© Ahmed Fawzy Mohamed Gad 2019
A. F. M. GadBuilding Android Apps in Python Using Kivy with Android Studiohttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5031-0_7

7. Working with Kivy Projects from Android Studio

Ahmed Fawzy Mohamed Gad1 
Faculty of Computers & Information, Menoufia University, Shibin El Kom, Egypt

When a Python developer knows that it is possible to create Android apps using Python, one of the first questions to be asked is whether Python can develop rich Android applications like the ones developed in Android Studio using native Android languages (i.e. Java). Unfortunately, the answer is that Python is limited in its capabilities compared to Java when building Android (mobile) applications. But the good news is that there are ways to enrich the Android applications created in Python.

The Kivy team has developed some Python libraries that allow developers to access the Android features in a much easier way than was done in Android Studio. With just a few lines of Python code, we can access an Android feature. One of these libraries is Plyer, and it’s discussed in this chapter. Using just a single line, a notification can be pushed to the Android notification bar.

Because Plyer is still under development, some of its features are unimplemented. One alternate solution is to reflect Java classes within Python using a library called Pyjnius. That involves writing Java code inside the Python file. This helps us access some of the Android features, but still there are some unresolved issues. Reflecting the Java classes within Python can increase the complexity of developing the application. Moreover, some exceptions occur when reflecting some Java classes. As a result, using Plyer and Pyjnius is not enough to access all the Android features.

Remember, as mentioned in Chapter 1, an Android Studio project is created when we build the Kivy application using Buildozer. This project could be imported easily within Android Studio and then we can continue developing the application there. This enables us to build whatever features we want.

In Kivy, there is a problem packaging some Python libraries, such as OpenCV. If we cannot build an Android application from a Kivy application that uses OpenCV, we can avoid using OpenCV in Python and then use it in Android Studio. This workaround will be illustrated at the end of this chapter.


In the applications created in the previous chapters, we used two main Android features that Kivy supports—accessing the camera and playing audio. Everything is done in Python. But there are other features in Android that might make life easier and we cannot access then in Kivy. We may use the gyroscope in the CoinTex game to move the main character. For CamShare, we might push notifications to the notification bar when the connection between the client and the server is lost. But how do we do that in Kivy (i.e., in Python)? Unfortunately, Kivy alone cannot access these features.

The Kivy team created a library called Pyjnius to access Java classes in Python. So, if you cannot access a feature from Python, you can access it from Java. Note that the Java code is written within the Python file and thus the code will not be Pythonic.

To solve that issue, the team created a library called Plyer to access the Android features inside the Python code. It is yet underdevelopment and some features are not available in the current version (1.3.3.dev0), such as the camera, audio, and Wi-Fi. The interface is very easy to learn and it accesses these features with minimal lines of Python. The Plyer documentation is available at https://plyer.readthedocs.io/en/latest .

In this section, a simple example is discussed in which Plyer is used to push notifications to the notification bar and change the orientation. In the applications created in the previous chapters, we tested them in a desktop computer before building the Android application. In this chapter, we cannot test the application in a desktop before building the Android application because the libraries used (e.g., Plyer) are running in Android devices. It is preferred to use logcat for monitoring the exceptions if any appear when running the Android application.

Changing Orientation and Pushing Notifications

Using the plyer.notification , we can push notifications to the notification bar of the Android device. This module has a function named notify that accepts a number of arguments to initialize the notification.

In order to change the device orientation, the plyer.orientation exists. It has three functions as follows:
  • set_landscape(reverse=False): Sets the orientation to landscape if the reverse argument is True.

  • set_portrait(reverse=False): Sets the orientation to portrait if the reverse argument is True.

  • set_sensor(mode='any|landscape|portrait'): Sets the orientation according to the value specified in the mode argument.

Listing 7-1 shows the KV file of an application with three button widgets. The first one executes the show_notification() function , which pushes the notification to the notification bar.

When the second button is pressed, the orientation changes to landscape. Note that plyer.orientation is imported inside the KV file. The set_landscape() function is called within the KV file. The third button works like the second one, but calls the set_portrait() function to change the orientation to portrait.
#:import orientation plyer.orientation
    orientation: "vertical"
        text: "Show Notification"
        on_press: app.show_notification()
        text: "Portrait"
        on_press: orientation.set_portrait(reverse=True)
        text: "Landscape"
        on_press: orientation.set_landscape(reverse=True)
Listing 7-1

KV File with Buttons for Pushing a Notification Message and Changing the Orientation of the Screen

The Python file is shown in Listing 7-2. The show_notification() function has a single line that calls the notify() function. The title and message arguments appear on the notification bar.
import kivy.app
import plyer
class PushNotificationApp(kivy.app.App):
    def show_notification(self):
        plyer.notification.notify(title='Test', message='Notification using Plyer')
app = PycamApp()
Listing 7-2

Pushing a Notification Message to the Android Notification Bar

We used to run the application in a desktop computer for testing before building the Android application. Because Plyer is an Android package, it cannot be tested on a desktop computer and must run directly on Android devices. In order to make the debugging process easier, we use logcat for tracing the error stack. Remember that logcat can be activated while building, deploying, and running the APK file using the following command:
ahmedgad@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ buildozer android debug deploy run logcat
After deploying and running the application on an Android device and then pressing the first button, we will see the notification shown in Figure 7-1. The application icon is used as the icon of the notification. This is the least amount of code required to push a notification.
Figure 7-1

An Android notification message created in Python using Plyer

Controlling the Android Flashlight

The Android flashlight can be accessed in Plyer using plyer.flash. The KV file in Listing 7-3 creates three button widgets for turning on, turning off, and releasing the flash. The functions used for doing such work are listed here:
  • plyer.flash.on(): Turns on the flash

  • plyer.flash.off(): Turns off the flash

  • plyer.flash.release(): Releases the flash

#:import flash plyer.flash
    orientation: "vertical"
        text: "Turn On"
        on_press: flash.on()
        text: "Turn Off"
        on_press: flash.off()
        text: "Release"
        on_press: flash.release()
Listing 7-3

Controlling the Android Flashlight Using Plyer in Python

The Python file in Listing 7-4 does nothing except create a new class that extends the kivy.app.App class.
import kivy.app
import plyer
class PycamApp(kivy.app.App):
app = PycamApp()
Listing 7-4

Generic Python File for Developing a Kivy Application

After running the application, we will see the window shown in Figure 7-2. Remember to list CAMERA and FLASHLIGHT as items in the android.permissions property of the buildozer.spec file.

You can extend this application to create flash patterns that turn on and off the flashlight in a specified period of time.
Figure 7-2

An Android application for controlling the flashlight

The previous examples show how simple the Plyer library is for accessing Android features within Python code. Unfortunately, Plyer is restricted to some features and does not do everything an Android developer wants to do. There are some unsupported features, such as displaying a toast message, and there are some features that are not implemented for some platforms, such as accessing the camera and playing audio. We can use the Pyjnius library to access these missing features using Java code.


Pyjnius is a library developed by the Kivy team to access Java classes in the Python code in order to use the currently unsupported Android features within Python Kivy projects. The library has a core function named autoclass() that accepts the Java class name and returns a variable that represents that Java class. This process is called reflection .

A very simple example is shown in Listing 7-5. It prints a message using the println() method, which is in the java.lang.System class. The first statement imports the Pyjnius library. Then the Java class is reflected in Python by passing its name prepended with the package name as input to the autoclass() function. The returned variable named System in this example represents that class, but in Python. We can access the methods inside this class, as we have done in Java.
import jnius
System = jnius.autoclass("java.lang.System")
System.out.println("Hello Java within Python")
Listing 7-5

Printing a Message in Python Using the System Class in Java

Another simple example reads the contents of a text file. Before reading the file, we must reflect all required Java classes inside Python. It is recommended that we first prepare the Java file and then convert it to Python. The Java code needed to read a text file is shown in Listing 7-6.
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.FileReader
FileReader textFile = new FileReader("pycam.kv");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(textFile);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = br.readLine();
while (line != null) {
    line = br.readLine();
Listing 7-6

Reading a Text File in Java

There are three classes used in the Java code in Listing 7-6. The first one is the java.io.FileReader class for reading the file. In order to read lines inside the read file, the java.io.BufferedReader class is used. Finally, we can print each line on the console using the java.lang.System class . Note that the java.lang package is already imported in any Java class and thus we don’t need to add an import statement for it within the Java code. After preparing the Java code, we need to embed it into Python using Pyjnius.

