; isomorphism and; legitimacy and; with multiple logics; old and new; with pressure types and environments; uses
  25. Institutional war
  26. Institutional work
  27. Institutionalization
  28. Institutions, total
  29. Insurance: CHIPRA; HIEs; HIPAA; HMOs; HSAs; PPOs; SCHIP
  30. Integrated delivery networks (IDNs)
  31. Integration: within clusters; defined; differentiation and; variation in; vertical and horizontal
  32. Intellectual appeal, of complexity science
  33. Interdependence: care management teams and; care transitions and; defined; incentives inducing outcome
  34. Interdependencies
  35. Interhospital referrals, network of
  36. Intermountain Healthcare
  37. International Haplotype Map project
  38. International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories
  39. Internet; development and use; EBMgt and
  40. Interorganizational exchange
  41. Intraorganizational dynamics
  42. IOM. See Institute of Medicine
  43. Isomorphism, institutional
  44. IT. See Information technology
  45. Italy: National Transplant Network; with pediatricians and advice relationships; specialization in


  1. Jeopardy!
  2. Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Health Care Organizations


  1. Kaiser Permanente; with differentiation; diversity and
  2. Kidneys, treatment for
  3. Knowledge: gaps; medical and difficult; as power; specialization in; standardization of
  4. Knowledge transfer. See Evidence-based management


  1. Labor. See Work
  2. Languages, minority
  3. Laws. See Legislation
  4. Lead hospitals; defined; with high-risk patients
  5. Leadership: AL; complexity science and; direct; as mechanism for change; opinion leaders; PD projects and; transformational
  6. Lean
  7. Leapfrog Group
  8. Legal practices, banks and
  9. Legislation. See also specific legislation
  10. Legitimacy; defined; institutional theory and; power and; with rationalized myths
  11. Leicester Royal Infirmary
  12. LHINs. See Local health integration networks
  13. Liability, of newness
  14. Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
  15. LifePoint
  16. Limbs, replacement
  17. LinkedIn
  18. Live Oak Regenerative Communities
  19. Local health integration networks (LHINs)
  20. Logics: institutional; managerial
  21. LPNs. See Licensed Practical Nurses


  1. MA. See Massachusetts
  2. Macrolevel; culture change at; defined; dynamic in classrooms; intersection of analysis levels and; network centrality measures; with new technologies; relationships; thinkers
  3. Macrolevel changes: defined; in nursing homes
  4. Macrolevel organization theory
  5. Malpractice suits
  6. M-A-N Labeling, triads and
  7. Managed care, failure of
  8. Management; Academy of Management; care management teams; CMS; EBMgt; ECM program; scientific; strategic management theory; TQM; weight management programs
  9. Mann Gulch fire disaster
  10. Market changes, environmental and
  11. Market control, contracts and
  12. Market forces: defined; institutional and
  13. Massachusetts (MA)
  14. Matrix teams
  15. Mayo Health System
  16. MCAT
  17. MDCs. See Multidisciplinary care treatment teams
  18. Medicaid
  19. Medical centers, academic
  20. Medical oncology
  21. Medical sociology
  22. Medical technologies: cancer treatment and; defined; explanation of; genomic medicine and; politics and disruptive; structural contingency models
  23. Medical tourism, globalization and
  24. Medicare; outpatient care and; PPACA influencing; spending
  25. Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA)
  26. Medicine; biobanks and data-driven; boutique and concierge; EBM; genomic; IOM; medication errors; prescription drugs. See also specific types of medicine
  27. Memory
  28. Mental health networks
  29. Mental hospitals
  30. Mergers
  31. Mesolevel; activities; metrics and research; pressures at; theory and dyads
  32. Mesolevel changes
  33. Metrics: actor-focused; mesolevel research and; network-level; SNA
  34. METSAs. See also Hospital-based clusters
  35. MHSs. See Multihospital systems
  36. Microlevel; collective combat at; defined; intersection of analysis levels and
  37. Microlevel changes
  38. MICSAs. See also Hospital-based clusters
  39. Mimetic isomorphism
  40. Mindlines
  41. Minority, populations
  42. MIT
  43. MMA. See Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
  44. Models: care management teams; care management teams and conceptual; DES and ABM; health care reform; of institutional change; of institutional entrepreneurship; organizational centralization; structural contingency
  45. Molecular therapies, cancer
  46. Moral hazard
  47. Mortality rates
  48. MRSA. See Staphylococcus aureus infection
  49. Multidisciplinary care treatment (MDCs) teams: billing and; defined; genomic medicine and
  50. Multihospital systems (MHSs); data on; defined; regional clusters and; rise of; study of. See also Hospital-based clusters
  51. Multimodal care providers
  52. Multiplexity
  53. Multitheoretical perspectives
  54. Multitheoretical perspectives theory
  55. Munificence
  56. Myths, rationalized


