Smart distribution networks, demand side response, and community energy systems: Field trial experiences and smart grid modeling advances in the United Kingdom

Eduardo A. Martínez Ceseña; Pierluigi Mancarella    The University of Manchester, Manchester, England


Emerging smart grid solutions are perhaps the most attractive options to meet the ever-increasing needs for economic, reliable, sustainable, and socially acceptable energy production and consumption in the United Kingdom. In particular, smart solutions are vital to cater to the integration of economic and low carbon distributed energy resources (DERs) at the community level. However, there is still little understanding of how to effectively use DERs in bringing about benefits for the energy system or enhance distribution networks to enable the smart operation of DERs. This chapter presents the latest UK research in smart grid applications and distribution networks and how intelligent community energy systems are enabled by DERs. Results from several British and European projects involving trials in UK networks and communities are presented. It is demonstrated that new and more intelligent tools are needed to deploy and use smart solutions properly.


Business cases; Community energy systems; Demand side response; Distribution networks; Multienergy systems; Smart grid


ADDRESS Active Distribution networks with full integration of Demand and distributed energy RE SourceS

APS Autonomic Power System

BAU Business As Usual

C2C Capacity to Customers

CBA cost-benefit analysis

CHP combined heat and power

CI customer interruptions

CML customer minutes lost

CVR conservative voltage reduction

DER distributed energy resource

DIMMER District Information Modeling and Management for Energy Reduction

DNO distribution network operators

DSR demand-side response

EHP electric heat pumps

ENWL Electricity Northwest

EV electric vehicle

NOP normally open point

NPC net present cost

Ofgem Office of gas and electricity markets

PV Photovoltaic

RIIO Revenue = Incentives + Innovation + Outputs

TSO transmission system operator


Transactive Economic and control techniques to manage energy transactions between end users and the grid

1 The UK electricity context

As with many other countries, the UK electricity sector is facing significant changes to integrate smart grid solutions that are meant to facilitate the production and consumption of energy in an economic, reliable, sustainable, and socially acceptable manner [1]. However, the particular regulatory framework and energy source requirements of the country as well as the interest of various stakeholders and policy makers on introducing innovation and a sustainable future make the UK energy context particularly appealing for smart grid applications.

This chapter provides a brief overview of smart grid research, particularly from projects that involve field trials in the United Kingdom. Specific focus is placed on smart grid applications aimed at: (i) enhancing distribution networks to facilitate the integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) that are emerging at the community level; and (ii) enabling the use of this community-based energy system flexibility to provide economic and environmental benefits to end customers and, potentially, different energy, capacity, reserve, and other services throughout the value chain.

Two UK projects were selected to showcase smart grid research on distribution networks, namely the “Capacity to Customers” (C2C) [2,3] and “Smart Street” [4] projects. These projects address smart grid solutions based on innovative operation and nonasset-based network upgrades, especially considering demand-side response (DSR), which was recently put through trials in real UK networks. Three British or European projects were chosen to highlight novel smart grid applications of energy systems for a community, namely the “District Information Modeling and Management for Energy Reduction” (DIMMER) [5,6], the “Autonomic Power System” (APS) [7], and the “Active Distribution networks with full integration of Demand and distributed energy RESourceS” (ADDRESS) [8] projects. The projects demonstrate smart grid applications that enable community energy flexibility and allow the community to offer different services based on DSR, including distribution network support.

The rest of this section provides an overview of the specific characteristics of the UK energy system, taken into consideration by the above-mentioned projects for the development and testing of smart grid applications. This includes discussion on the current and expected future energy mix in the United Kingdom as well as existing energy markets and mechanisms, current distribution network practices, and characteristics of the consumption side. Afterward, in Section 2, the smart grid features developed in the above-mentioned projects for applications in community energy systems and distribution networks are discussed in detail. Relevant to smart grid research developments, particularly on the development of mathematical tools for the modeling and planning of smart systems are presented in Section 3. Section 4 provides several examples of smart grid trials and studies in real UK networks and communities. Finally, a summary of the chapter is presented in Section 5.

1.1 Overview and future scenarios

Broadly speaking, the UK power sector can be divided into generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption levels (see Fig. 1). Traditionally, most electricity is produced at the generation level using large-scale fossil fuel-based technologies located far from the consumption sites (e.g., offshore). The transmission is carried out by using high voltage level energy transport (e.g., 275–400 kV) from the generation stations to locations throughout the country. The energy is then carried by the distribution network (at lower voltages ranging from 6.6 to 132 kV) from the transmission substations to the locations of industrial, commercial, and domestic users.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1 UK electricity generation, transmission, and distribution levels.

The UK's energy mix has significantly changed during the last few years due to increased social awareness of environmental issues, new policies, and the emergence of more affordable low-carbon technologies, particularly DERs, which can be distributed at the community level. At the beginning of this decade, roughly 90% of UK electricity was generated through nuclear power and large-scale coal- and gas-fired generation while renewable sources only provided 3% (mostly coming from hydroelectricity). Nowadays, nuclear and large-scale coal- and gas-fired generation still provide about two-thirds of the electricity supply while 24% of the demand is now met with renewable energies. Among renewable technologies, there has been a dramatic integration of wind and photovoltaic (PV) power, as onshore wind capacity has increased from 0.2 GW in 2000 to 8.2 GW in 2015 (offshore wind capacity provided 4.9 GW of additional wind power in 2015) while installed PV capacity increased from 0.02 to 9.6 GW during the same period [9]. This represents a significant change in the structure of the power system, as all the PV capacity is installed at the distribution level (e.g., on rooftops of buildings). In fact, 23% of the generation capacity in the United Kingdom is now connected at the distribution level, specifically to the low voltage distribution network or to domestic, commercial, and industrial buildings.

The integration of distributed renewables, particularly PV, is creating new challenges to balance electricity generation and demand. This can be attributed to the intermittency of renewables as well as the seasonal variation of demand and the renewable resource. For example, PV penetration can cause severe issues to the UK electricity sector when considering the demand and solar profiles. As shown in Fig. 2, demand peaks in winter during evenings and is relatively low during summer at noon, which is not a good match with the relevant solar radiation profiles. As a result, without smart technologies to balance PV generation and demand mismatches, PV integration will introduce large volumes of power during periods when it is not required. This significant surplus of PV generation does not contribute to reducing peak demand while it can lead to significant balancing and network challenges at the system and local levels, respectively.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2 Representative daily UK demand and PV profiles for different seasons.

The future electricity generation mix is uncertain as it depends on energy policy, the economy, environmental concerns, and other factors (e.g., social acceptance of different technologies and security concerns). Nevertheless, it is possible to formulate future energy mix scenarios based on current conditions and practices and future targets. In this respect, National Grid, the transmission system operator (TSO), produces an annual report on future UK energy scenarios. The latest scenarios produced are based on assumptions ranging from (A), maintaining Business As Usual (BAU) practices, or (B) enabling smart community energy systems and providing strong governmental support to meet all environmental targets (Gone green scenario). An overview of these scenarios is presented in Fig. 3 [9].

Fig. 3
Fig. 3 UK electricity generation mix in the (A) BAU and (B) Gone green scenarios [9].

