

Abbot, Bud, 6-9

Abdullah (King of Jordan), 93

Abu Ghraib prison, response of U.S. government to detainee abuse at, 84-95

action, unity of, 149, 245

adapting to change, 22

case study: John McCain, 9-14

importance of, 8-9

Al Arabiya, 90-91

Alhurra, 91

alignment of communication and business goals, 145-146

Allen, Thad, 69

Allred, Gloria, 133

American Massage & Therapy Association, 202

amygdala, 248-249

amygdala hijacking, 218-219

and audience engagement, 219-222

explained, 216-218

strategies for adapting to, 222-224

anger, metaphors for, 190-191

Apotheker, Léo, 136-143

appealing to identity, 212-214


firing of Steve Jobs, 126

iPhone launch, 213

launch of Macbook Air, 227-228

“1,000 songs in your pocket” slogan, 1

Aristotle, 27, 210, 239

The Art of Framing: Managing the Language of Leadership (Fairhurst and Sarr), 203

asking strategic questions, 3-4

attention, 220-222, 247-249

audience engagement, 22, 237

appealing to identity, 212-214

Aristotle’s philosophy of, 27

attention and retention, 220-222, 247-249

cognitive tunneling, 220-222

DECWorld’s “Evening with Bill Gates,” 23-28

empathy, 207-208

Facebook Beacon controvery, 15-16

framing. See framing

Home Depot’s dismissal of Robert Nardelli, 41-53

independent nature of audiences, 14-15

mirror neurons, 207-209

Myth of Objectivism, 210

Netflix communication missteps

cost of, 41

Jessie Becker’s announcement of rate/plan changes, 28-33

Reed Hastings’s announcement of company reversal of course, 39-41

Reed Hastings’s announcement of Netflix/Qwikster split, 34-39

orienting on audience, 49-50

physicality of, 245-246

connecting at distance, 165-167

dynamic range of voice, 174-175

eye contact, 176-178

gestures, 173-176

posture, 171-173

presence, 168-171

public leadership attributes, 167-168

self-development, 162-165

stagecraft, 179-180

visuals, 180-182

Wharton Communication Program, 159-162

requirements, 14-15

retention, 222

role of amygdala, 215-222

role of emotion in, 209-212

strategies for adapting to amygdala, 222-224

understanding audience’s point of view, 203-204

U.S. rhetoric toward Muslim communities

review by Admiral Michael G. Mullen, 19-21

Shared Values Initiative, failure of, 16-18

Augustine (saint), 249-250

Aurelius Augustinus, 249-250

Autonomy, 141

Avery, Aimée Reinhart, 31


bad news, communicating, 128, 155, 241

Bank of America, 10

Barshefsky, Charlene, 168

Beacon controversy (Facebook), 15-16

Becker Capital Management Inc., 141

Becker, Jessie, 28-33

Becker, Pat Jr., 141

Bell, Charlie, 76

Biden, Joe, 109, 113

Blake, Frank, 48

Blanco, Kathleen, 55, 67

Blank, Arthur, 42-43

Blodget, Henry, 126, 138-139

body language, 224-227

gestures, 173-176

posture, 171-173

presence, 168-171

public leadership attributes, 167-168

speaker’s bearing, 167-168

Boeing, Inc., 42

Booz Allen Hamilton, 48

Boroditsky, Lera, 199

BP, xxv-xxvi, 79, 119, 187

brain structure

amygdala, 248-249

and audience engagement, 219-222

explained, 216-218

strategies for adapting to, 222-224

limbic brain, 215

mirror neurons, 207-208, 247-248

prefrontal cortex, 215, 248

primitive brain, 215

Bremer, Paul, 84-85

Brown, Michael, 56-70

Burelle, Lori, 40

Bush, Barbara, 67

Bush, George H. W., 66

Bush, George W., 10, 18, 192-195

response to abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, 84-95

response to Hurricane Katrina, 55-70

business goals, alignment with communication goals, 145-146

Business Insider, 139


Cantalupo, James, 75-79

Casablanca, 185-187

Case, Chris, 126

CBS’s 60 Minutes, 88-89, 114

change, adapting to, 22

case study: John McCain, 9-14

importance of, 8-9, 118

Chertoff, Michael, 62-63, 66, 69

Cicero, 250

Citibank, 198

Citicorp, 198

Clausewitz on Strategy: Inspiration and Insight from a Master Strategist, xxxii

