
Chapter 1 – The Aster Data Architecture

What is Parallel Processing?

Aster Data is a Parallel Processing System

Each vworker holds a Portion of Every Table

The Rows of a Table are Spread Across All vworkers

Aster Tables are defined as Fact or Dimension when Created

Fact Table

A More Detailed Look at the Fact Table Distribution

Dimension Table are Replicated

A Dimension Table is often Replicated across vworkers

Aster Data has Fact and Dimension Tables

Aster Tables are defined as Fact or Dimension when Created

Fact and Dimension Tables can be Hashed by the same Key

Distribution Key Rules

Aster Data Uses a Hash Formula

The Hash Map Determines which vworker will own the Row

The Hash Formula, Hash Map and vworker

Placing rows on the vworker

Placing rows on the vworker Continued

A Review of the Hashing Process

Like Data Hashes to the Same vworker

Distribution Key Data Types


Some Examples of ANALYZE

What Columns to Analyze

Chapter 2 - Four Options for Aster Data Table Design

There are Four Options to Aster Table Design

Straight up Distribute by Hash

Straight up Distribute by Hash - Problems

Straight up Distribute by Replication

Partition the Table with Logical Partitioning

This Partitioned Table Sorts Rows by Month of Order_Date

An All vworkers Retrieve By Way of a Single Partition

You can Partition a Table by Range or by List

A Partitioned By List Example with Three Tactical Queries

Aster Data Multi-Level Partitioning

Aster Allows for Multi-Level Partitioning

SQL Commands for Logical Partitioning as One Table

What Partitions are on my Table?

What does a Columnar Table look like?

A Comparison of Data for Normal Vs. Columnar

A Columnar Table is best for Queries with Few Columns

Quiz – How Many Blocks Move to vworker Memory?

Answer – How Many Containers Move to vworker Memory?

When to use a Columnar Table

Chapter 3 - How Joins Work Inside the Aster Engine

Aster Join Quiz

Aster Join Quiz Answer

The Joining of Two Tables

Aster Moves Joining Rows to the Same vworker

Because of the Join Rule – Dimension Table are Replicated

The Two Different Philosophies for Table Join Design

What Could You Do If Two Tables Joined 1000 Times a Day?

Fact and Dimension Tables can be Hashed by the same Key

Joining Two Tables with the same PK/FK Distribution Key

A Join With Co-Location

A Performance Tuning Technique for Large Joins

The Joining of Two Tables with an Additional WHERE Clause

Aster Performs Joins Using Three Different Methods

The Hash Join

The Merge Join

Nested Loop Joins

Chapter 4 - Temporary and Analytic Tables

Aster has Three Types of Data

Create a Permanent Table Using Create Table AS (CTAS)

Create a Logically Partitioned Table and Populate It

Create a Temporary Table with using Create Table AS (CTAS)

A Temporary Table in Action

A Temporary Table That Uses an Insert/Select

Create an Analytic Table Using an Insert/Select

Create an Analytic Table Using CREATE TABLE AS (CTAS)

Operations that Invalidate an Analytic Table

If an Analytic Table is Invalid

Tera-Tom History

Chapter 5 – Tera-Tom’s Top Tips

Tera-Tom’s Top Tips

Tera-Tom’s Top Tips # 2

Tera-Tom’s Top Tips #3

Tera-Tom’s Top Tips # 3 Rewritten

Tera-Tom’s Top Tips #4

When the GROUP BY Column is NOT the Distribution Key

Example of GROUP BY Column is NOT the Distribution Key

Tera-Tom’s Top Tips #5

Tera-Tom’s Top Tips #6 – Use EXPLAIN

Query Plan and Estimates

Explain Plan Showing a Hash Join

Explain Plan Showing a Merge Join

Explain Plan Showing a Nested Loop Join

Chapter 6 - Indexes

There are Only Three Types of Scans

Guidelines for Indexes

An Index Syntax Example

The B-Tree Index

Which Columns Might You Create an Index?

Answer - Which Columns Might You Create an Index?

