Iranian smart grid: road map and metering program

Gevork B. Gharehpetian; Mehdi Salay Naderi; Hadi Modaghegh; Alireza Zakariazadeh     Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Ministry of Energy, Tehran, Iran
University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran, Behshahr, Iran


This chapter is composed of two major sections: Smart Grid Technology Roadmap in Iran and National Smart Metering Program (FAHAM). The first section is develops the Iran smart grid roadmap project, which is one of the subprojects of the Iran Smart Grid National Grand Project. The roadmap focuses on technology development. Also, the smart meter program in, Iran is comprised of state-of-the-art electronic/digital hardware and software that combines interval data measurement with continuously available remote communications. In this chapter, the goals and benefits of FAHAM are described. Regarding the pilot project, the components and interfaces as well as the communication architecture of advanced metering infrastructure is presented. Also, the layer model of the FAHAM project has been analyzed. The wireless cellular network, especially General Packet Radio Service, is seen by FAHAM for communication within smart grids and utilities. The pilot project showed that the installation of a smart meter system brings on a new set of challenges for the organizations that operate and maintain the utility's legacy processes.


Iran smart grid; National Smart Metering System Project (FAHAM); Roadmap; Technology development


AMI advanced metering infrastructure

CAS central access system

CIS Customer Information System

DA distribution automation

DC data concentrator

DER distributed energy resources

DMS distribution management system

DR demand response

EC European Commission

EMS energy management system

FA feeder automation

FAHAM National Smart Metering Program in Iran

GIS geographic information system

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

HVDC high voltage direct current

IEA International Energy Agency

IEC International Electro Technical Commission

ISGC Iran Smart Grid Company

JRC Joint Research Center (of EU Commission)

MDM meter data management

NOC Network Operation Center

OMS outage management system

PLC power line carrier

SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition

SG smart grid

SOC Security Operation Center

VVC volt-var control

WAMS wide area monitoring systems

UML unified modeling language

1 Smart grid technology roadmap in Iran

1.1 Introduction

Smart grid development in different countries is affected by six major drivers:

  •  Economic competitiveness
  •  Knowledge-based development
  •  Enhancement of interaction with customers
  •  Energy security
  •  Enhancement of grid performance
  •  Increasing grid reliability and sustainable development

In Iran, the mentioned drivers motivate technology development and the implementation of smart grids with different degrees of importance. To develop the technology development roadmap of the Iran smart grid, we first need to recognize the details of smart grid technology and then select a reliable reference among numerous references to maintain the consistency and integrity of the programs and actions in the roadmap.

For this purpose, the European Union (EU) has defined a smart grid platform. Most European countries have used this reference for their smart grid development programs. Also, it is possible for different countries with diverse economies, technology, and social circumstances to use this methodology. Its information is available and provides the ability to compare the countries.

This document is prepared to accomplish the Iran smart grid roadmap project, which is one of the projects of the Iran Smart Grid National Grand Project. This roadmap focuses on the technology development; the deployment roadmap should be written as well.

To prepare the technology development roadmap of the Iran smart grid, two recommended documents of the EU commission have been used:

  •  The Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM), which introduces interoperability aspects and how they are taken into account via a domain, zone, and layer-based approach. The SGAM is a method to fully assign and categorize processes, products, and utility operations and align standards to them.
  •  The JRC (Joint Research Center) method, which has a management-technical concept. The major purpose of the JRC method is presenting eight steps to evaluate the cost-benefit of smart grid deployment.

To prepare the technology development roadmap of the Iran smart grid, the first smart grid and its technologies and areas are investigated. Then, the Iran smart grid vision was outlined according to expert opinions and upstream national documents in the smart grid field as well as comparative studies. Based on this vision, policies, actions, strategies and, finally, the technology development roadmap are extracted.

The technology development roadmap contains three parts: the development approach, prioritizing technologies, and determining the technology acquisition method. Considering the variety of smart grid technologies, the International Energy Agency (IEA) standard has been used to categorize smart grid technologies. Based on this standard, smart grid technologies are categorized into eight groups. Fig. 1 demonstrates the technology groups of smart grids in different domains of the SGAM standard. For each IEA category, the development approach and method of technology acquisition have been extracted separately.

Fig. 1
Fig. 1 Smart grid technology groups in the IEA standard.

Subgroups of each technology area in the IEA standard in hardware, software, and systems sections are expressed in Table 1 in detail.

Table 1

Subgroups of the IEA standard for smart grid technologies
Technology areaHardwareSystems and software
Wide-area monitoring and controlSensor equipment, phasor measurement units (PMU)Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), wide area monitoring systems (WAMS), control and automation (WAAPCA), wide area adaptive protection, wide area situational awareness (WASA)
Information and communication technology integrationCommunication equipment (power line carrier, WIMAX, LTE, RF mesh network, cellular), routers, relays, switches, gateway, computers (servers)Enterprise resource planning software (ERP), customer information system (CIS)
Renewable and distributed generation integrationPower conditioning equipment for bulk power and grid support, communication and control hardware for generation and enabling storage technologySCADA, geographic information system (GIS), energy management system (EMS), distribution management system (DMS)
Transmission enhancementSuperconductors, FACTS, high-voltage direct current (HVDC)Network stability analysis, automatic recovery systems
Distribution grid managementAutomated reclosers, switches and capacitors, remote-controlled distributed generation and storage, transformer sensors, wire and cable sensorsGeographic information system (GIS), DMS, outage management system (OMS), workforce management system (WMS)
Advanced metering infrastructureSmart meter, in-home displays, servers, relaysMeter data management system (MDMS)
Electric vehicle charging infrastructureCharging infrastructure, batteries, invertersSmart grid-to-vehicle charging (G2V) and discharging vehicle-to-grid (V2G) methodologies, energy billing
Customer-side systemsSmart appliances, routers, in-home display, building automation systems, thermal accumulators, smart thermostatEnergy dashboards, EMS, energy applications for smart phones and tablets

Prioritization of technologies for each IEA group has been performed based on an attractiveness-capability matrix as well as the opinions of experts. To obtain the attractiveness-capability matrix for all smart grid technologies, a structured questionnaire form has been prepared with two sections. In the first section, the maturity level of each technology in nine levels was asked; in the second section, the attractiveness of technologies considering seven criteria was investigated. These criteria are employment, number of competitors, new markets, added value, a key technology, application in other industries, and the position in the life cycle of technology. Then the attractiveness-capability matrix was extracted.

In terms of time, the attractiveness-capability matrix is divided into three groups. According to the position of each technology in the attractiveness-capability matrix, the priority of development in short, mid and long-term periods can be determined in Fig. 2 for each technology. Fig. 3 shows the IEA standard groups position in the attractiveness-capability matrix for Iran.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2 Attractiveness-capability matrix for smart grid technologies in Iran.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3 IEA standard groups position in attractiveness-capability matrix of Iran.

Based on the basic features of the Iran smart grid technologies groups (according to the IEA standard and SGAM method), the appropriate method of technology acquisition for each group has been determined. Among a number of valid traditional methods for technology acquisition, the Chiesa (1998) and Narula (2001) methods have been selected. The accuracy and widespread use of these methods were the reasons of this selection. To apply these methods, expert opinions have been collected and analyzed by using a detailed questionnaire form. Comparing the results of these two methods makes the technology acquisition method reliable for each technology.

To obtain a technology development policy, Technology Innovation System (TIS) and Multilevel Perspective models have been employed. Using event logging, measures in the eight IEA standard groups have been analyzed from the TIS perspective. In order to develop more effective actions and strategies in the smart grid roadmap, it is necessary to investigate and classify the players of the Iran smart grid. Fig. 4 represents Iran smart grid players and their relationships in the smart grid ecosystem.

Fig. 4
Fig. 4 Ecosystem of Iran smart grid players.