The previous three classes in Listing 7-6 are reflected in Python, as shown in Listing 7-7, using the jnius.autoclass() function. Then the filename is passed as input to the constructor of the FileReader class and the result returned into the textFile variable. In this example, the KV file previously created in Listing 7-3 for controlling the flashlight in Android is read. The file object is returned in the textFile variable, which is passed as input to the constructor of the BufferedReader class. The result is returned in the bufferedReader variable.
import jnius
FileReader = jnius.autoclass("java.io.FileReader")
BufferedReader = jnius.autoclass("java.io.BufferedReader")
System = jnius.autoclass("java.lang.System")
textFile = FileReader("pycam.kv")
bufferedReader = BufferedReader(text_file)
line = bufferedReader.readLine()
while line != None:
    line = bufferedReader.readLine()
Listing 7-7

Reading a Text File Using Java Classes Reflected in Python Using Pyjnius

In order to read a line from the file, we call the readLine() Java method. To read all lines inside the file, a while loop is created for printing the lines as long as the returned line is not None. Note that None refers to null in Java. The lines printed to the console are shown in Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3

The result of reading a text file in Python using Java classes

After understanding the basic concept behind the Pyjnius library, we can use it to access features in Android.

Playing Audio in Android Using Pyjnius

We can start by discussing the Java code used to play audio in Android and think about how to write it in Python using Pyjnius. The code is shown in Listing 7-8, in which there is a single class used named MediaPlayer in the android.media package. After instantiating that class and returning an instance into the mediaPlayer variable, we can call the required methods to load and play the audio file.

The setDataSource() method accepts the filename of the audio file to be played. The prepare() method prepares the media player. Finally, the start() method starts playing the audio file. In order to catch the exceptions thrown when there is a problem playing the file, the call to such methods is bounded by a try-catch block. If there is an exception, a message is printed to the console using the System class.
import android.media.MediaPlayer;
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();
try {
    fileName = "bg_music_piano.wav";
} catch {
    System.out.println("Error playing the audio file.");
Listing 7-8

Java Code to Play an Audio File in Android

After completing the Java code, we next need to discuss the process for reflecting this code in Python.

This class can be reflected in Python using the autoclass() function discussed before. If the object created from that reflected class is named mediaPlayer, the methods will be called exactly as was done in the Java code.

Regarding handling exceptions in Python, there are two points worth mentioning. The first one is that blocks in Python are defined using indentation. The second one is that exceptions in Java are handled inside the catch block. In Python, the block name is except. It is important to do such mappings between Python and Java. The Python code for playing an audio file using Pyjnius is shown in Listing 7-9.
import jnius
MediaPlayer = jnius.autoclass("android.media.MediaPlayer")
mp = MediaPlayer()
    fileName = "bg_music_piano.wav"
    print("Error Playing the Audio File")
Listing 7-9

Playing an Audio File in Python by Reflecting Java Classes Using Pyjnius

Based on the code in Listing 7-9, we can create an application for playing, pausing, and stopping audio. The KV file of the application is shown in Listing 7-10. There is a BoxLayout with five widgets. The first two widgets are Labels and the last three are Buttons.

The first Label is updated according to the progress of playing the audio file. This is done by drawing a rectangle inside canvas.before using the Rectangle vertex instruction, which is colored red according to the Color instruction. The default size of this Label widget is 0.0, meaning it is hidden when the application starts. The size changes according to the playing progress.

The second Label widget displays information while playing the file indicating the duration of the file in milliseconds, the position in milliseconds in which the file is playing, and the percentage of progress from 0.0% to 100.00%.
    orientation: "vertical"
        id: audio_pos
        size_hint_x: 0.0
        size: (0.0, 0.0)
                rgb: (1, 0, 0)
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
        id: audio_pos_info
        text: "Audio Position Info"
        text: "Play"
        on_release: app.start_audio()
        text: "Pause"
        on_release: app.pause_audio()
        text: "Stop"
        on_release: app.stop_audio()
Listing 7-10

KV File for Playing an Audio File in Android

The three buttons are responsible for starting, pausing, and stopping the audio. The callback functions start_audio(), pause_audio(), and stop_audio() are called when the on_release event is fired.

Figure 7-4 shows the window of the application after it runs on the Android device.
Figure 7-4

An Android application for playing an audio file

The Python file is shown in Listing 7-11. It implements the callback functions associated with the three Button widgets. The start_audio() function does the work discussed previously, from reflecting the MediaPlayer class until playing the audio file using the start() method. Notice that the instance of the MediaPlayer is set as a property inside the current object referenced using the self keyword in order to access it outside the function it is defined into. It can be accessed by self.mediaPlayer.

A class variable named prepare_audio is created to determine whether the audio file is previously loaded. It is initialized to False to mean that the file is not loaded. If its value is False, the start_audio() function loads the file and starts it. After being started, its value is set to True.

If the audio file is just paused, we do not have to reload the file again. Thus, the file will be started by calling the start() method inside the else part of the if statement. This resumes the audio file from the previous position before being paused. If the file is prepared after being paused, the file will play from the beginning.

Note that if there is a problem playing the audio file, the except block changes the text of the second Label to indicate an error.
import kivy.app
import jnius
import os
import kivy.clock
class AudioApp(kivy.app.App):
    prepare_audio = False
    def start_audio(self):
        if AudioApp.prepare_audio == False:
            MediaPlayer = jnius.autoclass("android.media.MediaPlayer")
            self.mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer()
                fileName = os.getcwd()+"/bg_music_piano.wav"
                kivy.clock.Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_position, 0.1)
                AudioApp.prepare_audio = True
                self.current_pos.text = "Error Playing the Audio File"
                print("Error Playing the Audio File")
    def pause_audio(self):
        if AudioApp.prepare_audio == True:
    def stop_audio(self):
        if AudioApp.prepare_audio == True:
            AudioApp.prepare_audio = False
    def update_position(self, *args):
        audioDuration = self.mediaPlayer.getDuration()
        currentPosition = self.mediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition()
        pos_percent = float(currentPosition)/float(audioDuration)
        self.root.ids['audio_pos'].size_hint_x = pos_percent
        self.root.ids['audio_pos_info'].text = "Duration: "+str(audioDuration) + " Position: " + str(currentPosition)+" Percent (%): "+str(round(pos_percent*100, 2))
app = AudioApp()
Listing 7-11

Kivy Application for Playing an Audio File in Android Based on Reflected Java Classes Using Pyjnius

Using the schedule_interval() function inside the kivy.clock.Clock class, a callback function named update_position() is executed every 0.1 seconds. This updates the two Label widgets inside the KV file according to the current millisecond being played from the audio file.

First, the audio file duration is returned using the getDuration() method inside the audioDuration variable. The current position, in milliseconds, is returned using the getCurrentPosition() method inside the currentPosition variable. The progress percentage is calculated by dividing the audioDuration by currentPosition. Because the values inside these variables are integers and the expected result is between 0.0 and 1.0, which is float, we have to change their data type from integer to float using the float() function. The file duration, current position, and current percentage are displayed on the second Label widget inside the KV file.

Note that displaying the progress of playing the audio file is similar to updating the life percentage of the character of the CoinTex game. After discussing the function that handles the on_release event of the first button, we can discuss the functions for the remaining two buttons.

The second Button widget pauses the played audio file using the pause() method . According to its callback function, pause_audio(), an if statement ensures that the file is playing before executing this method because it must be called for an active audio file.

The last button stops the audio by calling the stop() method . Similar to the pause_audio() callback function, the stop_audio() function has an if statement that ensures that the audio file is playing before stopping it. After calling this method, the file can be played again only after preparing the file again. Thus, we must execute the code that prepares the audio file inside the if statement of the start_audio() function.

Figure 7-5 shows the result after playing the audio file and pausing it at millisecond 5943, which corresponds to a percentage equal to 19.44% of the complete file duration. The first label width is 19.44% of the screen width.
Figure 7-5

Playing an audio file in Android by reflecting Java classes in Python

This example easily used Java code within Python. Unfortunately, the process is not straightforward for even simple operations such as showing a toast message. In Java, a toast is displayed using just a single line, as shown:
Toast.makeText(this, "Hello Java", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

The process requires more than reflecting the Toast class (android.widget.Toast) within Python. For example, we have to know that the text to be displayed is actually an instance of the CharSequence class . Thus, this class must be reflected in order to convert the text to its type to be suitable to the text argument. Moreover, toast is only created within the UI thread, not outside it. Thus, it can be displayed inside a Runnable instance. The developer has to do a lot of work than with the Java example.

Remember that the goal of using Pyjnius is to make life simpler for Kivy developers to build Android applications that use Java features in Python. If the process will get complicated, I do not recommend using it to write Java code. It can be used for simple tasks.

But if we cannot write Java code within Python, where do we write it? The answer is simply within a Java file.