These scenarios highlight the importance of the active involvement of smart community level systems on the management of the energy sector. However, significant changes to the existing energy markets and networks (particularly the distribution network) are required to cater to this emerging flexibility consumption side.

1.2 Energy markets and key actors

Liberalization of the electricity sector began in the United Kingdom in 1990 and, as a result, several actors have emerged to take the roles of retailers, TSOs, and others to trade different services in emerging markets and mechanisms. A brief description of some of these mechanisms and relevant actors is provided below:

1.2.1 Electricity markets and mechanisms

  •  Wholesale market: The UK wholesale market is based on direct and unrestricted bilateral trades between different actors (e.g., generators and retailers). This mechanism allows the trade of electricity from several years in advance until 1 h before delivery (gate closure). As bilateral trading is done without regard for network constraints, National Grid, which takes the role of both system operator and transmission network operator, is responsible for assessing and approving or rejecting every transaction [10].
  •  Balancing market: As some actors may not deliver or consume the exact volume of energy agreed upon in the wholesale market, additional energy services are traded in the balancing market to match electricity supply and demand. The balancing market, which is also operated by National Grid, operates between gate closure and the time of delivery. In this market, generators offer to increase or decrease their output and retailers offer to increase or decrease the consumption of their customers if requested by the TSO.
  •  Imbalance settlement: As mentioned above, the balancing market allows the energy market to cope with actors that do not generate or consume the exact amount of power that they traded. As this results in additional costs for the system, some actors (i.e., balancing responsible actors) might be penalized for introducing imbalances to the market. Balancing penalties are calculated ex-post based on the position of the market (i.e., long or short) and the balancing responsible actors as well as the costs for balancing the market [11].
  •  Ancillary service market: As part of the grid code, some actors are obliged to provide specific ancillary services (e.g., reserve, frequency response, and so forth) [12]. Nevertheless, these (or other actors) may be flexible enough to provide services beyond their obligation, which can be traded in the ancillary service market. This market is managed by the TSO, which is the single buyer [13].

In addition to these markets, there are mechanisms in place to manage the electricity transmission and distribution businesses. The Office of gas and electricity markets (Ofgem), which is the UK regulator, imposes price controls on the TSO as well as on the different distribution network operators (DNOs) across the country. These mechanisms are revised regularly (roughly every 5 years). The latest iteration of the price controls, namely Revenue = Incentives + Innovation + Outputs (RIIO), sets the network prices and incentives from 2015 to 2023 [14]. These prices are defined based on a wide range of mechanisms, tools, and considerations, such as uncertainty mechanisms, quality of supply incentives, broad measure of customer satisfaction, loss reporting and incentive mechanisms, an innovation stimulus package, operation and capital expenditure incentives, and workforce renewal incentives, among others [15].

1.2.2 Actors

  •  TSO: The UK TSO, namely National Grid, is a regulated entity that is responsible for the management and development of the grid transmission and for the operation of most electricity markets and mechanisms (without selling electricity to customers). National Grid provides physical access to the electricity market to different actors (e.g., generators) according to nondiscriminatory and transparent rules, and takes the role of market operator. In addition, the TSO ensures the security of supply, the safe operation and maintenance of the system, and a generation-consumption balance via services provided by different actors in accordance to the grid code or contracted in the balancing and ancillary markets [13]. In addition, balancing service and network costs are passed to the relevant actors based on specific mechanisms and system charges [16].
  •  DNOs: DNOs are regulated entities that are responsible for the transport of the electrical power on the distribution networks. DNOs provide physical access to the distribution network to customers according to nondiscriminatory and transparent rules. In addition, they are also responsible for the safe, reliable, and economic operation of the network and for investments in new infrastructure. Distribution costs are externalized to customers in the form of system and connection charges [17]. Currently, there are 14 licensed DNOs (and several independent DNOs) in the United Kingdom.
  •  Retailer: The electricity retailer acts as an intermediate agent between the wholesale and balancing energy markets and customers. The normal operation of the retailer involves buying energy from the wholesale market at a variable price and selling the energy to customers at flat prices. These retail tariffs include a profit margin that retailers charge for “protecting” customers from the variable market prices and signals. Retailers are balancing responsible actors and are penalized for introducing imbalances to the markets (i.e., from consuming a different amount of power than contracted), and are allowed to participate in the balancing market.
  •  Generators: Bulk generation comprises traditional large generators connected to the transmission system, such as nuclear and large-scale coal- and gas-fired generation. These generators can participate directly in the wholesale, balancing and ancillary markets. Due to economies of scale, this type of generator generally has an advantage in the wholesale market over DER. However, this is not necessarily the case on the balancing and ancillary markets where specific types of technologies may have the advantage regardless of economies of scale.
  •  Customers: Customers can comprise a variety of entities such as households, residential and commercial buildings, and small businesses, among others. In a traditional context, these customers passively consume electricity. However, as will be further discussed below, customers in a smart grid context may possess DERs such as PV systems, combined heat and power (CHP) boilers, and so forth, which can enable customers to actively participate in the different energy markets and mechanisms.

1.3 Distribution networks

Under current preventive security standards such as traditional N-1 criteria or P2/6 engineering recommendations in the United Kingdom [18], the distribution networks are configured as open rings. That is, groups of two or more distribution networks at the 6.6 and 11 kV levels are configured as open rings, interconnected through normally open points (NOPs), as shown in Fig. 4A. Accordingly, if a contingency occurs, all customers connected to the affected feeder are immediately disconnected from the feeder (i.e., C1, C2, and C3 in Fig. 4B). Afterward, as shown in Fig. 4C, the protections system actuates to isolate the contingency (alongside some customers, i.e., C2) and restores supply to the customers that can be reconnected to the original feeder (i.e., C1). This automatic network reconfiguration procedure is usually done within 3 min as interruptions that last less than 3 min are not regulated in the United Kingdom and, thus, do not lead to financial penalties for DNOs.

Fig. 4
Fig. 4 Traditional distribution network operation and restoration practices – (A) normal operation conditions, (B) actuation of protection devices after a contingency occurs, (C) automatic network reconfiguration, (D) emergency conditions while the contingency is manually cleared.

At this stage, manual operations are required to restore supply to other affected customers (i.e., C2 and C3). These operations may include the manual operation of the NOP, which takes roughly an hour and, in the example, can be used to restore C3 (see Fig. 4D). Other alternatives required for customers directly connected to the contingency (i.e., C2) include sending a crew to the site to manually isolate the fault and restore customers by installing a mobile generator, or connecting them to the original or a neighboring feeder. The latter option is illustrated for C2 in Fig. 4D.

Based on these preventive operation and restoration practices, each distribution feeder must be significantly oversized so that it can be used to supply customers from neighboring feeders during emergency conditions without violating any technical constraints (dictated by voltage and thermal limits [19]). This practice can be deemed highly expensive considering that distribution networks seldom experience interruptions (e.g., roughly once every 3 years or even less frequently in urban areas [20]) while no interruptions have ever been recorded in some distribution networks). Nevertheless, regardless of how unlikely contingencies may be, without sufficient spare feeder capacity, customers could not be restored within acceptable time frames if the network were to enter emergency conditions. Accordingly, these preventive practices are reasonable in a traditional context where customers are passive and there are no smart means to actively manage voltage and thermal limits that may arise during emergency conditions.