  1. National Breast Cancer Coalitions
  2. National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  3. National Committee for Quality Assurance
  4. National Council of State Boards of Nursing
  5. National Health Service (NHS) (UK)
  6. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  7. National Strategy for Quality Improvement
  8. National Tobacco Control Networks
  9. National Transplant Network (Italy)
  10. Natural disasters
  11. Natural selection, SNA and
  12. NCCCP. See NCI Community Cancer Centers Program
  13. NCI. See National Cancer Institute
  14. NCI Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP)
  15. Neoinstitutional theory
  16. Neostructural contingency theory
  17. Network centrality
  18. Network-level metrics: cohesiveness; network centrality measures; network interventions; symmetry; triplet census and transitivity
  19. Networks: Cardiology Network; care management teams; defined; density of; embeddedness; Hospital Quality Network; IDNs; of interhospital referrals; LHINs; mental health; National Tobacco Control Networks; National Transplant Network; online social; organizational; Pioneer Network; SNA; SNA metrics; social; social network research; social network theory; tobacco-harm-reduction; transdisciplinary; Transplant Network
  20. Newness, liability of
  21. Newtonian mechanics
  22. NHS. See National Health Service
  23. Niche width
  24. NIH. See National Institutes of Health
  25. 9/11
  26. NITp
  27. Nodes
  28. Nonlead hospitals
  29. Normative isomorphism
  30. Normative pressures
  31. Nurse practitioners; American Nurses Association; with care transitions; demand for; emotions and; EMRs and; foreign-born; LPNs; in nursing homes; as primary care providers; with routines; work design for
  32. Nursing Home Reform Act
  33. Nursing homes: with care transitions; criticisms of; culture change in; defined; employees; macrolevel changes in; nurse practitioners in; resident-centered care in; training and development in; transformational leadership in
  34. Nutritionists


  1. Obama, Barack
  2. Obesity: as epidemic; weight management programs and
  3. Occam's razor
  4. Occupy Movement
  5. OCST
  6. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
  7. Oncology
  8. 1000 Genomes Project
  9. Online social networks
  10. Open systems
  11. Opinion leaders
  12. Opportunism
  13. Opticians
  14. Organic
  15. Organization behavior
  16. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  17. Organization theories: ACOs and PCMHs; business school as crucible for; clusters and; defined; explanation of; institutional theory; interaction among; with intersection of analysis levels; other; paradox; PE; principal-agent theory; RDT; SCT; standardization, improvisation and adaptation; synthesizing perspectives; synthetic approaches; TCE
  18. Organizational centralization
  19. Organizational change: components; culture change as; threat rigidity and
  20. Organizational charts
  21. Organizational coordination
  22. Organizational culture
  23. Organizational field
  24. Organizational networks
  25. Organizational socialization: defined; human agency and
  26. Organizations: ACOs; with action; careers, identity and; change within; community; emotions and; health care; hierarchy of; HMOs; innovation and influence in; interorganizational exchange; intraorganizational dynamics; open systems view of; PPOs; with pressures; relationships between; for resident-centered care; routines in; sameness among; size and age; specialist and generalist; technology and formation of; transaction costs inside. See also specific organizations
  27. Organs, replacement
  28. Outcome-oriented contracts
  29. Outpatient care
  30. Ovarian cancer
  31. Overstandardization
  32. Ovid MEDLINE
  33. Ovid MEDLINE database


