Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


List of tables

About the author



Chapter 1: The evolving role of the teaching librarian


Teaching librarians and the information literacy revolution

Who is the ‘teaching librarian’?

Should librarians teach?

Teaching librarians – what do academics think?

Teaching librarians and professional education

Exercises and reflections

Chapter 2: Teaching librarians: 10 concepts shaping the role


Developing a ‘teacher identity’

Reflective practice

Developing a personal teaching philosophy and pedagogical knowledge base

The virtual learning environment

Teaching a diverse student base

Information literacy for graduate students and researchers

Instructional training for librarians

Action research in practice

Reinvigorated strategies for collaboration

Advocacy – spreading the word

Exercises and reflections

Chapter 3: Preparing teaching librarians for practice: focusing on the basics


What are the basics?

Conceptualising information literacy

Articulating the educational mission of the library

Learning theories

Broad learning frameworks

Instructional needs assessment

Writing goals, objectives and intended learning outcomes

Selecting teaching and learning activities

Creating effective learning materials

Aligning assessment with learning outcomes and activities

Promotion and outreach

Exercises and reflections

Chapter 4: Confidence-zappers and how to handle them


‘Attendance at our elective information literacy workshops is poor – what can I do to encourage students to sign up?’

‘How can I facilitate active learning with such a large group of students? Is it possible to do more than lecture?’

‘I’m having trouble keeping the students interested in class – they seem bored and unmotivated. Is there anything I can do?’

‘It seems like everyone on campus is using the VLE/CMS for their teaching, and I feel left behind – how can I get started with it?’

‘I have to teach a group of adult learners and I find it intimidating – how can I live up to their expectations?’

‘A lecturer has asked me to give a one-hour session with her class, but no specific idea of what she wants me to cover – how can I develop an effective session?’

Exercises and reflections

Chapter 5: Personal and professional development as a teaching librarian


Evaluation of teaching performance

Student evaluation of teaching

Peer evaluation of teaching

Applying for teaching grants and awards

Teaching portfolios

Reflective journals and blogs


Professional learning communities

Creating and sustaining communities of practice

Publishing in journals and presenting at conferences

Exercises and reflections

Chapter 6: What librarians think: teaching and learning in the real world


Librarians’ work roles, training and involvement in teaching

Involvement in teaching networks and communities

Teaching grants and awards

Librarians’ beliefs about how role is perceived by ‘outsiders’

Librarians’ pre-employment role conceptions compared with current role experience

Librarians’ confidence in teaching

Librarians’ challenges in the teaching role

What do librarians enjoy about teaching?

Librarians’ conceptions of ‘good’ teaching

Librarians’ additional comments about the teaching role

Academic librarians’ experience of teaching: a short survey



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