Giving forFeature() a type

Well, the forFeature() method is a generic as well, and we can specify this one explicitly like so:

// counter.module.ts

const CounterState = {
data: number

const reducers: ActionReducerMap<CounterState> = {
data: counterReducer

imports: [
StoreModule.forFeature<CounterState, Action>('counter', reducers)

This protects us from adding a state mapping object that it does not expect to the forFeature() method. For instance, the following would render an error:

// example of what NOT to do

interface State {
test: string;

function testReducer(state ="", action: Action) {
switch(action.type) {
return state;


const reducers: ActionReducerMap<State> = {
test: testReducer


imports: [
StoreModule.forFeature<CounterState, Action>('counter', reducers)
exports: [CounterComponent, CounterListComponent],
declarations: [CounterComponent, CounterListComponent],
providers: [],
export class CounterModule { }

The reason for this is that we are providing the wrong type to the forFeature() method. It expects a reducer parameter to be something of type ActionReducerMap<CounterState>, which it clearly is not, as we are sending in ActionReducerMap<State>.

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