Coast Guard, response to Hurricane Katrina, 60

cognitive tunneling, 220-222, 248

commitment to self-development, 245-246

communication, definition of, xxvii-xxviii

communication agenda, controlling, 240-241. See also first mover advantage

Communication Plans, 151-153

controlling communication agenda, 240-241. See also first mover advantage

Costello, Lou, 6-9

Couric, Katie, 13


The Daily Show, 68

DECWorld’s “Evening with Bill Gates,” 23-28

definition of communication, xxvii-xxviii

Descartes, René, 210

disproportionality, principle of, 242-243

Barack Obama’s comments on Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s arrest, 105-109

Barack Obama’s loss of initiative on healthcare reform, 110-115

Golden Hour of Crisis Response, 115-119

J. C. Penney’s response to “Too Pretty” t-shirt controversy, 118

McDonald’s response to death of CEO, 117-118

distance, connecting at, 165-167

Don’t Think of an Elephant! Know Your Values and Frame the Debate (Lakoff), 193-194, 212

Duck Soup, 227

Dunn, Patricia, 131

dynamic range of voice, 174-175


eBay, 140

EDS (Electronic Data Systems Corp.), 138

effective communication, nature of, 4-9

Eisenhower, Dwight D., xv

Electronic Data Systems Corp. (EDS), 138

Ellison, Larry, 126, 129, 134-135

Elson, Charles, 45

Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 217, 220

emotions, 248

emotional meanings of words, 185-187

role in audience engagement, 209-212

The Empathic Civilization (Rifkin), 209, 212


mirror neurons, 207-209

Myth of Objectivism, 210

Ethics Resource Center, 72

Ethos, 27, 210, 239

executives, restraining: Bob Nardelli’s dismissal from Home Depot, 41-49

expectations, fulfilling, 239-240

Principle of the Objective, 56-58

resetting expectations, 72-73

trust, 70-73

U.S. government failed response to Hurricane Katrina, 55-70

eye contact, 176-178


Facebook, Beacon controversy, 15-16

facts, role in communication, 196-201

Fairhurst, Gail T., 203

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

response to Hurricane Katrina, 55-70

response to wildfires in California, 73

Fiorina, Carly, 131

first mover advantage, 240-241

David Letterman’s response to extortion scandal, 95-98

four-question test, 99-101

Golden Hour of Crisis Response, 83

McDonald’s response to death of James Cantalupo, 75-79

operationalizing, 99-101

U.S. government response to abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, 84-95

U.S. Marines response to Second Battle of Fallujah shooting, 79-84

Fisher, Jodie, 132-134, 138

focus, 93, 240

Fortune, 137

The Foundation for Economic Trends, 209

four-question test (first mover advantage), 99-101

framing, 246-247

impact of, 193-201

reframing, 201-202

Frank, Barney, 48

Friedman, Thomas, 93-94

Frontline, 67

fulfilling expectations, 239-240

Principle of the Objective, 56-58

resetting expectations, 72-73

trust, 70-73

U.S. government failed response to Hurricane Katrina, 55-70

Future Tech Enterprises, 126


Gates, Bill, 23-28, 203

Gates, Bill Sr., 195

Gates, Henry Louis Jr., 106-109

GE (General Electric), 42, 224

General Electric, 42, 224

George V, 162

George VI, 162, 165

gestures, 173-176

Gettysburg Address, 224

Glassner, Frank, 125-126


aligning, 145-146

of communication, xxx

Golden Hour of Crisis Response, 83, 115-119

Goleman, Daniel, 217, 220

government. See U.S. government

Green, Alison, 40

Greenstein, Shane, 129

group identity, 212-214


Halderman, Robert Joe, 98

Harkins, Craig, 31-32

Harvey-Jones, John, 127

Hastings, Reed

announcement of company reversal of course, 39-41

announcement of Netflix/ Qwikster split, 34-39

Hayward, Tony, xxv-xxvi, 79, 119, 187, 190

Heitzmann, Greg, 32

Henry V (Shakespeare), 213-214

Hewlett-Packard. See HP (Hewlett-Packard)

