© Stephen Haunts 2019
Stephen HauntsApplied Cryptography in .NET and Azure Key Vaulthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4375-6_1

1. What Are Data Breaches?

Stephen Haunts1 
Belper, Derbyshire, UK

We live in a technical society that is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. Never before have we had instant access to information and services at the touch of a button—from the devices we carry in our pockets, the computers on our desks, or the TVs in our houses. While this unprecedented level of access to online services is exciting, it also brings a lot of personal risks. To access these services, we have to give up our information to companies that we must entrust with it. Unfortunately, although we trust these companies with our data, we are continually hearing in the news about data accounts being stolen.

First, let’s discuss what a data breach means. A data breach is where the sensitive or confidential data that a company is responsible for holding has been viewed by, used by, or stolen by a person who is unauthorized to do so. A data breach can happen for a lot of reasons. For example, an employee at a company could deliberately or accidentally copy or reveal information to someone who is not authorized to view it. Another example is someone who has inadvertently left a phone, laptop, or USB memory stick on a train or in a café. While this may be accidental as opposed to a deliberate action, it is still a data breach. Another example, and the one that is reported in the press the most, is when someone outside of an organization manages to infiltrate a company’s IT systems and steal data. This could be through hacking and taking advantage of exploits in the system, or by coercing a staff member through social engineering.

Just how prevalent are data breaches? There are some fantastic resources online that illustrate just how much of a problem data breaches are, but I want to draw your attention to one in particular on a website called Have I Been Pwned, by security researcher, speaker, and trainer, Troy Hunt (see Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1

Have I Been Pwned by Troy Hunt

Have I Been Pwned is a breach notification service that enables you to sign up for notifications when your email address shows up in any data breaches that are made public. I have been a member of this site for many years, and I have been notified many times that my email address was included in data leaked from various companies. I want to mention this website because it also shows startling numbers that illustrate just how big a problem breached data is. As you are reading this, I invite you to go to site at www.haveibeenpwned.com and click the “Who’s been pwned” link. This takes you to a page that contains information on companies that have had data breaches and the number of records that have been leaked. What should strike you is the sheer size of some of these numbers for companies such as LinkedIn, with over 160 million records; Adobe, with over 150 million records; and Domino’s Pizza, with over 600 thousand records. These are huge numbers, and if you look at the website, the list of companies that have had data stolen goes on and on.

Types of Data in a Breach and Their Consequences

When we talk about breached data, what kinds of data does it include? Typically, it is Personally Identifiable Information (PII), which is data used to identify a living person, such as your name, postal address, phone number, and email address. Breached data could also include sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, and health information, such as prescriptions. This data has a lot of value to people on the black market because it helps with identify theft. When breached data includes unencrypted credit card numbers, it can be used to make online purchases, leaving the owner of that data with a financial loss. These risks are very worrying, and as well as just being inconvenient, the result of some of these data breaches can have a genuine human impact.

A prime example of this was the Ashley Madison data breach in 2015. Ashley Madison is a dating website for people looking to have extramarital affairs. In 2015, a hacking group called the Impact Team stole the site members’ personal data. The Impact Group threatened to release the members’ personal information if the website was not immediately shut down. Ashley Madison didn’t comply with this request, and on August 18, 2015, the group leaked more than 25 GB of the site members’ data onto the Internet.

Setting aside the nature of this website, imagine if you were a site member having extramarital affairs. How would you feel? No doubt, very nervous that your partner would find out. Shortly after the leak of this data, many Internet sites appeared to let you publicly search this information for someone’s name or email address. This enabled suspicious wives, husbands, or partners to search for information. You can only imagine the fallout from this, as many people’s relationships broke down and divorces were filed. Many celebrities and government officials were also exposed, which had an impact on their careers. Not only does being exposed like this affect the people involved directly, but imagine the hurt it can also cause families and children. Sadly, there were even a few suicides reported due to this data breach.

The reason I mention the Ashley Madison data breach is to explicitly highlight the human consequences that a data breach can cause. I am not only talking about stolen money from a credit card, or someone’s identity impersonated to apply for credit, although these are very serious in their own right, I am talking about actual consequences to people’s lives and families. No matter what your personal opinion is about a website like this, the people that signed up for the service should expect that the company would look after their data and assume that the data would be kept private. In other words, it is the company’s responsibility to look after private and personally identifiable information correctly.

Securely looking after personal data is a difficult problem to solve, and it can be an expensive problem for companies to deal with secure storage of data. Unfortunately, there is still an attitude with some companies that they are too small to be attacked, and that criminals go after bigger companies. I have worked for many businesses that have taken this view. Sadly, this just isn’t true. In fact, if you are a smaller company, you are more likely to be a target because it could be easier to break into your systems. This is why the information in this book could mean the difference of your data being safe should it be stolen.

The Impact on a Company

I have talked about the victims’ consequences when their data is stolen, but what about a company who has been targeted? The effects can come in many forms.

