As I have discovered, although writing a book is a somewhat daunting task, it is not an entirely solitary task. Lance D’Amico, Julianne Hanes, and Jeff Kuzmich provided valuable input and feedback related to their areas of expertise. Lance Teitsworth squeezed time out of his busy schedule to help me with an illustration. I am indebted to my business partner, Dan Vandenberg, for his contributions to the chapters on “Brand Research” and “Brand Equity Measurement.” I am particularly grateful to Amy Kelm for writing the foreword to the first edition of the book and to Sharon Napier for writing the foreword to this edition. Niels Buessem and Susan Stim provided invaluable help in editing the first edition of the book. And I would like to thank James Bessent, Karen Brogno, Cindy Durand, and Randi Minetor for their help in editing the second edition of the book. Finally, I am grateful for Ellen Kadin’s support from the very beginning of the Brand Aid project.

“Developing a Brand Building Organization” was published previously as an article of the same title in the Journal of Brand Management 7, no. 4 (March 2001), pp. 281–290. I am grateful to Henry Stewart Publications for permitting me to reprint it here.

This book is the composite of years of experience coupled with extensive research. I am grateful to all of those individuals and organizations whose expertise and research findings have made this a more useful book. I have attempted to cite every source as precisely as possible. If I have made an oversight, please let me know and I will rectify the situation in the next edition.

Brad VanAuken

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