© Abhinav Krishna Kaiser 2021
A. K. KaiserBecome ITIL® 4 Foundation Certified in 7 Dayshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6361-7_1

1. Introduction to the New ITIL

Abhinav Krishna Kaiser1  
Staines, UK

ITIL is in its fourth incarnation, and the new one has something exciting to offer. It not only offers a new variant of a framework to manage services but provides a fresh perspective into the world of services. This is especially interesting because the boundary between the development stage and operations stage is not razor thin but rather has vanished into thin air. With the absence of a barrier to distinguish the activities surrounding development stages and operational activities, the relevance of ITIL as a framework to manage operations has been scrutinized. The answer is a new version of ITIL that is tailored for the digital age.

ITIL is widely employed across IT organizations in various levels of maturity and implementation. It is the standard today to run IT operations. With the advent of the digital age and DevOps, the principles and the core understanding of management of services were somewhat shaken. A new version of ITIL was conceived to adapt to the fast-changing IT world and to keep the principal service management framework relevant.

In fact, several eulogies were written to extol the service management framework that stood guard for at least two and a half decades. It was felt that in this age of digital everything, the service-focused ITIL V3 was obsolete.

Why ITIL 4?

ITIL has come a long way. It started out being Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and then moved into the realm of all things service management. Now in its fourth avatar as the digital ITIL, the framework is making a strong comeback.

When ITIL 4 was announced in 2017, more people feared than rejoiced. The primary concern was the certifications that people held. Traditionally, ITIL certifications become redundant with the advent of newer versions, and the bridge course is generally a bridge too far. “You might as well study the whole thing instead” was the talk of the town.

Apart from the certification pangs, others who knew the industry and where it was headed felt a tad happy to see a refresh. They felt that the refresh was late by at least 4 to 5 years; nevertheless, better late than never.

There was a question that everybody had. ITIL V3 was so much more successful than anything that was out there. Every organization practicing service management opted for it without a blink of an eye. The framework was rugged; nonprescriptive; technology neutral; and free to be adopted, adapted, and implemented. Why was a new framework needed? The answer is simple: it was out of touch with the times.

ITIL V3 Was Not for the Digital Age

ITIL V3 reminded me of Nokia. When the cell phone age started, the word cell phone was synonymous with Nokia and vice versa. And when the touchscreen phones became a reality, Nokia just faded into the background. The reason can be as straightforward as that the company did not keep up with the changing times, and they continued to invest in traditional phones with keys rather than with screens that are touch sensitive. The result was disastrous. They realized it a bit too late for them to return with a thumping roar, and they remain on the sidelines.

With ITIL too, the story would have been similar had it remained with ITIL V3. Like Nokia, ITIL V3 and service management mean the same. There is no alternative, absolutely no opposition or a competitor to it. Yet its mere existence was doubted as we embarked into the digital age. Many critics and digital champions wrote eulogies for ITIL and basically said that in the age when change happens at the speed of light, a traditional and process-driven framework has absolutely no room to play. The digital age needed plenty of agility, dynamism, and rapid decision making. ITIL V3 with its phases, processes, and functions was never going to cut it, they said.

It was then that the company behind ITIL, AXELOS, initiated a refresh by reaching out to about 2,000 professionals from various organizations to come together with the single objective of creating a framework that was agile and innovative. The outcome is ITIL 4.

Emergence of DevOps

There was an explosion that made tradition get locked up in a box, and two distinct parts of IT had to come together under the same umbrella. Development and operations had always been at loggerheads and had been the IT industry’s favorite blame game. If too many incidents were reported, the development side of things was blamed. If resolution took too long, the developers pegged it on the operational inefficiencies. While the industry had accepted living with this arrangement, Patrick Debois had other plans. He proposed that all the inefficiencies could be put to rest and synergy amplified by asking development and operations to work as a single unit. No more blame games and no more passing the buck; only collaboration, he surmised.