To prepare the roadmap, all the lessons learned in comparative studies, background or benchmarking studies, frameworks, validated methodologies, and upstream national documents and drivers have been used to compile the Iran smart grid road map. Fig. 5 shows the stages of technology and the business development road map of the Iran smart grid.

Fig. 5
Fig. 5 Stages of technology and business development of the road map of the Iran smart grid.

Fig. 6 shows the fundamental components of the Iran smart grid technology development roadmap. The methodology and components of the roadmap are based on legislation approved in the 18th Supreme Council for Science Research and Technology meeting in January 2016. In the next sections, details of the Iran smart grid technology development roadmap will be described.

Fig. 6
Fig. 6 Methodology and components of the Iran smart grid technology development roadmap.

1.2 Economic, social, and environmental requirements of smart grid development

  1. I. Enhancement of performance and reliability of the transmission and distribution network.
  2. II. Reduction of electrical losses in transmission and distribution systems.
  3. III. Best usage of existing capacities and, as a result, investment postponement for new generation, transmission, and distribution system development.
  4. IV. Optimal asset management and operational cost savings.
  5. V. Reduction of peak demand.
  6. VI. Optimal management of energy consumption.
  7. VII. Development of DGS Infrastructure, including CHP systems and renewable resources.
  8. VIII. Enhancement of stability and security of energy.
  9. IX. Offering better services and raising consumer satisfaction.
  10. X. ICT technologies and infrastructure development.
  11. XI. Reducing environmental pollution emissions.

1.3 Values

Iran smart grid policy-making values are based on the following principles:

  1. I. The belief in the values of science and knowledge and the utilization of human resources.
  2. II. Economic use of resources and preventing their waste.
  3. III. Optimal use of resources and facilities.
  4. IV. Put effort into foresight and risk acceptance.
  5. V. Observance of fairness in development of all districts of the country.
  6. VI. Service delivery and raising social satisfaction.
  7. VII. Preserving the rights of the next generation.
  8. VIII. Protecting and preventing degradation of the environment.
  9. IX. Protecting the private sanctum of citizens.
  10. X. Boosting mentality of social partnerships and accepting the responsibility of people.

1.4 Vision of Iran smart grid

By 2025, the Islamic Republic of Iran aims to develop an electric smart grid as an efficient, secure, flexible and stable grid that delivers required high quality and reliable power to consumers and stakeholders. ICT, smart management systems, new technologies in the area of smart grids, IoT and integration of DGs, CHP systems, renewable energy resources, and energy storage systems cause dynamic interactions between stakeholders of the whole energy system. The smart grid provides optimal management of demand and supply in a competitive electricity market. Iran seeks to elevate and consolidate their position as the first country in the Middle East in technology development and the implementation of a smart grid.

1.5 Grand policies

The macro policies of the Iran smart grid technology development are as follows:

  1. I. Attention to human capital as a source of competitive advantage and value added.
  2. II. Focus on policy-making with a national and multisectorial approach and coordinated and systematic implementation.
  3. III. Attention to maximize the added value due to smart grid technology development.
  4. IV. Maximum use of national capabilities and capacities and support of domestic production.
  5. V. Giving priority to private-sector participation and maximizing participation of citizens to achieve goals.
  6. VI. Emphasizing international cooperation, engagement, and participation in the systematic development of smart grid technology.
  7. VII. Building a public culture to expand the application of smart grid technology.
  8. VIII. Enabling consumers to efficiently manage energy consumption.

1.6 Grand goals

According to the vision of the Iran smart grid and its technology development and considering upstream documents, the goals of the Iran smart grid technology development are listed below:

  1. I. Achieving the technology cycle of smart grid equipment manufacturing.
  2. II. Presence among well-known manufacturers and achieving the first position of the region in domestic, competitive industrial products of smart grid equipment, especially smart meters, smart energy management systems (MDMS), building management systems (BMS), and grid monitoring, control and protection systems.
  3. III. Meeting the domestic needs of smart meter production by 2025. About 70% of installed smart meters must be made in Iran until that time.
  4. IV. Increasing export capacity of engineering services and smart grid equipment. At least 20% of domestic smart meter products must be exported.
  5. V. Achieving domestic technical knowledge of meter data management system (MDMS).
  6. VI. Achieving technical knowledge and self-reliance on the design and production of hardware and software of energy management systems, BMS, smart homes, and IoT.
  7. VII. Self-reliance on smart grid ICT and data center infrastructure.
  8. VIII. Self-reliance on design and production of software and implementation of grid monitoring and control center.
  9. IX. Achieving technical knowledge of design and production of local and wide area monitoring, control, and protection systems, distribution automation, and SACADA systems.
  10. X. Technology development of load management to reduce electricity cost and damage due to grid contingencies and improve grid radiance to supply sensitive consumers and export commitments.
  11. XI. Achieving first position in the Middle East and being among the top five Asian countries in science and paper publications.

1.7 Technology development, strategies, and measures

Table 2 presents actions and strategies to achieve expected deliveries and outputs corresponding to the funds allocated to different areas of smart grid technology development. It has two columns representing deliveries and outputs corresponding to the funds supported by Iran's Electric Smart Grid National Grand Project (IESGNGP) and other resources.

Table 2

Deliveries and outputs of goals and actions
No.Areas of measuresOutputs expected in national smart grid document and financially supported by:
IESGNGPOther resources
1Smart meter development and related technologies

 Compilation of smart meter domestic comprehensive plan

 Compilation of national standard of smart meters and related systems

 Conducting research project in the field of smart meters and communications systems security

 Supporting academic projects and theses in the field of smart meter data utilization

 Development and commercialization of smart meter technology and its related technologies

 Development of smart meter data management systems (MDMS)

 Development of meter local data concentrators hardware and local and regional area networks

 Establishment of smart meter research centers (data generation and utilization technology development)

 Establishment of smart meters quality test labs

 Definition of projects for utilizing smart meter data

2Customer side technology development

 Supporting customer side technology development

 Supporting smart home appliances technology development

 Project definition for classification and analysis of customer group behavior

 Designing a variety of tariffs based on customer group lifestyles

 Supporting start-up companies in the field of customer side technologies

 Promotion programs: introducing businesses in customer side section and encouraging hardware and software companies to enter the market of smart homes and customer side technologies

 Compilation of obligatory regulations for governmental organizations, companies, and offices to implement building EMS

 Commercialization and development of customer side technologies: smart homes systems, building energy management, energy consumption management, energy management portals and dashboards

 Manufacturing key hardware of smart homes and EMS including routers, data concentrators, metering equipment, and control devices such as smart thermostats

 Development of interaction tools with customers

 Development of system for customer services

 Development of home appliance technologies

 Offering facilities to venture capital companies to encourage them to enter customer side technologies

 Providing incentives for application of smart homes and building EMS

3Development of ICT technologies and communications infrastructures

 Compilation of rules and standards for smart grid communication and interoperability

 Compilation of rules and standards for smart grid software and hardware

 Research project definition on smart grid data security and cyber attacks

 Promotion of business opportunities and encouraging communication operators to: (1) produce mobile software in the field of smart grids, (2) manufacture equipment installed in smart grids, (3) develop IOT technologies, and (4) attend smart grid communications market

 Producing domestic software and systems either on the customer side or in grid management

 Producing mobile software, devices, and equipment as well as devices connected to grid and IOT

 Implementation of pilot projects of data transfer access network using available and diverse technologies

4Smart grid technology development in distribution and transmission systems

 Development of monitoring and control systems in microgrids

 Research projects on effects of home appliance remote control

 Describing smart cities/grids infrastructure standards

 Studies on demand response (DS) advanced technologies

 Development of distribution automation systems

 Development of DMS

 Knowledge and technology development of FACTS devices

5WAMS development

 Technology development of domestic WAMS

 Technology development of sensors and measuring devices

 Development of domestic SCADA systems

 Technology development and fulfillment of devices and hardware for domestic PMU production

 Development and commercialization of WAMS

 Commercialization and manufacturing of equipment and hardware for measuring devices and sensors

