
Well done on making it through a lot of material on working with individuals! We humans are challenging, aren’t we? Here’s what you’ve learned in this chapter:

  • How to communicate well through spoken, written, and nonverbal communication.

  • A framework for delegation, which may be one of the most important things that you learn as a new manager. Many managers either don’t delegate properly or do it badly, so you can have a real head start if you begin practicing this.

  • How to define the relationship with your own manager by pulling on them rather than waiting for them to push to you, keeping your performance as part of regular conversation, and encouraging them to share more about what they’re doing with you so you can build rapport, increase your knowledge, and contribute at a higher level.

You’ll see that with time, all of these concepts will become second nature. However, some, like delegation, are easy to understand yet extremely tricky to master. In the next chapter you’re going to take everything that you’ve learned so far and jump right in to scheduling, planning, and performing your one-to-ones. We’ll make you a pro in no time.

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