© Anand Tamboli 2019
Anand TamboliBuild Your Own IoT Platformhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4498-2_7

7. Building the Critical Components

Anand Tamboli1 
Sydney, NSW, Australia

We began our IoT platform-building journey with the end in mind. That is, we first conceived what our own IoT platform would be like and its high-level contents (refer to Figure 3-1 in Chapter 3). So far, we have established a fully functional cloud instance and the message broker.

The next logical step is to start building the rest of the of platform’s plumbing by adding the required blocks of services. In this chapter, we will
  • Create a time-series database

  • Update Node-RED with additional nodes

  • Create a database listener

  • Build a REST API–based message publisher and retriever

Creating a Time-Series Core Database

We know that the time-series database is one of the critical blocks of our IoT platform. We established a general data storage schema for this in an earlier chapter. We will create the table now.

Head over to the browser and access the MySQL interface using phpMyAdmin. The first step is to create a separate database in MySQL. We will call it tSeriesDB . Refer to Figure 7-1 for steps to create new database in MySQL using phpMyAdmin interface.
Figure 7-1

Create a new database for time-series storage

Next, we create a new user account for the database and assign an appropriate password as shown in Figure 7-2. Adding this user account and access means that every time you or the program wants to access the time-series database, this password will be required.
Figure 7-2

Create new user account for database access

We now add a data table structure as per the schema mentioned earlier. To add a new table, select the New option under the database name in which this table is to be created (tSeriesDB in this case). Clicking the New option presents a dialog to input a new table name along with several columns.

We could add more or fewer columns at this stage. We can add or remove them later, so just provide an appropriate table name to proceed. We will use the table name thingData for our purpose.

Figure 7-3 explains the data table creation steps in more detail. Notice that we have added one column from the schema. This column is added as a binary type and is called deleted. The idea behind this column is to enable us to mark any data point as deleted and thereby discard it from further computations while keeping it there.
Figure 7-3

Create data table with designated schema

We can mark this value as 0 (deleted = 0) when the data point is still valid or active, and mark it as deleted = 1 when we want it to be considered deleted. If we decide to completely remove this value from data storage, then we can delete this row as needed. This provision adds a layer of mistake-proofing for future applications, where it might mistakenly delete an entry. This option enables us to recover records; it can be considered a recycle bin of some kind in our time-series data storage block.

Thus, the newly adopted data table schema would like Figure 7-4.
Figure 7-4

Updated data table schema for time-series data

Installing Required Nodes in Node-RED

With the required database and data structure ready in MySQL, it is time to enable Node-RED with the required additional nodes, and then configure it to couple with the database.

The default installation of Node-RED does not have a node to access MySQL. Therefore, we will add this node using Node-RED’s palette manager.

Open the Node-RED interface in your browser, and then select the Manage Palette option from the menu in the top right. This opens User Settings, and you can type MySQL to list the available nodes. Select and install node-red-node-MySQL by following the subsequent prompts. Refer to Figure 7-5 for an explanation.
Figure 7-5

Adding MySQL node to the Node-RED palette

Having this node available means that now we can access our MySQL database from Node-RED. At this stage, the database and data table are ready to accept and store input values. The Node-RED functional instance is ready for configuration and programming, and the MQTT message broker is functional. This is enough setup to create a database listener and the related APIs.

Creating First Flow for Our Platform

Since the installation of Node-RED, we have not added anything to the node environment. Our canvas is therefore empty. We will create a very basic flow of this at the outset. Let’s use inject node for this purpose. The inject node allows us to inject messages into a flow. This could be a default string or a current timestamp. The message can be injected by clicking the button on the node, or we can set a recurring injection by setting a time interval in the node’s configuration.

Drag one inject node from the input palette area and place it in the workspace. Now drag a debug node to the workspace area, and then join the two nodes together by connecting an output of the inject node to the debug node. The debug node sends any input given to it on the debug message area on the sidebar on the right-hand side of the window.

The sequence that we just created only exists on our editor screen and is not active. To activate this sequence, press the Deploy button. The flow is deployed and the sequence is now active. If you open the debug sidebar and then press the button on the timestamp flow, you see an output (i.e., current timestamp), in UNIX microsecond format, sent to the debug output. This is a basic and simple flow to start with. Figure 7-6 shows what the sequence looks like, along with some information about the Node-RED editor.
Figure 7-6

Understanding Node-RED editor and first flow sequence


For full details on how to use the Node-RED editor, keyboard shortcuts, and various terminologies, refer to the documentation at https://nodered.org/docs/user-guide/editor/ .