 Development and commercialization of domestic SCADA systems

 Commercialization and manufacturing equipment and hardware of PMUs

6Grid monitoring and control technology development

 Compilation of strategic plan for technology development of control and management of grid

 Compilation of technical specifications for grid domestic monitoring and control center

 Designing software for grid monitoring and control center

 Designing practical power system software

 Producing monitoring software

 Producing practical power system and control software

 Implementation of domestic center for grid monitoring and control

7Grid protection technology development

 Supporting domestic local load protection systems technology development

 Supporting domestic wide area protection systems technology development

 Supporting establishment of domestic wide area protection systems

 Supporting development of grid events simulation and analysis tools

 Establishment of national supervision structure for protection knowledge and technology development

 Supporting domestic network protection systems export

 Supporting projects and theses in the field of protection systems design and implementation

 Development and commercialization of domestic local protection systems at national and international levels

 Producing and commercialization of network simulation and analyzing tools on national and international levels

 Development and commercialization of domestic wide area protection systems

8Infrastructure for development of DGs and renewable energy resources integration

 Supporting plans and implementation of technology development projects for DGs and renewable energy resources integration

 Implementation of MV and LV small-scale pilot projects for integration of DGs

 Implementation of large-scale MV and LV pilot projects for integration of DGs

9Electric vehicle infrastructure and novel technology development

 Technology development and manufacturing electric vehicle infrastructure equipment and devices

 Implementation of small-scale electric vehicle charging pilot project

 Technology development and commercialization of manufacturing electric vehicle infrastructure equipment and devices

 Implementation of large-scale electric vehicle charging pilot project

10Support of knowledge based start-up businesses

 Establishment and support of smart grid incubators

 Compilation of comprehensive plan of support of knowledge-based start-up businesses (venture capital companies and business accelerators)

 Implementation of comprehensive plan of support of knowledge-based start-up businesses (venture capital companies and business accelerators)

 Offering facilities to venture capital companies to attend smart grid business market

 Supporting export of technical and engineering services domestic fabrication

11Human resources education and training

 Allocation of research grants to faculties and postgraduate students working on smart grids

 Supporting projects, plans, theses, and academic papers in priorities of smart grid

 Designing educational and training courses in different academic levels and fields of smart grids (among electrical, computer, industrial engineering, management, etc.)

 Supporting universities to mobilize smart grid labs

 Need assessment and defining vocational and technical courses as well as skills teaching

 Supporting projects, plans, theses, and academic papers in priority areas of smart grids

 Equipping active education centers education of smart grid skills

12Obtaining technology development infrastructure and smart grid lab development

 Compilation of legal requirements for generation, transmission, and distribution companies to use domestic products of smart grid technologies

 Providing rules and procedures to support intellectual property rights in research and development projects

 Compilation of comprehensive and consistent smart grid standards

 Compilation of procedures and supporting establishment of executive mechanisms to cover risks of technology development, production, and consumption of domestic technologies

 Supporting establishment of smart grid labs in universities

 Design and implementation of reference smart grid labs in generation, transmission, distribution, and consumer levels

 Establishment of smart grid labs

 Implementation of practical mechanisms to cover technology development risks and production and consumption of domestic technologies

13Culture making and promotion of smart grid applications

 Introducing opportunities in smart grids and governmental support to electric energy suppliers and actors

 Programs to introduce smart grid systems, opportunities, plans, and national incentives for domestic products to power industry producers

 Introducing opportunities and country energy manager programs to ICT sector players

 Introducing programs to support knowledge-based start-up companies and cooperating with main new business development players such as incubators, business accelerators, venture capital companies, etc., in order to develop and support ideas and businesses in smart grids, especially on customer side

 Introducing benefits of smart grid and IOT employment to electricity consumers

 Culture making and introducing smart grid systems and their benefits to users and encouraging them to apply for them

14Implementation of pilot projects

 Design and implementation of a number of pilot plans and technical and financial support for some of them to demonstrate performance problems of smart grids in generation, transmission, distribution, and consumer sectors

 Holding smart grid expos to introduce domestic products and developed technologies

 Presentation of pilot project results to researchers and authorities

 Allocation of place for implementation of selected post graduate theses and dissertations

 Implementing plans and pilot projects in different areas of smart grids

Table 2Table 2

1.8 Financing and resource allocation

Total financial resources required for implementing smart grid technology development in a short period (3 years) is $155 million. This budget is allocated to achieve the goals expressed in the national Iranian smart grid roadmap. The budget resources are:

  •  $25 million will jointly be allocated by the Ministry of Energy (MOE) and the Supreme Council for Science Research and Technology to the national master plan for Iran smart grid technology development.
  •  $130 million will be financed by the private sector, which provides different services to customers.

Table 3 presents the various areas of the Iran smart grid technology development road map and the funds allocated to each area. The table lists the allocated funds supplied from each resource mentioned above. In order to meet the goals and vision of the plan in 10 years, the resources for mid- and long-term periods should be revised considering the short-term results.

Table 3

Funds allocated to different areas of the Iran smart grid technology development road map
No.Areas of measure for Iran smart grid technology developmentIran's Electric Smart Grid National Grand Project (IESGNGP) budget ($ million)Other resources ($ million)
1Smart meter development and related technologies0.66.5
2Customer side technology development1.412
3ICT infrastructures technology development1.13.5
4Smart grid technology development (distribution and transmission systems)2.73.5
5WAMS development1.45.5
6Grid monitoring and control technology development2.19.2
7Grid protection systems development1.42.5
8DGs and renewable energy resources integration infrastructure development1.46.5
9Electric vehicle infrastructure and new technology development1.45.3
10Knowledge-based start-up businesses development support5.217
11Human resources education and training1.44
12Obtaining technology development infrastructure and smart grid lab development1.46.5
13Culture making and promotion of smart grid applications0.86
14Implementation of pilot projects2.742
Total budget25130

Table 3

1.9 Updating and evaluation of the road map

In this section, the updating and evaluation mechanisms for smart grid technology development are presented. To do this, two evaluation methods are used: evaluation indices and evaluation reports, which are described.

1.9.1 Evaluation indices

In Table 4, evaluation indices of research and development programs have been collected based on similar domestic and international literature and documents. In this table, evaluation indices are divided into several groups considering their domain. The name of the group and the indices of each group are defined in Table 4.

Table 4

Evaluation indices of the road map
1Percentage of academic staff working as leaders of the smart grid research projectHuman resource
2Percentage of postgraduate students studying in the smart grid field
3Number of visiting professors participating in conferences and workshops held in Iran or publishing joint papers
4Number of universities or research centers that are active in at least five smart grid projectsResearch centers
5Number of universities and research centers that are ranked among the top 10% best research centers or universities
6Number of ISI-ranked published papersScientific productions
7Mean citation of each ISI-ranked paper
8Iranian researchers’ share from total published papers worldwide
9Number of highly cited papers
10Number of patents registered within IranTechnology development
11Number of patents registered outside Iran
12Commercialization of plansCommercialization and industry
13Percentage of yearly growth of GDP per capita due to smart grid science and technology
14Share of generation of products and services in GDP obtained from domestic knowledge and technology
15Share of value added by industrial products from national production value added
16Amount of domestic technology production
17Number of businesses with at least 1 product/service
18Key player interactions (cofinancing, research and development by public and private sectors, cooperation in R&D projects, participating in local and national scientific and technology programs, outsourcing, participation in registration of patents and publications)Increasing key player interactions
19Signing contracts
20Share of nongovernmental sector in financing research costsFinancial costs
21Research expenditures share in GDP
22Education costs share in GDP
23Income absorptionFinancial advantageous
24Organizational incentives (e.g., sharing commercialization income among research groups and universities, a credit and promotion system, industrial incentives for innovative plans)
25Ability to attract research funds, venture capital, and university capital as well as university-based companies
26License income, copyright and registration rights, research income, tax income, legal costs
27Earned value of development projects

Table 4

1.9.2 Evaluation reports

The other evaluation method of smart grid technology development is based on reports that are generated by different committees and organizations. In this section, the subject of the reports and their descriptions are presented.

