sa account, Connection String Types, Connecting with Least Privilege, The Database Trusts Different Roles, Additional Best Practices
salt values, generating, Storing Secrets, Store One-way Password Hashes (with Salt), Configure the Web Application for Forms Authentication
scalability, The Foundations, Disadvantages of the Impersonation / Delegation Model, Hosting Multiple Web Applications, Accessing Network Resources
scenarios, configuration., Base Configuration (see )
screened subnets, Physical Deployment Models, Key Notes
script injection attacks, Design Principles
secrets, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources, Why Use a Serviced Component?
secure communication, Authorization, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture, Authentication, Secure Communication, Secure Communication, Secure Communication, Know What to Secure, SSL/TLS, IPSec, Using IPSec, Using RPC Encryption, Using RPC Encryption, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Application Server to Database Server, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL, Intranet Security, Configuring ASP.NET, Configuring Secure Communication, Configure SQL Server, Configure SQL Server, Configuring SQL Server, Configuring SQL Server, Configuring SQL Server, Configure the Application Server, Configuring Security, Preventing Files from Being Downloaded, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources, Securing the Database Connection String, Enterprise Services Security, Platform/Transport Level (Point-to-Point) Security, Platform/Transport Security Architecture, Disable HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST, Solution Implementation, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel, Using a Windows Service Host, Hosting in a Windows Service, Hosting in a Windows Service, Using Multiple Database Roles, SSL, How To: Set Up Client Certificates, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers, Configuration Stores and Tools, .NET Web Application Security, .NET Web Application Security
.NET Framework security, .NET Web Application Security
.NET remoting security, ASP.NET and the HTTP Channel, Using a Windows Service Host, Hosting in a Windows Service
application server to database server, Web Server to Remote Application Server
ASP.NET security, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources
Basic authentication and, Authentication
browser to Web server, Using RPC Encryption
configuration stores and tools, Configuration Stores and Tools
configuring, Configuring Security, Preventing Files from Being Downloaded
data access security, Using Multiple Database Roles
Enterprise Services security, Enterprise Services Security
extranet security, Configuring SQL Server, Configuring SQL Server
Internet security, Configuring SQL Server, Configure the Application Server
intranet security, Intranet Security, Configuring ASP.NET, Configuring Secure Communication, Configure SQL Server, Configure SQL Server
IPSec, IPSec, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers
(see also )
IPSec vs. SSL, Secure Communication, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL
RPC encryption, Using IPSec
scenarios, Using RPC Encryption
setting up client certificates, How To: Set Up Client Certificates
SQL Server session state and, Securing the Database Connection String
SSL, SSL/TLS, Application Server to Database Server
(see also )
technologies, Authorization, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture, Secure Communication, .NET Web Application Security
troubleshooting, SSL
Web application deployment models, Know What to Secure
Web farming and load balancing, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL
Web server to application server, Web Server to Remote Application Server
Web services, Platform/Transport Level (Point-to-Point) Security, Platform/Transport Security Architecture, Disable HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST, Solution Implementation
Windows service features, Hosting in a Windows Service
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1), Securing Session and View State, The decryptionKey Attribute
secure resources., Resource Based Authorization (see )
Secure Sockets Layer., Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources (see )
SecureMethod attribute, Adding Roles to an Application
security blanket settings, Configuring Interface Proxies
security contexts., ASP.NET and HttpContext.User (see )
security logs., Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access (see )
security policies, CAS, Gatekeepers and Gates
Security Service Provider Interface (SSPI), More Information, Advantages
security., Security Architecture (see )
SecurityRole attribute, Configure Authorization (Component-Level Access Checks)
semicolon (;), Anatomy of a SQL Script Injection Attack
seminars., Reference Hub (see )
sensitive data., Secure Communication (see )
server applications, Enterprise Services, More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, Configuring Security, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration, Configure Authorization (Component-Level Access Checks), Register Serviced Components, Register Serviced Components, Use Windows Groups, Security Concepts, Impersonation
authentication, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration
authorization, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration
cloaking, Impersonation