We will make two changes to our basic sequence. The inject node is currently sending a timestamp upon a button press; we will convert this into an autoinject action that repeats itself every 15 seconds. Then, we will add another node from the output palette, mqtt out, to our flow sequence and connect the output of a timestamp inject node to its input.

Adding MQTT Publish Capability

Let’s now add an MQTT publish capability in Node-RED. The mqtt out node does not work out of the box; it needs to be configured. We will provide our message broker details and credentials to set this up. Refer to Figure 7-7 for the four steps to set up this sequence. In this configuration, we used port 1883 for connection with the broker; however, remember that we also have secure port 8883 enabled, and we can use that too, if needed. Since we are adding this connection to the same server instance that the broker is installed on, it is not necessary.
Figure 7-7

Configure timestamp and MQTT out nodes

Upon providing all the essential settings, the flow sequence would look like Figure 7-8. After we deploy this sequence, the timestamp injection starts, and it keeps repeating every 15 seconds. The output of the timestamp is sent to two nodes: debug and mqtt out. While debug node shows you the injected timestamp on the debug sidebar, mqtt out pushes this timestamp in the message stream with the timestamp topic and a value of current UNIX timestamp in microseconds, something like 1543677926496.
Figure 7-8

First flow sequence and a timestamp utility for our platform

This flow sequence completes the M1 requirement (publish current timestamp) from the wish list in Chapter 4. Our first flow sequence is doing the same, where we are publishing the current timestamp into the message stream at a fixed interval of 15 seconds. Depending upon the requirements, you can modify this interval to suit your expectations; you can lower it to per second publish (which is too much, in my opinion) or you can raise it to one hour, which is reasonable in most cases.

REST API Message Publisher

Now that we have seen how to publish a message from Node-RED nodes to the MQTT message stream, we will build a REST API to enable the same. Part of our D4 requirement says that devices or applications should be able to publish a message using the HTTP protocol.

To begin, drag the HTTP node from the input block to the workspace. The HTTP node enables us to handle requests from the Web. Once placed in the workspace, double-click the node and modify the node settings, as shown in Figure 7-9. Here we are creating an endpoint as /pub with two parameters passed in the POST request: topic and payload. We can access these parameters in the following nodes as a part of message object: msg.req.params.topic and msg.req.params.payload.
Figure 7-9

Configuration of API nodes and function code

Add another mqtt out node and adjust its settings as shown in Figure 7-9. Note that since we added a broker configuration while creating the timestamp utility, we can simply use the same configuration. We are not specifying the topic in the settings because we will be supplying it in the function node prior to publishing.

Now drag two function nodes from the function palette and connect them, as shown in Figure 7-10. Add the HTTP response node at the end of this sequence. This outputs the provided payload as an API response. Remember that it is necessary to have an HTTP response node for every HTTP input node. If not added, the API request will never end and may timeout for the user.
Figure 7-10

Complete flow sequence for message publish API

We are not doing any configuration or setting changes for the HTTP output node. Usually, the HTTP output node is only configured if additional headers are sent and configured or the HTTP response code needs to be changed. However, both the headers and the response code can be changed in the previous function node for the HTTP output.

In this flow sequence, two function nodes have code written in them. This code is explained next.
// create message
msg.topic = msg.req.params.topic;
msg.payload = msg.req.params.payload;
msg.qos = 2;
msg.retain = false;
return msg;

In the create message function block, we receive input from the HTTP node. Two parameters, which are passed in the HTTP request, can be accessed in the msg message object. In the first two lines, we are assigning input parameters to topic and payload in the main message object. We are also setting the quality of service (QoS) to 2 for better reliability and to retain the flag at false, because we do not want each message to be retained.

These inputs are passed to the mqtt out node, which subsequently publishes a given message payload under the provided topic and with a set QoS of 2 without retaining it on the broker. At the same time, we are responding to the API call by creating a response and sending it with an HTTP response node.
// create response
msg.payload = {
    success: true,
    message: "published " +
             msg.req.params.topic +
             "/" +
return msg;

As HTTP response node outputs (i.e., responds to the calling API with payload contents of the message object), we are modifying the payload with two keys. Setting up success = true indicates publishing success and payload with a meaningful response message.