Not that the industry fell all over the DevOps methodology when it was first socialized. But when it got into the biggies such as Accenture and IBM, every other company wanted to get into this model. In fact, running projects in a DevOps model became a sales pitch. The customers too wanted the new shiny thing and headed towards the DevOps methodology.

Underneath the game of development and operations, there was a major shift that the IT industry witnessed. It was no longer project management and service management that drove the combined parts that came together. It was rather replaced by product management. So, everything that we knew about project and service management became obsolete and there was hunger for the digital ways of thinking. It came in Agile flavors in the place of project management; then there was Lean that promised cutbacks and minimalism; and finally, on the operations front, there were hubbubs that operations was no longer needed if the product management was done brilliantly. They said that if you provide a perfect product without defects, then what incidents would operations resolve, and what was the need to go through the whole nine yards of service management? The industry did not really buy into the concept of no ops but instead started to look for options to take over from the mighty ITIL that had dominated the service management space. This is when the new ITIL was announced and this was the time when my work toward reinventing ITIL began.

In a DevOps project, essentially the development of a product happens alongside the operations. More often than not, there will be a single product backlog to feed off from, and the same set of people are tasked with working on both sets of activities. This changes the equation for ITIL V3 to work in a way that is most commonly implemented—take, for example, the change management process. It is meant to be a governance process that builds into a certain level of bureaucracy. And bureaucracy takes time to process due to various approvals and checks and balances. DevOps is like a startup company. It does not like bureaucracy. It does not believe in waiting unless there is a real dependency. In this situation, how do you implement change management for a DevOps project? How can you keep both sides happy? Maybe standardize all forms of changes? Think again! Does it defeat the purpose of the change management process if all changes are to be standardized? Perhaps. Most likely. Likewise, there are several conflicts and contradictions that came out while designing ITIL for a DevOps project. The major one was the ITIL’s service lifecycle.

Incompatible Service Lifecycle

ITIL V3’s biggest USP (Unique Selling Proposition) from its previous version was the logical beginning to identify services and its lifecycle. The definition of the entire lifecycle of a service brought a new meaning to how services were valued and defined. This literally was the game changer.

There are five phases in the ITIL V3 service lifecycle:
  1. 1.

    Service strategy

  2. 2.

    Service design

  3. 3.

    Service transition

  4. 4.

    Service operations

  5. 5.

    Continual service improvement

The five phases are represented in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1

ITIL V3 service lifecycle

It shows service strategy at the core to indicate the importance and involvement of a sound strategy in the inception of IT services. Service strategy provides guidance around existing and new IT services. Surrounding service strategy are service design, service transition, and service operations. Service design provides the direction pertaining to realization of a service. The IT services that are identified in the service strategy are defined and designed, and blueprints are created for their development. These designs are built, tested, and implemented in the service transition phase. After implementation, the services move into a maintenance mode. Maintenance of services is handled by the service operations phase. Continual service operations envelop the other four phases. The depiction shows that all four phases present opportunities for improvement, and the continuous service improvement will provide the means to identify and implement improvements across the service lifecycle.

The life of a service, starting with its interception and watching it grow and improve, is a wonderful story. It is timeless. But today, service by itself does not have an identity. It is clubbed with the development story. So, when development and services are viewed as Siamese twins, the service and its lifecycle become irrelevant. This is one of the primary reasons why ITIL V3 did not come as a natural fit to the DevOps scheme of things.

The ITIL V3 service lifecycle is sequential in nature. It starts nicely with ideation in service strategy and moves logically and with purpose from one phase to another. DevOps on the other hand is not sequential. It is not parallel as well. It works in small iterations. The value is realized through bits and pieces of delivery rather than the whole giant fish. We cannot see a service shaping up in iterations. It is just not possible.

ITIL Reinvented

I started my career as a service management architect who embraced ITIL with both hands. After a decade of ITIL designs and implementations, I moved into the DevOps area. As a DevOps architect, I often had a chance to design the operations, and the ITIL in verbatim could not fit the scheme of things. So, I designed my own framework that was built on the pillars of core ITIL V3 while adapting to the nature of DevOps methodology.

