RC2, How To: Create an Encryption Library
reference hub, Process for Troubleshooting, Reference Hub, Reference Hub, Tips, Tips, Key Notes, Key Notes, How Tos, How Tos, How Tos, How Tos, How Tos, Hubs, Seminars and WebCasts
.NET remoting, How Tos
.NET security, Tips
Active Directory, Tips
ADO.NET, Key Notes
ASP.NET, Key Notes
Enterprise Services, How Tos
IIS, How Tos
searching Knowledge Base, Reference Hub
(see also )
SQL Server, How Tos
troubleshooting and, Process for Troubleshooting
Visual Studio .NET, How Tos
Web services, Hubs
Windows 2000, Seminars and WebCasts
Regedt32.exe, Using Custom Text Files
registry, The Foundations, SSL/TLS, The <processModel> Element, Accessing System Resources, Accessing the Registry, Securing SQL Session State, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Register Serviced Components, More Information, Using Custom Text Files, Using Custom Text Files, Auditing, Using Forms Authentication, Windows Security Logs, Troubleshooting Tools, Windows Task Manager, Windows Task Manager, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Write a Web Application to Test the Encryption and Decryption Routines, How To: Store an Encrypted Connection String in the Registry, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache
accessing, Accessing the Registry
enabling logon auditing, Auditing, Windows Security Logs
event logs, Accessing System Resources
Fusion logs, Troubleshooting Tools
keys, The Foundations
manually registering serviced component, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache
registering serviced components, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service
storing connection strings in, Securing SQL Session State, Using Custom Text Files, How To: Store an Encrypted Connection String in the Registry
storing credentials in, The <processModel> Element
time out setting, SSL/TLS
tools, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Register Serviced Components, More Information, Using Custom Text Files, Windows Task Manager, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Write a Web Application to Test the Encryption and Decryption Routines
troubleshooting, Using Forms Authentication, Windows Task Manager
Registry Monitor (regmon.exe), Windows Task Manager
Regsvcs.exe tool, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Register Serviced Components, More Information, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Write a Web Application to Test the Encryption and Decryption Routines, Configure and Install the Serviced Component
remote application servers, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Configuring the Web Server, Configuring the Web Server
configuring, for .NET remoting, Configuring the Web Server
configuring, for Web services, Configuring the Web Server
secure communication from Web servers to, Web Server to Remote Application Server
remote application tier, Physical Deployment Models, Security Architecture
remote object hosting., .NET Remoting Security, Formatter Sinks, .NET Remoting Gatekeepers, Hosting in a Windows Service, Configuring the Remote Application Server, Configuring the Application Server, Choosing a Host, Choosing a Host, Configuring the Web Server, Choosing a Host Process, Choosing a Host Process, Advantages, Advantages, Hosting in a Windows Service, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service, Summary, Summary, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service, Create a Test Client Application
(see also )
choosing hosts, Choosing a Host, Choosing a Host Process
creating remote object class, Summary
creating test console application, Create a Test Client Application
creating Windows accounts for Windows services, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service
creating Windows services, Summary
features, Advantages
in ASP.NET Web applications, Formatter Sinks, .NET Remoting Gatekeepers, Configuring the Remote Application Server, Configuring the Application Server, Configuring the Web Server, Choosing a Host Process
in console applications, Hosting in a Windows Service
in Windows services, Hosting in a Windows Service, Choosing a Host, Advantages, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service
installing Windows services, Create a Windows Account to Run the Service
issues, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service
requirements, How To: Host a Remote Object in a Windows Service
Remote Procedure Call., Secure Communication (see )
remote resources., Impersonation, More Information, Accessing Network Resources, Using a Serviced Component
(see also )
anonymous access, Using a Serviced Component
delegation and, Impersonation
impersonation and, More Information
Remoting., Implementation Technologies (see )
requests, client certificate, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server, Configure the Web Application to Require Client Certificates
requests, Web., IIS 6.0 and Windows .NET Server (see )
resource-based authorization, Choose an Authorization Strategy, Authorization Approaches
resources, The Foundations, More Information, Authentication and Authorization Design, Choose an Authorization Strategy, Resource Based Authorization, Resource Based Authorization, Using Multiple Trusted Identities, Disadvantages of the Impersonation / Delegation Model, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Windows Authentication with Impersonation, When to Use, Configurable Security, Configuring Security, URL Authorization Examples, More Information, Accessing System Resources, Accessing Network Resources, Configurable Security, When to Use, Configure ASP.NET Settings, SQL Server Gatekeepers, Install the Certificate on the Web Server