Understanding the Android Project Built Using Buildozer

Remember that Python-for-Android is a bridge between Python (i.e., Kivy) and Android (i.e., Java). Using Buildozer, an Android Java project is automatically built from the Python Kivy project. After building the Android project, the Java project exists in the following path, assuming that the root directory of the Python project is NewApp and the package name specified inside the buildozer.spec file is kivyandroid.

If you are familiar with the structure of the Android Studio projects, you can navigate through the project to find all the necessary files and directories inside a regular project.

At the root directory of the project, the build.gradle and AndroidManifest.xml files exist. We will not discuss these files in detail but just get the idea that helps us understand how to manage the Android project from Android Studio.

The AndroidManifest.xml file is shown in Listing 7-12. It starts with the <manifest> element. Inside the header of this element, the package name and the application version are specified. It starts by specifying the application package name using the package attribute, which is set to com.test.kivyandroid. This is the result of concatenation between the package.domain and package.name properties inside the buildozer.spec file.

The android:versionCode property is an integer value representing the internal version number of the application to determine whether the version is newer than another. When uploading an application to Google Play, this integer helps it to know that there is a new version of the application to notify users to update it. But this integer is not displayed to the users. The value of the android:versionName attribute is a string, which is displayed to the users.

The android:installLocation allows us to specify where to install the application. It is set to auto to install the application on the external storage if the internal storage is full.

The <supports-screens> element does not set a restriction on the target screen and sets all of its attributes to True in order to support a wide range of devices.

The <uses-sdk> element specifies the minimum and target SDK using the android:minSdkVersion and android:targetSdkVersion attributes. Try to target the highest possible SDK versions, but set the target SDK to at least 26, as Google Play is no longer accepting applications with target SDKs less than 26.

The <uses-permission> element sets the required permissions by the application. Remember from Chapter 1 that there is a file called AndroidManifest.tmpl.xml inside the templates folder, located inside the Android project root directory, that loops through the android.permissions property in the buildozer.spec file in order to create a <uses-permission> element for each requested permission. The WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE element is always requested by the application.
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
            android:xlargeScreens="true" />
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="18" android:targetSdkVersion= "26" />
    <!-- OpenGL ES 2.0 -->
    <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" />
    <!-- Allow writing to external storage -->
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <application android:label="@string/app_name"
                 android:hardwareAccelerated="true" >
        <meta-data android:name="wakelock" android:value="0"/>
        <activity android:name="org.kivy.android.PythonActivity"
                  android:screenOrientation="portrait" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
Listing 7-12

The AndroidManifest.xml File Inside the Kivy Android Studio Project

When building an Android project, there will be an application that holds multiple activities (which are the Java classes). The AndroidManifest.xml file is structured to reflect that. It has an element named <application>, which declares the entire application. Using the <activity> element, we can declare each individual activity. The <application> element holds one or more of the <activity> elements as children.

Starting with the <application> element , it has a number of attributes in its header to define the application properties. For example, the application name is specified using the android:label attribute. This is set to a string that appears to the user. You can set it as a raw string, but it is better to set it as a string resource to reference it in other parts of the application, as we will see later.

In the Kivy built project, the string specifying the application name is added as a string resource with ID app_name. The strings.xml file inside the path shown here holds the string resources used by the application. This file has a template named strings.tmpl.xml inside the templates directory.

This file is shown in Listing 7-13. There is an element named app_name, which holds the name of the application (CoinTex). In order to access the value inside the string resource named app_name within the AndroidManifest.xml file, we first need to refer to the strings.xml resource file using @string and then specify the ID of the string resource using @string/app_name.

The strings.xml file also has a number of string resources, such as presplash_color, which is the screen background shown while the application is starting.
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <string name="app_name">CoinTex</string>
    <string name="private_version">1544693478.42</string>
    <string name="presplash_color">#000000</string>
    <string name="urlScheme">kivy</string>
Listing 7-13

The strings.xml File Inside the Kivy Android Studio Project

The <application> element has another attribute named android:icon to set the application icon. It is set as a drawable resource with ID icon. The drawable resource file is located in the following path. Note that the ID icon refers to an image (bitmap file) named icon with an extension, which could be .png, .jpg, or .gif.

If you set the fullscreen property of the buildozer.spec file to 1, the android:theme attribute will apply a style that hides the notification bar.

The <application> element has another attribute named android:hardwareAccelerated, which is set to True to smoothly render the graphics displayed on the screen.

The <activity> element declares the activities within the application. There is just a single activity named org.kivy.android.PythonActivity, which is the main activity. The Java class for this activity is located in the following path. By locating the Java classes of the application, we can add whatever Java code needs to be executed. We will see this later.

Inside the <activity> element header, the android:label attribute is set to the value inside the string resource with ID app_name. This is the same resource used to set the application name inside the <application> element that is reused. This is why it is important to use string resources.

When some events happen, such as hiding the keyboard while an activity is running, the activity is restarted by default. The android:configChanges attribute determines the set of configuration changes to be handled by the activity without being restarted. In our project, three values are assigned to this attribute, which are keyboardHidden in addition to orientation and screenSize, for handling screen orientation changes from landscape to portrait and vice versa.

The android: screenOrientation attribute sets the orientation of the device. It reflects the value stored in the orientation property in the buildozer.spec file.

The <activity> element has a child element called <intent-filter>, which declares the intent of the activity. This is what the activity can do. Other applications can call your activity for using its capacities declared within that element. The <intent-filter> element must have at least one <action > element in order to allow it to accept intents. In our activity, its action is shown the name android.intent.action.MAIN. This means the parent activity is the entry point of the application (i.e., the activity opens after opening the application). In order to list the application in the application launcher of the device, the <category> element is added with a name equal to android.intent.category.LAUNCHER.

This is a quick overview of the AndroidManifest.xml file . Note that the values inside that file may be overridden by the build.gradle file. The interesting part inside that file is the one declaring the minimum SDK and target SDK, as shown in Listing 7-14. It is easy to understand that the minimum SDK version is 18, the target SDK is 26, the version code is integer 3, and the version name is the string 0.3. Note that these values are identical to those defined inside the AndroidiManifest.xml file.

Remember that there is a template file called build.tmpl.gradle that accepts these values from the buildozer.spec file and produces the build.gradle file. It is also located inside the templates directory within the AndroidManifest.tmpl.xml and strings.tmpl.xml files.
android {
   compileSdkVersion 18
   buildToolsVersion '28.0.3'
   defaultConfig {
      minSdkVersion 18
      targetSdkVersion 26
      versionCode 3
      versionName '0.3'
Listing 7-14

Specifying the Minimum SDK and Target SDK Versions Inside the build.gradle File

When manipulating the Android project within Android Studio, Android Studio will search for the values of the buildToolsVersion and compileSdkVersion fields specified in the build.gradle file. If they aren’t found, the project will not be built. You can change these versions to whatever works with your system.

Project Main Activity

According to the previous section, the main activity class is named PythonActivity and it is located inside the org.kivy.android package. The class is not an activity due to extending the Activity class (android.app.Activity) but due to extending the SDLActivity class, which in turn extends the Activity class according to the class header shown here.
public class PythonActivity extends SDLActivity{}
The SDLActivity class exists in the org.libsdl.app package. The file is located in the path shown next. Note that we are using SDL as the backend of Kivy and this is why the class has SDL in its name. If you are using PyGame, there might be some changes.

Because the entry point for any Android application is the onCreate() method , we can discuss it. A few lines from the top of the PythonActivity class in addition to the method are shown in Listing 7-15. The first two lines import the classes named SDLActivity and ResourceManager.

We used to find a class named R.java in the Android projects to manage the resources by maintaining their IDs for example. For Kivy projects, this class is replaced by a class called ResourceManager, which is in the org.renpy.android package. This is why an instance is created from this class at the beginning of the onCreate() method .

A public static class variable named mActivity is created and initialized to null. Inside the onCreate() method, this variable is set to refer to the current activity as it is assigned the current object, this, referring to the activity. Note that we can use this variable to access the main activity using Pyjnius inside a Python script. This is done by reflecting the PythonActivity class and then accessing its property, mActivity.
import org.libsdl.app.SDLActivity;
import org.renpy.android.ResourceManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
public class PythonActivity extends SDLActivity {
    private static final String TAG = "PythonActivity";
    public static PythonActivity mActivity = null;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.v(TAG, "My oncreate running");
        resourceManager = new ResourceManager(this);
        Log.v(TAG, "About to do super onCreate");
        Log.v(TAG, "Did super onCreate");
        this.mActivity = this;
        new UnpackFilesTask().execute(getAppRoot());
        Toast.makeText(this, "Working on the Kivy Project in Android Studio", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Listing 7-15

The onCreate() Method Inside the PythonActivity Class

A method named showLoadingScreen() inside the activity is called. This method just loads the presplash image inside an ImageView. Remember that the name of this image is specified inside the presplash.filename property of the buildozer.spec file. That method is shown in Listing 7-16.

