Afshar, Vala, 121122

AID (Applaud, Identify, Deliver), 150152

ambition, 28

Appelbaum, Eileen, 6061

applaud achievements, 150

A-teams, 9

as collection of learning curves, 1819

getting started building, 167172

automaticity, 69

backward moves, 4547, 155159

Bagri, Vikas, 46

Blake, David, 82

Bock, Lazlo, 109

boomerang employees, 8283

boredom, 62, 130, 139, 163


competence of, 7374

qualities of the best, 2829, 4546

Bridges, Sean, 82

Bryer, Jackson, 112113

Buffett, Warren, 162

Busse, Franz, 3940

Butte, Montana, 5758

buy-in, 118119, 120

Cantore, Don, 8788

capacity, hiring for, 6566

Caraher, Lee, 83

career paths, 34, 8

Cave, John, 45

C-DOT (Center for the Development of Telematics), 46, 136137

CEO succession, 66

certainty, 34

challenges, 109115, 120, 139140

Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas, 6768

Chandon, Pierre, 39

change, 5, 168

Chatbooks, 5354

checkers, 21

chess, 21

chief executive officers (CEOs), 162163

coaching, 8, 163

Coffin, Josh, 138

Colbert, Stephen, 144

college degrees, 82

compensation, 125126

competitive risk, 33, 34, 7778

complacency, 139

constraints, 3742, 172

expertise, 4042, 118119, 120

money, 116118, 120

for new hires, 99100, 110

resource, 120, 121

time, 3840, 115116, 120, 172

consumer behavior, 69

contract work, 80

Cook, James, 1315

Copper Kings, 58

Cornish, Devn J., 107


of employee turnover, 6061

recruitment, 61

creative thinking, 159, 168

criticism, 4344, 49, 137138

Crowell, Chris, 121122

C-suite executives, 162163

Curtis, Darrell, 126

Dalton, Dorothy, 75

Degreed, 82

deliver on jump to new curve, 151152

discovery-driven growth, 5154

disengagement, 17, 28, 62

disruptive innovation, 67, 1516, 44, 45

disruptive mindset, 160

Disruptive Strengths Indicator (DSI), 68, 78

diversity, in hiring, 76

Double Forte, 83

Edmondson, Amy, 144

education, 47

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 167

emotional intelligence (EQ), 36


backward moves for, 4547, 155159

boomerang, 8283

development of, 2225, 4243, 150152

disengaged, 17, 28, 62

energy of, 18

engaged, 34, 5, 20, 25, 130

giving real responsibility to, 119, 121122

high-performing, 125126, 129146

hiring, 5785

investment in, 89

keeping happy, 125126

lateral moves for, 152154, 158

mapping S curves of, 1921

newly hired, 4041, 6366, 87108

nonconventional, 8184

on-rampers, 8183

playing to strengths of, 3536

productivity of, 8, 1819, 88

qualifications sought in, 8182

self-starters, 2628

supporting, 123126, 142

employee turnover, 6061

encouragement, 107108

Ender’s Game (Card), 119, 121

engagement, 34, 5, 16, 20, 25, 130

enthusiasm, 44

entitlement, 4244

Evans, Aicha, 100

expectations, 51, 9295

expertise, 23, 7374

expertise constraints, 4042, 118119, 120

failure, 104105, 123

learning from, 4751, 144

recovery from, 142143

responding to, 140142, 143, 144

risk of, 138144

Faller, Jenna Galloway, 83

Fatehi, Feyzi, 5051

feedback, 48, 138139

Feingold, Sarah, 3334

financial constraints, 116118, 120

flexibility, 52

Ford Motor Company, 140142

founders, 163

Franklin, Benjamin, 171172

freelancers, 80

friction, 110115

future predictions, 15

Gamson, Mike, 155156, 159

Gault, Ashley, 101102

gender neutral language, 76

General Dynamics, 2