Hirsch, Seymour, 88

Hoff, Stephanie, 48

Home Depot, 41-53, 211

HP (Hewlett-Packard)

achievements of CEO Mark Hurd, 132

hiring of CEO Léo Apotheker, 136-143

hiring of CEO Meg Whitman, 142-143

lawsuit against Oracle, 134-136

missteps prior to arrival of Mark Hurd, 131-132

termination of CEO Mark Hurd

alleged disclosure of insider information, 138-140

alleged violations of code of conduct, 132-134

failure to anticipate stakeholder reaction, 127-131

failure to control communication agenda, 127-131

initial announcement, 123-126

Hurd, Mark

achievements at HP (Hewlett-Packard), 131-132

hiring by Oracle, 134-135

termination by HP (Hewlett-Packard)

alleged disclosure of insider information, 138-140

alleged violations of code of conduct, 132-134

HP’s failure to anticipate stakeholder reaction, 127-131

HP’s failure to control communication agenda, 127-131

initial announcement, 123-126

Hurricane Katrina, U.S. government response to

organizational objectives, 56-58

setting expectations, 55-56

Hussein, Saddam, 84, 86


identity, importance of, 212-214

Immelt, Jeff, 42, 224

influencing audiences, 22, 237

appealing to identity, 212-214

Aristotle’s philosophy of, 27

attention, 220-222

attention and retention, 247-249

cognitive tunneling, 220-222

DECWorld’s “Evening with Bill Gates,” 23-28

empathy, 207-209

Facebook Beacon controvery, 15-16

Home Depot’s dismissal of Robert Nardelli, 41-53

framing. See framing

Myth of Objectivism, 210

Netflix communication missteps

cost of, 41

Jessie Becker’s announcement of rate/plan changes, 28-33

Reed Hastings’s announcement of company reversal of course, 39-41

Reed Hastings’s announcement of Netflix/Qwikster split, 34-39

orienting on audience, 49-50

physicality of audience engagement, 245-246

connecting at distance, 165-167

dynamic range of voice, 174-175

eye contact, 176-178

gestures, 173-176

posture, 171-173

presence, 168-171

public leadership attributes, 167-168

self-development, 162-165

stagecraft, 179-180

visuals, 180-182

Wharton Communication Program, 159-162

requirements, 14-15

retention, 222

role of amygdala, 215-222

role of emotion in, 209-212

strategies for adapting to amygdala, 222-224

understanding audience’s point of view, 203-204

U.S. rhetoric toward Muslim communities

review by Admiral Michael G. Mullen, 19-21

Shared Values Initiative, failure of, 16-18

Influencing Public Attitudes (Lukaszewski), 33

initiative and response, 110-115

intention, 235-236

interactivity, 4-9, 236-237

The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us (Simons and Chabris), 221

iPhone launch, 213

iPod, “1,000 songs in your pocket” slogan, 1

Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority, 85

Iraq war

U.S. government response to abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, 84-95

U.S. Marines response to Second Battle of Fallujah shooting, 79-84


J. C. Penney, response to “Too Pretty” t-shirt controversy, 118

Jobs, Steve, 1, 2, 126, 188, 203, 227-228

Johnson, Harvey, 73

Johnson, Mark, 188, 191

Johnson, M. Eric, 141


Kaufman, Andy, 170

Kerry, John, 192-195

Kimmitt, Mark, 87

The King’s Speech, 162

Koppel, Ted, 64

Krishnapuram, Balaji, 41

Krulak, C. C., 4


Lakoff, George, xxvi, 188-201, 210-212

Lane, Ray, 136

Langone, Ken, 42

Lashinsky, Adam, 137

The Late Show with David Letterman, 12-14, 95-98

leadership communication

adapting to change, 22

case study: John McCain, 9-14

importance of, 8-9

audience engagement, 22, 237

appealing to identity, 212-214

Aristotle’s philosophy of, 27

attention and retention, 220-222, 247-249

cognitive tunneling, 220-222

DECWorld’s “Evening with Bill Gates,” 23-28

empathy, 207-209

Facebook Beacon controvery, 15-16

Home Depot’s dismissal of Robert Nardelli, 41-53

Myth of Objectivism, 210

Netflix communication missteps, 28-41

orienting on audience, 49-50

requirements, 14-15

retention, 222

review of U.S. rhetoric toward Muslim communities, 19-21

role of amygdala, 215-224

role of emotion in, 209-212

Shared Values Initiative, failure of, 16-18

understanding audience’s point of view, 203-204

bad news, communicating, 241

body language, 224-227

commitment to self-development, 245-246

communication as leadership discipline, 233-235

first mover advantage, 240-241

David Letterman’s response to extortion scandal, 95-98

four-question test, 99-101

Golden Hour of Crisis Response, 83

McDonald’s response to death of James Cantalupo, 75-79

operationalizing, 99-101

U.S. government response to abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, 84-95