configuring, Configuring Security
creating and assigning roles, Configure Authorization (Component-Level Access Checks)
development time vs. deployment time, Development Time vs. Deployment Time Configuration
identity, Use Windows Groups
library applications vs., More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, Security Concepts
populating roles, Register Serviced Components
registering serviced components, Register Serviced Components
server certificates., SSL/TLS, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Configure IIS Settings, Authenticating Web Browser Clients with Certificates, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server, Generate a Certificate Request, Submit a Certificate Request, Submit a Certificate Request, Install the Certificate on the Web Server, Requirements, Install a Server Authentication Certificate, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed
(see also , )
configuring resources to require, Install the Certificate on the Web Server
generating requests, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server
IIS settings, Configure IIS Settings
installing, Submit a Certificate Request, Requirements, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed
issuing, Submit a Certificate Request
SSL and, SSL/TLS, Web Server to Remote Application Server, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server
submitting requests, Generate a Certificate Request
verifying installation of, Install a Server Authentication Certificate
server compromise, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model
server process account, delegation and, Requirements
servers., Configuring the Web Server (see , , , )
service accounts, Choose the Identities Used for Resource Access, The Trusted Subsystem Model, Using the Current Process Identity
Service Control Manager (SCM), Security Architecture
Service Principal Names (SPNs), Using Forms Authentication
serviced components., More Information, Security Configuration Steps, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET, Enterprise Services Security, Register Serviced Components, RPC Encryption, RPC Encryption, Versioning, More Information, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Using Fixed Identities within ASP.NET, Requirements, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Configure, Strong Name, and Register the Serviced Component, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services, Create the Serviced Component, Develop the Serviced Component Used to Call the Web Service, How To: Set Up Client Certificates
(see also )
accessing network resources using, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity
authentication, More Information
building, RPC Encryption
caller identity, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
calling, from ASP.NET Web applications, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
client certificates and., How To: Set Up Client Certificates (see )
configuring, Security Configuration Steps, Create the Serviced Component
configuring and installing, Develop the Serviced Component Used to Call the Web Service
configuring interface proxies, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET
configuring, strong naming, and registering, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service
creating Windows service to launch, Configure, Strong Name, and Register the Serviced Component
creating, with encryption and decryption methods, Requirements
DLL locking problems, RPC Encryption
QueryInterface exceptions, More Information
registering, Register Serviced Components
role-based authorization with, How To: Use Role-based Security with Enterprise Services
storing secrets with, Options for Storing Secrets in ASP.NET
versioning, Versioning
Windows authentication and impersonation, Calling Serviced Components from ASP.NET, Using Fixed Identities within ASP.NET
session state, Storing Secrets, Securing Session and View State, Securing the Database Connection String, Web Farm Considerations
as secret, Storing Secrets
networks and, Securing the Database Connection String
SQL, Securing Session and View State
Web farms and, Web Farm Considerations
Setspn.exe, Using Forms Authentication
settings., Intranet Security (see , )
SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm), Securing Session and View State, The decryptionKey Attribute
signing certificates, Keys and Certificates
single quotation (’), Anatomy of a SQL Script Injection Attack
sinks, .NET remoting, .NET Remoting Architecture, .NET Remoting Architecture, Transport Channel Sinks, Transport Channel Sinks
custom, Transport Channel Sinks
formatter, Transport Channel Sinks
transport channel, .NET Remoting Architecture
Sn.exe tool, Create a C# Class Library, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Configure the Serviced Component, Develop the Serviced Component Used to Call the Web Service
SOAP headers, Application Level Security, Platform/Transport Security Architecture, Using the ConnectionGroupName Property
SoapFormatter class, Formatter Sinks
software configuration, base, Base Configuration
specific credentials, The <processModel> Element, Using Specific Credentials, Using DefaultCredentials