The framework turned into a book called Reinventing ITIL in the Age of DevOps (Apress, 2018). Several ITIL V3 implementations have opted for my reinvented framework to fit their DevOps and Digital needs.

The demand coming in from DevOps projects was to construct an operations framework that was nimble and gelled well alongside development work. As we no longer had the luxury of staffing operations professionals, the new demand from service operations was to build a weighted system that measures development work against operations in an Agile manner. The framework would have to consider incidents and problems alongside the development user stories.

In Reinventing ITIL in the Age of DevOps, I offered suggestions on how the teams can be structured to suit DevOps and ITIL in conjunction, decoded each of the 26 processes, and provided implementable process tips and tricks for the processes that are most employed during operations (incident, problem, configuration, change, and release management processes).

If your interest is in operationalizing ITIL in DevOps projects, I would still recommend that you use the process that I put forth in my book.

Brief ITIL History

The history of ITIL is nebulous and inconsistent. It started sometime during the late 1980s as a collection of best practices in IT management. A department in the UK government, known as the OGC (Office of Government Commerce), sanctioned the coalition. Basically, the best practices of various IT departments and companies in the UK were studied and documented. It is believed that most of the initial practices that constituted ITIL came from IBM.

The first version of ITIL was bulky and lacked direction, with a compilation of over 30 books. The second version of ITIL was cut down to nine books in 2000, but mainly revolved around two books: service delivery and service support. The ITIL certifications were based on these two books as well. ITIL v2 introduced ten processes, five each from service delivery and service support. I started my ITIL journey with ITIL v2.

ITIL v2 was process centric. IT organizations were expected to operate around the ITIL processes. The processes were interconnected but lacked a broader vision and a flow to move things along.

The shortcomings and inadequacies in v2 gave rise to ITIL V3 in 2007. It had an excess of 20 processes, spanning across the entire lifecycle of a service, from conception up to a point where the service runs on regular improvement cycles.

ITIL V3 came out with five books, each book spanning a lifecycle phase of an IT service. ITIL V3 has penetrated most IT organizations. Even the conservative IT organizations have embraced the ITIL V3 service management framework with open arms. The framework is still rampant in the industry today and enjoys a monopolistic nature, except for Microsoft, which adheres to a derivative version of ITIL, the Microsoft Operations Framework.

In 2011, ITIL V3 received a minor update where a couple of new processes were added along with some minute changes in definitions and concepts. The 2011 framework has 26 processes and four functions. It is referred to as ITIL 2011 and some people refer to it as ITIL V3 2011, indicating the version and the revision year.

In 2017, a new version (V4) was announced. The date was set 2 years later, and in February 2019, a phase-wise release of ITIL 4 started. It started with the ITIL Foundation publication and announcement of the ITIL Foundation examination, and through the next few months, individual modules were announced. The entire set is expected to be released by the end of 2020.

ITIL V3 and ITIL 4: The Differences

ITIL 4 is not a new wine in an old bottle. Although the principles of the ITIL remain strong, the nuances of the framework are contrasting. While the former tries to build a story like Jeffrey Archer, the new is dynamic and explosive like Tim Ferriss’ brilliance. In other words, the resemblance is limited to individual processes rather than the story and context built around them.

There are several changes, but I am not going to discuss all of them here. Maybe I need an entire book to start expounding on it. Here are the big-ticket items.

The Service Lifecycle Is Dead

On expected lines, the service lifecycle has been done away with. It was the lack of a traditional lifecycle that led the call for a new ITIL and the eventual coming to be of ITIL 4.

The void left by the service lifecycle has been taken up by not one concept but two. Service value system and service value chain are the new concepts that drive the delivery of services. The service value chain roughly tries to cover for service lifecycle but takes a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) flavor with planning, acting, vetting, and corrective actions.

More details on it are in Chapter 5.

Introducing Practices

In ITIL, processes rule the roost. All activities happen through processes. In fact, the service lifecycle too is comprised of various processes to deliver service phase objectives. However, in ITIL 4 it is practices that take center stage, but not as prominently as the processes did.