  1. Palliative care
  2. Paradox, of organization theories
  3. Pathology, genomics medicine and
  4. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010; ACOs and; consequences of; defined; HIEs and; implementation of; incentives; PCMHs and; start-up problems
  5. Patient Safety Goals of
  6. Patient-centered care. See also Care management teams
  7. Patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs); social network concept and; team size and workload for
  8. Patients: care coordinated by; caregivers and; emotions and; environmental changes for; genetic testing and human tissue samples of; high-risk; outpatient care for; patient-centered approach; physicians and; with routines; safety; with terminal illnesses
  9. Payment reform, components of
  10. PCMHs. See Patient-centered medical homes; Primary care medical homes
  11. PD. See Positive deviance
  12. PE. See Population ecology
  13. Pediatricians
  14. Penalties, HITECH Act and
  15. Perspectives, synthesis of
  16. Persuasion, social
  17. Pharmaceutical companies, biobanks and
  18. Pharmacies, chain store
  19. Pharmacogenomic testing
  20. Phones, smart
  21. Physicians: assistants as primary care providers; cancer care; with care transitions; EBMgt and; emotions and; EMRs and; environmental changes for; executives with commitment; with malpractice suits; patients and; as primary care providers; with private practices; with residency training hours; with routines; social rules and; studies on; surgeons; wages; work flows
  22. Pioneer Network
  23. Pluralism. See Theoretical pluralism
  24. Politics: with disruptive medical technologies; of health care legislation; power plays; pressure for change in
  25. Population ecology (PE); criticisms of; defined; demographic factors; environmental processes and; population level and
  26. Populations: deaths from preventable causes; GWAS based on; minority; with number of hospitals; of uninsured; US; weight management programs with
  27. Positional power
  28. Positive deviance (PD)
  29. Poverty, service levels with
  30. Power: empowerment and; knowledge as; legitimate; plays; positional; pursuit of; RDT and
  31. PPACA. See Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
  32. PPOs. See Preferred provider organizations
  33. PPPs. See Prospective payment systems
  34. Practical appeal, of complexity science
  35. Practices, business
  36. Predictability, as coordination function
  37. Preferred provider organizations (PPOs)
  38. Preparedness: disaster planning and; encounter
  39. Prescription drugs
  40. Pressures: as force for change; institutional; at mesolevel; with organizations; regulatory; surgeons with
  41. Primary care; care management team and; clinics; with disruptive innovations; patient-centered approach in; physicians and wages; providers
  42. Primary care medical homes (PCMHs)
  43. Principal-agent (agency) theory
  44. Prisons
  45. Private practices, disappearance of
  46. Procurement. See also Organs, replacement
  47. Property rights, contracts and
  48. Prospective payment systems (PPPs)
  49. Proteomics
  50. Providers: care; care provider teams; Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems survey; health care; multimodal care; PPOs; primary care
  51. Proximity: defined; geographical; as SNA intervention tool
  52. The Psychiatric Hospital as a Social System (Wessen)
  53. Psychological safety
  54. Psychologists
  55. Public good theory
  56. Public health departments
  57. Punctuated equilibrium


  1. Quality: cancer care; reform; TQM
  2. Quantum physics


  1. Radiation: oncology; therapies for cancer; therapists
  2. Rationality, bounded
  3. RDT. See Resource dependence theory
  4. Real teams
  5. Recession, of
  6. Reciprocity
  7. Records, health
  8. Redundancies
  9. Reengineering Health Care: The Complexity of Organizational Transformation (McNulty and Ferlie)
  10. Referrals, interhospital
  11. Reform: consequences of; health care models; in MA; Nursing Home Reform Act; payment; PPACA; quality; reports influencing. See also Institutional change
  12. Regional clusters; defined; examples
  13. Regionalization, hospitals and
  14. Regulation: biobanks without; as incentive; legislation and; misalignment of; pressures
  15. Reimbursement: as incentive; incentives; trends and health care financing
  16. Reinforced, collectively
  17. Relational data
  18. Relationships: collective action and; macrolevel; natural selection and; between organizations; pediatricians and advice; redundant; SNA and strength of; strategic choice and; system-structural approaches and; as unit of analysis
  19. Relativity
  20. Religions: health systems and; institutional change with
  21. Replacements: limbs; organs
  22. Reports, influential
  23. Requisite variety; defined; diversity and
  24. Research: actor-focused metrics and; biobanks and; commitment; complexity theory and problem-driven; culture with typological approach to; on emotions in organizations; gap in genomic medicine; mesolevel metrics and; network-level metrics and; on routines in organizations; SNA metrics; social network; split between bench research and other
  25. Resident-centered care: defined; empowerment in; in nursing homes; organizations for
  26. Resistance, to complexity science
  27. Resource dependence theory (RDT); defined; explanation of
  28. Resources, competition for scarce
  29. Retail: chain store pharmacies; clinics
  30. Retainer-based medicine
  31. Retention, PE and
  32. Revenue maximization, as market force
  33. Rhetoric, allies and
  34. Rights, property
  35. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  36. Roles, organizations and
  37. Romney, Mitt
  38. Routines, in organizations: as assembly lines; defined; dual nature of; life cycle of; study of
  39. Rules. See Social rules


