
Throughout this process I’ve had help, support, and encouragement from so many different people, It’d be a long list to name them all. Whether it was with support, or just telling me to get myself in gear, I couldn’t have done this without you all.

I owe a special thanks to Mr. Sherry, who as always has kept me on the right path with support and advice, sprinkled with colorful (scouse) language. I’d also like to take this chance to thank Mr. Sterling, and Mr. Wardle, because I know without those two, I’d not be in the position I am today.

I have to give a big thanks to my family for putting up with my distance during the project, and giving me nothing but support for the duration. To try and make it up to people in my own way, you’ll see various names in code examples throughout the book. I may not have been with my family or friends, but at least I could include them, even if it’s just in examples.

Whether it was just letting me vent, allowing me to bounce ideas off you, or even giving me advice, I know many people have helped me in more ways than I can acknowledge, thank you. Finally, I’d like to thank everybody that helped me with the website I created for the book (see Chapter 7 for that). Whether you just shared it on Twitter or Facebook, or if you actually submitted your data, I’d like to thank you all for doing so.

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