A Visual of an Index (Conceptually)

A Query Using an Index Uses All vworkers

Multicolumn indexes


A NUSI Bitmap in Action

Indexes on Expressions

Indexes on Extracts of Dates

GiST Indexes

Five Operational Tips for Efficient Indexing


createCompressedIndexOnCompressedTableByDefault Flag

Chapter 7 – SQL-MapReduce

MapReduce History

What is MapReduce?

What is SQL-MapReduce?

SQL-MapReduce Input

SQL-MapReduce Output

Subtle SQL-MapReduce Processing

Aster Data Provides an Analytic Foundation

Path Analysis

Text Analysis

Statistical Analysis

Segmentation (Data Mining)

Graph Analysis

Transformation of Data



SQL-MapReduce Function . . . nPath

nPath SELECT Clause

nPath ON Clause

nPath PARTITION BY Expression

nPath DIMENSION Expression

nPath ORDER BY Expression

nPath MODE Clause has Overlapping or NonOverlapping

nPath PATTERN Clause

Pattern Operators

Pattern Operators Order of Precedence

Matching Patterns Which Repeat

nPath SYMBOLS Clause

nPath RESULTS Clause

Adding an Aggregate to nPath Results

Adding an Aggregate to nPath Results (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Use Regular SQL

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Create Objects

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Subquery

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Query as Input

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Nesting Functions

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Functions in Derived Tables

SQL-MapReduce Examples - SMAVG

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Pack Function

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Pack Function (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Pivot Columns

Workshop: Create This Table

Login to your GNOME Terminal

Login to your Linux

Using the GNOME Terminal Unzip the

Use the Function ncluster_loader to Load the Bank Data

Run this nPath Map Reduce Function on your Table

nPath in Action

Operators at their Simplest



Accumulate With All Pages

Accumulate – nPath with a WHERE Clause

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Path Generator

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Path Generator (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Path Generator (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Path Generator (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Path Generator (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Linear Regression

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Linear Regression (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Linear Regression (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Naive Bayes (Continued)

Join Aster, Teradata and Hadoop Tables; feed into MapReduce

Run Both of these Examples Together and Compare

Run this nPath Map Reduce Function

nPath in Action

Another nPath Example

Finding Out What Functions You Have Installed

Workshop 1 – Fill in the x’s

Answer Workshop 1 - Fill in the x’s

Workshop 2 – Fill in the x’s

Answer Workshop 2 – Fill in the x’s

Answer Workshop 2 – You Could Have Used a GROUP BY

Workshop 3 – Add to the Query

Workshop 3 – Answer to Add to the Query

Workshop 4 – Fill in the x’s

Answer to Workshop 4 – Fill in the x’s

Workshop 5 – Find that Customer

Answer to Workshop 5 – Find that Customer

Workshop 6 – Change the MapReduce Function

Answer to Workshop 6 – Change the MapReduce Function

Workshop 7 – Build the MapReduce Function

Answer to Workshop 7 – Build the MapReduce Function

Best Answer to Workshop 7 – Build the MapReduce Function

Workshop 8 – Build the Accumulate in the Result

Answer to Workshop 8 – Build the Accumulate in the Result

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Linear Regression (Continued)

Workshop 9 – Build the Subquery

Answer to Workshop 9 – Build the Subquery

Workshop 10 – Do Your First Join

Answer to Workshop 10 – Do Your First Join

Answer to Workshop 10 – Do the Join Using a New Syntax

Workshop 11 – Super Join the Tables

Answer to Workshop 11 –Super Join the Tables

Answer to Workshop 11 – Super Join the Tables

Workshop 12 – Sessionize the Data

Answer to Workshop 12 – Sessionize the Data

Workshop 13 – What is this Query Doing?

Answer to Workshop 13 – What is this Query Doing?

Workshop 14 – Using ilike

Answer to Workshop 14 – Using ilike

Answer to Workshop 14 – Using ilike

Workshop 15 – What are the First Two Pages Visited?

Workshop 15 – What are the First Two Pages Visited?