  1. (a) Annual report for assessing the progress of development of technologies based on the stage-gate model
    The responsible organization to prepare this report is the Research and Technology Committee (RTC). The RTC updates the list of prioritized smart grid technologies according to the technology development process and the country's research and development portfolio results. Reports include:
    •  Assessment of technology research and development portfolio.
    •  Precise evaluation and updating of prioritized technologies (for each subgroup of technology groups).
    •  Forecasting future opportunities and financing needs.
  2. (b) Roadmap updating report at the end of the year (based on the results of the annual report of technology progress)
    The responsible organization to prepare this report is the RTC. This report will be published at the end of short-, mid-, and long-term periods. The report contents include:
    •  Evaluation of program deviations.
    •  Funds allocation mechanism.
    •  Coordination of commercialization and technology development considering the Iran MOE needs in the implementation phase.
    •  Performance analysis of smart grid innovation systems.
    •  Condition assessment and supporting mechanisms for industrial and research groups related to the smart grid.
    •  Determination of research needs according to the technology development progress reports in the Stage-Gate model.
  3. (c) Evaluation report of MSC and PhD experts’ contributions in R&D and rollout projects at the end of each year
    This report is prepared by RTC and includes:
    •  Comparison of the planned and allocated budget and assessing goal realization.
    •  Number of PhD and MSC researchers who contribute in smart grid projects (part-time or full-time).
    •  Monitoring of PhD and MSc experts’ activities in different sections of projects in the Stage-Gate procedure.
    •  Monitoring of PhD and MSC experts’ activities in different levels of smart grid deployment.
    •  The number and size of projects based on the allocated budget.
    •  Realization level of objectives of projects.
    •  The number of registered and commercialized patents.
  4. (d) Triple reports of project managers (charter, mid-term, and final reports)
    The project managers need to prepare the charter report, the mid-term report, and the final report of implemented projects (based on the PMBOK standard). RTC is the responsible organization receiving these reports. These reports are published in RTC portal of knowledge by the project managers with public or limited access.
    •  The project charter: This is a brief report, a maximum of one page that contains the project definition, budget, manager, scope, necessary equipment, key stakeholders, and schedules.
    •  The mid-term report: This report contains a maximum two or three pages in the middle of the project period. The report states the project's progress, existing challenges, risks, and needs of the project. This report also states the interaction status of the project with other smart grid players. The aim of this report is to facilitate the flow of information among key players of the smart grid. This report can be employed as the reference of necessary research titles in the future.
    •  The final report and lessons learned: This report is a maximum of four pages and contains a real-time schedule of projects related to the initial programs, challenges passed, risks, and measures taken to fix them; it also includes deliverables and outputs identified. This report is an important report for future projects and studies.
  5. (e) Annual report of research studies and applied technology development projects
    This report lists the studies and projects in the field of smart grids. This list can automatically be extracted from the portal of knowledge or generated separately. The aim of this report is to give information to industry sector players and researchers about applied research activities in Iran.
  6. (f) Annual accumulated and detailed report of R&D and rollout project budget
    This report is prepared by the smart grid policy and supervision committee. The aim of this report is to publish approved, allocated, and operating budgets of government and organizations that can potentially be spent in smart grid R&D projects.
  7. (g) Evaluation report of achievements of high-tech pilot and future needs at the end of each year
    The Niroo Research Institute (NRI), which is the research arm of the MOE, prepares this report. The purpose of this report is to inform researchers and orient and prioritize studies. Also, this report aims to coordinate different research institutes and administrative organizations based on the results of the implemented pilot project. This report also specifies the projects that should be carried out in this pilot at the next period.

1.10 Deployment strategy

In the development of the Iran smart grid road map, the JRC methodology has been selected as the analyzing method. Based on the JRC methodology, countries that intend to implement smart grids are required to adopt 10 functionalities in their smart grid. To achieve the stated functionalities, it is necessary to determine the assets of the present electricity grid. To identify the priorities and assets of the Iran power electricity network, experts’ viewpoints from industries and universities have been collected using designed forms. Fig. 7 demonstrates the diagram of the Iran electric network priorities, which have been obtained by analyzing the received forms.

Fig. 7
Fig. 7 Priorities of the Iran grid for smart grid deployment.

Considering the EU requirements and assets and priorities of the Iran smart grid, the deployment of the smart grid is divided into four pillars: customer empowerment, market development, grid development, and governmental institutions. Table 5 presents the pillars of smart grid development, the baseline of the Iran grid and the measures that will be taken through 2020 and 2025.

Table 5

Iran smart grid deployment measures through 2020 and 2025
PillarBase lineUp to 2020Up to 2025
Customer empowermentAMI
Smart grid (pilot)
Smart home (pilot)
Storage systems
Smart city
Smart home
Market developmentTariff definition
Tariff diversification
Electricity retailers
Privatization sector
Smart operators
Grid developmentWAMS
SCADA (transmission)
Street lightening
Volt-Var control (VVC)
Asset management system
Distribution automation (DA)/feeder automation (FA)
Security Operation Center (SOC)/Network Operation Center (NOC)
Microgrid (pilot)
Integration of distributed energy resources (DER)
Development and integration of microgrids
EV charging infrastructure
Governmental institutionsSG Steering Committee
Renewable energy feed in tariff
SG regulatory body
AMI mandate
Standard definition
Iran Smart Grid Company (ISGC)
Instructions and regulations completion

Table 5

2 National smart meter program

Iran is located in the Middle East and, as of 2016, has a total population of more than 80 million. More than 99% of the country's population has access to electricity. The power-generation capacity of the Iran grid is more than 76 GW.

In Fig. 8, the percentage of electricity customers in each section has been illustrated. From the 34 million customers of the Iran grid, 35% and 32% are industrial and residential users, respectively. Also, the remaining 16%, 9%, 6%, and 2% are agricultural, public loads, commercial, and lighting, respectively.

Fig. 8
Fig. 8 The electricity consumption share per consumer type.

Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) systems are comprised of state-of-the-art electronic/digital hardware and software that combine interval data measurement with continuously available remote communications. AMI gives the system operator and consumers the information they need to make smart decisions, and also the ability to execute those decisions that they are not currently able to do. Implementation and deployment of the National Smart Metering System project (called FAHAM) in Iran was begun in 2009. The FAHAM project follows promoting energy efficiency and load management, improving system reliability, and reducing operational costs by implementing the smart meter project. Moreover, the FAHAM project plans to replace conventional customer meters with smart meters in order to give consumers greater control over their energy use. Smart meters enable a utility to provide customers with detailed information about their energy usage at different times of the day, which in turn enables customers to manage their energy use more proactively.

In 2009, the Iran Energy Efficiency Organization (IEEO) published the roadmap for smart grid roll-out in Iran, illustrated in Fig. 9. As shown, the first steps were scheduled for implementation and deployment of the AMI.

Fig. 9
Fig. 9 Iran roadmap for smart grid roll-out.

2.1 Pilot project

To rollout the pilot project, five areas were selected as the main priority. Zanjan, Bushehr, Mashhad, Ahwaz, and Tehran + Alborz are the first distribution companies that will execute bulk rollout. Considering FAHAM action plans for Tehran + Alborz, it should be noted that distribution substations, lighting feeders, loss monitoring purposes, and large and demand customers have been included in the plan. For the other areas, the residential customers have also been included in FAHAM.

Moreover, 300,000 m for large customers (demand customers) in all 39 distribution companies (all around the country) will be connected to FAHAM in parallel with the aforementioned rollout plans. More details about the FAHAM pilot action plan are shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
Fig. 10 Selected area for the pilot project.

At the conclusion of FAHAM, all 34 million customers of the Iran grid, all distribution substations, and all feeders will be included in the metering infrastructure.