  1. Safety: culture, elements of; psychological; surgeons and patients
  2. Salaries. See Wages
  3. Sameness, organizations and
  4. Samples, human tissue
  5. Sanford Health
  6. SARFIT (structural adaptation to regain fit)
  7. SBAR communication format
  8. SCHIP. See State Children's Health Insurance Program
  9. Schizophrenia
  10. School, business
  11. Science. See also Complexity science; Genomic medicine
  12. Scientific discipline
  13. Scientific management
  14. SCOPUSn1
  15. SCT. See Structural contingency theory
  16. SD. See System dynamics
  17. Select Medical
  18. Selection, PE and
  19. Self-consciousness, levels of
  20. Sense-making processes
  21. Service capacities: differentiation in; spatial proximity and
  22. Services; CLAS; class and levels of; DHHS; health services delivery; hospice; NHS; service differentiation
  23. Shocks. See Exogenous shocks
  24. Simulation and modeling
  25. Single nucleotide poly morphisms (SNPs)
  26. Situational awareness
  27. Six Sigma
  28. Size, of organizations
  29. Smart phones
  30. SNA. See Social network analysis; Social network analysis metrics
  31. SNPs. See Single nucleotide poly morphisms
  32. Social capital: care management teams and; defined
  33. Social construction: defined; with roles, careers and identities; views
  34. Social contagion, SNA as
  35. Social Darwinism
  36. Social network analysis (SNA): articles on; birth of; collective action and; complexity and; defined; explanation of; health services delivery and; heterophily and; homophily and; measurement in; metrics; natural selection and; proximity and; as social contagion; strategic choice and
  37. Social network analysis (SNA) metrics: actor-focused research and; betweenness centrality and; closeness centrality and; cohesiveness; degree centrality and; explanation of; mesolevel research and; multiplexity and; network-level research and; relationships strength and; symmetry; triplet census and transitivity
  38. Social network research: relationships as unit of analysis; SNA domain or issue focused; SNA requiring three actors or more
  39. Social network theory. See also Social network analysis
  40. Social networks: defined; with work interdependence
  41. Social networks, online
  42. Social persuasion
  43. Social rules: with emotions; identity and
  44. Social Science and Medicine
  45. Social Security Act of
  46. Social workers
  47. Socialization, organizational
  48. The Social Construction of Reality (Berger and Luckmann)
  49. Sociological artifacts
  50. Sociological imagination
  51. Sociology. See Medical sociology
  52. Sociometry
  53. Software programs
  54. Spatial proximity, clusters and
  55. Specialization
  56. Specialty hospitals (focused factories)
  57. Spiritual advisors
  58. Stability
  59. Stacey matrix
  60. Standardization: of knowledge; organization theories and; overstandardization; routines and
  61. Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection
  62. State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)
  63. Stock options, contracts and
  64. The Stranger (Simmel)
  65. Strategic choice, SNA and
  66. Strategic management theory
  67. Strategies, corporate
  68. Strength, relationship
  69. Stress, change and role of
  70. Structural adaptation to regain fit. See SARFIT
  71. Structural contingency theory (SCT): defined; models; organization theories and
  72. Structure: defined; structural holes
  73. Students, medical: primary care and; social rules and
  74. Studies: CMS; complexity science; culture change; GWAS; Hawthorne; on high risk; hospital operating room suites; influential; on market and institutional forces; of MHSs; on physicians; of routines; SCT; of work
  75. Supreme Court, US
  76. Surgeons: patients and; with routines; transplant
  77. Surgery: advances in; ambulatory surgery centers
  78. Surgical oncology
  79. Symmetry: defined; information asymmetry; network centrality measures and
  80. Syndemics
  81. Synthesis, of perspectives
  82. System dynamics (SD): defined; with simulation and modeling
  83. Systems; autoimmune system disorders; complex adaptive; legislations and PPPs; MHSs; open; relationships and system-structural approaches; religious-sponsored health; TMS
  84. Systems thinking
  85. System-Structural, SNA and: heterophily; homophily; proximity; social contagion and


