To Justine: Thanks again for letting me work with Eddy and James. I promise not to blow all my earnings (like I did last year) at the Mix Lounge in Vegas. I had no idea that a round of drinks would require a second mortgage.

To Harrison: You've come a long way this year and you're braver than you know. If you'll go pick up the Legos strewn all over your bedroom floor, I'll make you a hot chocolate.

To Millicent: The world is a tough place, but especially for a girl. Don't trust everyone. Be honest, fair, strong, and nice. But not too nice.

To Jasper: You're capable of the best Mr. Hankey, Conky, and Gumby impersonations I know. It's seems silly, but it means you're capable of careful observation. Please keep up the great work at school and keep writing those books.

To everyone else: Choose meaning over money. Don't ever work for someone that you can't deeply respect; especially when he's sharply-dressed, sharply-elbowed, sharply-tongued, but not sharply-minded. You're holding back human progress.


Small monkeys. It's good to have you around. You've seen that life is a lot of work and can be full of challenges. I'm proud of you for rising to meet them. It's a hard thing to do.


For my late father-in-law, Bill. You are missed every day and I know you would appreciate—but not necessarily understand—these books we're writing.


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