2.2 Goals and benefits of AMI implementation in Iran

The aims of AMI implementation in Iran are given below; they should include a plan for achieving each goal.

  •  Correcting customer consumption patterns.
  •  Preparing for complete elimination of subsidies.
  •  Applying energy management by the network operator in normal and critical conditions.
  •  Improving meter reading and billing processes.
  •  Monitoring technical losses as well as reducing nontechnical losses in distribution networks.
  •  Improving the quality of service and reducing the duration of power interruptions.
  •  Developing distributed generation and clean energy usage.
  •  Possibility of electricity presale and establishing electricity retail markets.
  •  Optimizing operation and maintenance costs.
  •  Providing appropriate management of water and gas meters.

Smart grid development in Iran has several advantages, which are summarized in three areas: economic, social, and environmental benefits:

Economic benefits

  •  Reducing nontechnical losses.
  •  Demand side management and diversification of tariffs.
  •  Modifying electricity consumption patterns by sharing information with customers.
  •  Improving the billing and payment systems.
  •  Reducing total costs of meter reading, operation, and maintenance as well as customer disconnection and reconnection.
  •  Preparing the necessary infrastructure for the development of retail markets.

Social benefits

  •  No need for periodic visits to each physical location to read the meters.
  •  Establishment of appropriate services for developing the electronic government.
  •  Increasing electricity sale options with different prices.
  •  Power delivery with higher quality and reliability.
  •  Allows for faster outage detection and restoration of service by a utility when an outage occurs.
  •  Increasing billing accuracy and speed by eliminating the human error factor.
  •  Providing better customer service.
  •  Allows customers to make informed decisions by providing highly detailed information.

Environmental benefits

  •  Reducing polluted gas and CO2 emissions.
  •  Reducing electricity consumption through energy management and reducing network losses.
  •  Demand-side management through sharing information with customers.

2.3 System components and interfaces

The AMI system in the FAHAM project typically refers to the full measurement and collection system that includes meters at the customer site; communication networks between the customer and a service provider, such as an electric, gas, or water utility; and data reception and management systems that make the information available to the service provider. Fig. 11 shows a typical distribution system including AMI. Data can be provided at the customer level and for other enterprise-level systems either on a scheduled basis or on demand. FAHAM will communicate this data to a central location, sorting and analyzing it for a variety of purposes such as customer billing, outage response, system loading conditions, and demand-side management. FAHAM as a two-way communication network will also send this information to other systems, customers, and third parties as well as send information back through the network and meters to capture additional data, control equipment, and update the configuration and software of equipment. Components and interfaces forming the AMI system in the FAHAM project are illustrated in Fig. 12. The main components are described in the following:

  •  The electricity meter/communication hub is an electronic smart meter device for measuring electricity, that is, an electricity meter. In addition to being a communication hub, it also incorporates additional processing capacities, memory, and communications for the storage and transmission of data received from multiutility meters, if the interface MI3 is present, and the end customer device, if the interface MI4 is present. The central system, either directly through the wide-area communication interface MI2, if present, or indirectly via a concentrator using interface MI1, remotely manages the electricity meter/communication hub.
  •  The multiutility meter is an electronic smart meter device for measuring water or gas with a general communication link to an electricity meter/communication hub using the local interface MI3.
  •  End customer devices are ancillary equipment such as an in-home display, which can be connected to the customer installation in order to permit an interaction and/or display consumption or other information to the customer. The end customer devices communicate to the electricity meter/communication hub using the optional meter interface MI4.
  •  The data concentrator (DC) is an intermediate element between the electricity meter/communication hub and the central system. Its main purpose is to collect and manage the information directly received from the electricity meters and indirectly received from the multiutility meters, if present, as well as also indirectly from the end-customer devices, if present. This information, consisting of measurement registers, alarms, etc., which is collected through interface CI1, is then sent to the central system via the wide-area interface CI2. For control commands, programming, reconfigurations, etc., coming from the central system, the data flow is the opposite direction and reaches the electricity meter/communication hub via CI1-MI1. In addition, there might exist the option of having external devices connected via the local interface CI3.
  •  External devices are other types of equipment that can be connected to the concentrator using the optional interface CI3. They can be used, for example, to permit future smart grid functionality that needs control, monitoring, or sensor elements at the transformer station, which is typically the location where the concentrator is installed.
  •  The central access system (CAS) interfaces with application systems through the interface SI3 and is responsible for the management of all information and data related to smart metering as well as the configuration, control, and operation of all system components using communication via the wide-area interfaces SI1 and SI2. This functionality also includes the treatment of events and alarms and the management and operation of all system communications. In most cases, the central system will receive orders from the application system and has to assure their correct and timely execution, and then returns the result of the operation to the application system. These orders can include reading of different parameters, reconfiguration of field components, remote disconnect of supply, etc. The CAS might delegate parts of its operation to the concentrators, if present, such that certain operations can be performed locally without the need for continuous wide-area communications.
  •  Application systems or legacy systems are the existing commercial or technical systems that manage the business processes of the utility. They communicate with the CAS using interface SI3.
Fig. 11
Fig. 11 A typical AMI system.
Fig. 12
Fig. 12 FAHAM system and interface architecture.

2.4 Communication profile

The communications solutions deployed in the FAHAM project have to fulfill a set of requirements in order to confirm the economic viability as well as functional reliability of the whole system. The selected communication systems between AMI components shown in Fig. 12 are described as follows:

2.4.1 MI1-CI1 (electricity meter-concentrator)

This interface is between the electricity meter/communication hub, and the concentrator, located, for example, in an electrical MV/LV substation. The protocol architecture is shown in Fig. 13.

Fig. 13
Fig. 13 MI1-CI1 communication architecture.

For this interface, two power line carrier (PLC) technologies, both working in the CENELEC A band, have been selected:

  •  IEC 61334-5-1 S-FSK
  •  PRIME

2.4.2 MI2-SI2 (electricity meter-CAS)

MI2-SI2 is the interface directly linking the electricity meter with the CAS. Due to cost constraints, this will usually be cellular. If a large number of nodes are installed using the network of a telecom provider, operation costs may become significant. In this case, data exchange with the meter has to be kept to a minimum.

A large number of nodes to be managed by the CAS imply this interface does not usually have high bandwidths from the electricity meter perspective. GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)/UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System) wireless technology was considered to be the most suitable technology for this interface. A protocol architecture will be studied for DLMS/COSEM. Fig. 14 illustrates this interface communication architecture.

Fig. 14
Fig. 14 MI2-SI2 interface communication architecture.

GPRS is a mobile data service offered in GSM systems, in addition to GSM service (it is integrated into GSM Release 97 and newer releases). It was originally standardized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and now by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). It is nowadays globally available in nearly all countries (except South Korea and Japan). In general terms, GPRS coverage is readily available in populated areas in most countries.

GPRS is widely used in IP networks today as a WAN wireless (cellular) technology. Each GPRS subscriber obtains an IP address, which can be public or private and at the same time fixed or dynamic, depending on the contracted service features and operator capabilities. GPRS service is provided in the GSM licensed frequency bands of 800, 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz.

The GPRS Access network is divided into two sections:

  •  GERAN (for GSM Radio Access Network) which comprises all the layers 1, 2, and 3 for the radio access network, plus all the normalized interfaces between them.
  •  The GSM core network, comprising the GSM network switching subsystem, the Gateway GSM support nodes (GGSN), and the Service GSM support nodes (SGSN).

An electricity meter would function as an MS (Mobile Station) from a GPRS perspective.