1.4 The consumption side

Customers have traditionally been seen as passive actors that do not have the flexibility to get involved in the active management of the system. As shown in Fig. 5, the only alternative that customers have to provide active DSR to support the energy system would be to forego comfort by curtailing or shifting their energy consumption. Accordingly, these customers are generally “protected” from the variable nature of the energy system by retailers who only send them flat tariffs. DSR applications are still possible but mainly for services with low frequency and high benefits, as identified in the ADDRESS project [8].

Fig. 5
Fig. 5 Traditionally inflexible customers.

This vision of passive energy customers made sense in a traditional context where demand was highly predictable and supplied mainly by flexible generation where customers had little or no distributed generation or other forms of energy infrastructure. However, this fundamentally changes in a smart grid context where customers may possess different energy devices (e.g., PV panels and storage devices), information and communication technologies to interact with these devices, and smart software to customize their operation [12,21,22]. These smart technologies provide significant consumption side flexibility, particularly at the community levels where diversity in energy needs and available infrastructure can be exploited through multienergy exchanges between buildings [5].

2 Smart grid features

In a smart grid context, significant flexibility is expected to shift from the generation to the consumption side. As a result, the manifold energy services that are currently provided by large-scale, flexible, and mostly fossil fuel-based generation units will now be provided by a large number of smaller, sometimes intermittent and uncertain DERs. This transition of flexibility from the generation to the consumption side changes the way the energy system must be planned and operated. In particular, the distribution networks, which have been historically designed to transport unidirectional flows from substations to the customers, must now cater to the integration of DERs and allow constant bidirectional power flows associated with the trade of energy services between active customers and/or external markets. At the same time, new community energy systems could emerge to aggregate and coordinate the DERs and improve the potential of the consumption side to provide vital flexibility for the energy system.

Based on the above, dedicated smart grid technologies and research have emerged with the aim of upgrading existing distribution networks and enabling flexibility from community energy systems (emerging research on the topic, including relevant models, is discussed in Section 3.1). This section will provide an overview of the technical, economic, and commercial features of smart grids in the context of smart distribution networks and community energy systems, based on findings from relevant research projects and trials.

2.1 Smart distribution networks

Smart distribution networks are expected to facilitate the integration of large numbers of DERs such as electric vehicles (EVs), solar PV panels, CHP boilers, and other technologies. These DERs challenge the status quo of existing distribution networks that have not been designed to accommodate large and stochastic loads (e.g., from EVs) in combination with customer exports (e.g., from PV), or enable customers to use their new flexibility to trade energy services in different markets. If current preventive operation and restoration practices continue to be used in this smart grid context (see Section 1.3), major network investments (leading to high costs for customers) would be required to accommodate all the emerging DERs [23]. In addition, this approach would neglect the increasing customer flexibility, which is a big waste when considering the plentiful and valuable applications of consumption side flexibility [8,24]. For example, customer flexibility can be used for the active management of voltage and thermal limits that may arise during emergency conditions. This service can facilitate integration of DERs while also reducing the need for spare emergency capacity and costs associated with traditional preventive distribution network practices [19,25].

In light of the above, several UK research projects and trials have been aimed at developing and testing smart grid technologies as a means to both facilitate the integration of DER and manage customer flexibility to reduce investments in emergency capacity, such as the C2C and Smart Street projects [26,27]. Both projects investigate the potential of customer flexibility in combination with smart network automation and reconfiguration technologies and practices to reduce the need for spare feeder capacity. As part of the C2C project, novel automation technologies and commercial agreements were developed to test DSR in a wide range of real UK networks. The trials comprised 180 HV rings and 20 HV radial circuits, involving more than 1300 industrial and commercial entities and 300,000 domestic customers. These circuits were highly reliable, experiencing less than one interruption every 5 years, which is representative of roughly 80% of the network owned and operated by Electricity Northwest (ENWL), the DNO that proposed the C2C method. Among these networks, 36 rings were monitored in detail to produce the required data to inform different technical and economic studies for the project. The Smart Street project considers new smart solutions in addition to the C2C method, and is also being put through trials in ENWL networks until 2018. More specifically, the project explores combinations of smart options to enhance the automatic response of the distribution networks, such as the active use of on-load tap changers and different network configurations. These options provide conservative voltage reduction (CVR) to lower consumption from voltage-dependent loads when needed (this can be used alongside DSR) [4].

In a smart grid context (in light of C2C and Smart Street solutions), distribution networks possess enhanced automation levels that allow rapid reconfiguration in response to contingencies while network limits can be actively managed with postcontingency DSR. As a result, alternative network configurations such as operating the feeders as closed rings could be used during normal conditions (see Fig. 6A). This ring configuration may provide technical and economic benefits in the form of improved voltage profiles and reduced power losses as well as lower energy consumption, costs, and emissions associated with CVR [2,28]. Nevertheless, these benefits are case-specific and must be assessed on a case-by-case basis using dedicated technoeconomic analysis tools (e.g., Ref. [25]).

Fig. 6
Fig. 6 Example of smart distribution network operation and restoration practices: (A) normal operation conditions, (B) actuation of protection devices after a contingency occurs, (C) automatic network reconfiguration, and (D) emergency conditions while the contingency is manually cleared.

Assuming that the feeders are connected as rings, if a contingency were to occur in any part of the network, both feeders would be momentarily disconnected as the protection devices and now-automated NOP actuate (see Fig. 6B). This can be considered an undesired effect as, if the feeders were operated as radial networks, only the customers in the affected feeder would be disconnected. Accordingly, it can be debated whether or not the case-specific technoeconomic benefits associated with the ring configuration justify an increased customer exposure to infrequent contingencies. Regardless of the selected configuration, the improved network automation levels facilitate fast (under 3 min) restoration of more customers compared with traditional network conditions (this can be seen by comparing Figs. 4C and 6C). That is, the only remaining affected customers at this stage would be those that are directly connected to the contingency (i.e., C2 in Fig. 6C).

As in a traditional context (see Section 1.3), a crew can be sent to manually disconnect the remaining affected customers from the fault and restore their supply by either installing a mobile generator or connecting the customers to the original or a neighboring feeder (see Fig. 6D). However, in this smart context, DSR could be deployed to manage network violations that may arise after a contingency occurs and the network enters emergency conditions. These practices effectively avoid the need for investments in preventive spare network capacity. Yet, DSR would only be required if the unlikely contingency occurs during times of network stress, such as during peak time, which in the United Kingdom would be in the evening of particularly cold days during the winter season (see Fig. 2 in Section 1). Thus, DSR for distribution network capacity support is a service with low frequency and a potentially significant economic value [8]. As discussed in Section 1.4, such a service can be attractive even for traditional passive customers.

Based on the above, smart grid applications in the United Kingdom have combined the use of new technologies and commercial arrangements to enable DSR and improved network response. These applications are expected to provide attractive economic benefits (especially for DNOs and customers) as the smart distribution networks can cope with demand growth while deferring or avoiding traditional asset-based interventions (e.g., investments in feeder and substation upgrades) while still meeting or improving network security levels and reliability standards.

