
In the last 50 years of the 20th century, the nation has witnessed momentous changes in the size, composition, and characteristics of the U.S. labor force. The same social, demographic, and economic forces that influenced the growth and composition of the labor force during the past 50 years will continue to influence the workforce in the decades ahead. Chief among those influences has been information technology, which has brought so much automation, along with communications networks, speed, and the ability to produce goods and services for the global marketplace.

Another part of the growth of the labor force in the past 50 years has been the so-called Baby Boom generation. This Baby Boom swelled the ranks of the labor force during the past three decades, and their exit will have a profound impact on the labor force during the next two decades. Boomers will remain a force of change even in their retirement. A large portion of the current IT workforce can be categorized as Boomers, who grew up with the emerging computer technology during this time. They have embraced all aspects of computer technology.

The productivity enhancements of IT have been significant for the labor force. The impact has been felt in increased standards of living and the creation of a society that is the envy of most countries in the world.

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