Creating our first effect – a realistic scenario

The following scenario can be found in the code repository under Chapter9/DemoEffects.

This sounds a bit cryptic, so let's take a realistic scenario. You want to fetch products using AJAX from an endpoint. If you think about what you are about to undertake in the following steps:

  1. Dispatch a FETCHING_PRODUCTS, this sets up our state so we can see that an AJAX request is under way and we can thereby use this to display a spinner for as long as the AJAX request is waiting to complete.
  2. Perform an AJAX call and retrieve your products.
  3. If successfully retrieving the products, then dispatch FETCHING_PRODUCTS_SUCCESSFULLY.
  4. If there is an error, then dispatch FETCHING_PRODUCTS_ERROR

Let's solve this task in the following steps:

  1. Create a reducer for it.
  2. Create actions and action creators.
  3. Create an effect.
  4. Register the preceding effect with our effects module.

To perform all of this, we will create a feature module. To do so, we create the product/ directory with the following files:

  • product.component.ts
  • product.actions.ts
  • product.constants.ts
  • product.reducer.ts
  • product.selectors.ts
  • product.module.ts
  • product.effect.ts

All of these files are known to us before, except for product.effect.ts.

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