2.1.1 Technologies

As part of the UK network trials, selected distribution feeders were enhanced to enable improved network operation and the provision of DSR within relevant commercial and technical arrangements. Robust and low-cost remote controls were installed at the NOPs to enable automatic response as well as the option for normally closed operation. Moreover, several switches and automatic controls (e.g., 132 kV/6.6 kV/240 V switches and molded case circuit breakers) were installed throughout the networks to improve automatic network response and, potentially, isolate contingencies in smaller sections of the networks. In addition, new technologies were developed to enable the use of different network configurations. Automated and controllable low-voltage switches (called LYNXs) were developed to allow reconfiguring or meshing low-voltage networks and, from the protection perspective, fuses at the low-voltage side of the distribution transformers were replaced with smart breakers called WEEZAPs [29]. Both LYNX and WEEZAP devices can be operated remotely and can record valuable technical data (i.e., phase power, voltage, current, and so forth).

In order to enable DSR, circuit breakers fitted with automation were installed for new customers or, in the case of existing customers, available devices were upgraded with a retrofitted actuator. The devices were fitted with a remote terminal unit to provide the required communication link. The trial circuits were also enhanced with additional monitoring equipment (e.g., supervisory control and data acquisition systems). This enabled the collection of real-time network data for the analysis of real performance and to inform a series of network simulations and modeling exercises.

The automation algorithms within ENWL's control room management system, which is in charge of the normal operation and restoration of the networks, were updated with so-called automatic restoration sequence algorithms to take advantage of the enhanced automation levels, network reconfiguration capabilities, and DSR. These algorithms are based on predefined actions informed by the conditions of the network as estimated based on offline power flow estimations (using PowerOn Fusion software [30]) informed by measured demand data.

2.1.2 Commercial arrangements

New commercial agreements were developed for active customers who were willing to provide DSR. After testing several permutations of these contracts, two types of contracts (for existing and new customers) based on variations of the existing national terms of connection agreement were selected. These contracts define the conditions under which the customers are willing to provide flexibility, such as, for example, protected days, maximum number of calls per year, contract length, and other parameters. This work has led to the creation of managed contracts for the provision of DSR in the United Kingdom, which has now become BAU practices [31].

2.1.3 Network security and reliability

In the United Kingdom, distribution network security standards are based on P2/6 engineering recommendations, which are analogous to N-1 conditions but also include considerations for time and network demand [18]. Reliability levels are regulated in terms of customer interruptions (CI) and customer minutes lost (CML) for interruptions exceeding 3 min. As both security and reliability levels are based on infrequent interruptions, it was impractical to wait for occurrences in every trial network to obtain relevant security and reliability data. Therefore, network security limits and reliability levels were estimated based on simulations, which were updated in light of the five contingencies that were recorded in the trial networks throughout the duration of the C2C project [32].

The security limits were simulated based on P2/6 considerations and AC power flows to identify the firm capacity of the network [20,25]. More specifically, contingencies in every section of the network were simulated to identify the potential network configurations during emergency conditions. AC power flows were used to identify thermal and voltage constraints and assess whether the networks were able to supply customers, considering daily load curves and emergency ratings (i.e., up to 20% overload for 2 h). The studies considered five demand growth scenarios proposed by ENWL as well as different options to upgrade the feeders and substations and deploy network automation and DSR.

Network reliability was assessed via Monte Carlo simulations while assuming, (i) real failure rates for the available trial networks (a rate of 0.05 failures/km/year was assumed when real data was unavailable [20]), (ii) the existing number of customers in each feeder (distributed across the network based on the demand at each load point), (iii) manual operation of the NOP of 1 h on average and distributed based on an exponential probability density function, (iv) no NOP automation in the existing networks, (v) mean time to failure, mean time to repair, and mean time to switch of 175.2, 5, and 1 h, respectively, and (vi) that the automated network can restore supply within 3 min after a contingency occurs. Randomly allocated faults are repeatedly simulated thought the networks to estimate average interruptions, also considering the conditions mentioned above. The results are the expected CI and CML for each network subject to different demand growth scenarios and interventions (i.e., reinforcements, enhanced automation, DSR, and so forth).

2.1.4 Economics

The economic evaluations of smart grid solutions at the distribution level, such as the use of DSR, should be consistent with existing UK regulations on distribution network assets built, namely the cost-benefit analysis (CBA) framework introduced as part of the RIIO price control [33]. This CBA framework proposed by Ofgem, herby called Ofgem's CBA framework, provides a set of mathematical tools to assess all investments in distribution assets. More specifically, as denoted by Eq. (1), investments in distribution network interventions are assessed in terms of the net present cost (NPC) criterion, which sums the discounted investment (Investment_costsy) and social (Social_costsy) costs associated with the intervention during every year throughout predefined discount rates (d = 3%) and lifetime (T = 45 years).


si1_e  (1)

It is worth noting that investment costs are attributed to all capital expenditures associated with the intervention (e.g., investment costs, annual payments, maintenance, etc.) whereas social costs are based on losses, emissions, CI, and CML, among other factors. Further details on Ofgem's CBA framework and its applications can be found in the available literature [2,19,34].

2.2 Smart community energy systems

The participation of the consumption side in the active management of the energy system is one of the key features of the smart grid paradigm [35]. As a result, significant focus has been placed on understanding and quantifying customer flexibility, particularly considering the emergence of DER. The integration of DERs at the community level provides flexibility for smart buildings and communities to improve their energy efficiency in terms of reduced economic costs and emissions. This flexibility may be attractive at the building level, but the inherent constraints of the geographical area and resources within buildings limit potential applications and benefits. Conversely, a district level perspective where buildings actively trade multiple energy flows between them (and the markets) may maximize consumption-side flexibility by exploiting diversity in technologies and energy needs [5,36]. However, properly modeling and assessing the flexibility of customers who may have access to different types of DER while also considering multienergy flows between buildings within communities and service trading between the community and the different markets is a daunting task that requires the development of new technoeconomic and business case frameworks [36,37].

To this end, as part of the ADDRESS project, new technoeconomic tools were developed to explore the value that customers, particularly small domestic and commercial customers, could accrue from DSR. It was shown that network support services, such as the DSR applications discussed above in Section 2.1, can be attractive for customers due to their high value and low frequency [8]. Conversely, most other DSR applications do not offer attractive business cases, as DSR would be called frequently (causing discomfort) and lead to low economic benefits due to the small size of customers. Nevertheless, as more and more DERs emerge, customer flexibility increases as do the relevant DSR benefits. Furthermore, as explored in the APS project, in a smart grid with significant DERs, the intelligent and coordinated operation of the different energy devices allows the provision of DER while, at the same time, meeting all energy needs of customers (i.e., customers no longer forego comfort). Accordingly, strong business cases for DSR from smart customers and, especially, communities arise in a smart grid context [38]. These applications, ideas, and lessons learned, particularly focused on improving energy efficiency, were further explored and tested in the UK context in the DIMMER project.

As part of the DIMMER project, a portfolio of tools was developed for the simulation and assessment of energy efficiency within districts as well as for the optimization of community operation to maximize benefits when partaking in different markets and mechanisms. The tools were tested on two demonstrators. The first demonstrator was based on buildings connected to the heat network that supplies the Polytechnic of Turin in Italy. The second demonstrator comprised buildings owned and managed by The University of Manchester, some of which are interconnected through shared electricity, heat, and gas networks [6]. The Manchester demonstrator is naturally a smart community multienergy system. An overview of relevant research on this topic as well as a brief description of the tools developed is presented in Section 3.2.

