Appendix C. CMMI for Services Project Participants

Many talented people were part of the product team that developed CMMI-SVC. Listed below are those who participated in one or more of the following teams during the development of CMMI-SVC. The organizations listed by members’ names are those they represented at the time of their team membership.

There were five primary groups involved in the development of this model:

CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Model Team

CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Training Team

CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Quality Team

CMMI for Services Advisory Group

CMMI Steering Group

CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Model Team

The Version 1.2 CMMI-SVC Model Team collected input from reviewers and users to create CMMI-SVC, Version 1.2.

Drew Allison, Systems and Software Consortium

Rhonda Brown, Software Engineering Institute

Brandon Buteau, Northrop Grumman

Eileen Clark, SRA International, Inc.; Tidewaters Consulting, LLC

Eileen Forrester, Software Engineering Institute1

1. SEI Team Lead

Craig Hollenbach, Northrop Grumman2

2. Industry Team Lead

Mike Konrad, Software Engineering Institute

Frank Niessink, DNV

M. Lynn Penn, Lockheed Martin

Roy Porter, Northrop Grumman

Rich Raphael, MITRE Corporation

Pamela Schoppert, SAIC

Sandy Shrum, Software Engineering Institute

Jerry Simpson, SAIC

Jeff Zeidler, Boeing

Additional team members and contributors:

Roger Bate, Software Engineering Institute

Margaret Glover, Software Engineering Institute

Joanne O’Leary, Software Engineering Institute

Mary Lynn Russo, Software Engineering Institute

Steve Stern, Lockheed Martin

Barbara Tyson, Software Engineering Institute

CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Training Team

The Version 1.2 CMMI-SVC Training Team included a core team of developers and many reviewers. The development team used baselines created by the CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Model Team and the existing Introduction to CMMI course to develop training for CMMI-SVC, V1.2.

Eileen Clark, Tidewaters Consulting, LLC

Mary Beth Chrissis, Software Engineering Institute

Bob McFeeley, Software Engineering Institute

Sandy Shrum, Software Engineering Institute

Agapi Svolou, Software Engineering Institute

Barbara Tyson, Software Engineering Institute3

3. Team Lead

CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Quality Team

The Version 1.2 CMMI-SVC Quality Team used a process developed over the years for CMMI model quality assurance. The team tailored the quality assurance (QA) process to CMMI-SVC, V1.2 to prepare it and the training material developed by the CMMI-SVC, V1.2 Training Team for release.

Rhonda Brown, Software Engineering Institute4

4. Team Co-Lead

Mary Lou Russo, Software Engineering Institute

Mary Lynn Russo, Software Engineering Institute

Sandy Shrum, Software Engineering Institute5

5. Team Co-Lead

CMMI for Services Advisory Group

The CMMI for Services Advisory Group was responsible for providing direction to the development work of the CMMI-SVC, Version 1.2 Model Team.

Christian Carmody, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

Sandra Cepeda, RDECOM AMRDEC Software Engineering Directorate/Cepeda Systems and Software Analysis, Inc.

Annie Combelles, DNV IT Global Services

Jeffrey L. Dutton, Jacobs Technology Inc.

Eileen Forrester, Software Engineering Institute

Craig Hollenbach, Northrop Grumman6

6. Chair

Brad Nelson, Office of the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Industrial Policy

Lawrence Osiecki, U.S. Army Armament Software Engineering Center

Mike Phillips, Software Engineering Institute

Tim Salerno, Lockheed Martin IS&GS—Civil

Nidhi Srivastava, Tata Consultancy Services

Beth Sumpter, National Security Agency

Dave Swidorsky, Merrill Lynch Global Technology Services

CMMI Steering Group

The CMMI Steering Group has guided and approved the plans of the version 1.2 CMMI Product Team, provided consultation on significant CMMI project issues, ensured involvement from a variety of interested communities, and approved the final release of the model.

Steering Group Members

Kristen Baldwin, OUSD (AT&L) SSE/SSA

Clyde Chittister, Software Engineering Institute

Jim Gill, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems

John Kelly, NASA HQ

Kathy Lundeen, Defense Contract Management Agency

Larry McCarthy, Motorola, Inc.

Mike Nicol, U.S. Air Force ASC/EN

Lawrence Osiecki, U.S. Army

Bill Peterson, Software Engineering Institute

Bob Rassa, Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems7

7. Chair

Kevin Stamey, AFMC/EN

Joan Weszka, Lockheed Martin

Hal Wilson, Northrop Grumman

Brenda Zettervall, U.S. Navy, ASN/RDA CHENG

Ex-Officio Steering Group Members

Lloyd Anderson, Department of Homeland Security

Roger Bate, chief architect, Software Engineering Institute

Mike Phillips, CMMI program manager, Software Engineering Institute

Beth Sumpter, National Security Agency

Steering Group Support: Acquisition

Brian Gallagher, Software Engineering Institute

Steering Group Support: CCB

Mike Konrad, Software Engineering Institute

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