Workshop 16 – Advanced - First Two Pages Visited?

Answer to Workshop 16 Advanced - First Two Pages Visited?

Workshop 17 – Can You Clean Up the Results?

Answer to Workshop 17 – Can You Clean Up the Results?

Answer to Workshop 17 – Format the Date

Workshop 18 – Build a Churn Table

Workshop 18 – Run the Query Before Building to Test

Workshop 18 – A Better Example

Answer to Workshop 18 – Build a Basic Churn Table

Workshop 18 – Create the Churn Table with a Better Example


The Multi-Case Function

The Multi-Case Function in Nexus

The Multi-Case Function Mixing and Matching

The Multi-Case Function Mixing and Matching

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Linear Regression (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - Linear Regression (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

SQL-MapReduce Examples - cFilter (Continued)

CFILTER in Action with Bank_Web_Clicks

CFILTER in Action

CFILTER using Nexus

nPath Error

Chapter 8 – Time and Date

Date, Time, and Timestamp Keywords

Add or Subtract Days from a date

The to_char command

A Summary of Math Operations on Dates

Using a Math Operation to find your Age in Years

Find What Day of the week you were Born

Date Related Functions

The EXTRACT Command


EXTRACT with DATE and TIME Literals

EXTRACT of the Month on Aggregate Queries

A Side Title example with Reserved Words as an Alias

Implied Extract of Day, Month and Year

DATE_PART Function


DATE_TRUNC Function using TIME

Aster NOW() Function

Chapter 9 – Aster Windows Functions

Cumulative Sum

Cumulative Sum - Major and Minor Sort Key(s)

The ANSI CSUM – Getting a Sequential Number

The ANSI OLAP – Reset with a PARTITION BY Statement

PARTITION BY only Resets a Single OLAP not ALL of them

ANSI Moving Sum is Current Row and Preceding n Rows

How ANSI Moving SUM Handles the Sort

Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Answer to Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Moving SUM every 3-rows vs. a Continuous Sum

Moving Average

Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Answer to Quiz – How is that Total Calculated?

Quiz – How is that 4th Row Calculated?

Answer to Quiz – How is that 4th Row Calculated?

Partition By Resets an ANSI OLAP

Moving Average Using BETWEEN

Moving Difference using ANSI Syntax

Moving Difference using ANSI Syntax with Partition By

RANK Defaults to Ascending Order

Getting RANK to Sort in DESC Order

You can use Window Functions in Expressions




PERCENT_RANK() OVER with 14 rows in Calculation

PERCENT_RANK() OVER with 21 rows in Calculation


COUNT OVER for a Sequential Number

Quiz – What caused the COUNT OVER to Reset?

Answer to Quiz – What caused the COUNT OVER to Reset?

The MAX OVER Command


The MIN OVER Command

Quiz – Fill in the Blank

Answer to Quiz – Fill in the Blank

The Row_Number Command

Quiz – How did the Row_Number Reset?

Quiz – How did the Row_Number Reset?


NTILE Using a Value of 10

NTILE With a Partition


CUME_DIST With a Partition


LEAD With Partitioning


LAG with Partitioning


FIRST_VALUE After Sorting by the Highest Value

FIRST_VALUE with Partitioning



NTH_VALUE With Partition


Chapter 10 – The Fundamental SQL Commands That Work on Aster

BETWEEN is Inclusive

BETWEEN Works for Character Data

LIKE uses Wildcards Percent ‘%’ and Underscore ‘_’

LIKE command Underscore is Wildcard for one Character


The Five Aggregates of Aster Data

GROUP BY when Aggregates and Normal Columns Mix

GROUP BY Delivers one row per Group

GROUP BY Dept_No or GROUP BY 1 the same thing

Limiting Rows and Improving Performance with WHERE

WHERE Clause in Aggregation limits unneeded Calculations

Keyword HAVING tests Aggregates after they are Totaled

Keyword HAVING is like an Extra WHERE Clause for Totals

Getting the Average Values per Column

Getting the Average Values per Column

Average Values per Column for All Columns in a Table

A two-table join using Non-ANSI Syntax

A two-table join using Non-ANSI Syntax with Table Alias

Aliases and Fully Qualifying Columns

A two-table join using ANSI Syntax

Both Queries have the same Results and Performance

Quiz – Can You Finish the Join Syntax?

