Fleshing out with more tests

Let's write one more test. This time we will be testing the filter() operator. This one is interesting, as it filters away values that does not fulfill a certain condition. Our test file should now look like the following:

import { cold } from "jasmine-marbles";
import "rxjs/add/operator/map";
import "rxjs/add/operator/filter";

describe("marble testing", () => {
it("map - should increase by 1", () => {
const one$ = cold("x-x|", { x: 1 });
expect(one$.map(x => x + 1)).toBeObservable(cold("x-x|", { x: 2 }));

it("filter - should remove values", () => {
const stream$ = cold("x-y|", { x: 1, y: 2 });
expect(stream$.filter(x => x > 1)).toBeObservable(cold("--y|", { y: 2 }));


This test is set up in pretty much the same way as our first test. This time we use the filter() operator but what stands out is our expected stream:

cold("--y|", { y: 2 })

--y, means that our first values is removed. Based on how the filter condition is defined, we are not surprised. The reason for the double hyphen, -, though, is that time still passes, but instead of an emitted value a hyphen takes its place. 

To learn more about Marble testing, have a look at the following link from the official documentation, https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/blob/master/doc/writing-marble-tests.md

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