The method works as follows. If the ImageView is not created inside the mImageView variable, it creates it by loading the presplash image resource. The resource identifier is returned in the presplashId variable using the getIdentifier() method inside the resourceManager instance. This method accepts the resource name and its kind and returns an integer representing the ID. This is why the presplashId variable type is integer. Note that in regular Android projects, the findViewById() method returns the IDs.

The presplash image is located in this path NewApp/src/main/res/drawable/presplash.jpg. Because the resource is an image, its kind is drawable and thus it’s added to the drawable directory. This directory is located under the res directory to indicate that it holds resources. The name of a resource is presplash, which is the resource filename without the extension.

After returning its ID, the raw image file is opened and returned to the is variable, which is an instance of the InputStream class. Then the raw data is decoded as an image using the decodeStream() method of the BitmapFactory class. The data is returned to a variable named bitmap.

After that, an instance of the ImageView class is returned to the mImageView variable and the image displayed on it is set using the setUmageBitmap() method . It accepts the bitmap variable we previously created.

Remember that the background color of the loading screen is saved as a string resource inside the strings.xml file with an ID of presplash_color. To return the value inside a string resource, the getString() method inside the ResourceManager class is used. Using the setBackgroundColor() method of the ImageView class, the background color of the mImageView instance is changed. Some parameters are specified for the ImageView in order to fill the parent size.
protected void showLoadingScreen() {
    if (mImageView == null) {
        int presplashId = this.resourceManager.getIdentifier("presplash", "drawable");
        InputStream is = this.getResources().openRawResource(presplashId);
        Bitmap bitmap = null;
        try {
            bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {};
        mImageView = new ImageView(this);
        String backgroundColor = resourceManager.getString("presplash_color");
        if (backgroundColor != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {}
        mImageView.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
    if (mLayout == null) {
    } else if (PythonActivity.mImageView.getParent() == null){
Listing 7-16

The showLoadingScreen() Method

There is a variable named mLayout that refers to the activity layout holding all views. This variable is defined inside the SDLActivity class as protected and static, according to the next line:
protected static ViewGroup mLayout;

In order to display the presplash image view, the image view must be added to the activity layout. In order to add a view to the layout, the addView() method is used. Using the command mLayout.addView(mImageView), the presplash image view is added to the activity layout referred to it by the mLayout variable .

It is very important to note the following:
  • There is no layout XML resource file for the application. Thus, the layouts are created dynamically within the Java code.

  • There is just a single layout for the activity defined in the static mLayout variable of the SDLActivity class. As a result, the views added to the layout are visible until we remove them. For example, the presplash image view must be removed from the layout before the application starts (i.e., after loading ends).

After the screen finishes loading, the presplash image view is removed according to the method named removeLoadingScreen() inside the PythonActivity class. It will be discussed later in this chapter.

Note that if there is no layout created previously, the image itself is displayed on the screen as the main view using the setContentView() function.

The purpose of displaying the presplash image on the loading screen rather than starting the application directly is that files must be loaded before the application starts. Inside the project root directory, there is a folder named python-install that includes all the Python files needed to build the application.

After displaying the loading screen, the onCreate() method starts a background thread by creating an instance from the UnpackFilesTask class that extends AsyncTask. Note that a toast message is shown after running this thread while the loading screen is active.

The class header and some chunks of code from this class are shown in Listing 7-17. Note that this class is nested inside the PythonActivity class and thus no import statement is required.

The UnpackFilesTask class implements the doInBackground() callback method inside the AsyncTask class, which starts as soon as the instance is created. Inside it, a method called unpackData() inside the UnpackFilesTask class is called. It loads the project files.
import android.os.AsyncTask;
private class UnpackFilesTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
        unpackData("private", app_root_file);
        return null;
    protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
Listing 7-17

The UnpackFilesTask Class

After the files are loaded, a method named keepActive() is called by SDL. It is shown in Listing 7-18. This method is defined in the SDLActvity class and implemented inside the PythonActivity class.
public void keepActive() {
  if (this.mLoadingCount > 0) {
    this.mLoadingCount -= 1;
    if (this.mLoadingCount == 0) {
Listing 7-18

Implementation of the keepActive() Method

This method calls another method named removeLoadingScreen() , which removes the presplash image view from the activity layout. Its implementation is shown in Listing 7-19. It creates a thread that runs on the application UI. Within this thread, the parent of the mImageView variable is returned using the getParent() method, which refers to the activity layout. Using the removeView() method, mImageView is removed from the layout. In order to remove that value inside this variable, its value is returned to null.
public void removeLoadingScreen() {
  runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      if (PythonActivity.mImageView != null &&
            PythonActivity.mImageView.getParent() != null) {
        ((ViewGroup)PythonActivity.mImageView.getParent()).removeView(        PythonActivity.mImageView);
        PythonActivity.mImageView = null;
Listing 7-19

Implementation of the removeLoadingScreen() Method

After executing the removeLoadingScreen() method, the activity layout will be empty. This means we are ready to fill the layout by the new UI elements, as defined inside in the Python application. For such purposes, the UnpackFilesTask class also implements the onPostExecute() callback method, which gets executed when the class thread finishes execution. Such method is executed on the UI thread and thus able to manage the UI. Inside the method, another method named finishLoad() is executed. This method is defined in the SDLActivity class. This class header and some lines of the finishLoad() method are both shown in Listing 7-20.
import android.widget.AbsoluteLayout;
import android.view.*;
import android.app.*;
public class SDLActivity extends Activity {
    protected static ViewGroup mLayout;
    protected void finishLoad() {
        mLayout = new AbsoluteLayout(this);
Listing 7-20

Setting the Application Layout Inside the finishLoad() Method Within the SDLActivity Class

Note that the goal of finishing the loading screen is not just starting the application. Another purpose is to make the UI layout managed by the SDLActivity, as it is the one responsible for preparing the application UI. The finishLoad() method prepares a layout inside the mLayout instance. We will use this method later for adding views to the layout of the main activity (PythonActivity).

Displaying Toast Messages from Python

Inside the PythonActivity class, there is a method called toastError(), as shown in Listing 7-21. It shows a toast message according to an input string argument. It runs a thread on the UI using runOnUIThread(). This method is called using the PythonActivity instance, which is saved into the mActivity variable.
public void toastError(final String msg) {
    final Activity thisActivity = this;
    runOnUiThread(new Runnable () {
        public void run() {
            Toast.makeText(thisActivity, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    // Wait to show the error.
    synchronized (this) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
Listing 7-21

Implementation of the toastError() Method to Display Toast Messages

We can benefit from this method to display toast messages inside the Python code. The only thing to do is to reflect the PythonActivity class and access its mActivity property, which will call the toastError() method. The KV file of the application is shown in Listing 7-22. The root BoxLayout has a button that calls a method called show_toast() when released. Because the toast color is dark, a label is added in white in order to make it easier to see the toast message.
    orientation: "vertical"
        text: "Show Toast"
        on_release: app.show_toast()
                rgb: (1, 1, 1)
                pos: self.pos
                size: self.size
Listing 7-22

KV File for Displaying a Toast Method Using Python

The Python file that shows the toast is shown in Listing 7-23. The PythonActivity is reflected only once using jnius.autoclass. The mActivity property is returned from the class. Inside the show_toast() method, the toastError() method is called using the mActivity variable.
import kivy.app
import jnius
import kivy.uix.button
PythonActivity = jnius.autoclass("org.kivy.android.PythonActivity")
mActivity = PythonActivity.mActivity
class ToastApp(kivy.app.App):
    def show_toast(self):
        mActivity.toastError("Test Toast :)")
app = ToastApp()
Listing 7-23

Displaying a Toast Message Within Python by Reflecting the PythonActivity Class

After releasing the button, the toast is displayed according to Figure 7-6.
Figure 7-6

A toast message displayed using Python

Opening Kivy Android Projects in Android Studio

From the previous discussion, we at least have a basic understanding of how the Android project created by Buildozer works. The next step is to edit this project in Android Studio.

Up to this section, Linux has been used to develop the projects. This is because Buildozer is only supported in Linux. After generating the Android project, we can use the operating system of our choice for manipulating it in Android Studio. In this section, Windows is used to import and edit the project. Before starting, make sure that Android Studio is working correctly and you have the versions of build tools and SDK listed in the gradle.build file.

