Chapter 7. Integrating Bazaar in CDE

A version control system is but one of the many components in the set of necessary tools required to collaborate with others on a project. This chapter explains how to integrate Bazaar with various collaborative development environments.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • What is a CDE?
  • Working with Launchpad
  • Integrating Bazaar with Redmine
  • Integrating Bazaar with Trac
  • Linking commits to bug trackers
  • Web-based repository browsing with Loggerhead

What is a CDE?

A Collaborative Development Environment (CDE) is a collection of online collaboration tools used to manage the various aspects in the development of a project. You can expect the following features from a CDE:

  • Version control system hosting with web-based repository browsing
  • Bug/issue tracking system
  • Task management system/to-do list
  • Document management system
  • Translation management system
  • Wiki
  • Mailing list
  • Forum or bulletin board system for discussions

The essential elements depend upon the project and its collaborators involved. You might not need some of these features, or you might need all of them and more. Often, there is no single system covering all of these functionalities; a CDE may be composed of independent tools that can work well with each other.

Before deciding to use Bazaar in an existing infrastructure, it is an important question to ask whether it can or not integrate well and work together with the existing tools in the given environment. In this chapter, we will take a look at how Bazaar can be used with various CDE tools that implement at least some of the preceding functionalities, such as the following:

  • Launchpad: This provides Bazaar hosting and web-based repository browsing, bug tracking, task management, translation management, and mailing lists
  • Redmine: This provides web-based VCS browsing, bug tracking, task management, document management, and wiki
  • Trac: This provides web-based VCS browsing, bug tracking, task management, document management, and wiki
  • Loggerhead: This provides web-based Bazaar repository browsing
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