Once this is set up and updated, deploy the flow to make it live. If everything is correct, the flow is successfully deployed, and this API is now live. We can test the functionality using cURL, as shown in the following snippet on our Node-RED endpoint.
# curl -X POST "https://www.in24hrs.xyz:1880/pub/myTopic/myPayload" -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 56
ETag: W/"38-O0I0tXOkbEG/goFLAbvDMSnHdqE"
{"success":true,"message":"published myTopic/myPayload"}

This functionality cannot be tested in web browsers directly because we created a POST API. If you wish to use it in web browsers directly, simply convert it to GET by changing the HTTP input node settings. Alternatively, you can test this functionality using any other utility, such as the Postman interface.

We now have two functionalities added to our IoT platform: first, regular publishing of a current timestamp to the MQTT message stream; second, the REST API for publishing the message to the same MQTT message stream. Let’s augment this functionality further by adding the database listener.

Creating the Database Listener

A database listener is essentially an arrangement where a certain program or function listens to the live message stream and stores everything it listens to in the database. In our scenario, we have a live message stream established with MQTT. Now we will build a functionality where our program flow listens to the MQTT stream, and all the messages are logged into the time-series database.

To do this, we will add the mqtt input node to the workspace from the input palette. Then we add the debug node and connect it to the mqtt input node. This is the simplest flow sequence because we literally only have one thing to configure. Note that the MQTT broker details were already added.

In the mqtt input node, we need to provide subscription information and set it to the corresponding broker. To do this, double-click the mqtt input node and configure it, as shown in Figure 7-11. We are subscribing to all the messages with a # subscription and at QoS = 2 for a reliable subscription. Once configured, deploy the flow and monitor the debug messages in the sidebar.
Figure 7-11

Configure MQTT input node and deploy

We already have an active timestamp publisher, which is publishing the current timestamp every 15 seconds, and these messages should show up on the debug sidebar every 15 seconds.

Now if we publish any new message with our /pub API, that message will show up on the debug output as well. Once this is verified, let’s modify the same flow sequence by adding a function node from the function palette and the MySQL node from the storage palette. Connect these nodes and configure the settings of the MySQL node, as shown in Figure 7-12.
Figure 7-12

Add and configure MySQL node with our time-series database credentials

The code written in the create query function is explained in the following snippet.
// Create query
// get microtime
var timestamp = new Date().getTime()/1000;
// pad it with trailing zeroes
timestamp = timestamp.toString() + "000";
// trim to exact length 10 + 1 + 3
timestamp = timestamp.substring(0, 14);
var strQuery = "INSERT INTO thingData (topic, payload, timestamp, deleted) VALUES ('" + escape(msg.topic) + "','" + escape(msg.payload) + "','" +
               timestamp + "', 0);";
msg.topic = strQuery;
return msg;

In the first three lines of the code, we are acquiring the latest timestamp from the date object and converting it to a zero-padded string for storage. The fourth code line is where we are writing our data INSERT query, and it follows standard MySQL insertion syntax.

The MySQL node in Node-RED requires the query to be passed in the msg object as msg.topic. The second-to-last line does that assignment, and then the function returns a modified object to the MySQL node. The MySQL node executes that query and adds the record in the database.

After deploying this flow, we can publish any message using cURL, or simply wait for 15 seconds so that the timestamp is published. Then log in to phpMyAdmin and verify in the database that the new record has been added.

With this flow active, from now on, any message published on the MQTT message stream is recorded in the database. Our database listener is now functional.

REST API Message Retriever

Let’s now create an API to retrieve messages stored in the database. In our platform wish list, we have listed two requirements.
  • D1. Get a single data record. Enables applications and devices to query for a single data record from the time-series data storage based on a specified topic or topic pattern.

  • D2. Get several data records in a series. Enables applications and devices to query multiple data records based on a specified topic or topic pattern.

Both APIs will be built in almost the same manner as earlier; however, this time, we will use the MySQL node to access and retrieve database values using the SELECT SQL command . Refer to Figure 7-13 for the settings configuration and flow sequence.
Figure 7-13

Retrieving messages from the time-series data storage

We have tied the outputs of two HTTP input nodes to the same flow sequence. By doing this, we are accommodating two variations of /get/:topic and /get/:topic/last/:count. The first one retrieves only one message from the time-series database, while with the second one specifies the number of the latest messages to be retrieved.