Answer to Quiz – Can You Finish the Join Syntax?

Quiz – Can You Find the Error?

Answer to Quiz – Can You Find the Error?

Quiz – Which rows from both tables Won’t Return?

Answer to Quiz – Which rows from both tables Won’t Return?


LEFT OUTER JOIN Brings Back All Rows in the Left Table


RIGHT OUTER JOIN Brings Back All Rows in the RIGHT Table


FULL OUTER JOIN Brings Back All Rows in All Tables

Which Tables are the Left and which are the Right?

Answer - Which Tables are the Left and which are the Right?

INNER JOIN with Additional AND Clause

ANSI INNER JOIN with Additional AND Clause

ANSI INNER JOIN with Additional WHERE Clause

OUTER JOIN with Additional WHERE Clause

OUTER JOIN with Additional AND Clause

Results from OUTER JOIN with Additional AND Clause

Quiz – Why is this considered an INNER JOIN?

The DREADED Product Join

Result Set of the DREADED Product Join

The Horrifying Cartesian Product Join

The ANSI Cartesian Join will ERROR

Quiz – Do these Joins Return the Same Answer Set?

Answer – Do these Joins Return the Same Answer Set?

How would you Join these two tables?

How would you Join these two tables? You Can’t Yet!

An Associative Table is a Bridge that Joins Two Tables

Quiz – Can you Write the 3-Table Join?

Answer to Quiz – Can you Write the 3-Table Join?

Quiz – Can you Write the 3-Table Join to ANSI Syntax?

Answer – Can you Write the 3-Table Join to ANSI Syntax?

Quiz – Can you Place the ON Clauses at the End?

Answer – Can you Place the ON Clauses at the End?

The 5-Table Join – Logical Insurance Model

Quiz - Write a Five Table Join Using ANSI Syntax

Answer - Write a Five Table Join Using ANSI Syntax

Quiz - Write a Five Table Join Using ANSI Syntax

Answer - Write a Five Table Join Using ANSI Syntax

Quiz - Write a Five Table Join Using Non-ANSI Syntax

Answer - Write a Five Table Join Using Non-ANSI Syntax

Quiz –Re-Write this putting the ON clauses at the END

Answer –Re-Write this putting the ON clauses at the END

The Nexus Query Chameleon Writes the SQL for Users

An IN List is much like a Subquery

An IN List Never has Duplicates – Just like a Subquery

An IN List Ignores Duplicates

The Subquery

How a Basic Subquery Works

The Final Answer Set from the Subquery

Quiz- Answer the Difficult Question

Answer to Quiz- Answer the Difficult Question

Should you use a Subquery or a Join?

Quiz- Write the Subquery

Answer to Quiz- Write the Subquery

Quiz- Write the More Difficult Subquery

Answer to Quiz- Write the More Difficult Subquery

Quiz- Write the Subquery with an Aggregate

Answer to Quiz- Write the Subquery with an Aggregate

Quiz – Write the Triple Subquery

Answer to Quiz – Write the Triple Subquery


The TRIM Command trims both Leading and Trailing Spaces

Trim and Trailing is Case Sensitive

Trim and Trailing works if Case right



Using SUBSTRING to move Backwards

How SUBSTRING Works with a Starting Position of -1

How SUBSTRING Works with an Ending Position of 0

An Example using SUBSTRING, TRIM and CHAR Together

SUBSTRING and SUBSTR are equal, but use different syntax

The POSITION Command finds a Letters Position


The Basics of CAST (Convert and Store)

Some Great CAST (Convert and Store) Examples

Some Great CAST (Convert and Store) Examples

Combining Searched Case and Valued Case

A Trick for getting a Horizontal Case

Nested Case

Put a CASE in the ORDER BY

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