2.2.1 Technologies

Several technologies were required for the DIMMER field trials and studies, including multienergy technologies, data acquisition systems, and a portfolio of mathematical tools to simulate and optimize the behavior of the community energy system. The multienergy technologies under consideration were those that were already in place in the Manchester demonstrator (e.g., PV panels and gas boilers) and those that the university is exploring as a means to improve energy efficiency in the coming years (e.g., CHP boilers, PV panels, and electric heat pumps (EHP)). An example of how these technologies may interact is presented in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
Fig. 7 Multienergy building/community system.

Historical energy consumption data for all buildings throughout the University of Manchester is available with a half-hour resolution from the Coherent data system [39]. An interface was built between the DIMMER platform and the Coherent data system to acquire information in real time. The mathematical tools developed for the project included, (i) multienergy operation, simulation, and optimization models [40,41], (ii) integrated multivector district energy network models [42], (iii) an integrated district energy management system framework [24], and (iv) a CBA and multiflow mapping model [38]. These tools allow the assessment of the energy performance of community energy systems, also considering smart coordination of DERs for the minimization of energy costs and emissions, and trade of services in different markets and mechanisms. The operation of the communities takes into consideration multienergy exchanges between different buildings, which are analyzed using dedicated technical models. The business case of different energy services is evaluated from the perspective of the community as well as considering impacts to generators, DNOs, the government, and other actors (see Section 1.2.2 for a list of relevant actors).

2.2.2 Commercial arrangements

In a traditional energy system context, passive customers only interact with retailers, which protect the customers from the dynamic prices and signals in the energy system by only exposing them to flat retail prices (see Section 1.4). As a result, customers are unable to see and react to the multiple components that constitute the customer price, such as system fees for the distribution and transmission networks, wholesale electricity prices, various taxes, capacity, the retailer margin, and so forth [38,43]. This is a reasonable approach for customers who are unable to react to these dynamic signals, but not for smart customers such as those within smart community energy systems who could use their flexible resources to benefit from these signals and relevant markets.

Allowing some of the variable components of these customer prices to be passed through to customers, which is known as a transactive energy approach [36,44], is crucial to incentivize the smart operation of communities [45]. More specifically, community energy systems could actively respond to variable signals as a means to minimize energy costs and emissions as well as to maximize revenue from participating in different markets. This smart community behavior where flexibility is used to trade services in different markets can, in principle, enhance the efficiency and security of the energy system. Accordingly, as part of the DIMMER trials, the operation of the smart community system is simulated and optimized under the consideration that different combinations of flat retail and dynamic market prices are passed down to customers.

2.2.3 Energy efficiency

The use of smart solutions and DERs at the building level are generally seen as attractive options to improve energy efficiency by reducing energy consumption. This traditional definition of energy efficiency focuses on energy savings (Energy_savings) that, in principle, lead to lower energy costs and emissions. That is, improving energy efficiency based on this traditional view simply implies reducing energy consumption (Current_Energy) compared with a baseline (Baseline_Energy) while considering externalities, as shown in Eq. (2). It is worth noting that externalities can be associated with weather, occupancy levels, and so forth.


si2_e  (2)

The main disadvantage of this definition of energy efficiency is that it cannot consider the different dynamic costs and carbon intensities associated with different energy vectors. For example, based on the traditional energy efficiency concept, reducing electricity consumption has the same value regardless of whether this occurs when the market is saturated with highly costly and dirty fossil fuel-base energy, or clean and cheap renewable energy. This is not reasonable, as customers should not make active efforts to reduce their consumption when there is surplus renewable energy [36].

Based on the above, the traditional energy efficiency is only adequate for passive customers who cannot respond to dynamic signals. However, this concept undermines the flexibility of smart community energy systems that can actively respond to dynamic prices and carbon intensities and exploit diversity by allowing multienergy trading between buildings. Thus, in order to properly capture the flexibility inherent in smart community energy systems, new energy concepts have been proposed, such as the one denoted by Eq. (3) [5,36].


si3_e  (3)

This new concept of dynamic environmental efficiency explicitly considers multienergy (m) exchanges between buildings (b) through time (t) as well as variable externalities relevant to imports or exports. As before, these externalities can account for weather and occupancy levels, but now variable energy market conditions and the physical constraints of the integrated (electricity, heat, and gas) energy networks can also be considered. This is vital for smart community energy systems as it allows the consideration of the consumption side for the provision of flexibility to the energy system [36,46,47]. Discussion on the proposed dynamic environmental efficiency and technoeconomic models developed to implement this improved efficiency paradigm in smart multienergy communities can be found in Ref. [36].

3 Research

Smart grid research in the United Kingdom, specifically from the C2C, Smart Street, ADDRESS, APS, and DIMMER projects discussed in this chapter, has focused on the trial of new smart solutions and the development of proper technoeconomic and business case models. As highlighted in the previous sections, this research can be classified into two themes: smart distribution networks and smart community energy systems. The former theme places great focus on enhancing the distribution networks to enable the use of flexibility from smart community energy systems. The latter theme centers on using community-level flexibility for the provision of different energy services to the energy system.

3.1 Smart distribution networks

As discussed in Section 1.3, distribution networks in the United Kingdom are planned and operated based on traditional preventive security standards and mainly traditional solutions (e.g., feeder and substation upgrades). This has allowed DNOs to effectively evaluate distribution network asset investments based on simple, deterministic, and rule of thumb-based planning approaches [48]. However, as more and more DERs emerge at the community level, the adequacy of existing distribution network planning approaches becomes questionable.

Emerging UK regulations (i.e., RIIO, see Section 1.2.1) are encouraging DNOs to change their current practices and propose and test new smart solutions (e.g., DSR), which could make networks more economically efficient and flexible to cope with uncertainty [25]. For example, as discussed in Section 2.1, active network management from DSR can effectively defer costly investments in assets that would normally be required to ensure that the network meets statutory limits [19]. Furthermore, in an uncertain environment (e.g., subject to uncertain uptake of EVs and PV generation), smart solutions allow DNOs to wait until demand has either (i) grown enough to justify asset investments or (ii) remained below the firm capacity of the network. This flexibility to defer or even avoid investments can be significantly valuable for DNOs [19,49].

Considering that existing DNO planning practices cannot properly address smart solutions, Ofgem has proposed a new CBA tool for distribution asset planning (i.e., Ofgem's CBA framework). However, the framework presents several drawbacks, particularly when modeling uncertainty and addressing an ever growing number of smart solutions and their combinations [2]. This has led to significant research at the University of Manchester on developing different (and improved) versions of Ofgem's CBA framework, coupled with simulation and optimization engines [6,19,25,4851]. The different versions of the arising tool provide different means to simulate current distribution network planning and operation practices, and to optimize them in light of smart solutions.

Within the different tools developed, the simulation engines are used to replicate current practices, which undermine the valuable flexibility provided by smart solutions. These engines are particularly valuable to investigate whether new smart solutions can provide value even if the DNOs do not change their behavior. Conversely, the optimization engines can capture the value of smart solutions, especially in the face of uncertain demand growth. These engines demonstrate the value that smart solutions could bring about if DNOs were to update their practices (moving from deterministic rule of thumb to stochastic optimization approaches). These engines, some of which are provided as open source material [25], also allow the consideration of bespoke smart solutions and complex representations of uncertainty (e.g., using scenario trees and/or robust constraints as shown in Fig. 8). The tools presented here will be discussed furthered and illustrated in Section 4.1.