access models, Resource Based Authorization, SQL Server Gatekeepers
authorization and, The Foundations
(see also )
choosing identities for accessing, Choose an Authorization Strategy
configuring security for, Configuring Security, URL Authorization Examples
configuring, to require SSL access, Install the Certificate on the Web Server
delegation and remote, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model
gatekeepers, gates, and, More Information
(see also )
identifying, Authentication and Authorization Design
impersonation and, More Information
impersonation/delegation access model, Using Multiple Trusted Identities
(see also )
network., Accessing Network Resources (see )
system., Accessing System Resources (see )
trusted subsystem access model, Resource Based Authorization, Disadvantages of the Impersonation / Delegation Model
(see also )
Web services and, Configurable Security, When to Use, Configure ASP.NET Settings
Windows ACLs and, Windows Authentication with Impersonation, When to Use, Configurable Security
(see also )
Rijndael, How To: Create an Encryption Library
roadmaps., Reference Hub (see )
roaming user profiles, Web Farm Considerations, Machine Store vs. User Store, Notes
rogue administrators, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources
role mapping, Authorization Approaches
role-based authorization, The Foundations, The Foundations, The Foundations, More Information, More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, Authentication and Authorization Design, Choose an Authentication Approach, Delegation, Delegation, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Using .NET Roles, An Authorization Pattern, Retrieve a Role List from the Custom Data Store, Authorize the User Based on User Name or Role Membership, Passport Authentication, Storing Secrets, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles, Trusted Subsystem vs. Impersonation/Delegation, Authorization, Authorization, Connecting with Least Privilege
(see also )
.NET roles, Delegation, Using .NET Roles
(see also .NET roles)
.NET roles vs. Enterprise Services (COM+) roles, More Information, .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles
data access, Trusted Subsystem vs. Impersonation/Delegation
database trust and, Connecting with Least Privilege
Enterprise Services., The Foundations (see )
explicit role checks., The Foundations (see )
Forms authentication and, Authorize the User Based on User Name or Role Membership
gatekeepers, gates, and, Gatekeepers and Gates
multiple database roles and, Authorization
Passport authentication and, Passport Authentication
programming security and, An Authorization Pattern
resource-based authorization vs., Authentication and Authorization Design, Choose an Authentication Approach
retrieving role lists from data stores, Retrieve a Role List from the Custom Data Store
SQL Server roles, More Information, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Storing Secrets, Authorization
role-based authorization, Enterprise Services, More Information, More Information, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Using .NET Roles, Programmatic Security, Security Architecture, Security Architecture, Security for Server and Library Applications, Configure Authorization (Component-Level Access Checks), Register Serviced Components, Configuring Impersonation Levels for an Enterprise Services Application, RPC Encryption, Versioning, More Information, Security Concepts, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services, Summary, Summary, Create the Serviced Component, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache, Examine the Configured Application
(see also )
assigning roles to classes, interfaces, and methods, Security for Server and Library Applications
building and adding assembly to global assembly cache, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache
concepts, Security Concepts
configuring serviced component, Create the Serviced Component
creating and assigning roles, Configure Authorization (Component-Level Access Checks)
creating C# class library to host serviced component, Summary
creating serviced component, Summary
creating test client application, Examine the Configured Application
DLL locking problems, RPC Encryption
Enterprise Services (COM+) roles vs., More Information, More Information, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, .NET Roles versus Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles and .NET Roles
examining configured application, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache
gatekeepers, gates, and, Security Architecture
generating strong name for assembly, Using .NET Roles
issues, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services
manually registering serviced component, Build the Assembly and Add it to the Global Assembly Cache
populating roles, Register Serviced Components
programmatic, Configuring Impersonation Levels for an Enterprise Services Application
QueryInterface exceptions, More Information
requirements, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services
versioning, Versioning
Windows authentication with impersonation and, Programmatic Security, Security Architecture
RPC (Remote Procedure Call), More Information, Secure Communication, Using IPSec, Security Architecture, RPC Encryption, Authentication
encryption, Secure Communication, Using IPSec
(see also )
Enterprise Services and, More Information, Security Architecture, RPC Encryption, Authentication
rules, IPSec, Notes, Create Rules
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