Register our reducers

We do need to add and implement all the files in bold, but we also need to update the counter.module.ts file so we are able to handle the added state:

// counter/counter.module.ts

import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";
import { CommonModule } from "@angular/common";
import { CounterComponent } from "./counter.component";
import { StoreModule, ActionReducerMap } from "@ngrx/store";
import { counterReducer } from "./counter.reducer";
import { CounterListComponent } from "./counter-list/counter-list.component";
import { Counter } from "./counter-list/counter.model";
import { counterListReducer } from "./counter-list/counter-list.reducer";
import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";

export interface CounterState {
data: number;
list: Array<Counter>;

const combinedReducers: ActionReducerMap<CounterState> = {
data: counterReducer,
list: counterListReducer

imports: [
StoreModule.forFeature("counter", combinedReducers),
declarations: [CounterComponent, CounterListComponent],
exports: [CounterComponent, CounterListComponent]
export class CounterModule {}

We need to add a CombinedState interface that represents all of our reducers with their state. Lastly, we change the call to StoreModule.forFeature(). That concludes how we deal with several states and reducers within the same module.

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