Practices are more than processes. One does not replace the other, nor is one a mere reflection of the other. A process was meant to take in certain inputs and when the trigger kicks in, a set of activities was designed to take place. And finally, there would be an output. A practice is an extension of a process. It not only defines the activities but also brings together various entities, capabilities, and tools to accomplish the set objectives.

We had a concept called functions in ITIL V3, which was the teams executing various processes. In the previous version, I had a section dedicated to fuse processes and functions. I imagined the functions running as horizontals, while the processes were verticals and they intersected as a mesh—because people and teams were needed to run the processes. I do not have that section in this book. Guess why? There are no functions in ITIL 4. The functions are fused within the process, and the outcome can roughly be termed as a practice.

Imagine having a problem management team in your organization. It is a function. What do they do? They work on the problem management process to meet its objectives. Besides the problem management team, you needed other technical teams to deliver the objectives. They were part of the different distinct functions.

To collaborate better and to deliver value efficiently, ITIL 4 has introduced the concept of practices. Problem management practice in this instance is a system on its whole whose objectives is to deliver all the problem management outputs.

Service Has a New Definition

ITIL V3 service definition read: a means of delivering value to customers by facilitating outcomes customers want to achieve without the ownership of specific costs and risks. The onus was on the service provider to create value for the customer, and the customer does not have to own up to the risks or individual costs for unit items. The customer pays a certain agreed amount for the service and gets the service without worrying about the service’s inherent risks or underlying cost of individual elements that make up a service.

ITIL 4 has changed the definition of a service. It is a means of enabling value co-creation by facilitating outcomes that customers want to achieve, without the customer having to manage specific costs and risks. The difference might look trivial, but the meaning and implication is huge.

Today a service provider cannot tuck away services and deliver it to the customer in isolation. Any service can become valuable only if there is ample direction and feedback from the customer, the primary person who uses the service. Hence the definition has rightly included co-creation.

Governance Is a New Kid on the Block

Governance in ITIL V3 was not embraced with open arms in my opinion. Yes, we had the governance processes to ensure that the service management work was governed to the hilt and things did not go in unwanted directions. But my problem was that there was no explicit mention or a process or a function to define it. It was always the outsider who was looking in.

Things have changed for the better in ITIL 4. Governance has a proper seat at the table. The only way a service management framework or any other management framework can get governance defined and implemented right is by giving it focus and defining its objectives. You will find more on it in Chapter 5.

Automation Is In

Activities that do not require cognizance, intelligence, or decision-making brain cells can theoretically be run by machines. This makes even more sense if these activities are repeatable exercises. Automation is the key to launching and running any service because they are not simplistic anymore. There are multiple integrations, and handling every single driver can only be achieved if it is entrusted to the machines. So, automation is to be embraced and not be looked at as an opponent to job creation.

ITIL V3 toyed with the idea of event management tools. It was not full blown but the intentions were clear. ITIL 4 has taken it to the next level by defining a guiding principle coupling optimization and automation to allow ITIL to step through DevOps’ doors.

ITIL 4 Certification Hierarchy

ITIL has matured with every release of its hierarchy of exams, and this is aimed to help service management professionals choose the right certification based on their job profile. In ITIL V3 too, it started with the basic foundation exam and moved into each of the specific areas/phases, and an expert level was defined for the person who was able to pass all the levels. Above the expert level was the pinnacle of ITIL certifications—the master level. It was like a PhD in ITIL, where the certification seeker was expected to write a thesis rather than answer a bunch of questions.

ITIL 4 is similar and has significantly changed, adapting to the times we live in. The certification levels are illustrated in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2

ITIL 4 certification path

Similar to ITIL V3, the new ITIL 4 too starts recognizing ITIL professionals through the ITIL Foundation certification. More on the certification is included in the next subsection.

After completing the foundation certification, ITIL practitioners can choose their certification based on the choice of career. There are two options:
  1. 1.

    ITIL Managing Professional (MP)

  2. 2.