U.S. Marines response to Second Battle of Fallujah shooting, 79-81

focus, 93, 240

framing, 246-247

impact of, 193-201

reframing, 201-202

fulfilling expectations, 239-240

Principle of the Objective, 56-58

resetting expectations, 72-73

trust, 70-73

U.S. government missteps after Hurricane Katrina, 55-70

intention, 235-236

interactivity, 236-237

nature of effective communication, 4-9

physicality of audience engagement, 245-246

connecting at distance, 165-167

dynamic range of voice, 174-175

eye contact, 176-178

gestures, 173-176

posture, 171-173

presence, 168-171

public leadership attributes, 167-168

self-development, 162-165

stagecraft, 179-180

visuals, 180-182

Wharton Communication Program, 159-162

planning. See planning

principle of disproportionality, 242-243

Barack Obama’s comments on Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s arrest, 105-106, 106-109

Barack Obama’s loss of initiative on healthcare reform, 110-115

Golden Hour of Crisis Response, 115-119

J. C. Penney’s response to “Too Pretty” t-shirt controversy, 118

McDonald’s response to death of CEO, 117-118

Principle of the Objective, 56-58

reaction, 237

speed of communication, 240-241

strategy, 243-245

trust, 70-73

unity of action, 245

visual presentation

McGurk effect, 224-227

Steve Jobs’s launch of Macbook Air, 227-228

word choice, 246-247

emotional meanings of words, 185-187

metaphor and management of meaning, 187-201

Myth of Objectivism, 189-190

leadership discipline, communication as, xxix-xxx, 233-235

lecterns, 179

Ledoux, Joseph, 216

Lehman Brothers, 10

Lesjak, Cathie, 124

Letterman, David, 12-14, 95-98

limbic brain, 215

limbic system, 216, 248

Lincoln, Abraham, 224

Logos, 27, 210, 239

Lorsch, Jay, 78

Lott, Trent, 65

Lowe’s, 43-44

Lukaszewski, James E., xxxi, 33


Macbook Air, launch of, 227-228

MacDonald, John, 226

Marcus, Bernard, 42-43

Margolis, Robert H., 222

Marine Corps communication policy, xxviii-xxix

Martin, Paul, 90

Marx, Chico, 227

Marx, Groucho, 227

massage therapy frame, 202

Matthews, Chris, 89

McCain, John, 9-14, 119

McClellan, Scott, 66, 92

McDonald’s Corporation, 75-79, 117-118

McGurk Effect, 226

McGurk, Harry, 226

McGurn, Patrick, 47

McNerney, Jim, 42

Meet the Press, 67

Merrill Lynch, 10


and management of meaning, 187-201

power of, xxvi-xxviii, 246

Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff and Johnson), 188-189

“Metaphors We Think With: The Role of Metaphor in Reasoning” (Thibodeau and Boroditsky), 199-200

Meyers, Richard, 66

Miers, Harriet, 70

Mike, Barry, 23-26

mirror neurons, 207-209, 247-248

Mullen, Michael G., 19-22, 70

multimodal perception, 226

multitasking, 221

Murphy, Kevin, 125

Muslim communities, U.S. rhetoric toward

review by Admiral Michael G. Mullen, 19-21

Shared Values Initiative, 16-18

Myers, Richard, 88

Myth of Objectivism, 189-190, 210, 246-247


Nagin, Ray, 55, 59-63, 67

Nardelli, Robert, 41-53, 211

National Guard, response to Hurricane Katrina, 61

nature of effective communication, 4-9

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), 82

Navran, Frank, 72

NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service), 82

Netflix communication missteps

cost of, 41

Jessie Becker’s announcement of rate/plan changes, 28-33

Reed Hastings’s announcement of company reversal of course, 39-41

Reed Hastings’s announcement of Netflix/Qwikster split, 34-39

New York Times, 136

The New Yorker, 88

“The Next Starbucks? How Massage Went from the Strip Club to the Strip Mall” (Postrel), 201-202