UMTS, also known as 3G or third generation mobile technology, is an evolution of existing 2G/GPRS networks using WCDMA modulation techniques in the air interface. It is specified by 3GPP and is part of the global ITU IMT-2000 standard. There have been different releases of UMTS issued by 3GPP. The UMTS lower layer networks are owned by the mobile operator. This network can be further subdivided into two different sections:

  •  UTRAN (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network), which contains the nodes B (Base Stations) and RNCs that comprise the Radio Access Network. This network provides the coverage area, linking the electricity meter with the UMTS core network. Each of the different network sections in UTRAN contains standard interfaces to the others, so the technology can be easily upgraded while maintaining full compatibility. All this is specified in the 25 series of 3GPP specifications.
  •  The Core Network, linking all the RNCs. The UMTS core network is an evolution of the previous 2G (GSM) core networks. It is an access-agnostic network where some services can be directly connected to the core network.

2.4.3 CI2-SI1 (concentrator-CAS)

Two protocol profiles are proposed: A new highly scalable solution based on SNMPv3 plus secure file transfer protocol and a web services-based profile.

2.4.4 CI3 (data concentrator to the smart grid devices)

The interface CI3 is used to connect the concentrator to external devices (e.g., sensors that are located in a relatively short radius around the concentrator, power meters, etc.). PLC is not considered as an optimal solution from both installation and component perspectives. Some studies propose wireless as a good alternative; the preferred data model and application layer (IEC 61850) is currently extensively used over wired ethernet, and this is currently considered a good compromise solution for most applications. Given that the concept of an external device is not fully defined in the scope of AMI projects, the profile proposed here should not be considered as exhaustive.

2.4.5 MI3 (multiutility meter-electricity meter/communication hub)

In Table 6, profiles for the multiutility meter communications interface MI3 are proposed.

Table 6

MI4 interface communication architecture choices
Short namePhysical mediumPhysical layerLink layerApplication layer
M-bus TPTwisted pair base band signalingEN 13757-2EN 13757-2M-bus dedicated application layer EN13757-3 + IEC 62056-53 DLMS/COSEM
M-bus TP DLMS/COSEMTwisted pairEN 13757-2IEC 62056-46 HDLCIEC 62056-53 DLMS/COSEM
Wireless M-busRadio 886 MHzEN 13757-4 various modesEN 13757-4M-bus dedicated application layer EN13757-3 + IEC 62056-53 DLMS/COSEM
IEEE 802.15.4 radioRadio 886 MHz or 2, 4 GHzIEEE 802.15.4IEEE 802.15.4IEC 62056-53 DLMS/COSEM
ZigBee DLMS/COSEM tunnelingRadio 886 MHz or 2, 4 GHzIEEE 802.15.4IEEE 802.15.4IEC 62056-53 DLMS/COSEM

Table 6

The twisted pair profiles are proposed additionally to suggest communication assessment because of the following advantages for multiutility meters:

  •  Twisted pair bus can provide power;
  •  “Paired” installations of electricity and for example, natural gas in close proximity are not uncommon in many countries;
  •  Hardwired pairing of a multiutility meter and communication hub, therefore no special pairing procedures are needed—no data security and integrity issues.

There is a suggestion for the use of IEEE 802.11 (WiFi); this is not considered here. The main reason for this is the fundamental requirement of “low-power” for multiutility meters, which is deemed impossible to fulfill with the current IEEE 802.11.

List of standards that must be taking into account for FAHAM deployment are given in reference [131].

2.5 Layer model of AMI

In the layer model, five layers are defined within the AMI system, illustrated in Fig. 15. These layers are described as follows:

Fig. 15
Fig. 15 Layer model in FAHAM.

The first layer is the physical layer related to smart meters that are located in customers’ places.

The second layer is AHE software as communications servers that are charged with the task of communicating with smart meters. These devices are different for different meter manufacturers. The diversity of AHE is dependent on a variety of meter manufacturers.

The third layer, meter data management (MDM), is responsible for collecting and managing data from AHE. The task of the layer is to match information in the same format used for other operational surfaces.

The fourth layer pertains to operational and commercial software that provides required statistical data and information for users by received information from MDM.

The fifth layer is distribution companies, which are responsible for information management in order to service the customers based on the business process.

2.6 ICT architecture and CAS communications

ICT architecture in FAHAM project is depicted in Fig. 16. The communications and information transactions between different parts are described as follows:

  1. 1. All the measured data from meters and concentrators are saved via GPRS links in one or more centralized MDM (five MDM centers).
  2. 2. Collected data is locally placed in information banks of legacy systems such as billing and outage management system (OMS) in the distribution company as the current format.
  3. 3. Depending on the requirements of application systems, they extract information of smart meters form corresponding MDMs by adding web service call mechanisms.
  4. 4. After receiving data from MDM, it is stored in the local information bank of application systems such as billing and OMS.
  5. 5. Relations between the distribution company and MDM are limited to sectional transactions of information extraction or sending commands. In other situations, there are no communication and transactions.
Fig. 16
Fig. 16 ICT architecture in FAHAM.

2.7 Interoperability

Interoperability can be defined as the ability of systems, components, or equipment to provide services to and accept services from other systems, components, or equipment and to use the services exchanged to enable them to operate effectively together. With respect to software, the term is also used to describe the capability of different programs to exchange data via a common set of exchange formats, to read and write the same file formats, and to use the same protocols.

If two or more systems are capable of communicating and exchanging data, they are exhibiting syntactic interoperability.

Interoperability is the ability to automatically interpret the information exchanged meaningfully and accurately in order to produce useful results as defined by the end users of both systems. To achieve semantic interoperability, both sides must defer to a common information exchange reference model. The content of the information exchange requests is unambiguously defined: what is sent is the same as what is understood.

Interoperability can have important economic consequences. If competitors’ products are not interoperable (due to causes such as patents, trade secrets, or coordination failures), the result may well be monopoly or market failure.

Smart metering communication systems should be based on standard metering protocols to confirm interoperability with changing energy supplier equipment and/or consumer equipment over the life of the meter.

Interoperability in the FAHAM system means that meters from different manufacturers should be able to work with all various types of concentrators made by other manufacturers. Every operation and maintenance device can connect to different types of meters and concentrators and CAS can manage all FAHAM devices regardless of their manufacturers. All these mentioned items shall be fulfilled without any additional devices or protocol convertors and without interfering in system online operation.

2.8 Security

When two-way command and control systems are embedded into power systems, several security threats must be addressed:

  •  To guarantee the confidentiality of data, which only allows authorized entities to access the data;
  •  To guarantee the integrity of data, which assures that data is not manipulated;
  •  To guarantee the authenticity of data, which confirms that the data is sent by a dedicated entity;
  •  To guarantee the availability of data, confirming that data is available when needed.

Security is everywhere in the metering process, from the meter and the DC to the back-office information system, including each network and media used to communicate (home network, public network, and enterprise network). Also, all components are concerned and we need to handle global security. All partners, from manufacturers to suppliers and regulators have to work together to raise awareness and secure future metering systems.

2.8.1 Security assumptions

  •  If a physical intrusion of a meter or DC happens, the compromising of one device should not permit the compromising of the entire system.
  •  Sensitive information and commands will have to be strongly protected.
  •  Hardware devices will support cryptographic algorithms. Whenever possible, association of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms should be used in accordance with standard implementation. A combination of both algorithms will be used when equipment characteristics allow it, otherwise symmetric mechanisms will be deployed or mixed with other technical methods. Usage of trusted equipment, such as a cryptographic processor embedded in smart cards, should be considered because they are tamper-resistant.
  •  Because security standards are available for IT systems, industrial automation, and control systems, they should be applied from the very conception of the systems for the deployment of devices and global systems.

2.8.2 Foundational security requirements

The FAHAM system should prevent:

  •  Unauthorized access, theft, or misuse of confidential information (data cannot be read or altered on a meter or in transit across all networks).
  •  Loss of integrity or reliability of process data and production information.
  •  Loss of system availability (back-office and data processing is secured).
  •  Invasions and illicit changes—for example, illicit firmware upgrades.
  •  Process upsets leading to compromising of process functionality or loss of system capacity (separation of responsibilities for appropriate actions).