Before editing the project, we need to import it. Simply choose the Open item from the File menu. A window appears, as shown in Figure 7-7, for navigating to the project’s path. The Android Studio icon will appear next to the project name, which means it is a project that Android Studio understands. Click OK to open the project.
Figure 7-7

Importing the Kivy Android Studio project built using Buildozer within Android Studio

After the project opens, the project files will appear on the left side of the window. The structure of the files in the Android view is shown in Figure 7-8. This view helps you view the files in a simple way regardless of their actual locations inside the project. For example, the unnecessary files are not shown and any related files are grouped together.
Figure 7-8

The structure of the imported project within Android Studio

Inside the manifests group, all manifests used within the project are listed. This project has a single manifest file called AndroidManifst.xml. The Java main activity class (PythonActivity) is located in the java group. We can easily deduce that this class is inside the org.kivy.android package. The build.gradle file is within a group named Gradle Scripts. The res group contains all the resources, such as the strings.xml file. You can view the project files as stored on the disk by selecting the Project view.

After importing the project, we can run the project either to an emulator or an USB connected device according to Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9

Selecting a USB-connected device for running the Android application

After we click OK, the project will be built, deployed, installed, and run on the selected device. Figure 7-10 shows the modified loading screen where the toast message is displayed. If everything works up to this point, then we did a good job.
Figure 7-10

Modifying the Kivy presplash image and displaying a toast message while the application is loading

The loading screen lasts for several seconds. While the user is waiting for the application to open, we can play some interesting music or alter the layout of the screen. The code in Listing 7-24 plays music while the application is loading.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Log.v(TAG, "My oncreate running");
    resourceManager = new ResourceManager(this);
    Log.v(TAG, "About to do super onCreate");
    Log.v(TAG, "Did super onCreate");
    this.mActivity = this;
    new UnpackFilesTask().execute(getAppRoot());
    Toast.makeText(this, "Working on the Kivy Project in Android Studio", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    int music_id = resourceManager.getIdentifier("music", "raw");
    MediaPlayer music = MediaPlayer.create(this, music_id);
Listing 7-24

Playing Music While the Kivy Application Is Loading

The music file is added as a war to the Android project. This is by creating a directory within the res group and adding the music file inside it, according to Figure 7-11. Adding resources helps to retrieve them easily within the application. This is better than referencing resources using their path in the device.
Figure 7-11

Adding the music file as a raw resource inside the Android Studio project

After adding the raw resource into the project, we must reference it within the Java code. Remember that resources in Kivy Android projects are manipulated using a class named ResourceManager inside the org.renpy.android package.

In the previous section, the ID of the drawable resource named presplash is returned using the getIdentifier() method inside that class. Similarly, the identifier of the raw resource is returned using this method. Just specify the suitable name and kind arguments.

Because the resource filename is music.mp3, the name argument is set to music. Its kind is set to raw because it exists in the raw folder. Because IDs of resources are integers, the ID is returned to the music_id variable of type integer.

After running the application, the music will be played as soon as the loading screen appears. It will automatically be stopped after the files are done loading.

Adding Views to the PythonActivity Layout

By default, the presplash image is the only view displayed on the activity layout while the screen is loading. We can alter this layout to add more views. Just remember that there is only one layout for the activity and thus we have remove the newly added views once they are not required.

The place where we can add more views while the screen is loading is the showLoadingScreen() method of the PythonActivity class. We can add a single TextView within the activity layout according to this modified method shown in Listing 7-25. The TextView is added after the presplash image view that’s defined into the mImageView variable gets added to the layout. The code omits some parts and focuses on the part where the TextView is added to the layout.

An instance from the TextView class is returned into a static variable defined in the PythonActivity class named loadingTextView. The reason for not making this variable local to the method is that we need to access it later inside the removeLoadingScreen() method to remove it.

The text displayed in the text view is specified using the setText() method. Its text size is changed using the setTextSize() method. After preparing the text view, it is added to the layout using the addView() method.
static TextView loadingTextView = null;
  protected void showLoadingScreen() {
  if (mLayout == null) {
  } else if (PythonActivity.mImageView.getParent() == null){
      // Adding Custom Views to the Layout
      loadingTextView = new TextView(this);
      loadingTextView.setText("Kivy application is loading. Please wait ...");
Listing 7-25

Adding a TextView to the Loading Screen While the Kivy Application Is Loading

After we run the application, the text view will appear as shown in Figure 7-12.
Figure 7-12

Adding an Android TextView to the loading screen of the Kivy application

Assuming that the text view is not removed from the layout, it will remain visible in the screen after the application starts, as shown in Figure 7-13.
Figure 7-13

The TextView added to the application layout while it is loading remains visible after the application starts

Remember that this happens because there is only one layout for the application that is used in both the loading screen and after the applications starts. Thus, it is very important to remove that view inside the removeLoadingScreen() method, as shown in Listing 7-26. Similar to removing presplash image view, the parent of the text view is returned. The parent calls the removeView() method to remove it.
public void removeLoadingScreen() {
  runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      if (PythonActivity.mImageView != null &&
            PythonActivity.mImageView.getParent() != null) {
        PythonActivity.mImageView = null;
Listing 7-26

Removing the TextView Inside the removeLoadingScreen() Method

In summary, a view is added to the activity layout that remains as long as the screen is loading. Once the loading process is over, the view is removed. If the view is not removed from the parent, it will still visible after the application UI defined in Python is loaded.

Assume we need to add a view to the activity layout after the loading step ends. Where in the Java code do we add this view? Let’s discuss this matter in the next section.


In order to determine the suitable place within the project to add views after the files are loaded but before the application layout is visible, it is important to discuss the SDLSurface class.

Inside the SDLActivity Java file, there is a class named SDLSurface that extends the android.view.SurfaceView Android class, according to the SDLSurface class header shown here.
class SDLSurface extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback, View.OnKeyListener, View.OnTouchListener, SensorEventListener

The SurfaceView is an Android component in which we can draw on the application UI. The UI widgets specified in the Kivy project KV file are drawn within this SurfaceView.

SurfaceView implements an interface named SurfaceHolder.Callback, which provides a number of callback methods to help receive information about the surface. For example, when the surface is created, the callback method surfaceCreated() is called. The surfaceDestroyed() and surfaceChanged() callback methods are called when the surface is destroyed and changed, respectively. An example of changes that occur is creating an instance of this class and drawing something on the surface.

To handle hardware key presses, SurfaceView implements the second interface named View.OnKeyListener. It has a single callback method named onKey() that is called when a hardware key is pressed. To handle touch events, the View.OnTouchListener is implemented. It has a single callback method named onTouch().

The final interface implemented by the SurfaceView class is SensorEventListener. It listens to the changes in the sensor data. It has two callback methods—onAccuracyChanged() and onSensorChanged(). Both are implemented in the class but the onAccuracyChanged() is empty. The onSensorChanged() is used to monitor the device orientation.

As a summary of all methods defined inside the SDLSurface class, its header and the methods signatures are shown in Listing 7-27. It helps to have a basic idea about the components of the SDLSurface class. You can check out the implementation of all of these methods to get more information about how the class works.
class SDLSurface extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback,
    View.OnKeyListener, View.OnTouchListener, SensorEventListener  {
    public SDLSurface(Context context) {
    public void handleResume() {
    public Surface getNativeSurface() {
    public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) {
    public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
            final Thread sdlThread = new Thread(new SDLMain(), "SDLThread");
    // unused
    public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {}
    // Key events
    public boolean onKey(View  v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
    // Touch events
    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    // Sensor events
    public void enableSensor(int sensortype, boolean enabled) {
    public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {
        // TODO
    public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
Listing 7-27

Methods Inside the SDLSurface Class

There are two lines that are worth mentioning inside the implemented surfaceChanged() callback method of the SurfaceHolder.Callback interface. These lines create and start an instance of the Thread class into the sdlThread variable, which refers to the main SDL thread. There are two arguments specified inside the Thread class constructor, which are the target Runnable object and the thread name.

The target is an instance of the SDLMain class that extends the Runnable interface. Note that the SDLMain class exists inside the SDLActivity Java file. It is shown in Listing 7-28.
class SDLMain implements Runnable {
    public void run() {
Listing 7-28

Implementation of the SDLMain Class

This class implements the run() method, which calls a static function named nativeInit(). Its header is defined inside the SDLActivity class header, as shown here.
public static native int nativeInit(Object arguments);

This is not a Java method but a C function. This method is the entry point for the SDL library. This method and the other C methods are found in the source file of the SDL named libSDL2.so, located in the /NewApp/libs/rmeabi-v7a directory.

By reaching this step, the C files are ready to be executed and the application will start and get ready for user interaction. We can return to our question, which is where in the Java project do we add views that appear in the application activity after the screen loading completes. Let’s follow the chain of execution to find the suitable position.