Nixon, Richard, 193-194

Nocera, Joe, 47

NWN, 126


Obama, Barack, 11

comments on Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s arrest, 105-109

loss of initiative on healthcare reform, 110-115

objectivism, myth of, 189-190, 210

O’Brien, Soledad, 64

O’Connor, Sandra Day, 70

O’Gara, Maureen, 140

Olbermann, Keith, 12

Olsen, Ken, 24-27

Omnicom Group, 160

On Christian Teaching (Augustine), 249-250

On War (von Clausewitz), xxx

“1,000 songs in your pocket” slogan (Apple), 1

operationalizing first mover advantage, 99-101

operational level planning, 147, 156, 244

Oracle Corporation, 126, 134-136

Orator (Cicero), 250

ordered thinking, strategy as, 3-4

orienting on audience, 49-50


Palin, Sarah, 14

Pathos, 27, 210, 239

pauses in speaking, 178

Pelosi, Nancy, 112-113


connecting at distance, 165-167

dynamic range of voice, 174-175

eye contact, 176-178

gestures, 173-176

posture, 171-173

presence, 168-171

public leadership attributes, 167-168

self-development, 162-165

stagecraft, 179-180

visuals, 180-182

Wharton Communication Program, 159-162

Perkins, Tom, 131, 143

Phelps, Mont, 126

Philosophy in the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought (Lakoff), 191

physicality of audience engagement, 245-246

connecting at distance, 165-167

dynamic range of voice, 174-175

eye contact, 176-178

gestures, 173-176

posture, 171-173

presence, 168-171

public leadership attributes, 167-168

self-development, 162-165

stagecraft, 179-180

visuals, 180-182

Wharton Communication Program, 159-162

pitch, 174

planning, 243

alignment of communication and business goals, 145-146

Communication Plans, 151-153

Hewlett-Packard’s termination of CEO Mark Hurd

alleged disclosure of insider information, 138-140

alleged violations of code of conduct, 132-134

failure to anticipate stakeholder reaction, 127-131

failure to control communication agenda, 127-131

hiring of CEO Léo Apotheker, 136-143

hiring of CEO Meg Whitman, 142-143

initial announcement, 123-126

lawsuit against Oracle, 134-136

missteps prior to arrival of Mark Hurd, 131-132

operational level planning, 147, 156

strategic level planning, 146, 156

strategy, 143-145

summary, 153-157

tactical level planning, 148-149, 157

template for planning, 150-153

unity of action, 149

Plato, 215

Pogue, David, 37-39

The Political Mind: Why You Can’t Understand 21st-Century American Politics with an 18th-Century Brain (Lakoff), 196

Postrel, Virginia, 201-202

posture, 171-173

power of communication, 2-3

PowerPoint, 180-182

prefrontal cortex, 215, 248

presence, 168-171

presentation. See visual presentation

pretexting, 131

Primacy Effect, 222-223, 248

primitive brain, 215

principle of disproportionality, 242-243

Barack Obama’s comments on Henry Louis Gates, Jr.’s arrest, 105-109

Barack Obama’s loss of initiative on healthcare reform, 110-115

Golden Hour of Crisis Response, 115-119

J. C. Penney’s response to “Too Pretty” t-shirt controversy, 118

McDonald’s response to death of CEO, 117-118

Principle of the Objective, 56-58


questions, asking, 3-4

Qwikster, 36-39

reaction, 237

Recency Effect, 222-223, 248

Redbox, 31

Reed, John, 198

reframing, 201-202

reptilian brain, 215

resetting expectations, 72-73

Restak, Richard, 211

restraining executives, Bob Nardelli’s dismissal from Home Depot, 41-49

retention, 222, 247-249

Rice, Condoleezza, 87, 90

Rifkin, Jeremy, 209, 212

Riggle, Robert, xv-xvii, 233

Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 209

Rosenblum, Lawrence, 226

Rule of 5 by 5, 181

Rule of Threes, 222-224, 248

Rumsfeld, Donald, 66, 89-95

Russert, Tim, 67


Sacconaghi, Toni, 141

Salmon, Felix, 134

Sanford Bernstein, 141

Sarr, Robert, 203

Sattler, John F., 82

Saturday Night Live, 170

say-do gap, 70-73

seated posture, 172-173

Second Battle of Fallujah shooting, 79-84

Seeking Alpha, 134-135 See What I’m Saying: The Extraordinary Power of Our Five Senses (Rosenblum), 226

