NgRx – Reduxing that Angular App

We have reached the last chapter of this book. The time has come to understand the NgRx library. So far, different topics have been covered, making you as a reader more used to thinking about things such as immutable data structures and reactive programming. We did all this so it would be easier for you to digest what is to come in this chapter. NgRx is an implementation of Redux made for Angular, so concepts such as store, action creators, actions, selectors, and reducers are well used. What you have hopefully picked up on by reading the past chapters is how Redux works. By reading the previous chapter, you will have discovered how what you learned about Redux translates to NgRx and its principles on how to organize your code. This chapter aims to describe the core library @ngrx-store, how to handle side effects with @ngrx-effects, and how to debug like a pro with @ngrx/store-devtools, among other things. 

In this chapter, we will learn:

  • State management with @ngrx/store
  • Handling side effects with @ngrx/effects
  • How to debug with @ngrx/store-devtools
  • How to capture and transform the router state with @ngrx/router-store
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