Data flow

OK, so we know about actions, reducers, and manipulating the state in a pure way. What about putting all this in practice in a real application? How would we do that? Let's try to model the data flow of our application. Imagine that we have a view that handles adding an item to a list and a view that handles showing the list. Then, our data flow could look like the following:

In the case of the create item view, we enter the data we need to create an item and then we dispatch an action, create-item, which ends up adding the item to the store. In our other data flow, we simply have a list view that selects the items from the store, which leads to the list view being populated. We realize that in a real application there may be the following steps:

  1. User interaction
  2. Creation of an action that represents our intent
  3. Dispatching an action, which leads to our state changing its state

The preceding steps are true for our create item view. For our list view, we simply want to read from a store and display the data. Let's try to make this more tangible and turn at least the Redux part into actual code.

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