It is now clear that the nativeInit() function inside the SDLMain class is the entry point for executing the SDL library and rendering the application UI. Thus, we have to add our views before calling this function. Back in the chain, an instance of the SDLMain class is created within the surfaceChanged() method inside the SDLSurface class. Remember that the surfaceChanged() method is a callback method inside the SurfaceHolder.Callback interface that listens to changes in the SurfaceView.

Because we want to add views to the application layout once it is started, we need to find the place in which an instance of the SurfaceView class is created. This is the first change to occur for such class. Remember that there is a class named SDLSurface that extends the SurfaceView class. An instance of the SDLSurface is created inside the finishLoad() method inside the SDLActivity class . The surface is stored in a variable named mSurface, which is declared as static and protected in the class header according to this line:
protected static SDLSurface mSurface;
The part of the finishLoad() method that creates such an instance is shown in Listing 7-29. After it’s created, it is added as a child view inside the application layout stored in the mLayout variable. Finally, the layout is set as the activity layout using the setContentView() method. If we need to add a view to the activity layout, it can be added before calling the setContentView() method.
protected void finishLoad() {
    mSurface = new SDLSurface(getApplication());
    mLayout = new AbsoluteLayout(this);
Listing 7-29

Instantiating the SDLSurface Class Within the finishLoad() Method

Remember that the finishLoad() method is called within the onPostExecute() callback method of the UnpackFilesTask class. That is after the application loads its files. We can assume that the finishLoad() method of the SDLActivity class is the starting point where the activity layout is prepared. It is a good idea to add views to the activity layout that is visible only after the application loading step ends.

At the end of the finishLoad() method, as shown in Listing 7-30, two views are created, which are TextView and Button. The text changes size using the setTextSize() method and the color is set to red using the setTextColor() method.
protected void finishLoad() {
    // Set up the surface
    mSurface = new SDLSurface(getApplication());
    if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 12) {
        mJoystickHandler = new SDLJoystickHandler_API12();
    else {
        mJoystickHandler = new SDLJoystickHandler();
    mLayout = new AbsoluteLayout(this);
    // Adding Custom Views to the Layout
    TextView appTextView = new TextView(this);
    appTextView.setText("Loaded successfully.");
    Button appButton = new Button(this);
    appButton.setText("Show Toast");
    appButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Toast on Java Button Click.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    LinearLayout newLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
Listing 7-30

Adding a TextView and a Button to the Application Layout Inside the finishLoad() Method

The button click action is handled by specifying the click listener using the setOnClickListener() method . This method accepts an instance of the OnClickListener() interface after implementing its onClick() method. The code inside this method is executed when the button is clicked. The button shows a toast message when clicked.

The two new views are added as children to a parent LinearLayout with horizontal orientation. Finally, the linear layout is added as a child to the activity layout.

Figure 7-14 shows the result after clicking the new button that was added in Java.
Figure 7-14

Adding Android views to the Kivy application

We can modify the toast message to print all child views inside the activity layout when the button is clicked. The code in Listing 7-31 modifies the onClickListener() callback method for that purpose. The number of child views inside the layout is returned using the getChildCount() method. To retrieve a specific view, the getChildAt() method accepts an index referring to the position of the view within the parent, where index 0 refers to the first child added to the parent.

Similarly, the child views defined inside the LinearLayout created in the previous example in addition to their number are shown.
appButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View view) {
        int numLayoutChildren = mLayout.getChildCount();
        String mLayoutChildren = "Num layout children : "+numLayoutChildren+
                " Child 1: "+mLayout.getChildAt(0)+
                ", Child 2: "+mLayout.getChildAt(1);
        LinearLayout childLayout = (LinearLayout) mLayout.getChildAt(1);
        int numChildLayoutChildren = childLayout.getChildCount();
        String childLayoutChildren = "Child LinearLayout children : "+
                numChildLayoutChildren+" Child 1: "+
                ", Child 2: "+childLayout.getChildAt(1);
        String toastString = mLayoutChildren+" "+childLayoutChildren;
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), toastString, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Listing 7-31

Editing the onClickListener() Callback Method of the Button View to Print All Layout Child Views Inside a Toast Message

Figure 7-15 shows the toast message after the button is clicked. It shows that the number of children in the layout is 2. The first one is an instance of the SDLSurface class and the second one is an instance of the LinearLayout class. The children inside the LinearLayout are also printed. The SDLSurface view contains all widgets defined in the Kivy application. In a later section, we discuss how events are handled for such widgets.
Figure 7-15

A toast message for printing information about the child views inside the layout once the Button view is clicked

In summary, in order to add views to the layout while the screen is loading, add the code inside the showLoadingScreen() method inside the PythonActivity class. The keepAlive() method is called by SDL when the loading completes, which calls a method named removeLoadingScreen() where views can be deleted from the layout after the loading. After the project files are loaded, the onPostExecute() callback method of the UnpackFilesTask class calls a method named finishLoad() inside the SDLActivity class. It is a good place to add views to the layout after the screen is loaded.

How Does SDL Detect the UI Widgets Defined in Kivy?

You might have noticed that the button added in the previous example hides part of the word server displayed on the Label widget defined in Kivy. Why does that happen?

When the surface is created, its size is set to the entire window according to the onNativeResize() native function call inside the surfaceChanged() callback method, as shown in Listing 7-32. The width and height of the SDLActivity surface are set to the width and height of the window. This does not leave room for adding new views inside Java. The views are stacked on the top of each other. The Z order of the latest views to be added into the activity layout appear on top of the views added before them.

It is important to set the variables mWidth and mHeight equal to the width and height of the surface. They are referenced later to handle touch events of the widgets added in Kivy.
public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) {
    mWidth = width;
    mHeight = height;
    SDLActivity.onNativeResize(width, height, sdlFormat, mDisplay.getRefreshRate());
Listing 7-32

Setting the Surface Size to the Window Size Inside the SurfaceChanged() Method

In the previous example, the new linear layout (newLayout) is added to the activity layout (mLayout) after that SDL surface (mSurface) is added. This is why the new views appear on top of the SDL surface.

The orientation of LinearLayout is set to horizontal. For horizontal linear layout, the default width and height are set to WRAP_CONTENT, which means the linear layout will not fill the entire activity layout size. It just covers the least space for holding its child views. This is why SDLSurface is still visible.

If the SDLSurface is added to the activity layout before the linear layout according to the finishLoad() method in Listing 7-33, then the TextView and Button inside the linear layout will be hidden by the SDL surface.
protected void finishLoad() {
Listing 7-33

Adding the SDL Surface to the Activity Layout Before Adding the Custom LinearLayout

One idea that comes to our mind to give each view its unique space is to change the SDL surface size to not fill the entire height of the window. The addView() method can accept another argument that specifies the layout parameters of a given view when being added to the layout. When adding the SDL surface to the layout inside the finishLoad() method, we can change its height to be 3/4 of the layout height, according to Listing 7-34.

The screen width and height are returned to the width and height variables. Because the activity layout fills its screen, we can use them interchangeably. They are required in order to position the SDL surface relative to the layout. The addView() method accepts the layout parameters as a second argument. Note that the AbsoluteLayout class is used because the activity layout is an instance of this class.
protected void finishLoad() {
    // Return screen size to position the SDL surface relative to it.
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
    int width = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
    int height = displayMetrics.heightPixels;
    // Specifying the new height and Y position of the SDL surface.
    mLayout.addView(mSurface, new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(width, height-height/4, 0, height/4));
Listing 7-34

Setting the Height of the SDL Surface to be 3/4 of the Layout Height

The width of the surface is set equal to the screen width, but the height is set to height-height/4. That is 3/4 of the layout height is for the SDL surface and 1/4 of the activity layout height is empty and will hold the linear layout. The layout starts at the top-left corner (0, 0). If this position is not changed, the SDL surface and the new linear layout will appear on top of each other, as shown in Figure 7-16. The empty region appears at the bottom of the layout.
Figure 7-16

The SDL surface covers 3/4 of the layout height

The Y position is changed to height/4 in order to leave 1/4 of the layout height, at the top, for the newly added views. This effect is shown in Figure 7-17.
Figure 7-17

Placing the SDL surface to the layout starting from the bottom-left corner

Handling Touch Events of Kivy Widgets in Java

The activity layout contains the SDLSurface as a child view. This view holds all the widgets defined in the KV file of the Kivy application. In this section, we discuss how events are handled for these widgets within the Android Studio project.

In the KV file of the Python application, the four widgets are added to a BoxLayout . It has four child widgets (one Button, two TextInput, and one Label). Due to its vertical orientation, the widgets span the entire width of the BoxLayout but share the height equally. The height of the screen is divided by four and thus the height of each widget is 25% of the screen height (1/4)x1.0=0.25).

Because the (0, 0) point of the SDL Surface starts at the top-left corner, the Y coordinate of the region that the Button widget covers in the layout ranges from 0.75 to 1.0. SDL associates any touch event within that range with the button widget.