Financial Loss

The first impact is financial loss to the company. Larger organizations may be able to swallow the costs, but this could run into millions of dollars. For smaller companies, this might be much harder to accept. Financial loss could happen for many reasons. The first is that bad press could cause sales loss for a company’s products or services. The financial loss includes measures to deal with security improvements after the fact, which is always the wrong time to implement them. Preventative measures are still more cost-effective than post-breach operational measures, which are always more expensive to implement. For smaller organizations, the cost of lost revenue and post-breach security measures could quickly put a company out of business.

Legal Action

Another cost that can severely impact a business is legal action from the victims of the data theft. If victims lodge legal claims against the company, these costs could have a severe financial impact, which could drive a smaller organization into insolvency. Imagine if your business loses customers’ credit card information, which are leads the criminals to steal money from your customers. It is entirely possible for the credit card companies or the issuing financial institutions to file claims against your company.

Regulatory Impact

Penalties handed down by regulatory bodies have a direct financial impact on organizations that suffer data breaches. For example, if you lose credit card information, then you may have stiff fines because of violations of PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standard) regulations. I have worked for a financial organization that suffered a breach of customer cards, which resulted in hefty fines. These fines are designed to be large enough to cause pain to the companies involved.

The financial services industry isn’t the only regulated industry that can hand down penalties. The healthcare industry is monitored to protect patient data. Medical records are very sensitive and private, and if not handled carefully, customers or patients can suffer a lot of distress, so the fines are sized to act as a harsh punishment to the organizations involved.

In addition to industry-specific regulatory bodies monitoring companies, each country has government regulatory bodies to protect the consumer. In the European Union, for example, this comes in the form of regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Any company that trades with an EU company has to comply with these regulations, and the rules governing GDPR and the safe storage of personal information are rigorous.

Loss of Reputation

All the impacts and penalties discussed so far are very serious and can cause a company significant problems if they are experienced in the event of a data breach, but by far the most severe impact a company can face is that of reputational damage. Trust between a company and its customers is very hard to build, yet very easy to lose. If your business encounters a data breach that is then exposed in the press, it is very likely that you will lose the trust of your customers, and they will take their business elsewhere. Overnight, this could drastically impact business revenue streams. Loss of revenue, coupled with stiff financial penalties from regulators, can be tough to recover from. Larger companies can bounce back, but it is a very steep uphill struggle. Smaller organizations might not be so lucky, and the impact can force them out of business.

All of these impacts can be devastating to an organization, but you can protect yourself from the consequences. While it might not be entirely possible to entirely outsmart determined career criminals, if you make your security sturdy enough, attackers will go elsewhere. There are two main ways to build suitable deterrents: a robust network security and robust software security.

Why Network Protection Isn’t Enough

The first method that companies adopt to protect themselves from a data breach is the investment in networking hardware, such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems. These are very wise purchasing decisions, and any company serious about network security should spend in this area, whether physical hardware placed in own data centers or cloud-based abstractions with providers such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS. These systems help keep criminals out and build a toughened perimeter around the network.

It is also common to have systems running within a network that monitors traffic going over the network to detect personal information being sent into or out of the company. I personally fell afoul of such a system when I worked for a large Internet bank in the United Kingdom. I was working on a system for handling payments from debit cards for loan accounts. As part of our testing of the system, I emailed example debit card numbers and example loan account numbers to a testing colleague. These were not real numbers, only test data, but the day after sending these to my colleague, I was taken aside by my manager and asked to explain the data. In this case, it was just test data, and it was sent to an internal staff member, so there were no repercussions, but these same systems would detect real data being sent outside the company by any operational staff. All of these methods are vital to the security of businesses, but these systems are not enough on their own, and more can be done by the people building the enterprise systems used by organizations to perform business.

How Can Developers Help?

If you are reading this book, then it is probably safe to assume that you are a software developer. As a developer, there is a lot you can do to help ensure the safety of your employer and its customers. I firmly believe that it is the duty of any software developer to do all they can to protect the data of their company’s customers. You can do this by understanding some of the tools available to you.

It doesn’t matter what industry you work in—financial services, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, defense—or even a small software development agency producing software as a service solution, the protection of personal information is essential. Using the techniques and tools presented throughout this book, you will be armed with the knowledge, skills, and behaviors to build robust systems to protect your employer and its customers. You have the power to make a real difference in the fight against data breaches and their far-reaching consequences.

This book focuses specifically on the Microsoft .NET Framework and the newer .NET Core 2+ and .NET Standard 2+ platforms. This means that you have the tools to build cross-platform, secure, back-end solutions installed in an on-premise data center or in the cloud, and hosted on Windows or Linux servers.

What Can You Expect from This Book?

When I started planning this book, there were several different routes to present the information. I could have written a large reference book that talked about every method and property on every security-based class in .NET, but I felt that this would not be useful because that information is available in Microsofts’ documentation, and it would have made the book huge. As a developer, I understand the pressure that you face to develop code quickly and on a budget. Your time is precious. I wanted to make this book useful but not take long to read and work through.