SQL authentication, More Information, Application Server to Database Server, Non-Internet Explorer Browsers, Analysis, Storing Secrets, Securing SQL Session State, Trusted Subsystem vs. Impersonation/Delegation, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account, Connection String Types, Connection String Types, Choosing a SQL Account for Your Connections, Choosing a SQL Account for Your Connections, Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)
choosing SQL accounts, Connection String Types
connection strings, Storing Secrets, Securing SQL Session State, Connection String Types, Choosing a SQL Account for Your Connections
data access security and, Using the Anonymous Internet User Account
intranet security and, Non-Internet Explorer Browsers, Analysis
ISQL.exe and, Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)
options, More Information
passing credentials over networks, Choosing a SQL Account for Your Connections
SSL and, Application Server to Database Server
Windows authentication vs., Trusted Subsystem vs. Impersonation/Delegation
SQL injection attacks, Design Principles, SQL Injection Attacks
SQL Server 2000, Forms authentication with, Configurable Security, How To: Use Forms Authentication with SQL Server 2000, How To: Use Forms Authentication with SQL Server 2000, Requirements, Requirements, Create a Web Application with a Logon Page, Configure the Web Application for Forms Authentication, Create a User Account Database, Create a User Account Database, Authenticate User Credentials Against the Database, Test the Application
authenticating user against database, Authenticate User Credentials Against the Database
configuring Web application for, Create a Web Application with a Logon Page
creating user account database, Create a User Account Database
creating Web application with logon page, Requirements
developing functions to generate hash and salt values, Configure the Web Application for Forms Authentication
requirements, Requirements
storing credentials, How To: Use Forms Authentication with SQL Server 2000
testing, Test the Application
using ADO.NET to store account details in database, Create a User Account Database
SQL Server 2000., Design Principles, Design Principles, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture, Security Across the Tiers, More Information, More Information, Gatekeepers and Gates, The Trusted Subsystem Model, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Web Server to Remote Application Server, Configuring ASP.NET, Configuring Enterprise Services, Configuring the Application Server (that Hosts the Web Service), Configure the Application Server, Related Scenarios, Security Configuration Steps, Configuring SQL Server, Configuring SQL Server, Configuring SQL Server, Configure the Application Server, Storing Secrets, Storing Secrets, Securing Session and View State, Data Access Security, Data Access Security, SQL Server Gatekeepers, Implementing Mirrored ASPNET Process Identity, Connection String Types, Connection String Types, Authorization, Authorization, Authorization, Connecting with Least Privilege, Creating a Least Privilege Database Account, SQL Injection Attacks, Auditing, Auditing, Auditing, Windows Security Logs, Windows Security Logs, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000, Verify that Communication is Encrypted, Verify that Communication is Encrypted, Base Configuration, Configuration Stores and Tools, How Tos, .NET Web Application Security
(see also )
accounts, Connection String Types
application roles, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Storing Secrets, Authorization
as implementation technology, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture
auditing, Auditing, Windows Security Logs
authentication, More Information, Connection String Types
(see also )
authorization, More Information
base configuration, Base Configuration
configuration stores and tools, Configuration Stores and Tools
database roles, Authorization
database trust, Connecting with Least Privilege
Enterprise Manager, Creating a Least Privilege Database Account, Auditing, Windows Security Logs, Verify that Communication is Encrypted
extranet settings, Configuring SQL Server, Configuring SQL Server
fixed identities, The Trusted Subsystem Model
Forms authentication with., Data Access Security (see )
gates and gatekeepers, Gatekeepers and Gates, SQL Server Gatekeepers
Internet settings, Configuring SQL Server, Configure the Application Server
(see also )
intranet settings, Configuring ASP.NET, Configuring Enterprise Services, Configuring the Application Server (that Hosts the Web Service), Configure the Application Server, Security Configuration Steps
(see also )
IPSec and, How To: Use IPSec to Provide Secure Communication Between Two Servers
Network Utility, Verify that Communication is Encrypted
original caller identity flow, Related Scenarios
process identity, Auditing
reference information, How Tos
security options, Design Principles, Security Across the Tiers, .NET Web Application Security
session state, Storing Secrets, Securing Session and View State
SQL injection attacks, Design Principles, SQL Injection Attacks
SSL to, Web Server to Remote Application Server, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000
(see also )
user defined database roles, Enterprise Services (COM+) Roles, Authorization
Windows authentication and, Implementing Mirrored ASPNET Process Identity
