About the Authors

About the Authors

BRAM SMEETS is a Java architect with more than eight years' experience in developing enterprise Java applications. Currently, Bram is technical director at JTeam (www.jteam.nl), a Java software development company based in the Netherlands, and senior consultant at SpringSource (www.springsource.com). He is a regular speaker at technology-focused conferences such as The Ajax Experience and SpringOne. Using GWT, Bram has delivered several successful RIA projects at JTeam. He's also done Ajax and GWT training for several companies.

About the Authors

URI BONESS is a software engineer and architect with more than eight years' experience developing Java applications. Currently, Uri serves as the chief scientist at JTeam. Over the years, Uri has contributed and initiated several open source projects, including GWToolbox—a set of GWT modules to help simplify the development of GWT applications. Like Bram, Uri too delivered several GWT-based projects and gave several training sessions on the subject. His main technology interests are focused on search and RIA, which he considers to be the real backbone of the new age of enterprise applications.

About the Authors

ROALD BANKRAS is a software engineer and project manager with more than five years of Java experience. Roald has gathered his experience running e-Procurement and custom back-office projects for mid- and large-size companies in the Netherlands. During the last year, Roald has put his knowledge to use implementing a complete fulfillment system using GWT.

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