    ITIL Strategic Leader (SL)


ITIL Managing Professional

The ITIL Managing Professional (MP) is for those who work on ITIL design, implementation, and operations. It is meant for pure service-management professionals who work in technology and digital streams. The certification exams test in-depth service management knowledge and provide knowledge around running projects, practices, teams, and workflows.

To become an MP, the practitioner must complete four individual modules:
  1. 1.

    ITIL Specialist: Create, Deliver, and Support

  2. 2.

    ITIL Specialist: Drive Stakeholder Value

  3. 3.

    ITIL Specialist: High Velocity IT

  4. 4.

    ITIL Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve


ITIL MP is equivalent to ITIL Expert in the V3 certification scheme.

ITIL Strategic Leader

While ITIL MP looks primarily inward toward the cogs of the ITIL engine, the ITIL SL certification is meant to look outward toward business—business needs, expectations, and everything related to them. The certification tests the knowledge of ITIL from the perspective of the understanding of the influence ITIL has on the business strategy.

To become an SL, the practitioner must complete two modules:
  1. 1.

    ITIL Strategist: Direct, Plan, and Improve (common with MP)

  2. 2.

    ITIL Leader: Digital and IT Strategy


ITIL Master

Not much is known about the ITIL 4 Master certification. Currently, the master certification available is only for the ITIL V3 certification.

We believe that the ITIL 4 Master certification will be eligible for ITIL practitioners who have completed MP and SL certifications and must appear for an interview or prove a design/theory based on empirical facts and assumed data.

The existing Master certification has an eligibility of ITIL Expert certification and minimum 5 years’ experience in service management.

ITIL Foundation Certification

The ITIL Foundation certification is a test of understanding of the various ITIL concepts, philosophy, framework, and underlying ideas. The certification skims the surface across the entire framework. The candidate gets an entire overview of the framework, the principle of IT services, the delivery mechanisms, and the continuous improvements it endures.

The ITIL 4 Foundation certification was opened on the 28th of February, 2019.

Eligibility Criteria

Anybody can take up the ITIL 4 certification. There are no criteria for minimum experience, education, or other prerequisite certifications. Although there are accredited training organizations that deliver ITIL Foundation trainings, you can self-study using a study guide such as this one and appear for the exam.

Your existing ITIL V3 Foundation certification does not count toward the ITIL 4 certification exam, as there is no bridge program that is available. So, everybody needs to take up the ITIL 4 Foundation certification examination, whether or not they have an equivalent certification in ITIL V3.

This is an entry level certification program into the world of ITIL. I encourage everybody in IT to take up the certification, as DevOps and ITIL are not mutually exclusive. What better way to get a firmer grip on DevOps than by getting a solid understanding of the operations side of it.

Most ITIL-based jobs are in service operations, and for a service operations role, the ITIL Foundation certification is considered adequate. Even in traditional organizations delivering IT services, most employers expect employees to hit the ground running when they start. For this to happen, there needs to be an alignment of processes, terminology, and the ways of working. This is primarily the reason for employers to insist on the ITIL Foundation certification.

People often change career paths within the same organization. To change into a service management role, organizations insist that employees undergo ITIL training and probably be certified before the transition.

I have also had students who are primarily from the projects side of the industry. They were keen to understand how the services operate, and to get a general awareness of IT service management, they took the ITIL Foundation certification course.

Certification Examination

The ITIL Foundation certification can be taken up through an online examination or a paper-based exam.

Here are some highlights of the ITIL Foundation Exam:
  • Closed book: You cannot refer to any books, notes, or cheat sheets.

  • There are 40 multiple choice questions; every question comes with a choice of four possible answers.

  • Exam duration: 60 minutes

  • Each question carries one mark; wrong answers do not bog you down with negative scoring.

  • You are required to give 26 correct answers to pass the exam: 65 percent.

  • The Foundation certificate only showcases that you have passed the exam and does not display the score you obtained on the exam.

  • You get instant results when you opt for online exams.

You will find ITIL Foundation examination tips, tricks, and FAQs on ITIL and ITIL-based careers in Chapter 15.

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