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)., Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture, ASP.NET Authentication Modes, Secure Communication, Secure Communication, SSL/TLS, Using RPC Encryption, Application Server to Database Server, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL, Preventing Files from Being Downloaded, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources, SSL, How To: Call a Web Service Using Client Certificates from ASP.NET, How To: Call a Web Service Using SSL, How To: Call a Web Service Using SSL, Summary, Configure the Web Service Virtual Directory to Require SSL, Install the Certificate Authority’s Certificate on the Client Computer, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server, Generate a Certificate Request, Submit a Certificate Request, Submit a Certificate Request, Install the Certificate on the Web Server, How To: Set Up Client Certificates, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000, Requirements, Requirements, Install a Server Authentication Certificate, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed, Force All Clients to Use SSL, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL
(see also )
as implementation technology, Implementation Technologies, Security Architecture
ASP.NET security and, Accessing Non-Windows Network Resources
browser to Web server scenario, Using RPC Encryption
client certificates and, How To: Call a Web Service Using Client Certificates from ASP.NET
(see also )
configuring, Preventing Files from Being Downloaded
configuring resources to require, Summary, Install the Certificate on the Web Server
configuring server to allow clients to choose whether to use, Force All Clients to Use SSL
configuring server to force clients to use, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed
Forms authentication and, ASP.NET Authentication Modes
generating certificate request, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server
installing certificate on client, Install the Certificate Authority’s Certificate on the Client Computer, Verify that the Certificate Has Been Installed
installing certificate on Web server, Submit a Certificate Request
installing server authentication certificate, Requirements
IPSec vs., Secure Communication, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000
issues, SSL/TLS, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000
issuing certificate, Submit a Certificate Request
requirements, How To: Call a Web Service Using SSL, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server, Requirements
setting up, on Web server, How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server
SQL Server and, Application Server to Database Server, How To: Use SSL to Secure Communication with SQL Server 2000
submitting certificate request, Generate a Certificate Request
testing, Configure the Web Service Virtual Directory to Require SSL
troubleshooting, SSL
verifying encryption, Allow Clients to Determine Whether to Use SSL
verifying server certificate installation, Install a Server Authentication Certificate
Web farming and load balancing and, Choosing Between IPSec and SSL
Web services security and, How To: Call a Web Service Using SSL, How To: Set Up Client Certificates
SSPI (Security Service Provider Interface), More Information
state, securing session and view, Securing Session and View State
static cloaking, Impersonation
stored procedures, Choose an Authentication Approach, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Flowing the Caller’s Identity, SQL Injection Attacks
identity flow and, Choose an Authentication Approach, Disadvantages of the Trusted Subsystem Model, Flowing the Caller’s Identity
SQL injection attacks and, SQL Injection Attacks
stores., The Foundations, Retrieve a Role List from the Custom Data Store, Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services, Configuration Stores and Tools, Keys and Certificates
(see also )
certificate, Keys and Certificates
configuration., Configuration Stores and Tools (see )
DPAPI., Using DPAPI from Enterprise Services (see , )
role lists in custom data, Retrieve a Role List from the Custom Data Store
strings, connection., Modify the Web Application to Read an Encrypted Connection String from Web.Config (see )
strong names, Gatekeepers and Gates, Create a C# Class Library, Create a Windows Account to Run the Enterprise Services Application and Windows Service, Configure the Serviced Component, Develop the Serviced Component Used to Call the Web Service
strong passwords, Using the ASP.NET Process Identity, Summary
Support Center, Process for Troubleshooting, Searching for Implementation Solutions
surface area, reducing, Design Principles
symmetric encryption, SSL/TLS, Technical Choices, Symmetric Algorithm Support
sysadmin role, Connection String Types, Connecting with Least Privilege, Additional Best Practices
SYSTEM account, Design Principles, Avoid Running as SYSTEM, The <processModel> Element, Auditing, ASP.NET Worker Process Identity, How To: Implement Kerberos Delegation for Windows 2000
system resources, The Foundations, Authentication and Authorization Design, Accessing System Resources, Accessing the Registry, Configuring the Web Server, Authentication and Authorization Strategies
.NET remoting and, Authentication and Authorization Strategies
accessing event log, Accessing System Resources
accessing registry, Accessing the Registry
authorization and, The Foundations
identifying, Authentication and Authorization Design
Web services and, Configuring the Web Server
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