Fig. 8
Fig. 8 Representation of uncertainty with (A) scenario trees and (B) scenarios with robust constraints.

3.2 Smart community energy systems

In a traditional environment where customers are passive actors who cannot provide services to the energy system, community energy management is limited to reducing net energy consumption as a means to improve energy efficiency (see Section 1.4) [52]. However, this approach does not make sense in a smart grid context where community energy systems can manage their DERs to respond to costs and emissions associated with the energy mix, market prices and signals, security and reserve constraints, and so forth. Accordingly, as discussed in Section 2.2.3, new concepts beyond energy efficiency must emerge. Such concepts must recognize the value of consumption-side flexibility to address dynamic energy costs and emissions brought about by the presence of renewable energy and low-carbon technologies as well as (increased) system needs for security, balancing, reserve, and so forth.

Emerging research at the University of Manchester aims to extend the energy efficiency concept to properly address the envisioned characteristics of the future smart grid, such as net zero energy building and energy positive neighborhoods, among others [52,53]. In addition, there is increasing research on the potential of smart community energy systems to provide services throughout the energy sector and, thus, improve the energy efficiency on a system level [36,54]. These services can include, but are not restricted to, energy and capacity traded in different markets [55] as well as bespoke services, for example, distribution network security and reliability support (particularly if the community can operate as a microgrid) [56,57].

In the case of the United Kingdom, where peak energy consumption is often driven by heating needs, smart community energy systems research must also recognize the role of heating and other energy vectors (e.g., gas). However, due to the complexity of the study, a portfolio of interacting simulation and optimization engines had to be developed to properly consider building level DER [40,41,58], multienergy interactions between buildings within communities [6,42,59], and trade of services between the district and the energy system [36,38]. A high-level overview of a framework that combines these models is presented in Fig. 9 [24,45]. It is worth noting that relatively few modifications would be required to apply most of these tools in the context of other countries, for instance to deal with cooling. Regardless, detailed understanding of the existing or proposed market and regulatory environments is required to update the business case assessment tool (see Fig. 10), which has to map the information, energy flow, costs, and revenue, and other parameters in light of the relevant markets and mechanisms (see Section 1.2.1). The tools presented here will be discussed further and illustrated in Section 4.2.

Fig. 9
Fig. 9 Portfolio of models for community energy system modeling.
Fig. 10
Fig. 10 Business case assessment tool.

4 Case studies and field trials

This section presents applications of the smart solutions presented in previous sections and, particularly, the tools discussed in Section 3. More specifically, studies and lessons learned from smart distribution network trials throughout the Northwest of the United Kingdom and smart community multienergy trials in Manchester are discussed below.

4.1 Smart distribution networks

Smart solutions based on enhanced automation levels, active network reconfiguration, and postcontingency DSR (see Section 2.1) were tested in 180 HV rings and 20 HV radial circuits owned and operated by ENWL in the Northwest of the United Kingdom. Among these systems, 36 networks where monitored and simulated in detail to inform the tools discussed in Section 3.1. The tools were used to formulate four different strategies for the implementation of smart solutions. These strategies were considered to shed light on the potential value of the smart solutions under (i) current planning practices and (ii) upgraded DNO practices based on optimizations:

  •  Baseline: This strategy is meant to reflect current BAU practices and ignore smart solutions such as improved operation and restoration alternatives from increased network automation (including NOP automation) and DSR. Accordingly, the interventions associated with this strategy are formulated with a rule-of-thumb simulation engine [48] (optimality is not guaranteed). This strategy only considers traditional feeder and substation reinforcements as options to upgrade the network in response to demand growth forecasts.
  •  Smart (Radial): This strategy aims to emulate the impact of smart solutions under existing planning practices that have not been designed to properly address them. Based on this, the distribution networks are operated as open rings and the smart solutions are used to expedite the restoration process and actively manage thermal and voltage constraints. As in the case of the baseline, a simulation engine is used to choose the interventions to be deployed [48].
  •  Smart (Ring): As in the previous case, this strategy aims to emulate the impact of smart solutions under existing planning practices. However, this time, the networks are operated as closed rings whenever the restoration system is enhanced. Thus, this strategy can provide economic and environmental benefits from reduced demand and power losses during normal operating conditions.
  •  Optimal: This strategy explores the benefits of smart solutions in light of improved operation and planning practices based on optimizations. That is, an optimization engine that is now available as open source material [25] is used to cater to the complex flexibility from potential combinations of traditional (i.e., feeder and substation reinforcements) and smart solutions (e.g., enhanced automation and DSR).

4.1.1 Smart distribution network applications

The consideration of smart grid solutions based on the above-mentioned strategies is illustrated here with applications to one of the 36 trial networks that have been monitored in detail as part of the C2C project [60]. The network selected for this study is the Chamber Hall system (see Fig. 11), which is a 6.6 kV distribution network connected to a 20.96 MW substation. The two feeders selected to form the open or closed rings are the Europa House and Peel Mill No.2 feeders. The Europa House feeder is formed by 21 lines connecting 22 nodes and supplies 1950 customers (mainly urban). The Peel Mill No.2 feeder is formed by 22 lines connecting 23 nodes and supplies 1660 customers (mainly urban).

Fig. 11
Fig. 11 Chamber Hall 6.6 kV distribution network.

The study considers the implementation of one or combinations of the traditional and smart interventions presented in Table 1. These interventions are deployed based on different strategies (i.e., baseline, smart, and optimal) to ensure that the network limits are not exceeded under the different demand growth scenarios presented in Fig. 12.

Table 1

Interventions considered for the study
IF1Several sections of the feeders are reinforced. Following current DNO practices, the upgrades are made so that, after the reinforcement, the network can withstand at least an additional 5% demand growth without exceeding statutory limits.
IF2After IF1, if firm capacity is reached again, a second set of sections of the feeders is reinforced.
ISThe substation is upgraded by installing an additional transformer.
IALThe automation levels of the distribution network are enhanced (including automation of the NOP) to facilitate improved customer restoration. However, the network is still operated as an open ring.
IAGThe automation levels of the distribution network are enhanced (including automation of the NOP) to facilitate improved customer restoration and normal operation as a closed ring.
IDRelevant contractual arrangements and automation and communications infrastructure are put in place to enable DSR.
Fig. 12
Fig. 12 Firm capacities of the Chamber Hall 6.6 kV in different scenarios.

Based on studies informed with data taken from UK trials, upgrading the substation costs 338£ × 103 and takes 3 years whereas reinforcing the feeders costs 110£ × 103 and takes 2 years. The network automation levels can be enhanced at a cost of 19 k£, and up to two 0.5 kW peak DSR blocks can be contracted. For this purpose, increasing network automation levels costs 19 k£ per year whereas customer automation costs 13.5£ × 103 per block, and there are additional 6.3£ × 103 costs in billing and management fees per block. Overall, it is considered that enhancing the automation levels of the network and contracting DSR takes roughly a year. The recommended interventions and associated NPC associated with each investment strategy are presented in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.