General Motors, 7

gentle mobbing, 100

gig economy, 80

Globalization Partners (GP), 9091

Golan, Ilana, 123124

Goldilocks rule, 111

Goldin, Kara, 148

gold rush, 57

Goldsmith, Marshall, 163

Gooch, John, 8788

Goodall, Amanda, 73

Goodell, Roger, 64

Google, 62

Grant, Heidi, 94

gratification, 44

gratitude, 44

group dynamics, 6768


discovery-driven, 5154

on the job, 6377

momentum and, 105106

Groysberg, Boris, 167168

gut instincts, 39

Haley, Alex, 23

Hamilton, Alexander, 129130

Hanna, Ziyad, 123124

Harte, Zoe, 160161

Hearn, Helen Jane, 135136

high performers. See top performers

hiring, 5785

clone of self, 7071

cost of, 6061

diversity in, 76

human resources and, 5862

impact on team, 6669

internal, 67, 7879

interviews, 7879

at low end of S curve, 5869, 7576

mistakes, 65, 102103

motivation for, 6974

people with different skill sets, 7274

for potential, 59, 82

reasons for, 6366

risk-taking and, 7778, 83

scapegoats, 72

unconventional, 8084

writing job postings, 7477

Hoey, Kelly, 3738

Hone, Michael, 9293

human resources, 5862, 84

identify a new learning curve, 150151

immigrants, 44

Inam, Henna, 2728

incumbents, 67

individuals, strengths of, 3536, 66, 104, 109127

inexperience, 16, 4041, 110


disruptive, 67, 1516, 44, 45

squelching of, by top performers, 135144

institutional knowledge, 23

insurgents, 67

internal mobility, 2425, 67, 7879

internal networks, 98, 99

interviews, 7879

Jay, Antony, 28

job candidates, 6566

job descriptions, 5960, 65, 67, 7477

job interviews, 7879

job openings, 65

job requirements, 60, 75

job satisfaction, 7374, 7677, 91

job security, 138139

John, Tina, 110111

Juvan, Jayne, 101102

Kalanithi, Paul, 129

Kaplan, Saul, 18

Kempler, Steve, 133


institutional, 23

of top performers, sharing, 131134

Kopelman, Mike, 25, 9596

Krawkowski, Kimberley, 133134

Lafley, A. G., 69

Lamott, Anne, 170

Larsen, Norm, 12

late-career professionals, 164

lateral moves, 152154, 158

law of friction, 110115

leadership, decentralization of, 28

learning, 34, 62

accelerants of, 3155

from experience, 106107

from failure, 4751, 144

learning curves, 710

helping leaps to new, 147165

S-shaped, 1329, 32

“sweet spot” of, 110, 113, 120

A-team as a collection of, 1819

learning organizations, 144

Leibovich, Lori, 25

Let’s Talk Talent, 2425

Levien, Meredith Kopit, 61

Lopez, Carolyn, 133134

management hierarchy, 28


disruptive, 5253

as parents, 4950

proactive, 56

role of, 89


new hires, 87108

top-performers, 129146

managing up, 9596

Marcotty, Pete, 138

market risk, 3334, 7778, 83

Marte, Coss, 83

Martin, Roger L., 69

mastery, 16, 17, 19, 73, 150

McDonald’s, 22

McGrath, Rita Gunther, 5152

McKenna-Doyle, Michelle, 45, 6465

mentors, 133134, 164

metrics, 2325

Michalski, Jeff, 144

micromanagement, 23

middle-skill jobs, 82

milestone charts, 54

Miller, Suzan, 153154

mobility, internal, 2425, 67, 7879

momentum, 105106

money constraints, 116118, 120

moral suasion, 137

Moshier, Gina, 125126

motivations, for hiring, 6974

Mulally, Alan, 23, 140142

Murdoch, Rupert, 162

Narisetti, Raju, 4243

new collar jobs, 82

new hires, 4041, 6366

communicating your vision to, 8991

encouraging, 107108

evaluating, 102107

expectations for, 9295

