Figure Credits

Figure 1.1:

From: L3D. (2006). “Center for LifeLong Learning and Design, University of Colorado, Boulder.” Copyright © 2006 Center for Lifelong Learning and Design. Used with permission.

Figure 1.2:

From: Coleman. Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities website. Copyright © 2004 Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities. Used with permission.

Figure 2.1:

Author’s picture, 2015, Carrefour Saint Jean De Luz.

Figure 2.2:

From: Carmien, S. P. and G. Fischer (2008). Design, adoption, and assessment of a socio-technical environment supporting independence for people with cognitive disabilities. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05–10, 2008). CHI ‘08 ACM, New York, pp. 597–606. Copyright © 2008 ACM. Used with permission.

Figure 2.3:

From: Carmien, S. P. and G. Fischer (2008). Design, adoption, and assessment of a socio-technical environment supporting independence for people with cognitive disabilities. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05–10, 2008). CHI ‘08 ACM, New York, pp. 597-606. Copyright © 2008 ACM. Used with permission.

Figure 2.4:

From: Carmien, S. (2011). Socio-technical environments and assistive technology. In Socio-technical Networks: Science and Engineering Design. F. Hu, A. Mostashari, J. Xie, Eds. Boca Raton, FL, Taylor & Francis LLC, CRC Press: 167–180. Copyright © 2011 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Used with permission.

Figure 2.5:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 2.6:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 2.7:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 2.8:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission

Figure 2.9:

From: Carmien, S. and G. Fischer (2005). Tools for Living and Tools for Learning. Proceedings of the HCI. International Conference (HCII), Las Vegas, July 2005 (CD). Used with permission.

Figure 2.10:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 2.11:

From: VTT, Slide from developers meeting, S.V. Heinonen, Ed. 2013, VTT: Helsinki. Used with permission.

Figure 2.12:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 2.13:

From: Mihailidis, A. (2007). “Intelligent Supportive Environments For Older Adults (COACH Project).” Used with permission.

Figure 2.14:

From: Mihailidis, A. (2007). “Intelligent Supportive Environments For Older Adults (COACH Project).” Used with permission.

Figure 2.15:

From: Mihailidis, A. (2007). “Intelligent Supportive Environments For Older Adults (COACH Project).” Used with permission.

Figure 2.16:

Bandwidth of need and ability.

Figure 2.17:

From: Carmien, S. (2006). Socio-technical environments supporting distributed cognition for people with cognitive disabilities. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder. Used with permission.

Figure 2.18:

Based on: Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York:HarperCollins Publishers.

Figure 2.19:

From: Mohamad, Y. (2005). Integration von Emotionaler Intelligenz in Interface-Agenten am Beispiel einer Trainingssoftware für lernbehinderte Kinder, in Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissen 2005, Rheinisch- Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen: Bonn, Germany. Used with permission.

Figure 2.20:

From: Mohamad, Y. (2005). Integration von Emotionaler Intelligenz in Interface-Agenten am Beispiel einer Trainingssoftware für lernbehinderte Kinder, in Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissen 2005, Rheinisch- Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule. Aachen: Bonn, Germany. Used with permission.

Figure 2.21:

From: Mohamad, Y. (2005). Integration von Emotionaler Intelligenz in Interface-Agenten am Beispiel einer Trainingssoftware für lernbehinderte Kinder, in Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissen 2005, Rheinisch- Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule. Aachen: Bonn, Germany. Used with permission.

Figure 2.22:

Based on: Bostrom, R.P. and J. S. Heinen (1977) MIS problems and failures: A socio-technical perspective. Part I: The causes. MIS Quarterly 1(3), 17–32.

Figure 3.1:

From: Carmien, S. (2006). Socio-technical environments supporting distributed cognition for people with cognitive disabilities. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Colorado at Boulder. Used with permission.

Figure 3.2:

From: Carmien, S. (2009). Technical annex for type A or B projects; Project title: Financial decision making aid for elders (FIDEMAID). Convocatoria de ayudas de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada. San Sebastian, Spain, Tecnalia. Used with permission.

Figure 3.3:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 3.4:

Based on: Nickerson, R. S. (2010). Mathematical Reasoning: Patterns, Problems, Conjectures, and Proofs. New York:Psychology Press.

Figure 3.5:

Morse Code decipher tree.

Figure 3.6:

From: Carmien, S. and E. Wohldmann (2008). “Mapping images to objects by young adults with cognitive disabilities.” Research in Developmental Disabilities 29: 149–157. Copyright © 2008 Elsevier. Used with permission.

Figure 3.7:

Courtesy of s_oleg/

Figure 3.8:

Courtesy of Belize Bicycle, Inc.

Figure 3.9:

From: Carmien, S. (2004). “MAPS Website.” Used with permission.

Figure 4.1:

From: LRE for LIFE Project, U. o. T.-K., College of Education. (2001). “Steps for Building Instructional Program Packets: Selected Activity Analyzes (Unabbreviated Version).” 2003. Used with permission.

Figure 4.2:

From: LRE for LIFE Project, U. o. T.-K., College of Education. (2001). “Steps for Building Instructional Program Packets: Selected Activity Analyzes (Unabbreviated Version).” 2003. Used with permission.

Figure 4.3:

From: VTT, A., Slide from developers meeting, S.V. Heinonen, Ed. 2013, VTT: Helsinki. Used with permission.

Figure 4.4:

From: Carmien, S. and A. Kintsch (2006). Dual User Interface Design As Key To Adoption For Computationally Complex Assistive Technology. RESNA Annual Conference, Atlanta GA. Used with permission.

Figure 4.5:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 4.6:

From: Carmien, S. and A. M. Cantara (2012). Diagnostic and accessibility-based user modeling. In User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines Providing Assistance to People with Special Needs. E. MartÌn, P.A. Haya, R.M. Carro, Eds. Springer, p. 232. Copyright © 2012 Springer. Used with the Kind permission of Springer Science + Business Media.

Figure 4.7:

From: Carmien, S. and A. M. Cantara (2012). Diagnostic and accessibility-based user modeling. In User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines Providing Assistance to People with Special Needs. E. MartÌn, P.A. Haya, R.M. Carro, Eds. Springer, p. 232. Copyright © 2012 Springer. Used with the Kind permission of Springer Science + Business Media.

Figure 4.8:

From: Carmien, S. and A. M. Cantara (2012). Diagnostic and accessibility-based user modeling. In User Modeling and Adaptation for Daily Routines Providing Assistance to People with Special Needs. E. MartÌn, P.A. Haya, R.M. Carro, Eds. Springer, p. 232. Copyright © 2012 Springer. Used with the Kind permission of Springer Science + Business Media.

Figure 4.9:

From: Assistant Project (2015). Aiding SuStainable Independent Senior TrAvellers to Navigate in Towns. EU, AAL. Used with permission.

Figure 5.1:

From: Baesman, B. and N. Baesman. (2007). “Visions System website.” 2007. Used with permission.

Figure 5.2:

From: Cole, E. (2006). Patient-centered design as a research strategy for cognitive prosthetics: Lessons learned from working with patients and clinicians for 2 decades. CHI 2006 Workshop on Designing Technology for People with Cognitive Impairments. Montreal, Canada. Used with permission

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