The Y range of the TextInput widget above the button goes from 0.5 to 0.75. Thus, SDL associates any touch event in this region to that widget. The same process repeats for the second TextInput widget (0.25 to 0.5) and the Label (0.0 to 0.25).

After changing the height of the surface to 3/4=0.75 of the screen height, the Y range of the widgets will change. For example, the Label widget Y coordinate will start at 0.0 but ends at 1/4 of the new surface height, which is 0.75, which is 0.25x0.75=0.1875. The Y coordinate of the first TextInput will start at 0.1875 and end at 0.375. Thus, the screen Y range from 0.1875 to 0.25 is now associated with the TextInput widget.

By calculating the range of the Y coordinate for each widget in the SDL surface, SDL can easily determine the destination of the touch events and take the proper action. For example, if the position of the touch event is (x=0.1, y=0.9), it is a touch on the Button widget and thus the callback function defined in the Kivy application will be called. Touch event handling for the Kivy widgets is done inside the onTouch() callback method of the SDLSurface class, which is located inside the SDLActivity Java file. The part of this method responsible for handling the touch events is shown in Listing 7-35.

This method accepts the target view and the event. The touch event might have multiple actions to be taken including pressing, releasing, motion, and more. For that reason, a switch block filters the action to make the proper decision.

First, the action of the event is returned from the event using the getActionMasked() method in the action integer variable. For example, when the touch is pressed, the returned integer is 0. When it is released, the integer is 1.

The numbers associated with the actions are defined as static variables in the MotionEvent class header. For example, the ACTION_DOWN variable holds the value 0 and the ACTION_UP variable has the value 1.
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
        int action = event.getActionMasked();
        switch(action) {
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                 for (i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
                     pointerFingerId = event.getPointerId(i);
                     x = event.getX(i) / mWidth;
                     y = event.getY(i) / mHeight;
                     p = event.getPressure(i);
                     SDLActivity.onNativeTouch(touchDevId, pointerFingerId, action, x, y, p);
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                 i = 0;
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
                 if (i == -1) {
                     i = event.getActionIndex();
                 pointerFingerId = event.getPointerId(i);
                 x = event.getX(i) / mWidth;
                 y = event.getY(i) / mHeight;
                 p = event.getPressure(i);
                 SDLActivity.onNativeTouch(touchDevId, pointerFingerId, action, x, y, p);
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
                 for (i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++) {
                     pointerFingerId = event.getPointerId(i);
                     x = event.getX(i) / mWidth;
                     y = event.getY(i) / mHeight;
                     p = event.getPressure(i);
                     SDLActivity.onNativeTouch(touchDevId, pointerFingerId, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, x, y, p);
Listing 7-35

Handling the Touch Events of Kivy Widgets Inside Android Studio

Inside an action such as ACTION_POINTER_DOWN, the x and y coordinates of the touch event are returned using the getX() and getY() methods. In order to know its relative position to the SDL surface size, they are divided by the width and height of the surface stored in the mWidth and mHeight variables. Remember that these variables are set equal to the width and height of the surface inside the surfaceChanged() callback method. Finally, the onNativeTouch() native function is called for handling the action according to the instructions written in Python. This method accepts the touch coordinates to decide which widget receives the event.

For the actions ACTION_UP, ACTION_DOWN, ACTION_POINTER_UP, and ACTION_POINTER_DOWN, the same code is executed. This is why there is no break statement for the cases associated with the actions ACTION_UP, ACTION_DOWN, and ACTION_POINTER_UP. If the action number is 1, for example, the switch block enters the case associated with ACTION_UP. Because this case does not have a break statement, the next case is executed, which is ACTION_DOWN. Also, this case does not have a break statement and thus the next case enters.

Similarly, the next case associated with ACTION_POINTER_UP does not have a break statement and thus the case associated with ACTION_POINTER_DOWN enters. Because this case includes a break statement at its end, its code is executed and the switch breaks.

Having reached this point, we have discussed the most important parts of the Java project created using Buildozer from the Kivy project. This helps us to understand how things work and modify the project to add Java components that work with the project.

Remember that one target of working on the Kivy project in Android Studio is that the complexity of implementing some actions within Python increases even with Pyjnius. In the next section, a Kivy button touch event is handled in Java.

Handling Kivy Button Click in Android Studio

Python-for-Android supports a list of libraries that can be packaged within an Android APK file. The list can be found at https://github.com/kivy/python-for-android/tree/master/pythonforandroid/recipes . Examples of these libraries are Plyer, requests, OpenCV, NumPy, and Pyjnius. Some of these libraries are well supported and work fine, but others do not. Generally, building an APK from a Kivy project that uses the image processing libraries such as NumPy and OpenCV is a bit challenging and expected to fail. Some issues in GitHub are not yet fixed, although the Kivy developers are working to solve them.

We can benefit from editing the Kivy project within Android Studio by implementing the components that are not easily implemented in Python.

In this section, a Kivy application will be created in which the user selects an image file. There is Button widget that’s unhandled within Python. Inside Android Studio, the touch event of that button is handled within the onTouch() callback method discussed previously. When the button is touched, the selected image is processed using the OpenCV library. We will start by discussing the Kivy application and then downloading and importing OpenCV in order to handle the button touch event.

Kivy Application

The KV file of the application is shown in Listing 7-36. There is a new widget named FileChooserIconView, which displays the filesystem of the device. The path property specifies the path in which the files and folders are displayed. It is set to the current directory. The dirselect determines whether the user can select directories or not. It is set to False to prevent the user from selecting directories. The multiselect property is set to False to avoid selecting multiple files. We just need to select a single image file. When the user makes a selection, the on_selection event is fired. It is handled within the Python file using a callback function named load_file().

After selecting the image file, the image is displayed on the Image widget by setting its source property to the selected file directory. A Label widget displays informational messages such as indicating whether the user selected an image or not.

The Button widget is not handled within Python. It will be handled within the Android Studio project.
    orientation: "vertical"
        id: img
        id: fileChooser
        path: "."
        dirselect: False
        on_selection: app.load_file()
        font_size: 20
        text_size: self.width, None
        id: selectedFile
        text: "Please choose an image (png/jpg)."
        font_size: 20
        text: "Process image in Java"
Listing 7-36

KV File for a Kivy Application with a Button to be Handled Within Android Studio

Figure 7-18 shows the result after running the application. Note that there is no image displayed on the Image widget and thus its color is just a white region.
Figure 7-18

Window of the application created in Listing 7-36

The Python file is shown in Listing 7-37. The application class is named AndroidStudioApp and thus the KV filename must be androidstudio.kv in order to implicitly link it to the application. The class implements the load_file() callback function. This function is called even when a directory is selected.
import kivy.app
import shutil
import os
class AndroidStudioApp(kivy.app.App):
    def load_file(self):
        fileChooser = self.root.ids['fileChooser']
        selectedFile = self.root.ids['selectedFile']
        img = self.root.ids['img']
        file_dir = fileChooser.selection[0]
        file_path, file_ext = os.path.splitext(file_dir)
        file_name = file_path.split('/')[-1]
        print(file_name, file_ext)
        if file_ext in ['.png', '.jpg']:
            img.source = file_dir
                shutil.copy(file_dir, '.')
                selectedFile.text = "**Copied** Selected File Directory : " + file_dir
                os.rename(".join([file_name, file_ext]), ".join(["processImageJavaOpenCV", file_ext]))
                selectedFile.text = "**Not Copied - File Already Exists** Selected File Directory : " + file_dir
                print("File already exists")
                os.rename(".join([file_name, file_ext]), ".join(["processImageJavaOpenCV", file_ext]))
            selectedFile.text = "The file you chose is not an image. Please choose an image (png/jpg)."
app = AndroidStudioApp()
Listing 7-37

Python File of the Application in which an Image File Is Loaded to be Processed in Android Studio Using OpenCV

The function starts by accessing the widgets defined in the KV file. The file chooser is returned to the fileChooser variable. Even when disabling multi-selection, the selected file directory is returned into a list that can be accessed using the selection property. Index 0 returns the directory of the selected file as a string into the file_dir variable.

Because there is no guarantee that the selected file is an image, we need to verify that it is an image by checking its extension. Using the splitext() function in the os.path module, the file directory is separated into an extension and a path. The extension is returned to the file_ext variable and the path is returned to the file_path variable . The file path can be as follows:
The file_path is also split using the split() function in order to return the filename to the file_name variable. The separator is /. The result is a list as shown here. The filename is the last element that can be indexed using -1. The filename is used later to rename the selected file.
['NewApp', 'kivy', 'img']

The selected file extension is compared to a list with the target extensions, which are .png and .jpg. If the list is equal to either, we are sure that the selected file is an image. Thus, the source property of the Image widget is set to the image directory.

