
In this chapter, we've continued to showcase how difficult it is to get security right all of the time. Unfortunately, this has been, and always will be, a reality for most companies. As professional attackers, however, we thrive on this.

In our scenario, we did not tackle the application head on, spending countless hours interacting with the API and looking for a way to compromise it. Instead, we assumed that the bulk of the security-hardening effort was spent on the application itself, and we banked on the fact that, understandably, securing a server or development environment, and keeping it secure, is a difficult task.

Often, the application development lifecycle tends to focus developers and administrators on the application code itself, while auxiliary systems controls are neglected. The operating system is not patched, the firewall is wide open, and development database instances expose the application to a slew of simple, yet effective, attacks.

In this chapter, we looked at alternate ways to compromise the target application. By scanning the application server with Nmap, we found an exposed database service that was configured with an easily guessable password. With access to the adjacent service, we were able to execute code on the server and ultimately access the target application and more.

In the next chapter, we will look at advanced brute-forcing techniques and how to fly under the radar during engagements where stealth is key.

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