first six months for, 96107

first week for, 97

internal network building for, 98, 99

listening to ideas of, 100102

managing, 87108

onboarding, 8996

short-term goals for, 9899

understanding vision of, 9192

your vision for, 9296

See also hiring

Novartis, 27

O’Brien, Walter, 3536

on-rampers, 8183

outsider perspective, 100102

pacesetters, 132

Palliser, Hugh, 14

peer pressure, 136137

Perlis, Mike, 61

personal disruption, 39, 24, 32, 45, 159

Petrey, Stacey, 51, 154

Pezzimenti, Mary Gail, 135136

Pichette, Patrick, 62

Pinkowski, Gary, 27

Pitroda, Sam, 4647, 137

planning, discovery-driven, 5152

positive reviews, 4344

potential, 59, 82

praise, 4344, 49

proactive managers, 56

productivity, 9, 1819, 88

Pulsipher, Scott, 4849

Quigley, Vanessa, 53

Rajdev, Naveen, 113114

Rajendran, Venkat, 136137

rebranding, 69


costs, 61

job requirements and, 60

See also hiring

Reif Cohen, Jessica, 25

resource constraints, 120, 121

responsibility, 119, 121122

retirement, 164

Richardson, Kim Sreng, 26

Ridge, Garry, 3, 163

righteous shame, 136137

risk-averse organizations, 168169


hiring and, 7778, 83

identifying, 3234

taking, 51

Rivera, Lauren, 7071

Rocket Chemical Company, 12

Rogers, E. M., 15

room-escape games, 99100

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1

Rosner, Lisa Joy, 112113

Rubin, Gretchen, 4344

Sahin, Nicole, 9091

Salzwedek, Jack, 109110

Schloss, Eileen, 159161

Schmidt, Eric, 62

Schön, Donald, 142

Schoonmaker, Thelma, 132

Scottowe, Thomas, 14

S-Curve Locator (SCL), 1920

S curve of learning, 1329, 32, 112113

hiring at low end of, 5869, 7576

mapping team’s, 1921

A-team and, 1819

team roles and, 2123

self-starters, 2628

shakeups, 159162

shame, 136137

Shapero, Dan, 155159

short-term goals, 9899

Simon, Kevin, 157159

Simpson, Bill, 161162

Skinner, Jim, 22

Snyder, Quin, 53

soft skills, 65

stasis, 5

stepping back, 4547

Stokes, Kyle Ann, 132


playing to individuals’, 3536, 66, 104, 109127

pressure and, 3132

stretch assignments, 50, 51, 109115, 124, 139140

subconscious, 70

superpowers, 66

talent development, 2225, 4243

tasks, complexity versus enjoyment, 112

Taylor, Jo, 24

Taylor, Tom, 4849

team dysfunction, 6869

team roles, 2123, 6669

360-degree assessments, 43

time constraints, 3840, 115116, 120, 172

Tolstoy, Leo, 31

top performers

challenges for, 139140

failure by, 138144

keeping happy, 125126

managing, 129146

as mentors, 133134

next moves for, 147165

as pacesetters, 132

sharing knowledge of, 131134

squelching of innovation by, 135144

as trainers, 132133

Toyota, 7

trainers, 132133

training, 47, 125, 164

transition complex, 145

triple bottom line, 91

Twain, Mark, 87

Ulrich, Dave, 25

unattainable goals, 104105

unconventional practices, 102

underachievement, 50

values-oriented work, 7677


communicating your, to new hires, 8991

for new hire, 9296

understanding new hire’s, 9192

Walker, James, 14

Warner, Kathleen, 92

Warsen, David, 132133

Washington, George, 129130

WD-40, 14, 20, 163

Weiner, Jeff, 155156, 159

Whitney, Tim, 3738

Winsborough, Dave, 6768

Wiseman, Liz, 41

Wong, Jocelyn, 104

workplace skills, 8182

Wrosch, Carsten, 104105

Yancy, Telisa, 109110

Zefo, Ruby, 153154

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