If the extension is not .png or .jpg, a message is printed on the Label widget to inform the user of the incorrect selection.

The image is copied from its original path to the current directory using the copy() function within the shutil library. This copy throws an exception if the file already exists in the target directory. This is why it is written inside the try block. Inside the except block, the Label widget indicates that the image exists in the current directory, as shown in Figure 7-19.
Figure 7-19

Selecting an image file that exists in the current directory

Inside the Java file, we need a way to indicate the name of the image file. We can standardize the process by setting the name of the image to be processed inside the Java file to a fixed name. The selected name is processImageJavaOpenCV. Using the os.rename() function , the old and new filenames are specified. Using the join() function, the filename and its extension are concatenated. This is done within the try and except blocks.

After making sure the Python application works well, we need to build the Android project using Buildozer. The produced project will be opened in Android Studio, as is done in the previous project. Remember to set the compile SDK and build tool versions to whatever your PC requires.

Detecting the Touch Event of the Button Widget Inside Java

Remember that the all Kivy widgets are drawn inside the SDL surface defined within the SDLActivity class. When the surface is touched, the touch event position is returned within the onTouch() callback method. This position is compared against the regions of each Kivy widget. The event is associated with the widget where the touch occurred in its region. In this section, we will detect the region of the Kivy button.

Similar to the previous example within the previous section titled “Handling Touch Events of Kivy Widgets in Java,” the widgets are added within the KV file inside a BoxLayout with vertical orientation. Thus, the screen height is divided equally across all child widgets. Note that the screen and the BoxLayout can be used interchangeably because the layout fills the screen.

Because the screen has four widgets, the height for each widget is 25% of the screen height. Thus, the values of the Y coordinate of the Button widget relative to the screen height start at Y=0.75 and end at Y=1.0. Any touch event that occurs in this region of the screen is associated with the Button widget.

The modified onTouch() method that handles the button touch event is shown in Listing 7-38. If we are interested in handling the event after the touch is released, the code will be written inside the case associated with ACTION_UP.

Using an if statement, the Y coordinate of the touch position is compared against the range of Y values of the button. If the touch falls within this range, the required operations for handling the touch event are added within the if block. Currently, there is just a toast message shown. Later, after linking OpenCV with the project, some operations will be applied over the selected image.

Because there is no action associated with the widgets inside the Kivy project, we do not need to call the onNativeTouch() . It is enough to return the X and Y coordinates of the touch event to determine the target widget.

There is a break statement at the end of the if block to avoid executing more cases. If the touch is outside the range, the normal procedure followed previously will be applied by executing the code within the case associated with ACTION_POINTER_DOWN.
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
         switch(action) {
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                 if (i == -1) {
                     i = event.getActionIndex();
                 x = event.getX(i) / mWidth;
                 y = event.getY(i) / mHeight;
                 if (y >= 0.75){
                     Toast.makeText(this.getContext(), "Button Clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN:
             case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
Listing 7-38

Handling the Touch Event of the Kivy Button Widget Within the onTouch() Method of the Android Studio Project

After building and running the Android project with the modified onTouch() method and then pressing the button, the result is shown in Figure 7-20. The next step is to link the project with OpenCV in order to process the image.
Figure 7-20

Handling the touch event of the Kivy Button widget within Android Studio

Importing OpenCV in Android Studio

OpenCV supports a release that can work in Android devices. The latest release for Android at this time is 3.4.4. It can be downloaded at https://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/files/3.4.4/opencv-3.4.4-android-sdk.zip .

OpenCV will be imported in Android Studio as a module in order to access it within the Java code. In the File menu of Android Studio, go to New and then choose Import Module. This opens a window asking for the module source directory. You can either copy and paste the directory or navigate within your file system to locate it. If the compressed file is extracted in a folder named opencv-3.4.4-android-sdk, the directory to be copied and pasted is opencv-3.4.4-android-sdkOpenCV-android-sdksdkjava. When you enter the directory, the module name will be automatically detected as openCVLibrary344.

There might be an error after importing the module due to the inconsistency in the versions of the SDK and the build tools. There is a build.gradle file within the imported module. You can change the compile, minimum, and target SDK version to match the ones you have on your machine. This is in addition to the build tools version. This is similar to what we did previously within the build.gradle file of the project itself.

The next step is to add the imported library as a dependency in the Android project. Choose the File menu and select the Project Structure menu item. This opens a window in which the project name exists under the Modules section, according to Figure 7-21. The OpenCV library is also listed.
Figure 7-21

Structure of the Android Studio project

Go to the Dependencies tab and then click the Add button. Then choose Module Dependency, according to Figure 7-22. This opens another window in which OpenCV is listed. Select it and then click OK to add it as a dependency. Click OK again to close the Project Structure window.
Figure 7-22

Adding OpenCV as a dependency library in the Android Studio project

The final step is to copy a folder named libs in this path under OpenCV OpenCVopencv-3.4.4-android-sdkOpenCV-android-sdksdk ative. After changing the folder name to jniLibs, paste it into the KivyAndroidStudiosrcmain directory under the Android Studio project. After this step, OpenCV is ready to use.

Applying Canny Filter Over the Selected Image

Before using OpenCV, we have to make sure it is loaded. This can be done using the if statement shown in Listing 7-39. If the library is not loaded successfully, you can handle that within its block. It can be added within the onCreate() method of the SDLActivity class.
if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
    // Handle initialization error
Listing 7-39

An if Statement to Ensure Loading OpenCV

The modified onCreate() method that loads OpenCV is shown in Listing 7-40.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
    screenWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels;
    screenHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels;
    if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
        // Handle initialization error
    // So we can call stuff from static callbacks
    mSingleton = this;
Listing 7-40

Loading OpenCV Within the onCreate() Method

After OpenCV is loaded, we can use it. The code in Listing 7-41 reads the selected image into a variable named inputImage. It assumes that the image extension is .jpg. You can add a little modification to support.png and .jpg.

The Canny edge detector is applied over that image. The resultant image of Canny is saved into another variable named outputImage. That image is saved as a .jpg file.

An ImageView is added to the SDL activity layout, which displays the saved image. The ImageView is added to the region associated with the file chooser widget that’s defined in the KV file.

In order to position ImageView correctly on the screen, the screen width and height are required. There are two static integer variables named screenWidth and screenHeight defined in the SDLActivity class header. Inside the onCreate() method, the screen width and height are calculated and assigned to them.
Toast.makeText(this.getContext(), "Canny is being processed...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Mat inputImage = Imgcodecs.imread("processImageJavaOpenCV.jpg");
Mat outputImage = inputImage.clone();
Imgproc.Canny(inputImage, outputImage, 100, 300, 3, true);
Imgcodecs.imwrite("RESULTImageJavaOpenCV.jpg", outputImage);
File cannyImage = new File("RESULTImageJavaOpenCV.jpg");
ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this.getContext());
    Bitmap myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(cannyImage.getAbsolutePath());
    SDLActivity.mLayout.addView(imageView, new AbsoluteLayout.LayoutParams(SDLActivity.screenWidth, SDLActivity.screenHeight/4, 0, SDLActivity.screenHeight/4));
Listing 7-41

Using OpenCV to Apply the Canny Edge Detector to the Loaded Image

The code in Listing 7-41 can be added to the onTouch() method inside the case associated with ACTION_UP. This executes the code after pressing the Button widget defined in Kivy. Figure 7-23 shows the result after we press the button.
Figure 7-23

OpenCV is used to apply the Canny edge detector to the loaded image


Python alone is not able to build rich Android apps and this is why this chapter discussed enriching the Android apps created in Python using Kivy in different ways. The first library we discussed was Plyer, which allows us to access Android features using native Python code. Because many features are not implemented yet in Plyer, another library called Pyjnius was discussed, which reflects the Java classes within Python to access Java features. Unfortunately, Pyjnius adds complexity to building Java features and it is not the recommended way to enrich the Android apps. The most desirable way is to edit the Android Studio project exported using Buildozer. This way, there is no limit in what can be done in the Android apps. Anything not available in Python could be added within Java after importing the exported Android Studio project.

This chapter started discussing the project by highlighting the important files within it before making any edits. These files include the main Java activity, the manifest file, the strings resource file, and more. After that, these files were edited to add more functionality to the Android app. This included editing the loading screen layout, adding Android views to the main activity, handling click actions to both widgets, displaying toast messages, and more. This chapter also imported OpenCV within the Android Studio project in order to apply a simple filter over an image.

At the end, this chapter proved that it is possible to create rich Android apps in Python even if Python is limited in building Android apps. This is accomplished by editing the exported Android Studio project and making the necessary changes to add more functionality.

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