Table 2

Strategies to upgrade the Chamber Hall network
ScenarioBaselineSmart (Radial)Smart (Ring)Optimal
4IF9IAL + ID10IAG + ID10IF19

Table 2

Table 3

Expected NPC (£ × 103) associated with different strategies to upgrade the Chamber Hall network
ScenarioBaselineSmart (Radial)Smart (Ring)Optimal

Table 3

The study shows that, even under current planning practices, the introduction of smart nonasset-based solutions generally leads to lower investment costs. This is mainly due to deferral or avoidance of traditional asset-based investments, particularly costly substation upgrades. The smart solutions can also bring about attractive social benefits if ring operations are allowed, regardless of the potential increase in short-term interruptions (short-term interruptions are not penalized under current regulation). However, due to inherent uncertainty in the demand growth forecasts, current practices may not properly address smart solutions and could actually lead to increased network costs, as can be seen in the application of the smart strategies on Scenario 4.

The use of smart nonasset-based solutions becomes more valuable when improved network practices, based on proper optimization tools, are considered (i.e., optimal strategy). As presented, optimal strategies tend to combine traditional and smart solutions as a means to minimize costs. This makes sense considering that DSR can be an attractive option to defer or avoid costly investments, but the annual DSR payment may also become pricey. Accordingly, DSR can be used to postpone costly investments until it is clear that the intervention will be required (avoiding sunk costs) while less-expensive interventions (IF1 in this case) can also be used to reduce the need for DSR, allowing the DNO to contract fewer DSR blocks. It is important to note that these smarter network practices can also identify conditions where traditional interventions are still cost-effective (i.e., Scenario 4) or when smart solutions are preferred (i.e., Scenario 5).

These results highlight that smart grid applications can bring about attractive technoeconomic benefits. However, proper tools, or at least a proper understanding of the conditions when these solutions make sense, are needed for exploiting the full potential of smart grids. Based on these premises, the optimization engine used for the aforementioned studies has been made available as open source material [25].

4.1.2 Wider network implications

A more comprehensive analysis of smart grid applications to distribution networks requires the consideration of a wide range of networks under different conditions. For this purpose, in this section, the smart solutions discussed above are addressed here in light of 36 real UK distribution networks (see Fig. 13 for the schematics of some of these networks). The following considerations were taken for the studies:

  •  Costs and assumptions: All economic criteria (e.g., discount rates, planning horizon, and price for power losses, among others) were taken from the trial networks, were recommended by the DNO, or were based on existing regulations [3]. However, these conditions may change in the future, which must be quantified. To this end, cost variations, particularly making traditional asset-based solutions more cost-effective, are explored.
  •  Substation headroom: Smart solutions are attractive options to defer or avoid costly interventions, such as substation upgrades. This conclusion is tested by varying substation headroom so that conditions arise where investments in additional transformers may not be required or may be needed in the short or long term.
  •  DSR availability: Depending on customer preferences, different levels of DSR may be available in different networks. Accordingly, the study is extended to consider conditions where only one DSR block, and up to five blocks, are available.
  •  Demand scenarios: Demand is scaled up so that line reinforcements will be triggered after a further 3% demand increase, which guarantees that at least one intervention will be required in every study. As in the previous study, demand is modeled based on the five demand growth scenarios proposed by the relevant DNO (see Fig. 12).
Fig. 13
Fig. 13 Schematics of six trial distribution networks.

An overview of the average NPC values associated with the 36 networks and different studies is presented in Fig. 14. The results corroborate the initial observation that smart grid applications generally lead to cost reductions, especially if environmental, reliability, and other so-called social benefits are also internalized (e.g., Smart—Ring strategy). Nevertheless, it also becomes evident that certain conditions make traditional asset-based solutions more convenient than smart solutions under current planning practices that are not able to effectively deploy smart solutions. This is the case for conditions where traditional asset-based solutions become cheap or costly investments are only envisioned in the far future. These effects can be seen in Fig. 14A where the baseline becomes cheaper on average than one of the smart solutions when costs of traditional solutions drop by more than 60% of their current value. This can also be seen in Fig. 14B where the baselines outperform the smart solutions in cases with high substation headroom.

Fig. 14
Fig. 14 Average expected NPC associated with different strategies and assumptions of (A) reinforcement costs, (B) substation headroom, (C) DSR, and (D) demand growth scenarios.

The studies also highlight that the use of proper optimization tools to capture the features of smart solutions can bring about significant benefits. This is clear by comparing the performance of the optimal strategy with any other strategy in Fig. 14. Taking the analysis further, Figs. 15 and 16 provide comparisons between the baseline and smart and optimal strategies in terms of the number of cases when one solution outperforms the other. More specifically, instead of only presenting the average values as in Fig. 14, the box plots in Figs. 15 and 16 show how often and by how much the smart or optimal strategies outperformed the baseline in terms of minimum and maximum values, first and third quantiles, and median values.

Fig. 15
Fig. 15 NPC difference between the baseline and the Smart (Ring) strategy under different (A) reinforcement costs and (B) substation headroom conditions.
Fig. 16
Fig. 16 NPC difference between the baseline and the optimal strategy under different (A) reinforcement costs and (B) substation headroom conditions.

These studies provide further evidence that current planning practices could frequently cause the suboptimal use of smart solutions. This may occur even when the average value of smart strategies is greater than that of the baseline. Conversely, the use of smart solutions combined with enhanced planning practices based on optimizations resulted in economic savings (or the same costs as the baseline) in all cases considered in this study. These findings provide strong justifications for DNOs to pursue the use of improved network investment and operation planning practices.

4.2 Smart community multienergy systems

Smart grid applications to community energy systems are illustrated here with a real district at the University of Manchester. The Manchester community comprises 26 buildings owned and managed by the University. Most of the buildings are connected to the same (6.6 kV) electricity distribution, district heating, and gas networks (see Fig. 17), which makes this community a multienergy system. The energy (electricity, heat, and gas) consumption in each building is currently monitored by the Coherent data system, which provides half-hour data [39]. The community energy system is planned and operated with the aim of maximizing energy efficiency based on the novel concepts presented in Section 2.2.3. That is, the intelligent coordination of DER operation and multienergy exchanges between buildings is used to facilitate economic and environmental gain as well as the provision of services to the energy system [36].

Fig. 17
Fig. 17 Electricity, heat, and gas networks in the Manchester demonstrator.

The Manchester community was investigated in light of existing conditions as well as considering an ambitious 30% carbon reduction target set by the University of Manchester for 2020. To this end, four actuation cases were considered:

  •  Reference: This case represents the current conditions of the Manchester community. It is used as a reference to assess the performance of all other cases.
  •  Conservative case: The University invested in awareness campaigns to encourage switching off lights and computers when not in use as well as in double-glazed steel windows and waterproof roof covers (a total of 470£ × 103). In addition, 900 kW of PV capacity and 300 kW of EHP capacity were installed throughout the university. Emissions were reduced by roughly 10% compared with the reference case.
  •  Modest case: Additional investments in energy efficiency measures throughout the university were made (a total of 627£ × 103) whereas PV capacity increased to 2000 kW and EHP capacity increased to 1700 kW. In addition, 1900 kW of CHP capacity were installed throughout the University. Emissions were reduced by roughly 20% compared with the reference case.
  •  Extreme case: Relatively large investments (1.2 M£) in energy efficiency measures were made, coupled with significant installation of energy infrastructure. The total installed PV, EHP, and CHP capacities increased to 3500, 2600, and 2700 kW, respectively. Emissions were reduced by roughly 30% compared with the reference case.