Identified requirements to complete these needs are:

  •  Access and use control
  •  Data integrity
  •  Data confidentiality
  •  Resource availability

2.9 Use cases

A use case is a term in software and system engineering that defines how a user uses a system to accomplish a particular goal. Use cases describe interactions among external actors and the system to attain particular goals. Use cases are modeled by means of a unified modeling language (UML) and are represented by ovals containing the names of the use case.

This part provides the business use cases for electricity meters installed at the premises of domestic customers. In this section, “meter” refers to the electricity meter/communication hub. The procedure of each desired application of the AMI system is defined as a use case. These use cases are as follows:

  •  Provide periodic meter reads.
  •  Provide on-demand meter reads.
  •  Provide information through a local customer interface.
  •  Provide load profile.
  •  Provide power quality information.
  •  Provide interruption information.
  •  Provide tamper history (tamper detection).
  •  Disconnect/connect electricity.
  •  Apply electricity threshold and load management.
  •  Send long messages to end customer device.
  •  Shift tariff times electricity.
  •  Clock synchronization.
  •  Remote firmware upgrade.
  •  Planned on-site maintenance.
  •  Adjust equipment.
  •  Equipment installation.
  •  Uninstall electricity meter/communication hub.
  •  Retrieve electricity meter/communication hub state.
  •  Perform self-check.
  •  Verify topology.
  •  Communication use cases.
  •  Event logging and error reporting requirements.

Some of these use cases are described in the following:

2.9.1 Use case 1: Provide periodic meter reads

This use case describes the process of gathering and providing periodic meter reads. This process is triggered after the installation of the electricity meter. Periodic meter readings are daily and monthly meter readings. Daily meter readings are used in power market issues such as real-time pricing. The trigger description and block diagram are depicted in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17
Fig. 17 Provide periodic meter read—UML.

Legacy systems assign the task of obtaining cycle meter readings to the central system. Meter reading requests are linked to a deadline date for acquiring the reading of the meters involved. Deadline dates are fixed by legacy systems according to legal, technical, or business requirements.

In order to acquire the most recent energy values, the central system could request the direct reading of the meters involved via the concentrator (communication via SI2-MI2). For those meters whose reading is not available in time, the last value stored on the system could be provided. Thus, the central system or concentrators should periodically retrieve and store meter readings.

2.9.2 Use case 2: Provide load profile

This use case provides the description of the process of making the load profile available to the CAS. The load profile is made available through the electricity meter (both load profiles for electricity and gas). The process of registering the load profile (after sending the activation comment from the application layer) is an uninterrupted process that runs throughout the lifecycle of the metering equipment. This process is hence triggered after the installation of the electricity meter. The trigger description, block diagram, and UML sequence diagram are depicted in Fig. 18.

Fig. 18
Fig. 18 Provide load profile—UML.

The load profile provides a measurement of the variation in the electrical load versus time. It represents the pattern of electricity usage of a customer. This information can also be used for billing.

Meters shall have the capability of registering load profiles. The number and length of the load profiles registered by the meter shall accomplish the current legal directives.

The CAS shall be able to order the activation of the load profile storage in the meter (if it is not active by default) as well as the programming of the parameters that define the load profiles (i.e., magnitude and periodicity). These orders shall be remotely managed by the CAS, which communicates with meters directly (communication via SI2-MI2) or through a concentrator communication via SI1-CI2 and CI1-MI2).

In addition, the CAS shall periodically gather and store these load profiles in order to provide this information to the legacy systems when required. The gathering of the load profile data by the CAS can be done directly (communication via SI2-MI2) or aided by a concentrator (communication via SI1-CI1-CI2-MI1).

The CAS shall deliver load profiles at the request of the legacy systems.

2.9.3 Use case 3: Provide power quality information

This use case describes the process of gathering power quality measurements in the CAS. Some indices are defined to measure the power quality of systems ; for example, the number of occurred over-voltage, dip voltage and harmonics. The trigger description, block diagram, and UML sequence diagram are depicted in the following diagrams. The power quality parameters in addition to the voltage parameters for the CT/PT meter are harmonic and THD.

The grid company should guarantee its customers a user-specified quality electricity supply, based on current legal regulations. Due to the aforementioned requirements, meters should register measurements related to interruption and variation voltage. Subsequently, the CAS periodically retrieves this information by means of an on-demand reading to send it to the legacy systems responsible for managing this information.

2.9.4 Use case 4: Provide interruption information

This use case describes the process to register and provide the customer with standard information related to the interruptions. In this standard, the duration (T) for short and long interruptions has been defined as 3 min, to differentiate between short and long interruptions. In the future, this definition might change. Therefore, it is required that T is configurable. The meter will be able to detect any interruptions and register the related information to be shown to the customer on the meter display or to be sent to end customer devices. The meter will be able to collect this set of information for different interruption events.

2.9.5 Use case 5: Provide tamper history (tamper detection)

This use case describes the activities associated with tampering. Attempts to violate (parts of) the metering installation or the removal of the meter cover must be detected and registered with a time stamp; this detection applies for both the electricity meter and the gas and water meter. Further, fraud attempts using magnetic fields must be registered in the metering equipment. The metering installation must be able to register at least the last 10 fraud attempts for each tampering. Tamper detection (fraud and violation) is always active on all equipment (even during interruptions).

2.9.6 Use case 6: Apply electricity threshold and load management

This use case describes the process for applying a threshold on the supply of electrical power. It must be possible to set two different threshold values simultaneously, one for the normal contractual value of the electricity connection and one to be used in case a shortage of electricity is anticipated. The electricity thresholds can be set remotely.

It should be possible to apply demand management settings locally and remotely. Demand limitation for normal and emergency situations should be adjusted either when energy flows from the grid to the customer or from the customer to the grid. When demand limitation in emergency situations is activated it will have the priority to the demand limitation in normal situations.

The activation of the demanded power control mode in the meter allows legacy systems to control the excesses of consumption of electrical power by customers. Meter disconnection elements shall act as a programmable power control switch complying with the applicable legal requirements established. If the power control mode is active, the meter disconnection element interrupts the power supply when the power demanded is higher that a programmable threshold. To restore the power supply, the customer shall, manually or by means of an external domestic device (if such a device exists), close the disconnection device.

Therefore, the legacy systems shall order the activation or deactivation of the power control mode in meters as well as the programming of the power threshold. Those orders should be remotely managed by the CAS, which communicates with meters directly (communication via SI2-MI2) or through a concentrator (communication via SI1-CI2-CI1-MI1).

2.10 Application systems

The smart management of electric distribution grids is one of the key success factors to reach ambitious smart grid goals. Application systems such as an OMS, customer information system, and demand response management system(DRMS) are software that act as decision support systems to assist the distribution system operator with the monitoring and control of the distribution system. The foundation of an application system is the data that is received from AMI. Fig. 19 illustrates the FAHAM system equipped with application systems.

Fig. 19
Fig. 19 AMI and application systems.

3 Conclusions

This chapter has been composed of two major sections: the Smart Grid Technology Roadmap in IRAN and the FAHAM. The roadmap focuses on technology development and has been approved in the 147th meeting of the Supreme Council for Science Research and Technology of Iran. The vision of this roadmap says, the Islamic Republic of Iran, by 2025, aims to develop an electric smart grid as an efficient, secure, flexible, and stable grid that delivers the required high quality and reliable power to consumers and stakeholders. ICT, smart management systems, new technologies in the area of smart grids, IoT and integration of DGs, CHP systems, renewable energy resources, and energy storage systems cause dynamic interactions among stakeholders of the whole energy system. A smart grid should provide optimal management of demand and supply in competitive electricity market. Iran seeks to elevate and consolidate the country's position as a first country in the Middle East region in technology development and implementation of smart grid.