Instead of a reference manual, I put together a book that takes you through some of the important cryptographic primitives available in .NET and Azure Key Vault, and shows you how to combine them to create secure applications. This book is very practical in the way that it is presented. I urge you to download the accompanying source code files so that you can experiment with the code. Let’s now look at how the book is broken down.

What You Will Learn

In this book, I take you through all the cryptographic primitives available to you in .NET, and then show you how to use them together to create robust encryption, key management, and password storage mechanisms in your software solutions. The chapters are broken down as follows.

In Chapter 2, I walk through a brief history of cryptography, from ancient times to modern techniques. Cryptography has a fascinating history, and by taking a brief look at its roots, you get a good appreciation of the methods in use today. Once we have taken a look at the history, we look at some of the properties of modern cryptography, such as confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation.

One of the foundations of modern cryptography involves the ability to generate random numbers. In Chapter 3, I talk about why this is important and the best way to create numbers using the tools available in .NET. In our exploration of random numbers, we jump into the practical elements of this book.

Once we have looked at how to generate random numbers, we move to the concepts around integrity and authentication by looking at hashing and hashed message authentication codes. I will cover various hashing algorithms, such MD-5, SHA-1, and SHA-256/SHA-512, and use hashed message authentication codes to provide authentication, which provide the necessary building blocks to move to the next chapter.

Safely storing passwords is something that seems so easy on the surface; it’s just saving some data in a database. Frequently, this is done incorrectly, and it becomes a significant problem with data breaches because stored passwords are often stolen and easily cracked, giving attackers a way to access and take over accounts on systems. In Chapter 5, we explore some of the conventional techniques for storing passwords and look at why they are no longer good enough for future systems. At the end of that chapter, you will have the knowledge and skills needed to perform password storage correctly using libraries that are included in .NET.

In Chapter 6, we look at how to implement confidentiality in your systems with encryption algorithms, such as DES, Triple DES, and AES. Symmetric encryption encompasses a series of algorithms that use the same key to both encrypt and decrypt data. I also talk about the issues of key sharing with symmetric encryption. Sharing symmetric keys is very hard to do securely, which leads us to the next chapter.

Asymmetric encryption is a form of encryption similar to symmetric encryption, except there is one fundamental difference. Instead of using the same key for encryption and decryption, you use a mathematically linked pair of keys called a public and a private key. This type of algorithm gives unique properties to add to our cryptography toolkit. In Chapter 7, we focus on the RSA encryption algorithm.

Following on our look at asymmetric encryption, in Chapter 8, we look at another use for RSA for generating digital signatures. This helps us fulfill our non-repudiation property, which means we can help a sender prove that they sent a message, so there is no denying it in the future.

By Chapter 9, we will have covered all the main cryptographic primitives that we need to satisfy confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and non-repudiation. In this chapter, we combine these primitives to create a hybrid encryption protocol, where we use all the benefits of each primitive to develop robust encryption protocols to use in your enterprise systems. By the end of this chapter, we will have built up a working set of code libraries that you can use in your systems.

Once we have looked at symmetric and asymmetric encryption, in Chapter 10 look at ways of storing these encryption keys. One very robust way of doing this is with hardware security modules, which are hardware appliances designed to go into a data center to securely store encryption keys. We focus on a particular implementation called the Azure Key Vault, which is a very cost-effective and secure way to store keys.

Once you are familiar with the Azure Key Vault, in Chapter 11, we look at patterns and practices for its use in the real world. This includes both operational and software development patterns. Using the techniques discussed in this chapter, you will be able to significantly lower the cost of using Key Vault.

In the final chapter, I summarize all the key points of the book, and then look at how data encryption fits with other system technologies and best practices to help you in the future. Not all data breaches start with technology. They can start with social engineering attacks against staff, so a combination of good technical and personnel practices can help a company survive in the digital age.

.NET Standard and .NET Core

All the code has been written to conform with .NET Standard 2.0, which means the code works with both .NET Core 2 and higher and .NET Framework 4 and higher. Before .NET Standard 2.0, which was released in the summer of 2017, many of the cryptography techniques discussed in this book were not supported in .NET Core (version 1.1), which means everything presented in this book would only work on the original .NET Framework and could only be run on Windows operating systems.

.NET Standard 2 and .NET Core 2 are now both available, and in full use, so everything in this book works across Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. This is excellent news for developers because it offers a lot of choice in how we write and deploy our code. In fact, all the code samples in this book were developed using Visual Studio for Mac, and then tested in Visual Studio for Windows.

Code Samples in This Book

All of the code discussed in this book is available from GitHub https://github.com/Apress/applied-crypto-.net-azure . The solution file can be opened on Visual Studio for Mac or Windows. You can also use the JetBrains Rider IDE to work with the code samples. As you progress through this book, I recommend you download the source code and experiment with the examples. All the code in the samples fully work and can be used in your applications to enable the full power of cryptography.

Let’s now move on to the next chapter, where we look at a brief history of cryptography, and I introduce some of the leading features of cryptography.

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