Coding the main function

Let's rename the HelloSFML.cpp file as Main.cpp. Right-click on the HelloSFML file in the Solution Explorer and select Rename. Change the name to Main.cpp. This will be the file that contains our main function and the code that instantiates the Engine class.

Add the following code to Main.cpp:

#include "stdafx.h" 
#include "Engine.h" 
int main() 
   // Declare an instance of Engine 
   Engine engine; 
   // Start the engine VRRrrrrmmm; 
   // Quit in the usual way when the engine is stopped 
   return 0; 

All we do is add an include directive for the Engine class, declare an instance of Engine, then call its run function. Everything will be handled by the Engine class until the player quits and the execution returns to main and the return 0 statement.

That was easy. Now we can run the game and see the empty background, either fullscreen or split screen, which will eventually contain all the action.

Here is the game so far, in fullscreen mode, showing just the background:

Coding the main function

Now tap the E key, and you will be able to see the screen neatly partitioned into two halves, ready for split screen co-op gameplay:

Coding the main function

Here are some questions that might be on your mind.

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