  1. Tablets
  2. Target
  3. Tasks. See Work
  4. Taxes, exemptions
  5. TCE. See Transaction cost economics
  6. TCGA. See Cancer Genome Atlas
  7. Team identity
  8. Teams: ACT; care management; care provider; chronic care; matrix; MDCs; real
  9. Technology: advances in; with cancer care; computer; disruptive; Internet; IT; macrolevel and new; medical; new; with organizational formation; SCT and; technical challenges
  10. Tenet Healthcare
  11. Terrorists
  12. Testing: clinics and routine; genetic; pharmacogenomic
  13. Texas (TX)
  14. Theoretical pluralism: toward; care transitions and; with care transitions and work design; with chaos theory and problem-driven research; coordination structures and; with diversity and principle of requisite variety; with EBMgt; explanation of; with institutional and market forces; major themes
  15. Theories: bureaucratic; chaos; with competing hypotheses; complexity; economic; emotions, organizations and; identity; institutional; macrolevel organization; mesolevel; multitheoretical perspectives; neoinstitutional; neostructural contingency; principal-agent; public good; RDT; SCT; social network; strategic management. See also Organization theories; specific theories
  16. Threat rigidity
  17. Ties
  18. Tissue samples, human
  19. TMS. See Transactive memory system
  20. To Err Is Human (Institute of Medicine)
  21. Tobacco-harm-reduction network
  22. Total quality management (TQM)
  23. Tourism, medical
  24. TQM. See Total quality management
  25. Training: as mechanism for change; programs; residency training hours
  26. Transaction cost economics (TCE)
  27. Transactive memory
  28. Transactive memory system (TMS)
  29. Transdisciplinary network
  30. Transformational leadership
  31. Transforming Care at the Bedside
  32. Transitivity: defined; transitive triples and; triplet census and
  33. Transplant. See also Organs, replacement
  34. Transplant Network. See also National Transplant Network
  35. Transport, interhospital
  36. Treatment: ACT; cancer; kidneys; MDCs
  37. Trends: environmental changes and; health care financing and reimbursement
  38. Triads
  39. Trials, cancer
  40. Triples, transitive
  41. Triplet census
  42. Trust
  43. Truth: beliefs and; unintelligible
  44. TX. See Texas
  45. Typological approach to culture research


  1. UK. See United Kingdom
  2. The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Kundera)
  3. Uncertainty; as contingency; market
  4. Understanding, as coordination function
  5. Uninsured, population of
  6. United Kingdom (UK): banks and legal practices; complexity theory in; EBMgt in; with foreign-born nurses; institutional entrepreneurship in; NHS; specialization in
  7. United States (US): biobanks in; EBMgt in; with foreign-born nurses; minority populations in; population growth in
  8. Universities, biobanks and
  9. University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)
  10. Urban clusters
  11. Urgent care clinics


  1. Values, personal
  2. Vanguard Health Systems
  3. Variation, PE and
  4. Vensim PLE software
  5. Vertical differentiation
  6. Vertical organizational forms
  7. Virtual teams
  8. Vision


  1. Wages: contracts and; for physicians
  2. Walgreens
  3. Walmart
  4. War, institutional
  5. Wealth, service levels with
  6. Weight management programs
  7. Wellspring
  8. WHO. See World Health Organization
  9. Women, physicians
  10. Work: adaptive; among care management teams; care management teams and standard; careers and; complexity of; in context; flows; institutional; practices transformed; study of; workload of care management teams; with workplace data
  11. Work design: defined; new perspectives on
  12. World Health Organization (WHO)


  1. Zoos
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