Service consumer

End users may not always interact directly with social services through the user network. They could also consume a service through other application interfaces. A service consumer describes this as a pattern where an end user consumes and contributes to the social services indirectly through the following patterns:

  • Integrated digital experience, which is integrated capabilities that deliver an engaging, personalized, relevant, and meaningful digital presence to the user. Key capabilities may include the following:
    • Content
    • Digital messaging
    • Social engagement
    • Federated search
    • Personalization
    • Analytics
  • Peer cloud services used for core business processes or to meet just-in-time requirements may also be required consume content, services, and interfaces from the social services that could include the following:
    • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
    • Cloud services (API)
    • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
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