The following code snippet shows code written for the create query function block.
// Create query
// if required record count is not specified
// set default to 1
    msg.req.params.count = 1;
// build the sql query
msg.topic = "SELECT id,topic,payload,timestamp " +
            "FROM thingData " +
            "WHERE topic='" + escape(msg.req.params.topic) + "' " +
            "AND deleted=0 " +
            "ORDER BY id DESC " +
            "LIMIT " + msg.req.params.count + ";";
return msg;

In this code, the first two lines check for the presence of a parameter count. Note that this parameter is required only when we want to request multiple latest messages. Therefore, in a single message query, this parameter is absent. And if it is absent, we set that parameter to the default value of 1.

Then, we are using a standard SELECT query to retrieve database records. In this query, we are using WHERE to search for the specified topic, and deleted=0 to select only the records that were not deleted. Additionally, we are using ORDER BY id DESC to retrieve the latest values and LIMIT the output by using the count parameter.

Since it is a time-series database, and due to the way we built the database listener, all the values are always in a time sequence with latest value on the top (if sorted by ID in descending order). Let’s check both APIs now, with cURL first.
# curl -X GET "https://www.in24hrs.xyz:1880/get/myTopic" -i
Output 1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 79
ETag: W/"38-O0I0tXOkbEG/goFLAbvDMSnHdqE"
# curl -X GET "https://www.in24hrs.xyz:1880/get/myTopic/last/3"
Output 2

[{"id":8,"topic":"myTopic","payload":"myPayload","timestamp":"1543717154.899"}, {"id":7,"topic":"myTopic","payload":"myPayload","timestamp":"1543716966.189"}, {"id":6,"topic":"myTopic","payload":"myPayload","timestamp":"1543717132.192"}]

As these are GET API endpoints, you can test them directly in the browser too. If there are not enough data points (i.e., if you query for five data points under a topic while there are only three in storage, the API will respond to only the three that are available). It will be up to the downstream application to apply appropriate logic in handling such requests.

Verifying that Everything Is Working as Expected

We tested all four core services and utilities as we built them—the recurring current timestamp publisher, the database listener, the HTTP data posting service, and the HTTP data retrieval service.

At this stage, if we publish anything in the MQTT message stream, it will be published live at the same time that the database listener records it in the database. If any message is posted using the HTTP-post service, it will be visible live to MQTT-connected applications and devices (if they are subscribed to that topic). At the same time, this message is recorded in the database. You can retrieve one or more messages from the time-series data storage at any time, without relying on the live connection. All of this can be tested with the command line and a web browser.

Running Node-RED in the Background Continuously

One of the major concerns and an issue that we might encounter is, if the program crashes, we will have to log in to the cloud instance and restart it. That is cumbersome, however, it is more problematic to get to know this situation in first place. This is where, running a service in the background and resurrecting it whenever it fails, or crashes is important.

There are many options to achieve this. We will use one of the suitable options for our type of setup—a utility built using Node.js called forever.

The forever utility is a simple command-line tool, which is helpful in ensuring that a Node.js-based application runs continuously (i.e., forever). This means that if your application encounters an error and crashes, forever will take care of the issue and restart it for you.

Installation of forever is straightforward and can be achieved with the following command:
# npm install forever -g
Once installed, we are ready to restart our Node-RED with it. If Node-RED is already running at this stage, you can stop it with the following commands on the command line:
# lsof -I :1880
node-red  1363   root   10u  IPv4  23374       0t0   TCP  *:1880 (LISTEN)
# kill 1363
We see that the Node-RED process was running with ID 1363. We used the kill command to stop that process. Now we will run Node-RED with the forever utility, as follows:
# forever start -l node-red.log --append /usr/local/bin/node-red

In the preceding command, we are starting Node-RED with a log file as node-red.log, which means that all the output of the program on the console will go to this file, and we can examine this file as needed.

Now, you can reverify that it is running and that our core APIs are working as expected with the help of the command line and browser testing. The Figure 7-14 shows parts of the block-diagram of our IoT platform that are now functional.
Figure 7-14

Critical services of our own IoT platform are now functional


From what we conceived in the initial chapters, we are about halfway through. We built a created time-series database and added the database listener to the platform. We also created two critical components for the platform in the REST API Interface block.

In the next chapter, we add WebSocket capabilities to our message broker and update access controls for enhanced security. We also see a few examples of how our IoT platform can interface with other applications and systems over MQTT socket connections for live data exchange.

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