Seitz, Patrick, 37

selective attention, 220-222, 248

self-development, 162-165, 245-246

Sequel Data Systems, 126

Shakespeare, William, 213-214

Shared Values Initiative, 16-18

Shaw, George Bernard, 6

Sites, Kevin, 80-82

Six Sigma, 43

60 Minutes, 88-89, 114

Skinner, James, 78

slides, 180-182

SmartMoney, 128-129

speed of communication, 240-241

David Letterman’s response to extortion scandal, 95-98

definition of, 77

four-question test, 99-101

Golden Hour of Crisis Response, 83

McDonald’s response to death of James Cantalupo, 75-79

operationalizing first mover advantage, 99-101

U.S. government response to abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, 84-95

U.S. Marines response to Second Battle of Fallujah shooting, 79-84

speed of speech, 175

Sperl, Geoffrey, 40-41

stagecraft, 179-180

standing posture, 172

Stewart, James B., 128-129, 136

Stewart, Jon, 68

strategic level planning, 146, 156

strategic planning, 244

strategic questions, asking, 3-4, 150

strategy, 243-245

alignment of communication and business goals, 145-146

explained, 143-145

as metaphor, xxvi-xxvii

as ordered thinking, 3-4

strategic level planning, 146

template for planning, 150-153

stress, effect on attention, 221-222

striking power, 81

Sweet, Lynn, 107

SysCon, 140


tactical level planning, 148-149, 157, 245

tactics, 148-149, 157, 245

Taguba, Antonio, 85-95

Tea Party movement, 112

template for planning, 150-153

Thibodeau, Paul, 199

This Emotional Life, 216

3M, 42

Thurmond, Strom, 65

Todd, Lauren, 118

TouchPad (HP), 141

trust, 70-73

Tyson, Mike, 9


United States Marine Corps communication policy, xxviii-xxix

unity of effort, 149, 245

U.S. Coast Guard, response to Hurricane Katrina, 60

U.S. government

response to abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, 84-95

response to Hurricane Katrina, 55-70

response to wildfires in California, 73

U.S. Marines, response to Second Battle of Fallujah shooting, 79-84

U.S. rhetoric toward Muslim communities

review by Admiral Michael G. Mullen, 19-21

Shared Values Initiative, 16-18


Venero, Bob, 126

Veritas Frank Glassner, 125

visual presentation

McGurk effect, 224-227

Steve Jobs’s launch of Macbook Air, 227-228

visuals in presentations, 180-182

voice, dynamic range of, 174-175

volume, 174

von Clausewitz, Carl, xxvii, xxx, 56

von Moltke, Helmuth, 9

von Seeckt, Hans, 233


walking during presentations, 179

walking the talk. See fulfilling expectations

Wall Street Journal, 138

war, definition of, xxvii

Warfighting: United States Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication No. 1, xxxi-xxxiii, 3-4

Warshaw, Lisa, 159-162, 170

W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and African American Research, 107

Welch, Jack, 42, 78, 224

West, Kanye, 65

Wharton Communication Program, 159-162

Whitman, Meg, 140, 142-143

Whose Freedom: The Battle over America’s Most Important Idea (Lakoff), 196

“Who’s on First” routine, 6-9

wildfires in California, FEMA response to, 73

Williams, Brian, 64

Wilson, Joe, 113-114

Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind (Lakoff), 190-191

Woods, John, 59

word choice, 246-247. See also framing

emotional meanings of words, 185-187

metaphor and management of meaning, 187-201

Myth of Objectivism, 189-190

Wu, Shaw, 124


Yarrow, Jay, 139

Zahn, Paula, 64

Zalman, Amy, 17-18

Zuckerberg, Mark, 15-16

Zweikampf, 5

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