FAHAM is an important foundational step in the modernization of the Iran power system. The program involves replacing existing customer meters, now becoming obsolete, with a comprehensive smart meter system. This system includes the technology and telecommunications infrastructure needed for the Iranian power system to continue to manage the electricity system in a reliable, safe, and cost-effective manner. The following key learnings taken from this project have been summarized as follows:

  •  The smart meter system helps utilities with demand-side management programs.
  •  The security of the AMI system is the most important issue in the project that should be continuously upgraded.
  •  Without an application system, the benefits of the AMI system will not be fully revealed. Application systems such as the Volt/Var optimization system, a DRMS, and an OMS use collected data from smart meters to optimally operate and manage the electricity network (Boxes 1 and 2).

Box 1

Technological opportunities

Areas of Iran smart grid technology development that are deducted from the Iran smart grid roadmap vision are:

  •  Smart meter development and related technologies.
  •  Customer side technology development.
  •  ICT infrastructures technology development.
  •  Smart grid technology development (distribution and transmission systems).
  •  Wide area monitoring system development.
  •  Grid monitoring and control technology development.
  •  Grid protection systems development.
  •  DGs and renewable energy resources integration infrastructure development.
  •  Electric vehicle infrastructure and new technology development.
  •  Knowledge-based start-up businesses development support.
  •  Human resources education and training.
  •  Obtaining technology development infrastructure and smart grid lab development.
  •  Culture making and promotion of smart grid applications.
  •  Implementation of pilot projects.

For updating and evaluation of smart grid technology development, two evaluation methods are designed: indices and reports. The domain of evaluation indices are:

  •  Human resources.
  •  Research centers.
  •  Scientific production.
  •  Technology development.
  •  Commercialization and industry.
  •  Increasing key player interactions.
  •  Financial costs.
  •  Financially advantageous.

and the subject of the evaluation reports is:

  •  Annual report for assessing progress of development of technologies based on the Stage-Gate model.
  •  Roadmap updating report at the end of year (based on the results of the annual report of technology progress).
  •  Evaluation report of MSC and PhD experts’ contribution in R&D and rollout projects at the end of each year.
  •  Triple reports of project managers (charter, mid-term, and final reports).
  •  Annual report of research studies and applied technology development projects.
  •  Annual accumulated and detailed report of R&D and rollout project budget.

Evaluation report of achievements of high-tech pilot and future needs at the end of each year (Table 7).

Table 7

Iran smart grid deployment measures through 2020 and 2025
PillarBase lineUp to 2020Up to 2025
Customer empowermentAMI
Smart grid (pilot)
Smart home (pilot)
Storage systems
Smart city
Smart home
Market developmentTariff definition
Tariff diversification
Electricity retailers
Privatization sector
Smart operators
Grid developmentWAMS
SCADA (transmission)
Street lighting
Asset management system
Microgrid (pilot)
Integration of DER
Development and integration of microgrids
EV charging infrastructure
Governmental institutionsSG Steering Committee
Renewable energy feed in tariff
SG regulatory body
AMI mandate
Standard definition
Instructions and regulations completion

Table 7

Box 2

Financial allocation (Table 8)

Table 8

Funds allocated to different areas of Iran smart grid technologies development road map
No.Areas of measure for Iran smart grid technology developmentIran's Electric Smart Grid National Grand Project (IESGNGP) budget ($ million)Other resources ($ million)
1Smart meter development and related technologies0.66.5
2Customer side technology development1.412
3ICT infrastructures technology development1.13.5
4Smart grid technology development (distribution and transmission systems)2.73.5
5WAMS development1.45.5
6Grid monitoring and control technology development2.19.2
7Grid protection systems development1.42.5
8DGs and renewable energy resources integration infrastructure development1.46.5
9Electric vehicle infrastructure and new technology development1.45.3
10Knowledge based start-up businesses development support5.217
11Human resources education and training1.44
12Obtaining technology development infrastructure and smart grid lab development1.46.5
13Culture making and promotion of smart grid applications0.86
14Implementation of pilot projects2.742
Total budget25130

Table 8


[1] IEC 62051 (1999) Electricity metering—glossary of terms.

[2] IEC 62051-1 (2004) Electricity metering—data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control—glossary of terms—Part 1: terms related to data exchange with metering equipment using DLMS/COSEM.

[3] IEC 62052-11 (2003) (Electricity metering equipment (AC)—general requirements, test and tests conditions—Part 11: metering equipment).

[4] IEC62053-21 (2003) Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)—particular requirements—Part 21: static meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2).

[5] IEC 62052-21 (2004) Electricity metering equipment (AC)—general requirements, tests and test conditions—Part 21: tariff and load control equipment.

[6] IEC 62053-22 (2003) Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)—particular requirements—Part 22: static meters for active energy (classes 0, 2 S and 0, 5 S).

[7] IEC 62053-23 Electricity metering equipment (a.c.)—particular requirements—Part 23: static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3).

[8] IEC 62053-31 (1998) Electricity metering—particular requirements—Part 31: pulse output devices for electromechanical and electronic meters (two wires only).

[9] IEC 62054-21 (2004) Electricity metering—tariff and load control—Part 21: particular requirements for time switches.

[10] IEC 62055-21 (2005) Electricity metering—payment systems—Part 21: framework for standardization.

[11] IEC 62055-31 (2007) Electricity metering—payment systems—Part 31: particular requirements—static payment meters for active energy (classes 1 and 2).

[12] IEC 62056-21 Electricity metering—data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control—Part 21: direct local data exchange.

[13] IEC 62056-46 Electricity metering—data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control—Part 46: data link layer using HDLC protocol.

[14] IEC 62056-47 Electricity metering—data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control—Part 47: COSEM transport layers for IPv4 networks.

[15] IEC 62056-53 Electricity metering—data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control—Part 53: COSEM application layer.

[16] IEC 62056-61 Electricity metering—data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control—Part 61: object identification system (OBIS).

[17] IEC 62056-62 Electricity metering—data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control—Part 62: interface classes.

[18] IEC 62058-11 Electricity metering equipment (AC)—acceptance inspection—general acceptance inspection methods.

[19] IEC 62058-31 Electricity metering equipment (AC)—acceptance inspection—Part 31: particular requirements for static meters for active energy (classes 0, 2 S, 0, 5 S, 1 and 2).

[20] IEC 62059-11 Electricity metering equipment—dependability—Part 11: general concepts.

[21] IEC 61334 Standard for low-speed reliable power line communications by electricity meters. It is also known as S-FSK, for “spread frequency shift keying.” It is actually a series of standards describing the researched physical environment of power lines, a well-adapted physical layer, a workable low-power media access layer, and a management interface.

[22] IEC 62059-21 Electricity metering equipment—dependability—Part 11: collection of meter dependability data from the field.

[23] IEC 62059-31-1 Electricity metering equipment—dependability—Part 31-1: accelerated reliability testing—elevated temperature and humidity.

[24] IEC 62059-41 Electricity metering equipment—dependability—Part 41: reliability prediction.

[25] IEC60950 Information technology equipment—safety—Part 1: general requirements (2005); Information technology equipment—safety—Part 21: remote power feeding (2002); Information technology equipment—safety—Part 22: equipment to be installed outdoors (2005); Information technology equipment—safety—Part 23: large data storage equipment (2005).

[26] EN 41003 (2009) Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks and/or a cable distribution system.

[27] EN 50065-1 (2010) Signaling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148.5 kHz. General requirements, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances.

[28] EN 50360 (2001) Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (300 MHz–3 GHz).

[29] EN 50371 (2002) Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz–300 GHz). General public.

[30] EN 50385 (2002) Product standard to demonstrate the compliances of radio base stations and fixed terminal stations for wireless telecommunication systems with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (110 MHz–40 GHz). General public.

[31] EN 50401 (2006) Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of fixed equipment for radio transmission (110 MHz–40 GHz) intended for use in wireless telecommunication networks with the basic restrictions or the reference levels related to general public exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields, when put into service.

Further reading

[32] Specification of general, economical, functional, technical and communicational requirements for the advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). IEEO; 2009.

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