Social Networking

Visit Blanchard on YouTube

Watch thought leaders from The Ken Blanchard Companies in action. Link and subscribe to Blanchard’s channel and you’ll receive updates as new videos are posted.

Join the Blanchard Fan Club on Facebook

Be part of our inner circle and link to Ken Blanchard at Facebook. Meet other fans of Ken and his books. Access videos and photos and get invited to special events.

Join Conversations with Ken Blanchard

Blanchard’s blog,, was created to inspire positive change. It is a public service site devoted to leadership topics that connect us all. This site is non-partisan and secular, and does not solicit or accept donations. It is a social network where you will meet people who care deeply about responsible leadership. And it’s a place where Ken Blanchard would like to hear your opinion.

Tools for Change

Visit and click on “Tools for Change” to learn about workshops, coaching services, and leadership programs that can help your organization create lasting behavior changes that have a measurable impact.

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