The Android Development Process

The Android development process is quite simple. Using high-level Java language, you can write and create compelling apps that engage your users. Another great thing about Android is that the financial barriers to entry are low. You can start building applications with freely available tools on the Internet. This all means you can focus on writing feature-rich apps instead of figuring out how to just get started.

Installing the tools, frameworks, and SDKs

The tools, frameworks, and SDKs are freely available online, so you can begin writing applications quickly. The frameworks and SDKs are easily installed by following a simple process that is outlined in Chapter 4 as well as online in the Android SDK documentation. Google has done a great job of helping you get started quickly and for as little financial commitment as possible.

Designing your feature-rich application

A feature-rich application could be as simple as allowing the user to swipe left and right to expose new screens, or it could be an e-mail client that notifies you when you have new e-mail by vibrating the device. Designing a feature-rich application does not mean that the graphics are gradients and drop shadows look perfect, rather it means that the application you're designing has the necessary features to go beyond what the end user expected. The best advice I can provide is to think outside the box and use a mind-mapping tool, such as Mind Meister ( to help facilitate your genius app creation.

Coding the application

Thankfully, you don't have to be a professor in computer science to write mobile applications. You can now use the high-level Java programming language to create compelling Android applications. Writing code is simple — you can lean on three simple concepts:

  • Compiling: The process that your Java code must go through before your application can be run on the device
  • Debugging: The process that allows you to find bugs and walk through the code line by line
  • Testing: The process of writing code to test your other code

Packaging your application as an APK

Before you can place your application into the hands of hungry Android Market users, you have to perform one last step — transforming your application into an APK (Android Package File). Your application code is compiled and transformed into (through a build process handled by your compiler) an APK in order for you to distribute your application. Without an APK you'd have tens (if not hundreds or thousands) of files that you'd need to distribute. An APK is a package of files that contains everything necessary to run your application. An APK is the file that the various Android Markets accept in order to distribute your application.

Submitting your app to the Android Market

Submitting your application to the Android Market (and other markets, such as the Amazon App Store) is a simple process. Create an account online, provide a description and a couple screenshots, and upload your APK. That's all there is to it — your app is in the Android Market. I cover submitting your application to the market in Chapter 11.

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