List of tables

1.1. Industry-wise GVA in ICT-organized manufacturing industries 28

1.2. Indian ICT industry structure 2007–8 31

1.3. Indian ICT R&D expenditure profile (2004) 32

1.4. Patents by ICT firms in India 33

1.5. Structure of the Indian IT-BPO industry 37

1.6. Top 20 firms in terms of revenue 38

2.1. Ratios of value added of ICT manufacturing in industry and GDP for 1978–2011 48

2.2. Chinese ICT R&D expenditures profile (2010) 53

2.3. Top 10 ICT firms in China, 2011 64

3.1. TFP growth rate for ICT and non-ICT industry 83

3.2. TFP growth of the ICT industry for selected countries, 1991–2007 84

3.3. ICT industry’s share of value added in GDP as of 2008 84

3.4. Value added of the ICT industry as of 2008 84

3.5. ICT production trend in Korea 85

3.6. ICT industry growth rate 86

3.7. Production trend in information and telecommunications equipment 87

3.8. Recent trend in ICT exports 87

3.9. Korea and China’s share in the global ICT export market 87

3.10. Number of workers in the software and computer-related services industry for selected countries in 2008 88

3.11. Value added per worker for ICT industry in 2008 89

3.12. R&D expenditure and R&D intensity in software sector for selected countries in 2008 89

3.13. Recent trends in R&D and ICT R&D in Korea 90

3.14. R&D expenditure as a share of value added for selected industries in Korea in 2009 91

3.15. Share of public R&D expenditure in Korea 91

3.16. Business R&D expenditure trend in Korea 91

3.17. Patent applications by field of technology and country of origin, 2005–9 92

3.18. ICT-related patents as a percentage of national total (PCT filings), 2001–9 93

3.19. Share of ICT-related patents in total PCT filings by country, 2009 94

3.20. International comparison of TS and PII for selected ICT technologies 96

3.21. Trend in technology balance of payments, 2006–9 97

3.22. Inward and outward FDI by industry 98

3.23. Korean firms in the world’s top 100 nonfinancial TNCs from developing and transition economies 100

3.24. Trend in foreign R&D outsourcing index for selected industries 101

3.25. Top 20 R&D spenders’ size and share of R&D 104

3.26. Concentration ratio of the top R&D-spending firms 106

3.27. Concentration ratios of R&D spending and R&D personnel in 2010 106

3.28. Product composition of Samsung Electronics’ sales in 2011 107

3.29. R&D expenditure and R&D intensity of Samsung Electronics 107

3.30. Global market share of Samsung Electronics’ major products 107

3.31. Samsung Electronics’ accumulated number of patents registered in various countries as of the end of 2011 108

3.32. Number of patents registered in Korea and the U.S. by Samsung Electronics 108

3.33. Product composition of LG Electronics’ sales in 2011 108

3.34. Trend of the size of R&D expenditure and R&D intensity of LG Electronics 108

3.35. Sales and operating profit of LG Electronics’ major products 109

3.36. Composition of top 100 R&D intensity firms in Korea 2010 110

3.37. SW and IT services export 111

4.1. The profile of Taiwan’s ICT sector 124

4.2. Percentage of BERD performed by sector in selected countries 128

4.3. U.S. patenting performance in ICT fields by selected countries, 2006–10 129

5.1. Distribution of companies by region 151

5.2. Distribution of companies’ activities 153

5.3. Results of cluster analysis based on eight measures of R&D internationalization 176

5.4. Distribution of countries by cluster 177

6.1. Distribution of companies’ activities according to the ICB 183

6.2. Descriptive statistics 184

6.3. R&D center application and activity types 184

6.4. R&D network indices 189

6.5. Countries’ position in the R&D network 200

6.6. Estimation results 202

6.7. Descriptive statistics 207

6.8. Pairwise correlations between variables 208

7.1. Assessment framework for technology and innovation cooperation partners 214

7.2. Indian patent applications by IPC technology field, 2000–7 222

7.3. Patent applications according to time of filing and patent office, total for 2000–7 226

7.4. The results of assessing India as an innovation collaboration partner 228

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