The Easy Way: Implicit Intents

You will browse to this URL first by using your old friend the implicit intent. This intent will start up the browser with your photo URL.

The first step is to make your app listen to presses on an item in the RecyclerView. Update PhotoGalleryFragment’s PhotoHolder to implement a click listener that will fire an implicit intent.

Listing 30.3  Firing implicit intent when item is pressed (

public class PhotoGalleryFragment extends VisibleFragment {
    private class PhotoHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder
             implements View.OnClickListener {
        private ImageView mItemImageView;
        private GalleryItem mGalleryItem;

        public PhotoHolder(View itemView) {

            mItemImageView = (ImageView) itemView.findViewById(;

        public void bindDrawable(Drawable drawable) {

        public void bindGalleryItem(GalleryItem galleryItem) {
            mGalleryItem = galleryItem;

        public void onClick(View v) {
            Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, mGalleryItem.getPhotoPageUri());

Next, bind the PhotoHolder to a GalleryItem in PhotoAdapter.onBindViewHolder(…).

Listing 30.4  Binding GalleryItem (

private class PhotoAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<PhotoHolder> {
    public void onBindViewHolder(PhotoHolder photoHolder, int position) {
        GalleryItem galleryItem = mGalleryItems.get(position);
        Drawable placeholder = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.bill_up_close);
        mThumbnailDownloader.queueThumbnail(photoHolder, galleryItem.getUrl());

That is it. Start up PhotoGallery and press on a photo. Your browser app should pop up and load the photo page for the item you pressed (similar to the image on the left in Figure 30.1).

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