4.2.1 Smart community applications

The portfolio of tools discussed in Section 3.2 was used to assess the energy performance of the community based on the different cases and considering BAU and optimal operation. More specifically, in a BAU context, all controllable energy devices within the district are operated in heat-following mode, as is typically done in the United Kingdom. In a smarter context where the operation of the community is optimized, all energy infrastructure is operated with the objective of minimizing energy costs and emissions while, at the same time, partaking in the available energy markets and mechanisms (see Section 1.2). An example of the energy performance of the district under both BAU and optimal operation (considering all markets and mechanisms and prioritizing economic benefits) is presented in Table 4. A comparison of expected economic and environmental benefits compared with the reference case can be seen in Table 5.

Table 4

Expected energy performance of the Manchester demonstrator in the different cases
Annual costs (£ × 103)3102282128062723243726422220
Annual emissions (ktCO2)
Peak electricity demand (MW)2.912.9124.32.8516.42.8414.1
Peak heat demand (MW)5.655.6513.032.672.751.560.90
Annual electricity consumption (MWh)27,85227,852505822,333378220,6022702
Annual heat consumption (MWh)18,21818,2182677129027321672627

Table 4

Table 5

Expected economic and environmental benefits associated with different cases
BAU (%)Opt. (%)BAU (%)Opt. (%)BAU (%)Opt. (%)
Annual economic savingsa9.069.5412.2221.4414.8328.43
Annual carbon savingsa10.1410.2819.9427.0026.9038.07
Peak heat demand reductiona4.6712.632.2041.032.3749.38
Peak electrical demand reductiona15.5028.4852.8084.8872.5195.07
Annual electrical consumption reductiona7.848.1019.826.2126.039.82
Annual heat consumption reductiona38.8910.5992.9233.1499.0852.24

Table 5

a Compared with the reference case.

It is important to note that, in a smart context where the operation of all energy devices can be optimized, the energy performance of the community can be flexibly customized based on customer preferences and participation in different markets. The operational flexibility of the smart community is illustrated in Fig. 18. As shown, under BAU practices, the energy performance of the community is static. This does not change much in cases where little or no controllable technologies are available, as is the case of the Reference and Conservative cases. However, as shown in the Modest and Extreme cases, the intelligent coordination of controllable devices brings about significant economic and environmental benefits. For example, in this study, it can be seen that the 30% reduction targets can only be met in the extreme case under BAU practices. However, the environmental targets can be reached while also providing attractive economic gain in the modest case when the operation of the community is optimized.

Fig. 18
Fig. 18 Potential economic and environmental performance of the Manchester district.

The study also shows that the community can achieve different combinations of economic and environmental benefits by changing its operation regime and without compromising customer comfort (i.e., all demand is always met). This allows valuable headroom to accommodate customer preferences and unforeseen conditions, such as higher prices and carbon intensity, than originally forecast. The latter is particularly valuable if, for example, the forecast environmental benefits from the decarbonization of electricity are not as significant as expected. In such a case, the district may still meet the environmental targets just by updating its operation and without the need for investments in additional energy infrastructures. Another example is the provision of different services such as DSR just by changing the operation of the district. This could allow the community to provide distribution network support (as presented in Section 4.1) without causing customer disutility. This makes the provision of DSR for distribution network support particularly attractive for smart community energy systems.

Assuming typical UK prices for PV, EHP, and CHP technologies of 1300, 240, and 600£/kW, respectively, the energy savings attributed to the smart community energy system would pay back relevant investments in 6 (in the conservative case) to 8 years (in the extreme case). If customers are focused on net savings and revenue, the extreme case provides the highest benefits under optimistic economic conditions (i.e., a net present value of 5 M£ considering a discount rate of 3% and a planning horizon of 20 years). Assuming more pessimistic conditions where customers (or other actors) may demand higher returns before investing in energy technologies (e.g., considering a higher discount rate of 10%), the Modest case may become the preferred one due to its lower cost and relatively similar benefits to those in the Extreme case (see Fig. 18). The baseline case only becomes attractive under highly pessimistic conditions where technologies become too pricey and investments in energy infrastructure require significantly large expected return of investments. This provides strong evidence that smart community multienergy systems are generally economically attractive and highly profitable.

4.2.2 Wider system implications

The emergence of smart communities that, besides consuming energy also actively participate in different markets and mechanisms, can have significant impacts on the energy system and the business case of different actors (see Section 1.2). For example, as the Manchester district optimizes its operation more and more using controllable CHP boilers, the community will become less dependent on grid imports (the community will now also export energy to the different markets) while increasing gas consumption as shown in Fig. 19.

Fig. 19
Fig. 19 District costs by component in different optimized cases.

The new operation strategy of the community leads to a reduction in annual energy costs for customers. However, as shown in Fig. 20, the emergence of smart community multienergy systems has a clear effect on the business case of generators, the government, DNOs, and the TSO, who are expected to accrue less revenue. This information is critical for policy makers, who must decide whether or not each of these specific impacts are beneficial or not for the energy system and update regulations accordingly. For example, negative impacts on generators may be deemed reasonable if they lead to decommission of inefficient generation, but DNO losses may pose an issue as distribution network upgrades may be needed to enable the smart operation of communities (see Section 2). In order to address the latter, policymakers may update regulations so that, for example, some of the economic benefits accrued by smart communities are shared with DNOs and used for the improvement of the distribution networks.

Fig. 20
Fig. 20 District costs by component in different optimized cases.

5 Conclusion

This chapter presented some of the latest UK research in smart grid applications to distribution networks and intelligent community energy systems enabled by DERs. Results from several projects carried out by the authors, involving trials in UK distribution networks and communities, were presented, including the C2C, Smart Street, ADDRESS, APS, and DIMMER projects.

It has been demonstrated that the introduction of smart solutions can bring about attractive benefits for the energy sector, particularly when in combination with DERs. However, new tools such as the optimization and business case frameworks presented here (see Section 3) are required to effectively deploy smart solutions. More specifically:

  •  The use of smart solutions to enhance the planning and operation of distribution networks generally results in economic and environmental benefits. However, there may be many cases where the performance of the network may actually worsen if these solutions are deployed based on existing DNO practices.
  •  Improving network planning and operation practices (e.g., based on stochastic optimizations) significantly increases the benefits brought about by smart solutions as well as the conditions under which benefits arise.
  •  Community energy systems can provide attractive economic and environmental benefits for customers. However, without the aid of intelligent DER coordination tools, most of the flexibility provided by these communities would be wasted.
  •  The use of adequate tools to coordinate DERs within districts further maximizes benefits for customers while, at the same time, allows the provision of manifold valuable services to the energy system.
  •  The introduction of smart solutions at the community and distribution network levels has impacts on the business case of different actors throughout the value chain. Dedicated tools are vital to shed light on these impacts, which can motivate policymakers to modify the existing regulation.


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